In reply to Post #7 I hate this too.
Love using FB Marketplace to pick up bits and bobs locally.
The Mrs and I were looking for a VW Camper (Transporter) for her. The pages are swamped with them for £4k to £6k
If you message them and ask if it's available you get a standard reply bounce back. They are basically collecting leads that they can sell on to car dealers.
Also, click the sellers name to see what else they are selling. As has been said, they have loads of cars, nice ones, and all roughly around the same (nice cheap) price.
It takes me a minute or so, but I report all the sellers.
The more people that report them and 'hassle' FB staff with moderation, the more likely it will be that FB actually make an effort to police the items better.
Loads of the sellers are female (not being sexist, but how many woman do you know with 25 to 50 Audis/VW Transporters etc for sale)
In reply to Post #12 I had some rods for sale few years ago and had a guy message me saying”you won’t get the price your selling them for” I said “so what!! I’ll sell them for what I think they are worth”
Do you want them ?
Him:no just saying
Me k then bye
Him (later on after I sold them for what I wanted):did you sell them
Him:I would have give you the money
Me h so now you want them
Me:what happened did mommy give you some more pocket money
Him:no need for that
Me:listen mate I’m fed up of people trying to get things for cheap/nothing
Strange never heard from him again
This was on flea bay
Carp anglers alone made marketplace an absolute cesspit of Joeys
Try selling a set of reels for £150, No Offers, Will Not Post
"Alrite bruv, will u take 90 cash today? I don't drive so can u drop dem off?"
In reply to Post #10 It's not just cars, I was looking for an air fryer the other day. Apparently 90% of the people who live in Barry Island have one going for £67 . Oh and they also are all selling very cheap Ford Rangers.
In reply to Post #7 what is the crack with this? seems to be almost every ad... advertising cars & vans for pretty much half the going rate - click on the profile and they are selling every type of car for 3 or 4 grand... how do they actually make anything out of it??
Making the whole marketplace a no-go zone for many now....
In reply to Post #8 Completely agree there should be more accountability.
Lives are often damaged as a consequence, scammers need to do prison time if caught.
In reply to Post #3 I so disagree with this. Parents before Christmas and the like don’t deserve to lose their money they deserve social media to be far more responsible. In my opinion nobody deserved to be scammed - yet most of us at some point have fallen for something. Yes this is blatant but anyone caught isn’t greedy just naïve
In reply to Post #4 Try looking at cars on FB marketplace.... It's almost impossible to find legit sellers...
In reply to Post #1 The clue is in the website address, missing out the t in direct.
In reply to Post #4 Agreed. And when someone hacks your ad account like they did to me and posted some nonsense, they actually did block it. But also have disabled my ad account forever. Won’t listen to any appeals I put in. God forbid I ever need them in the future.
Yet they let this stuff go through. Mental.
Facebook has an awful lot to answer for letting scam adverts on there and Instagram. Paid adverts, I would bet more than half I see are scams.
In reply to Post #1 Anyone stupid enough to think it’s real deserve to lose their money tbh.
In reply to Post #1 some people. re.just plain stupid unfortunately, if its too good to be true.....
Please boys keep your hard earned cash in your pocket it’s all over Facebook advertising for angling direct and it looks legitimate it’s fake ad are not selling basias for £48 or Nash titan pro bivvys for £46 spoke with ad and they said plenty have fallen fowl and bought them