In reply to Post #45 Yes, in his words, there's a reason why he rents out the X Boats and not other brands
In reply to Post #44 I spoke with Joe earlier and mentioned the RTK bits; he said an option but had to be sent off and was around 950 iirc.
In reply to Post #43 I had a good convo with Joe Jacobs re serviceability of CL v Xboat and it more than swayed me toward the latter. He rents the xboat out iirc and has done the RT4, there can't be many with that exposure to multiple boats of each type or the issues with both.
In reply to Post #41 Look up Peter Andrew Simmons on Facebook and look at his Tosln Xboat add ons, very impressive.
In reply to Post #42 I'm fairly local to Bait Boat Solutions who would do the bits on the X Boat so think that's the way to go. Thanks!
In reply to Post #41 I've got a RT4, had 2, I would not buy CL again, I'd go Xboat.
In reply to Post #40 I'm looking at purchasing my first boat and am a bit torn between going CL or X Boat with XR310 & Raymarine as recommended in here. Not much of a difference in cost between the two. Not a fan of the subscription activated features on the CL.
In reply to Post #39 Yeah mine is with Xr310 and raymarine pro as well. I find the GPS to be iffish at best in all honesty and the Raymarine nowhere near as good as the Raymarine Elements with Hypervision. It's in line with the old v3 RT4s
Nice boat but I still prefer my RT7 or previous owned rt4 v4 (which served me well). Just a shame the RT7 has given me issues. Hopefully the new one is a bit more reliable
In reply to Post #36 See I have the X Pilot in mine and find it pretty accurate with 12 satellites and I'm fishing holes in weed etc. I find I only have to either hold it back with the rod when it reaches a spot or nudge it either forwards or sideways a small bit to get bang on, not always though. To be fair I had to do the same with the RT Sh*t. I have got the Raymarine Pro 5 fitted though, that's an immense help.
In reply to Post #29 It mental how a rt4 or rt7 costs 1000’s for just a basic boat with no sonar and it lets in water and then boatman bring out their new vulcan boat for £375 and its 100% waterproof and can be totally submerged under water for 10 mind and is still bone dry. Even the remote is completely waterproof. There also still making a profit on £375. I was amazed at the quality of the vulcan boat, its milles better than there actor plus that i had.
In reply to Post #36 They were integrating it into a Berns BB for £2.5k - not sure if any of these are left as I was tempted!
In reply to Post #35 Cheers Belch was interested for the Xboat. Having a look now.
The RT7 when it doesnt sink is extremely accurate . I find with the Xboat/XR310 they use a max of 12 satellites which is where the problem comes in. The RT7 uses 20+.
In reply to Post #34 Not sure whether they fit them to RT7s (may not have the internal space) but as requested -
Bait Boat Technology
Be interested to see the difference so if you do splurge on this system please feed back!
In reply to Post #16 Belch
What system is this? Have you got a make/model?
I really do like my xboat but as mentioned in this thread with XR310 remote it simply isnt as accurate with GPS as I want it to be. I have found that if you calibrate/test the compass every time you put the boat in the water its a lot better and probably more or less acceptable but thats a lot of effort at 2am after a take to do lol. On the RT front Carplounge sending me a brand new replacement with extra years warranty and add ons. I will say overall a lot of people complain about their customer service but I have had 3 boats from them and they have always been quick to reply etc just a shame their turnarounds on repairs are so long
In reply to Post #29 That is shocking
Best boat on the market...my arse
In reply to Post #29 Looks like cheap mild steel metal parts that have had a few years in a salt water environment rather than fresh water.
The money they charge it would want to be 316 stainless, its like their lithium batteries premium price piss poor product, a mate of mine spent 900 notes on one of their batteries a month or two out of warranty and its packed up had it just over 3 years with not a great deal of use, I've had an Ultramax lithium half the price and over twice as long still working like they day I had it.
In reply to Post #29 Oh my god
| Sgfc | Posts: 4324 |  | aka The Combover Kid | |
In reply to Post #29 holy ****!
This is what I found in my RT4 v3 when splitting the hull after the motors started making a racket, that is after following all the advice about letting it breath and drying it out etc. Problem is you can't see this is happening unless you split the hull. Ended up getting rid and got an X-Boat where you can see the whole of the inside workings of the boat and never looked back.

