In reply to Post #325 I was trying to ask if people are happy to adjust pop ups. And if that is common practice? Most waters contain nuisance species, crayfish etc and having to drill out and open up the texture is a recipe for disaster. And drilling 12mm pop ups……..that is gonna be hard work with such a low diameter
In reply to Post #324 Then just make that point then rather than asking a question regarding what other bait companies are doing. Simply say your pop ups don't need added Cork as they are super buoyant. There are people like that like to turn a bottom bait into a pop up hence my answer. 📌
In reply to Post #319 The point I was making is people seem happy to take a pop up that isn’t buoyant, then add something else that is buoyant, to make it buoyant enough! Why not just make it buoyant in the first place!
If you want a hookbait to look like a bottom bait but with a tad of buoyancy, buy a wafter! I haven’t done anything to a hookbait to change its buoyancy in a decade!
One of the images I was referring to was a “name” telling people to drill out a 12mm pop up and cork it simply cos it wasn’t good enough to pick up his hinge stiff rig. My argument is that all that faff is a cop out! Consumer should be able to just take a bait from the pot and cast it out!
The reason that baitroom or proper job or specialised hookbaits and handcraft have done so well is because the hookbaits do exactly what they say.
And Mozzi……..drilling out a hookbait or having a low buoyancy…….I just don’t get it! Put edible items, liquids, attractors, additives in a pop up and make it pop up! Surely that’s it’s job!
In reply to Post #319 I think that Gav was asking if people were adding cork to shop bought pop ups, due to them being not very buoyant.
You are right though a man of his experience probably has added buoyancy to a bottom bait at some point.
In reply to Post #320 It depends really. I prefer a less buoyant pop up that I can cork, simply because it leaves more room for attractors. There is a commercial standard though
Managed a day sessions and an overnight session over Christmas first time out fishing over the Tricknut and Herb feed boilies, no monsters but managed five fish all doubles to 19.8
I had three on the Herb fishing a snowman, hard bottom bait with a 12mm pop-up and two on the Tricknut fishing a match the hatch wafter, could/should of been six as I had a massive drop back and ended up winding in a three foot long stick fish with the rig wrapped up in it.
In reply to Post #319 Or more likely pop ups that are **** for buoyancy and need cork to stay popped up more than 4hrs
In reply to Post #316 It's just a simple way to turn your bottom bait into a pop up or wafter. I would have thought a man with your experience would have had the same at some point
In reply to Post #317 It certainly does seem the case Matt.
I said in one of our films last summer that other brands have started to come to us to solve some of their issues with pop ups. Probably a good time to keep some of our secrets to ourselves 😂😂
Hope you are well!
In reply to Post #316 When I ran UB Baits the most common complaint from anglers was the standard of pop ups from almost all the big bait companies. So yeah, I am not surprised!!!
Pop ups that are really wafters, wafters that are pop ups no consistency whatsoever.
Good luck for 2022 all the best
In reply to Post #315 Back to work tomorrow and it’s going to be chaos. Nice to have a little break over Xmas and recharge the batteries.
Something I noticed in the last week is photos of several bait companies and well known anglers posting photos of hookbaits that need to have cork inserted in them. I’m a bit out of touch with what other brands are selling and who uses what etc but Is that common practice to have to help pop ups to actually pop up?
In reply to Post #304 refreshing ,
In reply to Post #313 I see that the mild spell has been productive. Some lovely carp being caught this Christmas!
In reply to Post #310 That krill and cal range is very popular so yes they will be staying! It’s the k20 krill bait being phased out (I will be working on the final bait in the range over the next year or so
In reply to Post #311 I checked, it aint about me thank f***