In reply to Post #278 As a kid I made a ( very simple to be fair ) mix of CPSP90, caseins, glm and birdfood. it was a fantastic thing, I could only afford very small amounts though. a 4 egg mix would last the whole weekend, you just had to bait clever not erratically.
Around my way I reckon a good 15% of all the boilies used are taken by gulls, they even dive after the spombs now. so if someone is willing to bait at night / cast intermittently theres a saving to be had there. and certainly a preferable saving to make rather than compromise on the quality of the one thing the carp needs to show interest in.
In reply to Post #277 It is a shame that a huge part of the market are only interested if the price is right. Our expensive bait will be the lowest selling bait (a sad fact) from now on but I also understand not everyone has endless money to buy bait. My words of advice are, if it’s really cheap then think carefully. And once again, if money is really tight (trust me it has been for me this year) then buy 5kg of good bait rather than 20kg of crap in a deal. Treat every boilie like it’s your last!!
In reply to Post #275 100%
My baits cost more, but relatively speaking I make very little too, certainly far less than a pound a kilo, then there’s reinvestment into machinery / space etc.
Boilie prices have stayed the same despite everything going up, 400% mark up on bait is in the days of old now.
It links into that other thread about turns when you think about it, people assume more shifting can be done because basemixes can be made fairy cheaply.
To give an example, and I hope you don’t mind gav
The price of the bait cannot just reflect the ingredients it contains, labour costs, outsource costs, shipping, storage, all cost money. Then there is the rental of premises, electric for freezers and drying rooms etc
Rent round my way, without business rates jn top is around 13.50/15 per foot for units so a 1000 square foot unit is doing 13-15k a year rent as is.
Add onto this tge cost of residential living, food, utilises, cars etc it’s a wonder anyone who makes bait can afford to fish
10 quid a kilo bulk for a decent bait would allow a fair wage to the maker and bring prices online with the 80% increase in everything else fishing wise.
Offers are suppose to entice one in to repeat custom not be taken advantage of solely so if Hav did put offers up it’s counter intuitive to business.
One thing gets me is a lot of people Moan that good baits change / disappear as well as good companies, in reality that can be saved by paying a merchant a reasonable price for their wares.
In reply to Post #275 PM Gavin.......
In reply to Post #274 Ah offers!
We get asked this all the time. Can you do deals and can you knock this off. I don’t mind people asking at all but I’m afraid our profit margins on boilies are tiny. There are even people on this forum who have worked behind the scenes with us that will back that statement up. As per below, we shifted one bait (and lost money) to make space for another but you won’t see deals and offers put up as we just can’t afford to do it right now. I’d be very wary of companies constantly offering bait out cheap or crazy deals but then again I’m not one to sit and watch what everyone else is doing.
I have always said that our bulk price is crazy cheap and it will have to go up a bit as certain ingredients have gone up hugely this year.
I’m doing all I can to buy bigger and keep costs down.
Many customers buy as a group to share the costs and postage and feel free to come and collect if you are local. I’ll answer any question you all have as honestly as I can.
In reply to Post #273 I’m with you on that. Bulk orders are discounted and I’ve only known 2 “offers”, 1 was clearing freezers so they could move to bigger premises and lately clearing K20 space to make way for Tricknut. Handcraft is a relatively new company working balls out to succeed, producing high quality products. Why would they put offers on? I may be wrong on this but I’m sure Gav will see it and put me right😎
I’m always up for a game of football Mozzi⚽️⚽️😂
In reply to Post #270 If you want it cheaper just buy more, the prices seem pretty reasonable to me.
In reply to Post #271 Pretty obviously waiting for an offer i.e forum offer etc
Or for a game of five a side, I dont know.
In reply to Post #270 What do you mean waiting for an offer?
In reply to Post #269 Just waiting for an offer before I bite the bullet.
In reply to Post #265 I am really looking forward to getting out and trying them. They smell amazing, love a herb bait in winter. I don't go much on boilies or crumb in winter too be honest other than single hookbaits, so these fit the bill!
In reply to Post #265 Apologies for all of the threads popping in and out! All sorted now so feel free to discuss anything handcraft! Crazy busy this week which is odd for December……also some wicked fish being caught now that the weather has turned!
In reply to Post #262 The Red Legends have been very good to me this year and have def helped me get a few bonus fish at some tricky times, love the colour and it's unique smell.
In reply to Post #262 Great, thank you, and look forward to receiving them.
In reply to Post #261 Saw your order earlier! One of my lads (reg) has fished the red legends over the herb this year and has had a brilliant season (he’s a bloody good angler though) but he rates them highly! Your order will go out on Monday which is looking like another very busy one!