In reply to Post #112 Yep, I like it in there. There's loads of Perch in the tank at the moment.
In reply to Post #111 Definitely good news for those of us who live in the area. Always a good thing to have a bit of choice.
In reply to Post #109 I think it's great news, some staff retained too, very happy for them
In reply to Post #109 Your in look, the EBay email that I had was from TFT who will be taking over that store
Edit, just seen, as below
In reply to Post #108 I travelled over a hundred miles to the outlaw pro shop in billericay,absolutely loved the place, would not matter one bit to me who my money goes to. Tough for the smaller shops who I don't think stand any chance these days due to the interweb.
TFT 15% Off site wide, Code WELCOME15
Exc prob apply
Just had a 15% off offer on EBay
TFT have just announced their new shop, Outlaw Pro Billericay Essex site
In reply to Post #104 Clothing and retail is an absolute no-no, you only have to watch dragons den to realise the permutations for styles and sizes (especially fishermen) to realise its a total waste of time. An order for a shop for the range of Korda clothing would be thousands and a huge percentage left unsold- so I get why they set up that.
As for tackle I think it will be more of a watershed moment, big shops bully supplier for best price and discount so you sell direct you may be able to sell cheaper but promotion becomes your issue.
The loss of local tackle shops is for me as sad as the ever decreasing local, so much more than the name above the door. Still with AI and the algorithm- choice is not something the new generation I’ll need you’ll get served what the results say… sad
In reply to Post #102 Fair point Paul.. but I think a lot of that was partly there attraction. The un willingness to move with the times. The last of the great hold outs.. no doubt for a lot of them it was there undoing.
As for selling Direct. Korda have started to sell there clothing line online. There reason being that the shops haven't got the space to display their clothing. Which is no doubt growing all the time. But in someway maybe there seeing the writing on the wall for tackle retail.And starting to bring there business model online.
I placed a order 16th Jan online for a Nash Monster retention sling and Nash Weigh tripod they both got delivered yesterday after hearing not alot!
So anyone that is worried about online orders they are still shipping out orders
On another subject I really hate the Angling Direct structure which reminds of Sports Direct swallowing up the independent tackle shops don't get me wrong they have to agree to sell up but was gutted when Shrewsbury's Total Angling sold out last year bespoke gear goes out the window which is gutting I wont support there ethics
The independent fishing tackle shop of old snoozed, lost and became extinct.
Shops were miles behind the times, not only in terms of stock but also environment. Dark and dingy shops, groups of people (staff and customers) sitting round drinking tea/coffee, more people hanging round outside whilst having a smoke. Like it or not, modern kids and parents could find these type of places intimidating and would avoid. Some tackle shops were no more than a place for social gatherings.
All this was fine/accepted up to mid 1990s but many never changed and became awful, archaic places whilst the world, and especially retail shopping moved on. Its difficult to have too much sympathy.
Then the bigger guys turned up and dragged the industry kicking and screaming into the modern world. Bigger shops, more welcoming environment, better stock, an online presence and cheaper prices. The small independent stood still and didnt stand a chance! ... There were downsides of course (ie loss of personal touch, local advice, places to buy a pint of maggots etc) but as a consumer the pros did outweigh the cons for a time imo. And now that bubble seems to have burst! (Tackle Box being the exception in my part of the world)
Elsewhere its a sh*show! .... Nobody seems to know which way to jump to move forward. If i was one of the bigger brands I would seriously consider selling direct.
In reply to Post #100 pretty much spot on as usual mate.
sad times indeed
In reply to Post #97 I may not be 100% on this, but if my memory serves me right the smaller shops struggled to obtain/maintain accounts with the bigger companies. The bigger companies then only opened accounts with larger stores/companies with high/projected turnovers, and as a result it was difficult for new shops to gain traction. They struggled to pull in punters when they only sold the likes of ESP / Drennan / Kamasan with the odd sprinkling of Nash or Mainline!
