*bird seed mixes must not contain peanuts, these may be hazardous to the fish.
1. Hemp - during certain times of the year, when hemp becomes difficult to split, follow the above process and then wash it with fresh water, pour boiling water back onto it and leave it to soak in a bucket or pail until it splits (maybe a further 24-48hrs). Don’t panic it will split!
2. When any product is boiled or heat treated the molecular structure and nutritional profile (including attraction properties) are denatured and damaged. This means that the less boiling time required to make the particles suitable for use, the better. However, it is vital to ensure particle baits are correctly prepared to avoid fish damage. Therefore, pre-soak particles for longer than usual, making required boiling times shorter.
3. To improve attraction properties, leave the boiled particles to soak and partly ferment in their naturally occurring sugars that remain in the boiling water. After several days certain particles will start to form a caramelising liquid that makes the final particle much more attractive.
4. Tiny particles such as hemp, wheat, barley, dari, rapeseed, or mixes of tiny birdseeds, can also be prepared by putting in a lidded bucket or coolbox overnight, with boiling water added.
5. Peanuts MUST be human grade, non-human grade nuts may contain the Aflotoxin fungus, which KILLS FISH. If in doubt, don't use them, or buy peanuts from the Supermarket still in their shells.
6. Maximising soaking times and minimising boil times will result in better nutrient levels in the finished particles. Most particles can be soaked for up to a week before boiling,