In reply to Post #48 Mine are boiled and then air dried. I'd almost forgotten about the microwave method. I'll maybe have another go with that on my next batch 👍
In reply to Post #48 I simmer mine. Never put them in boiling water.
In reply to Post #46 Did you boil or microwave your pop ups?
Microwaving can take glass sphere free pop ups to another level.
In reply to Post #45 Absolutely, wear a suitable face mask and for home rollers only mix outside. But as far as the fish are concerned it's SiO2 which is in a lot off processed food (E551 i seem to recal) which the same humans probably happily munch on
In reply to Post #44 Yeah, I actually remember that " discussion " that you had ! They just couldn't grasp the details but probably thought nothing of using a piece of plastic corn. I have experimented with buoyant food ingredients such as shrimp shell powder, soya isolates, caseinates etc but so far it's been the 3M microspheres that give more consistent results I'll keep tinkering to see if I can produce an acceptable pop up purely from feed ingredients. It's definitely possible, just haven't had the time recently.
In reply to Post #44 I'd say there's more concern over people using it without taking the necessary safety precautions . Do not use it unless you have the correct face mask. Also you don't want this stuff floating around your kitchen.
In reply to Post #43 I'm waiting for the 'can't use glass in baits it will kill the fish' brigade to jump in here
In reply to Post #42 Thank you. I will have a little play with this. I was thinking of using a mix of milks with soya, semo, maize, egg alb, whey gel, 3M and basemix to try to get a round bait. I hadn’t considered cornflour. Thank you
In reply to Post #38 No ball ache required !
If you're not averse to using 3M glass bubbles ( add slowly and wear a P3 respirator, shake ingredients in a sealed tub to mix ) then try this as a starting point.
25 g WPC 80
20 g Calcium Caseinate
20 g Cornflour
10 g 3M Glass Microspheres
10 g Egg Albumen
5 g Coconut Flour
5 g Roast Peanut Meal
5 g Brewers Yeast
5 ml Scopex Flavour
5 ml Corn Steep Liquor
30 ml Liquid Egg White
10 ml MPG
1 g Citric Acid
2 g Betaine
Air dry for 3/4 days after boiling and boost or glug if you like.
If you require more buoyancy just increase the proportion of glass microspheres even up to 20 %. You just need to reduce the amount of other ingredients slightly to compensate. The last three ingredients and flavour can obviously be substituted for any attractor powders you wish. These will be quite durable hook baits and are better mounted using a metal bait screw, rather than trying to pierce with a baiting needle.
Hope that helps
In reply to Post #39 QB are still as i understand
In reply to Post #39 I still have my baf trade account even after the changes
I don't fancy mucking about with kilos of various products but if it's pop up and Wafter mix you guys are all wanting drop me a pm 👍
In reply to Post #38 Jason sticky sharp hooks / baits sells his own pop up mix
So when BAF go trade only what's left out there for home Rollers?
AA baits
Target baits
Are Quality baits still going?
What non angling websites would you recommend for ingredients?
In reply to Post #37 Your experience mirrors mine exactly. I just couldn’t get a decent round bait out of the AA ultra mix unless using it for wafters where it’s only in at 20%, and our process is well dialled in. I think I might revisit the CC Moore’s offerings.
Or I guess the other option is to develop my own mix completely from scratch but that would be a ball ache.
In reply to Post #33 AA is Another I struggle to get round baits with that went in the bin
Best ones I've ever used were richworth and baf by a long way, both made round baits and offered a nice texture to release attractors, some of these pop up mixes are like a snooker ball when boiled.
I would imagine somebody must know the brains of richworth pop up mix? A p.m with a recipe would be much appreciated right now? 😅
In reply to Post #31 I tried that years ago, it would lift the titanic. I found it impossible to make round baits. I ended up throwing it in the bin
In reply to Post #18 Milk e+, intense b sweetner and the pop up mix, I converted to milk e+ after Premier baits stopped selling cream stim which was an excellent product, and price
In reply to Post #33 I haven't used their standard, only the ultra, found it OK.
I added some base mix to add some food content and texture to aid rolling.
Like any pop up mix, they seem soft and don't firm up, but you need to keep adding dry and you will suddenly hit the sweet spot. Don't add more. Test roll a sausage by hand. If it rolls and isn't sticky then it's done. If still sticky then add more dry, but it will come together. Try and keep removing any residue from your hands and work into the paste ball or you won't be able to see if it's the main ball of paste or your hands that are sticky.
Keep stirring while boiling, and don't have the water fiercely boiling.
Add some egg albumen to give a firmer finished bait.
In reply to Post #32 How do you find the AA baits pop up mix? We use their ultra buoyant mix for our wafters and it’s spot on, but I also tried using it for our pop ups instead of the BAF and I couldn’t get on with it at all. What does their std mix roll like?
In reply to Post #31 Just sticking a flavour on a pop up mix will catch but I always feel the need to add some food content to the pop up mix or it just feels wrong.
Or I will use half a pop up to balance half a glugged bottom bait so there is some proper food/taste signal.
Even these small pops have a dollop of food stuff in them. This is the aa baits pop mix.
This one is just some crap pop up to balance half a glugged dumbell food bait...
If you really want airball pop ups then the Shillams mix used to be decent.
I always think air ball mixes are a bit of a waste tbh. So much space taken up with glass and air in such a small ball of bait.