The boom then came around 2004, the underwater DVD's arrived and those who adapted survived, those like Bennetts who sold maggots and keepnets didn't move away from spending money on paper based mail order, so they perished. Korda / Fox / Nash became the big three, and anyone who sold Spombs were able to break even at the end of the month. Otherwise, it just seemed that anybody else with just Lemco accounts etc were always going to struggle if the printed media were being paid thousands by the big boys for advertorials, which they relied on too heavily until the likes of youtube exploded. People realised they didn't need to pay a fiver a month to be told for the 15th time that year how to tie a solid bag. It was their own fault, and not the cost of paper which is the excuse they all like to churn out.
It's become a **** show really. My Youtube algorithms have also ensured that any small businesses just will not get the reach that the big boys do. It's all deliberate. I think the bubble has burst, or it will do when certain figures leave the industry in one way or another.
All my theories of course, happy to be educated!
It seems the only way to survive in the Tackle trade these days is to offer Niche products in an area surrounded by lakes backed up with great customer service.
The like of the Tacklebox, johnson Ross and Yately angling seem to have got it about right.
Could also throw the likes of Pro lite explorer into the mix. Although it's early days for them.
In reply to Post #97 To be fair my shed is bigger than the shop at Total fishing tackle, so i can see why they want a proper shop
Outlaw were the only ones who tried to follow the AD model of supermarket tackle shops, making sure the local small shops closed and then running an internet business that was only ever about margins.
Blame covid or whatever but we allowed this. As for total tackle taking over one or whatever of the shops WHY? You’re an online discounter who happens to have a shop and successful fishery, why buy another internet business with minimal casual trade.
If price is No 1 then ad, total tackle and outlaw are the ones, but spare a thought for places like the tackle box. Like a local pub where customers can nurse half a pint for hours and still be treated, respected and valued the way they should be. When they pack up, there will be a massive void of experience and service that nobody will ever fill. Just internet shops in a race to the bottom, manned by bots and non angling service.
It’s a shame and may never come back as this world wants the high street dead.
Outlaw Pro - it’s a shame, but let’s not kid ourselves they were invested - they were a commodity based business. The clothing range, baits and rods are to live on, proving premises and proper service is a thing of the past.
In reply to Post #95 Obviously not a follower of politics as the last three or more governments have been working hard on collapsing the economy.
my concern is with so many tackle retailers closing down, this is going to make it way harder to launder drug money. thankfully theres still nail bars and turkish barbers or the whole economy would colapse.
In reply to Post #93 Couldn't agree more I hear the distant sound of the world's smallest violin being tuned up.
My heart bleeds for all these companies that took the piss during Covid
I hope you enjoyed your two years of greed, rather than building a loyal customer base and staying true to your brand and have customer that would be there for years
In reply to Post #91 The boom where companies over expanded or assumed it would go on forever and built up huge order books and inventories has caught out quite a few industries.
The consumer cycling industry.... in particular off road cycling/mountain biking has unfortunately been hammered 10 x as bad.
Everyone got or wanted bikes during lockdowns, prices went up, companies got greedy and over geared (accidentall pun) their orders and supply chains assuming prices and demand would continue to rise, then the ass dropped out of it end of 23/24 and now there are crazy deals on bikes... huge sales, really well known and respected brands going out of business, world cup teams having to shut down etc.
Same but smaller scale with fishing.
In reply to Post #90 Yeah i think the boom through covid and the subsequent slow down has caught a few out for sure. And now it's levelling out again some fishing companies are realising there numbers were well out when they budgeted.
I think its a extremely hard supply chain to manage for some of the bigger companies, and the costings associated with it have blown up over the last few years. There must be large amounts of cash tied up in orders, transit, shipping and distribution costs, in a business model that has a massive seasonal swing in sales.
Would hate to see what some if their working capital numbers are.
In reply to Post #88 Charming, obviously not a fan. What about all three jobs that would be lost if that was to happen. Hopefully just rumours.
Hard times out there not just for the retailers, manufacturers as well. The fishing industry went through a bit of a false boom through Covid. Think a lot of company's got caught out. Gearing up for an upsurge that weren't really there...
