In reply to Post #46 That made me laugh out very loud
In reply to Post #35 Allegedly, my mate did pi$$ in his kettle once, many moons ago
In reply to Post #44 Nothing to do with dick but I Wonder if he was berated by the old timers in his day over their version of technology
Arlesey bomb,,,, never
Heron bite alarm…. Not on your Nelly
The bloke is as thick as pig ****, says a lot about how the game has progressed since Walkers day.
Who's Walker says the youngunns
In reply to Post #40 cant help myself - if I'm not at the lake the next best things watching someone else - for me anyway. Completed YouTube
Jims Hunter series was the only regular decent viewing on CYP - underwater stuffs interesting but please not constantly - cancelled a long time ago!!
Who’s subscribed then….go on, admit it!!
In reply to Post #6 re"Who are these people subscribing to all these channels? "
bunch of morden-day-dips!ts who can't think for themselves!
In reply to Post #38 The poor man comes in for some stick
In reply to Post #35 How would that situation come about. To be honest I can't think of many people I'd be willing to do that to.
In reply to Post #35 Erm, no neither would I!
In reply to Post #25 Smellyvision?
In reply to Post #1 I wouldn't pi$$ up his a$$ if his kidneys were on fire !
In reply to Post #33 Mr Baa hasn't had time to launch.
After 55s secret to success was leaked (literally ) which works on any fish, in any water, at any time of year, Mr Baa has been in blind panic mode at the thought of being usurped and becomming the sheep, without even knowing about it....how could this happen
Find out how Mr Baa may regain his status in the next exciting installment on MBV, only £5, limited time offer.
Nobody got access to it? Website seems to be down and it was meant to go live at 5pm!