In reply to Post #29 Having tried the dna pop up mix, if it is the same as years ago, it was naff!
In reply to Post #27 Just checked the DNA Baits website as I believe they are closely linked with BAF. They have pop up mix on the site (possibly the same as the BAF?) but it is shown as out of stock. Could be worth an email?
In reply to Post #26 I want the oleresin not the oil. Most types you see are cut/mixed with a carrier for different applications such as aromatherapy. I had my dose level sorted out with first the Feedstim and then a bottle of the BAF and now I will have to find another source and try and adjust the levels to match again or pay the high shipping cost from Feedstim.
Not the end of the world but frustrating. I did get 250ml of a flavour this week that I use from them in a different mix, that will make me over 100kg of bait and should last me a good few years.
I feel the frustration and I wouldn’t even call myself a ‘bait maker’ on the same level as anyone else here. But after years of reading bits and bobs and having ideas, making notes, I finally kitted myself out with a few bits and have a few pop up recipes I really like. Very much still trial and error, and it would have carried over into boilies too as once I get into something I tend to go whole hog. The pop up mix was great for an amateur such as myself, plus I liked plenty of their flavours, additives and other products for general fishing too.
Quite surprised, but I guess there’s quite a few potential factors behind it.
In reply to Post #25 I don't understand anything about bait making, can you not use this or is it completely different to fishing stuff https://www.thesoapery.co.uk/products/fenugreek-oil
In reply to Post #24 Yes they do deliver to the UK at 25euro minimum shipping cost.
Still not found an alternative to Feedstim though so might have to go down that route very soon
In reply to Post #15 I see Feed stimulants do oleoresin fenugreek. Im not sure they deliver to the uk now. I have bought stuff off them in the past.
Would anyone point me in the direction of a replacement for SenseAttract 1.
I only listened to Callum Wilson Carp Chronicles podcast the other week where he more of less said innovation in the bait industry comes from the home rollers as they are the ones experimenting and looking for different ingredients.
In reply to Post #20 Unfortunately it's inevitable with home rolling & small scale. I suppose on the upside the time and effort to redial in is the same as the bigger producers, a pita though!
I think what’s p155ed me off the most is the realisation that I’ve got to start a load of R&D again. Buy loads of pop up mix from various suppliers, most of which will end up in the bin and try to replicate my current hookbaits. I did all this years ago. When you are a small producer on limited time, the ability to just pop out to the bait shed and knock out a few hundred baits and know you won’t have any wastage is important as margins are tight. With the BAF mix I had it all dialled in, now back to square one. Grrrrrrrrr
Managed to get my favourite flavour from them before it went out of stock.
1 ml per 6 eggs so 250ml should last a while.
In reply to Post #16 What were you buying from BAF that you can’t get elsewhere?
In reply to Post #16 bit harsh though!
Well that's just great, finally start developing successful baits using certain bits and they do a runner.
Nice one baf, hope you go bump.
In reply to Post #14 I suspect the missing options will not be coming back, looks like they are slimming down the range they offer to the trade as part of this restructuring.
I can't find anyone in the UK with Fenugreek Oleoresin just as I was about to start using it in a bait for me a couple of friends.
In reply to Post #13 Just the paprika, and only 20ml size. It's the same on the public site.
Lots of flavours and powders missing from the options now
In reply to Post #12 Not sure even having a trade account would help. Reading the message they put out I think they are going to drop some of the stuff to concentrate on proteins and hydros.
Right now I want some Fenugreek Oleoresin and that seems to have gone from the website already, do they have this on the trade list?
In reply to Post #9 I have had a trade account for a while.
They may now up the quantities for the trade buyers so excluding rhe smaller bait maker.
The smaller guys can get together and split a larger batch.
If not, then you can try AA or target.
In reply to Post #3 I feel the same. The BAF mix was the best I’d used to date. Thankfully I made a big batch last time out so got plenty stocked up in the garage!
In reply to Post #8 Have you done this? What is the smallest qty they will supply as 'trade'? I suspect it will be bigger than most home rollers would want i.e. whole sacks.
I am also waiting to see if AA start to put prices up now they main competitor has gone :-(
In reply to Post #1 Just set up a trade account with baf.
In reply to Post #6 Actually seems like Orion no longer trade
In reply to Post #5 Thanks yes thats one i had forgot about
In reply to Post #4 Bacarel Express
In reply to Post #1 That is a kick in the plums for me as well i was thinking of starting rolling my own bait again i have a very successful recipe.
They were very convenient for most of my bits but they had one item that was very different to any i have got from other companies.
Who else are good suppliers i know about aa baits, quality baits, target baits, i hadn't heard of orion?
In reply to Post #2 The biggest headache for me will be sourcing a comparable pop up mix. I’ve tried several others over the years and the BAF is the only one I could get the consistent quality rolls from. It’s the closest to the old Richworth pop up mixes from years ago.
In reply to Post #1 That is a shame - can get most stuff from AA baits or Orion (no idea if it's the same, but I'm led to believe for hydros most come from a few huge manufacturers), and maybe some entropuneral type will set up buying big, selling small.
Ceasing supply to all but the big trade and wholesalers from 1st November. That’s a kick in the plums for small bait companies like me, after years of taking our money, if you ain’t buying every ingredient buy the ton, they ain’t interested anymore. I’m a bit p155ed by that to be honest.