I popped there yesterday it's now closed. Was a sign outside
said close for refurbishment. Think it will still be a tackle shop
Just not sure who's going to open it. Don't know the ins and outs
Just know it was a wasted journey
In reply to Post #83 I do hope so.
In reply to Post #83 Nothing new coming.out,they all just copy each other. Plus his prices probably had to cover the new house his been building for god knows how many years.
In reply to Post #85 I have a delivery note with only 1 1 off 6 items in shop, hand written on. And 2 bits missing, saying its delivered
In reply to Post #84 Presuming you have a partial delivery note rather than full delivery note with items to follow on it?
So are they now closed.
Web sites down. No one answers phones.
Had a part order delivered a long time after the order went in, was about to do a paypal dispute when I had some of the order. The rest of the order I have no idea about and no ones answering phones or emails.
Do I put the patpal dispute in for part order?
Heard a rumour that if nash dont get an investor then they are going under as well. There dropping like flies at the minute.
In reply to Post #75 My order was delivered yesterday, 12 days after ordering. I had to chase them on the phone and only got comms from Yodel on the day of delivery. Items were missing too which ended up out of stock, apparently a refund for those is pending
In reply to Post #78 Heard the weekend total fishing tackle had bought them out and will be taking over the billericay store
In reply to Post #79 Was mentioned in this thread about a week ago
In reply to Post #78 Think I read TFT have bought them. Not seen any official announcement though
have these sold out to angling direct
In reply to Post #76 Website now closed 'for maintenance'.
I had an eBay order turn up from them within 2 days ordered Sunday just gone and it turned up yesterday
In reply to Post #74 Thanks for that - I have an order that was made 10 days ago that doesn't seem to have shifted.
I didn't get that email and was wondering whether there was some kind of acquisition limbo given the rumours of this thread.
In reply to Post #73 I got an email from them today
Important Delivery Update
Due to an overwhelming number of orders in our January Sale, we regret that the delivery times will be longer than expected and our next day delivery service is currently unavailable.
Orders may take up to an extra 7 working days to reach you, and our incredible team are working tirelessly to get everything processed and shipped as quickly as possible.
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this busy time and thank you for supporting Outlaw Pro!
Rest assured, we’re doing everything we can to get your gear to you ASAP.
For more information on your order, please call the Outlaw Pro HQ on 0333 123 6699 and a member of our team will update you on the status of your delivery.
Thank you for bearing with us!
Outlaw Pro
Website now closed until further notice 'maintenance'.
I was in the Billericay store earlier today. Stock a bit hit and miss but they seem to have a full selection of Korda, Gardner & Fox terminal tackle. I asked if they were closing and they said they were being taken over by another retailer and will retain a physical shop.
I see Outlaw have closed there Canterbury store with immediate effect. Seems like part if not all the rumours are true.
In reply to Post #66 They're not going to run a physical shop without staff.
In reply to Post #63 Cheers for your replies. Hopefully I'll get an email tomorrow
In reply to Post #67 Iv recently had great communication from TFT . Waiting for products this week
In reply to Post #66 And for balance I contacted TFT yesterday via WhatsApp at 1020 with a query, they replied at 1418.
I had another Q I asked at 1553 yesterday which was answered at 0930 this morning.
Perfectly acceptable to me. It's a shame more folk who have good experiences re contact don't post up but that's human nature!
In reply to Post #64 If that’s true. Good luck anyone wishing to contact them from now on. You’d have more chance of setting up a secret meeting with Lord Lucan than speak to a human at TFT.
In reply to Post #64 Better than Angling Direct buying them I suppose......
Heard today it’s Total fishing Tackle that have bought outlaw pro out
In reply to Post #60 Yeah, Yodel. Got an email from Outlaw Pro once they had passed it on to Yodel.
You can also check status on Outlaw Pro website.
Had the same - order went through but no email confirmation from them which I found strange. Did eventually receive a Yodel email to say it was out for delivery 5-6 days after the order was made.