In reply to Post #27 Lol no the basic boat is £1600. With the unlimited package it's £4k. Then add some smart batteries, spirals, upgraded motors becomes the price of an X5😂😂😂
In reply to Post #24 So thats £2.4k before you pay for anything else or is that all in for the boat/autopilot/raymarine (assume excluding uprated motors/batteries/spirals/cams/spreaders etc)? Always found the carplounge page a bit like porn hub - great shop window but confused at all the payment options for the happy ending!
In reply to Post #23 You're not alone, if only I've just lost all faith in CL, mostly when they said to take the battery compartment out overnight to let the boat breath as the motors create condensation...wth. It makes you wonder how original AT boats were so bomb proof when the motors were sealed into the hull!!! That and the genius who thought holes in the bottom of the battery tray was a good idea to let the boat breath...does RT4/7 hot air defy logic and not rise to the top of the boat, does RT4 water levitate and not sink to the lowest point..lol
In all the years I've used boats I've had AT most of the time, the original boat for 5 years (bombproof), a Microcat Mk3 probably for around 10 years, again never a fault, used in atrocious conditions but fully taped up (VIP), a Microcat HD, didn't like the turning circle or manoeverabilty so only a year or so and then onto the RT4. I like the RT4 and I'm hoping my basic boat will now do the job with a Deeper in tow. I am tempted to get a Dragonfly fitted by Jo Jacobs but I'm not going to fit it until the boat has proven itself bit more and if it doesn't I wont buy CL again.
In reply to Post #24 Had 4 rt,s over a decade all been faultless my old ones i sold to palls all still running faultless only thing that cheeses me off with the rt7 is the subscription farce that wasnt in place when i got the boat .I have issues re registering every time it never works first time and is a ballache every time .However overall i dont regret upgrading from the rt4 v4 as love having less kit to cart about and assemble with the allinone
In reply to Post #23 Belch
If you pay the £2400 premium (ridiculous I know) you have no subscriptions. They ref this as pre order edition which is what I have so everything is enabled for life. I do see the attraction also for the subscription service. Its like £30 a month and you dont have to pay it if you dont use the boat. So for people that only use their boats 3/4 times a year in france they only have to pay when they use the features and save 1000s on the initial cost of the boat. I will say this when it works it works so good. Extremely easy to use and so much better then anything else out there.
Unfortunately my RT7 has come up with its sensors saying it was wet inside even though it wasnt. Sent to carplounge was told 6 week turnaround now week 9 hence bying the Toslon. I will be honest you cant compare the 2 when it comes to tech but no good if a boat gives you issues. My RT4 V4 was excellent hope RT7 whenever I get it back wont give me more grief or it will have to go
In reply to Post #22 I have wet dreams about RT7s . . . on paper and in piccies they look like the 'only' sensible choice; then I wake up and realise that reliability and consistency for real world usage trumps all. Fiddling about activating subscriptions on the bank is all well and good but not if its overcomplex / constantly in the shop being fixed - a lot of baitboats only come out to play in France etc - could think of nothing worse than an epic fail after shelling out for a relaxing big fish holiday. . .
In reply to Post #21 I will be honest they CL have left a bad taste in my mouth with RT7. I had the RT4 V4 and it was perfect but issues with RT7 and slow turnaround times to fix. Pity as unbelievable bit of kit when it does work
In reply to Post #18 I know you can but to use all the features you need the subscription, unless you were one of the 1st X to buy. I'm fairly certain I won't buy CL again until they've sorted themselves out, I've mentioned the reasons on here before so no point repeating.
I still have my Reefmaster account for my chirp mapping from my 1st RT4 , still wondering how to make use of it
In reply to Post #11 Not enough space apparently and difficult due to the design
In reply to Post #8 Try Sailvvay as they do the same boat and service is spot on with them UK based too
In reply to Post #17 you can buy an RT7 without subscription, expensive but doable. I have one. That being said its been at carplounge for a repair for many weeks I ended up buying a toslon xboat with x310 and raymarine from Leigh Stewart to keep as a spare. Not nearly as good quality feel to it if I am honest. A lot slower and have found the GPS iffish sometimes even on 12 sats but looks like its a reliable bit of kit. It is absolutely massive though makes the RT& look small
In reply to Post #16 It sounds like, and is a lot of money, but if you were fishing abroad to holes in weed it could make all the difference I suppose, and if you've gone all that way and use it a few years it's not as much as it sounds, as long as there's no subscription ala CL. I'm not adverse to tech it's just I err away from fishing the sorts of places where it's needed. I do love seeing the pictures of the carp via Raymarine and can't remember if it was you re peg 16 in venues foreign but that's some depth map, hats off to the chap who did it
In reply to Post #15 Just been doing some research based on your comment - there is a high precision system available that does improve accuracy for an additional 850 notes . . .!
