I have some Daiwa 10!ft, 3lb tc, Infinity boat rods with 40mm butt rings.
Sonik xtractor
Angling direct 9ft 2.75 40mm butt £35
In reply to Post #1 My stock JR Raven 10' Aviators have a 40mm Vortex Air butt ring . . . oooerr heresy!
In reply to Post #19 Thanks for your help mate..
| Sgfc | Posts: 4321 |  | aka The Combover Kid | |
In reply to Post #19 Not to be pedantic - but, that is a 40mm guide.
The part you measured is indeed 35mm.
In reply to Post #17 I don't know why I bother posting on here anymore !
Just to clarify, it is a Minima style ring meaning no liner and the internal dimension is 35mm.
To Wandle specifically, they would appear to be a well put together and nice looking and feeling in the hand budget rod, hope this is of some help.
In reply to Post #15 I only measured it to confirm with th OP and thought it odd however, it makes no difference to me at all.
They are unlined guides along the same theme is Minima and I only purchased them for a couple of dodgy Canal areas in France where, if I sleep to heavily, I am likely to wake up with no rods and these were £48 each.
In reply to Post #14 I thought rod rings were measured by the internal diameter of the frame, not the liner. So a ring with a 35mm ID of the liner would probably be sold as a 40mm ring.
A lot of overthinking on certain members replies here..
I do not want a custom made carp rod ,I never asked about a custom carp rod in 10ft ..
I'm asking in general about compact carp rods which are off the shelf ,which is why I've asked about 40mm guides ,this is because most compacts have 50mm ,which I dislike ,I know some compacts ,come with 40 mm,which I also know ,is as small as you can get for off the shelf ,as far as I know.. unless ,anyone knows differently
Just saying...
Those realistic pricing of the Bionics ,might be fine for me ..
Thanks for replies though...!
In reply to Post #14 I have some 30ml seaguides here internally they are 23mm ! Never seen a 35ml guide but if you have them they must exist .
In reply to Post #13 Doubt as much as you like mate, I understand you are a respected rod builder however, my tape measure reads 35mm internal dimension of the butt ring.
They appear to be made by a company called Seaguide.
In reply to Post #12 I very much doubt that . I have never seen a 35 ml guide.
In reply to Post #1 It is actually s 35mm butt ring.
In reply to Post #1 I'm absolutely gob smacked that you want 40mm butt guides on any rod mate, let alone a ten footer.
The Nick Buss X-lites I had rebuilt last year using the Fuji New Guide Concept are great in use, the line absolutely whistles through the 25mm butt guide.
40ml on a 10ft rod its just wrong !