In reply to Post #60 Mine this week came via yodel, just bits n pieces, nothing big
In reply to Post #58 Who did they use to deliver your package? I have a £60 order outstanding from last Saturday. I've had no comms from them what so ever
In reply to Post #58 Not for them, IF…the stuff is going to be coming direct from manufacturers.
I don’t know what’s happening with the company I don’t use them as they are not local enough to me and the online shops I use are probably most trusted angling shops in the uk
Might be more expensive but their service is the best.
In reply to Post #56 Can't see that working, both times I ordered just over £25 (free P&P threshold) from several manufacturers. They were all delivered together as one package per order. It may save a lot in rent, wages, etc, but will increase increase delivery costs considerably.
In reply to Post #56 That’s what I was thinking but if they going to do that you would think that they have more items in stock
In reply to Post #55 Could they now just be going down the route of taking and processing the orders and getting everything shipped direct to user from the manufacturer??
Would save 10s of thousands in rents wages etc.
Getting back on track with Outlaw Pro, they're still delivering. Placed 2 orders recently one just before Christmas and one after, both delivered, a little bit on the slow side (10 days for the most recent) but OK. Yes, a lot of items are out of stock, but they still have a lot of lure stock.
I also noticed that they were still sponsoring "On The Bank" on TNT Sports over Christmas
In reply to Post #53 Do we really need to but new gear all the time,
I think the Worst/best example of it is the bivvy
Everyone has to have the latest as soon as it’s released..
In reply to Post #52 Do we really need to but new gear all the time, especially if it's mass produced, mostly unnecessary crap made to boost the profit of angling brands owned by faceless conglomerates?
It might be short term retail therapy until they invent something else but it won't catch you more fish
In reply to Post #51 Solar have just been bought out again so will need to keep a close eye on the that one now
To watch and see if the quality drops.
In reply to Post #12 "As for Fox, they're owned by a holdings company now so totally profit driven for investors They're starting to churn out mass produced crap by the looks of it. "
Nothing new there then.
In reply to Post #47 Looks like they have been bought out from one of the Staff I spoke to when I was in their billericay store last week
In reply to Post #46 with a bit of luck AD will fold as well
Not likely given the figures in post 12!
I agree re the shake up, some of the companies seem to be sitting on their laurels spewing out generic tat with just a different logo or colour scheme, copies of the Solar chairs etc.
In reply to Post #47 30% discount on all there stuff and a lot of items out of stock..
In reply to Post #45 What was the outcome? They are still pushing marketing very heavily which suggests they are trading but desperate to get sales
In reply to Post #42 Fair play to Drennan. More companies should follow suit and with a bit of luck AD will fold as well and we can start getting the old school tackle shops back. Fishing became a bit of an ugly monster in lockdown and the way it’s carrying on isn’t sustainable as we’re beginning see. It needs a good shake up
I spoke to someone today who son works for outlaw pro he said they find out on the 19th December whether a new buyer has been found or whether the company will be shutting down the bait side of the business has already shut he said
In reply to Post #43 If you have a look on Companies House, there was a notice of compulsory strike off 15th October and then that action was discontinued on the 16th following relevant information from the business, so for now it looks OK.
Their next accounts are due for filling 31st Dec, so that may give an in site to what may or may not be going to happen.
https://www.carpforum.co.uk/Shared/Messages.asp?TopicID=433606&ReadAll=1 Looks like the same thing was being talked about AD in 2022
In reply to Post #14 Exactly what I heard, Esp not backing down to AD’s demands.
In reply to Post #1 I use Outlaw shops quite a bit. Shame they're closing.
They also are involved in Elevate Baits aswell.
In reply to Post #39 Safety pins ?
Are they limited edition pre sharpened too?
In reply to Post #38 I've started making me own hooks 👍
FCUK em all, AliExpress where I can
Makes for really depressing reading and shows how the trade has eaten itself.
The model of ‘chain’ shops was always to drive down cost price and increase margins, so that choice was strangled. Only a few manufacturers wouldn’t play ball (freespirit, delkim etc) but all the rest seem to be in a race to the bottom.