I quite like GPS if only for the ease of returning home (to enable immediate rod sorting) . . .accuracy on my TF740 does vary but then I'll always 'nudge to the spot' manually anyway if accuracy is important (which most of the time it isnt - prefer to fish to 'areas/dpeths' rather than 'spots')
In reply to Post #14 I know what your saying Belch but if they're fishing side by side satellites should be the same and iirc it was the XR310. As I said, it could also be a system setting error re terget radius, who knows, was just pointing it out if of interest to someone
Personally I don't like GPS, I've had it and probably won't ever get it again.
In reply to Post #13 All down to number of satellites irrespective of system; newer Toslon XR310 / XR500 alleviates this apparently (the og XPilot is old tech)
Would still rather part my cash with Toslon - that or one of those Berns (Dutch) baitboats. RT7's are like new BMWs; you're constantly paying subscription fees post purchase and god forbid it goes wrong . . .just sayin!
In reply to Post #10 I had to go on faceache today to offer my condolences as a dear friend had passed, Anyway while on, there was a post on the xpilot group, a chap had the tolson with pilot and was fishing next to someone with either the RT4 or 7, whatever, anyway he said the xpilot was 4-5m out compared to the CL boat. If you want to look it up on the group feel free, don't shoot the messenger as I'm quite aware of settings etc
In reply to Post #6 Sounds like Triggers baitboat.......
In reply to Post #10 Vulcan looks good. Would like this with a raymarine type sounder. Can this be done? Strange they offer actor with a finder option but not this?
In reply to Post #5 How accurate is the gps on this?
In reply to Post #8 Heard of lots of problems with the carp royal. As mentioned if going budget get a boatman vulcan and use deeper or tolson if going expensive. Be warned though the tolson is huge.
Thanks for all the suggestions.... Has anyone had dealings with carp royal boats from angling direct?
Toslon x boat for me all the way
In reply to Post #1 I had a technicat mk2 which I didn’t pay a lot for 10 years ago on eBay. Nice boat just alas very dated.
I subsequently added a deeper which I tow. Then lithiums just over a year ago which made a world of difference to speed and time between charges.
Though the big upgrade was getting a complete rewire which meant new speed controllers, lights also and the hopper rewire plus Flysky increasing range to much more than I’ll ever need
I had toslon x pilot also which is a great addition
So the boat goes where I want it to now and press home and back it comes on its own -very handy at night
The nice thing about AT boats is there are a lot of folk out there who mod them
In reply to Post #1 Save a fortune and get a Vulcan GPS with a bait spreader (once they are available)
Use your chirp and a range extender.
Simply easy and great customer support if you ever need anything
In reply to Post #2 IMO all depends on where you fish / how often and what you're using it for. I've got one boat with a deeper for smaller waters and another for larger ones with a Toslon 740 . . . probs with Deeper is connectivity and reliability of connection in crap weather / at range (even with an extender); the 740 just 'works' . . .all the time and is quick and easy to access / use (as is the integrated GPS) . . . .
I'd go for a 2nd hand SB3 but then I'm biased as I like the size/weight/capacity for most UK fishing; like Vossy if I was in the market for a new boat, then the Toslon XBoat would probably be top of the tree in terms of functionality / reliability. . .speak to any of the firms that fix / rent out boats - Toslons come out on top pretty much all the time . .
In reply to Post #1 Have a look at the ND2 bait boat, about £550 and for the money can’t fault it. Paid £200 extra for the autopilot to be activated and use the ND arm to attach the deeper.
In reply to Post #1 Personally Id use your Deeper with any boat rather than have a integrated unit, though naturally it's chirp and not as detailed as Dragonfly. I had a RT4 with Chirp built in, I don't feel I'm missing out with Deeper on my basic RT4.
If I were to buy a boat again it'd probably be a Tolson X but there are lots of recs on the forum for the likes of Actor etc at a much cheaper price point and very happy users.
I've not used a bait boat for absolutely years as I've not need to. Recently joined a new syndicate where boats are a massive edge. I have a budget of 1.7k tops. What should I be looking at and avoiding. Sonar is a definite.
Is it worth buying a cheap one and attaching my deeper to save a few quid? Or just bite the bullet and get a decent one?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.