In reply to Post #18 WE will have to totally disagree then
As I dont find them like that in the least
In reply to Post #17 It’s not extra warmth of bib a brace it’s how uncomfortable they are feel like you got armour on very restrictive for me keeping legs warm is no problem they don’t get cold it’s feet and head if there warm job done
In reply to Post #16 it really depends how cold it is I use and love Craghopper winterlined trousers and army gortex over the top
but !!!!!!!!!! if its proper cold and chucking it down then the Prologic will beat it hands down much warmer
and truly amazed anyone would not prefer the extra warmth of bib and brace trousers thats why all Ski wear is made that way
but each to their own
In reply to Post #15 I am the same thermo jacket craighoppers lined trousers bib brace and jacket feels to restrictive
In reply to Post #11 My old man is getting a set of these and was trying to talk me into getting a set but im not a fan of the bib and brace and prefer a pair of trousers but thanks for the suggestion
In reply to Post #10 Yeah I was thinking about getting the zips sorted but with covid going on im not sure when I will be able to get it repaired
In reply to Post #12 The prologic high grade is ok bib brace very thick and feels restrictive if you don’t mind that it’s ok normal sizing
In reply to Post #11 I’m after a bib and brace. Currently have a ngt one which has been fine but it’s gone at the crotch lol. This prologic one looks Bob on. What’s the sizing like ?
best cold &wet Suit I have ever used is this one
Stunning performance and quality pisses all over suits costing double AND its bib and brace with a fly so you can take a pee IMHO LINKY POO
In reply to Post #9 If it’s that good m8,get the zip replaced,👍
In reply to Post #8 Took it back this morning and tried on another coat and exactly the same issues so got a full refund. I usually use a waterproof insulated hunting jacket and trousers which I picked up cheap in Canada a few years back but broke the zip on one of the legs recently. Gutted really cos these worked great as a top layer
In reply to Post #7 Doesn’t surprise me get your money back I don’t think you can beat the outdoor clothing companies they been going a long time and I can’t see how the Aqua is warm happy to be wrong looks like a waterproof to me the out door ones are based on body heat three layers marrino wool top then fleece then waterproof body heat tfrom walking doesn’t work carp fishing sitting on chair
In reply to Post #1 Picked one up today and taking it back in the morning.. it's lightweight and seems warm but haven't tested it outside. The zip on the jacket catches the flap on the inside every time I try and unzip it not sure if the jacket is faulty or its a design fault but suspect its a design issue as my mate is having the same problems with his. The trousers on the other hand seem alright
In reply to Post #1 Friend picked one up a few weeks back and loves it, he said it's an incredibly warm set.
In reply to Post #1 I could be wrong but don't think it would be that warm looks like a waterproof
In reply to Post #3 marketing palava
In reply to Post #2 The newer version is lined so I think it is suppose to be alot warmer than the older version
In reply to Post #1 I’ve got one had it for ages and been very pleased with it I wouldn’t class it as warm though it’s a waterproof set to go over layers if you want warm get a Snugpak of some type
Just wondering if any feed back on the new aqua thermal suit ? water proof and warm ?