I know shops like the Tackle Box look at dismay at some of the on line discounts, and they are lower than they pay. It’s disgusting. The box (and others) are thriving shops that pay hundreds of thousands in staff and rent and promote the sport by real investment. Having experts on hand to advise on local waters, getting started out just talking rubbish. It is these type of shops that should get the very best cost prices due to the investment they give back.
I used to have 6 shops within a few mile radius I now have a 20 min drive to the box. If a kid wakes up on Saturday and says dad can we go fishing today, it no longer takes 10 min detour for maggots, that’s the real shame, and it will never come back.
If the big supermarkets killed the butchers and bakers then it’s AD and Outlaw, that are doing the same to angling. Pushing content rather than real time help. The new generation won’t get to look at the array of floats or ask about the local day ticket that’s good for a few bites.
In reply to Post #2 It’s common knowledge in the trade
I noticed outlaw pro was selling a lot of x display bivvys amongst other stuff on many fb selling pages, I thought they maybe having a new lot of stock coming in.shame if they do close I use the Billericay store quite alot..very helpful lads work in there. Isn't Rob Hughes something to do with them?
In reply to Post #27 Just looked at the TA website, first time in years. Had a good look through and I can't see the point of the company, there's nothing there that you can't get from a dozen different companies, absolutely nothing stood out as different, if they disappeared I doubt few would care or notice.
It would be nice to see more companies have a few products in their range that makes them different and stand out, love or hate them OMC tick that box I also think ESP, Drennan do too.
In reply to Post #15 Perhaps a bit unnecessary. He’s a nice guy with a great sense of, admittedly dry, humour.
In reply to Post #28 Not really, shops don't generally just shut up shop they clear stock first?
In reply to Post #29 I think this post sums it up perfectly. What a sad state of affairs the direction of Carp fishing has gone.
In reply to Post #29 Agreed.
And I hear so many times how certain manufacturers are good for the sport.
I totally disagree, I'd rather fish with crap gear and have less people attracted to fishing.
In reply to Post #1 We are heading for a world where we have 5 main manufacturers being sold by half a dozen tackle shop conglomerates, with a huge customer base who cannot find anywhere decent to fish because they are behind gated "syndicates" charging four figures for "scaley bangers"
I guess this is what the consumer wanted.
This is the future chaps, buckle up!
I ordered recently and my order is on its way so it seems odd that people are suggesting they are closing down!
In reply to Post #15 At one point they got rid of all their reps,shops had to order direct from sticky and it was taking far too long to get TA and Sticky orders sorted.I think they did get most of them back
In reply to Post #14 That's what I heard regarding A.D and ESP/Drennan
In reply to Post #19 I totally agree, but neither of those brands strike me as media juggernauts unlike OMC etc, and while I really like those brands it feels to me like they're lagging behind from a marketing pov and I'm sure that translates into sales too, though I could be wrong.
Would I want ESP & Drennan to be like OMC marketing wise, no, but if it means their survival in the crowded market place then yes.
Re covid type anglers leaving, I think that'll hurt the social media hyped brands more, I'd imagine ESP & Drennan to have a more loyal following with those anglers who'll stick around.
In reply to Post #19 Absolutely agree. Shows the state of where things are at if OMC is a best seller.
In reply to Post #20 It's what i've heard mate - most of the guys are southern anglers on the TA books. The premises are now up Sheffield way so i can imagine all the editing and product development is now done up there.
Maybe they will relocate...
In reply to Post #21 100% Frothey. The amount of gear up for sale on sites is unreal and the realisation to the majority is that the biggest edge in fishing is "time"....no matter what anyone tells you.
No change in syndicate prices though, still going up each year.
Carp fishing had massive growth over Covid. Those “anglers” have now got bored of the insta camping thing and loads are giving up / selling up. So the market has lost a lot of custom. Just look at all the venues that were rammed 24/7 a couple of years ago, hiked prices and now struggle to fill spaces
In reply to Post #15 is this just gossip or substantiated claim?
