In reply to Post #192 I heard reduced income because of covid had a lot to do with it.
No one foresee that, surely that should be taken into consideration.
I think we can all agree that the Wallets and Chavski are given preferential treatment.
| mal | Posts: 8986 |  | |
In reply to Post #191 😁
The expectation is that city are just finding ways to buy themselves out of trouble. 115 charges to Everton's 1.
It's farcical really. They should just take the points off city across all the seasons they broke the rules... that seems fair to me. 😉
I can't see the appeal from the relegated clubs going far as from what I've seen the money seems to be all linked to the new stadium build and naming rights etc. So no real 'on field' advantage.
In reply to Post #189 Shame it wasn’t yous ****s
What about City then
10 points for a mid table club is bollox. Saying that the Italians once relegated Juve and the likes
In reply to Post #189 Fooking wonderful news but absolutely pathetic
| mal | Posts: 8986 |  | |
Bloody hell!
Imagine if they actually punish city and Chelsea....
Is it possible to deduct 1150 points?
Pleased to see The Wallets drop more points yesterday
| mal | Posts: 8986 |  | |
In reply to Post #186
Worth watching the highlights for wolves 1st goal. And for tge winner just to make you smile I reckon
In reply to Post #184 How did the Spuds get on in the end?
In reply to Post #184 **** me, I was listening to that game, turned it off, thought it was over
| mal | Posts: 8986 |  | |
In reply to Post #183 You're fooling nobody scozza.
Just seen a brilliant goal from wolves to equalise against the spuds
In reply to Post #182 The only time I will be interested in what Liverpool are doing is when they are in a relegation battle, we live in hope!
| mal | Posts: 8986 |  | |
In reply to Post #181 You getting some practice in for watching Thursday night football scozza? 🤣
We've had two ropey performances on the trot now. If this continues people will be calling us the new man utd (who of course are the new chelsea). Although the result against toulouse still left us top, rather than bottom of our group and in the wider context of it all Diaz's dad was released so a good day regardless.
Better do better this weekend though as nobody wants city to pull away this early
Fek me, Brighton 2 Ajax 0
Probably the most entertaining match ive seen since we did barcelona 4-0
| mal | Posts: 8986 |  | |
In reply to Post #178 To sum it up ralphy...
Absolute carnage resulting in your title charge ending before Christmas
So nothing for you to worry about really