"team will slowly erode away" why? same question for people looking for jobs..
| Sgfc | Posts: 4321 |  | aka The Combover Kid | |
In reply to Post #17 Imagine consciously removing the ESP and Drennan brands in your fishing shop empire to replace them with OMC.
In reply to Post #8 You say that but i dropped in to my local AD yesterday and there was next to no Nash gear. Infact apart from their Korda wall, the entire Carp bit was really sparce.
If i remember correctly ESP was moved out of AD to make room for OMC. There is only so much shop space and they must of thought they could sell more of their stuff.
In reply to Post #12 Part of me hopes it might be because of the perceived effect AD are having on the local tackle shops.
That would not surprise me with Mr' Drennan.
TA is up north now located at Sticky HQ alongside the M62. Without Ben at the helm, the rest of the team will slowly erode away as Sticky run the show from oop North.
Will be a few "superstars" looking for a job in the new year.
Not suprised Outlaw has folded - having Sharp as a consultant, the guy has had a humour bypass and could talk a glass eye asleep.
In reply to Post #13 I used to like TA
But since Steve fantuzzi left and they got took over by sticky things have definitely changed, even Ben Hamilton is no longer a director.
I heard that AD tried to lower their buying price and esp/drennan told them to stick it.
In reply to Post #9 TA used to be quite a niche innovative brand. They really seem to have lost their identity in recent times IMO. The whole ethos seems to have changed.
In reply to Post #9 If true I wonder what provoked ESP/D to take that decision, the only normal conclusion would be profit, as most companies are profit driven. Part of me hopes it might be because of the perceived effect AD are having on the local tackle shops. If that were at all true, I could imagine Mr Fairbrass isn't liking what he's seeing either.
As for Fox, they're owned by a holdings company now so totally profit driven for investors They're starting to churn out mass produced crap by the looks of it. Over the last few weeks I've been looking for a new chair and there are quite a lot of very similar high back designs out there, not to mention the alarm copies, if they are copies and aren't genuine without the logo.
The one thing making the angling market attractive to these investment companies is the ability to buck sales trends. If you look on the AD home page at their results, you can see why it's such an appealing market to get into.
It's all screaming of less choice, perhaps shared production lines and a captive market. I suppose this should come as no surprise, it's a similar model in all sorts of industries.
EDIT Take a look at the figures in the link below
EDIT 2, yes I know sales figures anf growth can be manipulted
LINKY POO™ https://www.anglingdirect.co.uk/corporate/
In reply to Post #10 The tackle trade is horrendous at the moment from what I hear. Really hard times for shops and manufacturers.
In reply to Post #1 I heard this rumour a while back. I know they've already closed one of there stores. Be a shame if there closing the rest. Let's hope not, always found there service pretty good. Though I have only ever used them online. Which shows which way tackle retail is going..
In reply to Post #8 I don't think TA are not doing to well,I'm not sure how true it is.They were doing all the deals on the luggage not so long ago as it was just not selling and they had alot of stock sat around.I don't think A.D stopped stocking ESP/Drennan by choice,I heard it was them that no longer wanted to deal with A.D.This could be completely wrong and just tackle shop gossip
Definitely a shame. Genuinely friendly staff and good service. On a similar downer note I was in my local Angling Direct yesterday and they told me that they are stopping stocking Thinking Anglers tackle. They have already done this with ESP/Drennan. Looks like we are heading to a world of only Fox, Korda and Nash...................very depressing.
That is a shame as i always found them good to deal with. when looking at there website for black Friday deals there was a lack of stock so perhaps they were already winding down.
In reply to Post #1 That's a surprise as they seem to be pushing quite hard, especially on social media so I thought they were doing well
I’m really surprised by this one. Loads of investment etc and they seemed to be doing it the right way with well stocked stores. Unlike a certain other warehouse tackle shop.
In reply to Post #1 I bought something from the website a couple of weeks ago and they just refunded me after a week with no explanation as to why or any kind of apology.
In reply to Post #1 Where did you see that advertised nothing on their Facebook page
In reply to Post #1 They didn't last very long
Just heard Outlaw Pro stores will all be gone by February