In reply to Post #445 the (in my opinion) four most potent carp attractors going are actually subtle as hell, alas, many others not lol
In reply to Post #444 Completely agree, carp can find minute traces of food in parts per million of water so our nose is almost useless. But carp anglers want things to stink whereas I want things to be attractive after 24 hours but not repellant. Gary Bayes calls them carp scarers 😂😂😂
The trick here is powders and liquids, a combo of both that “smell” and “taste” is the best of both worlds for me.
Eaton mess is subtle, squid subtle, krill and cal also subtle but they have lots going inside them.
I also like the fact that you guys can cover them in whatever you want and they still work perfectly.
Rock hard pop ups with no ingress is not for me
In reply to Post #443 I’ve said the same on the bait groups, to me “smells the same as when it went out “ isn’t a plus point!
See we do agree on things lol
In reply to Post #441 im surprised by that but can i ask if you took the pop up off and cracked it in half to see what the inside smelt and tasted like? surely you want all of those nice things to be leaking out in the water column rather than locked inside. You will notice that all of our hookbaits are liquid hungry and they absorb anything you put on them.......... lake water will also be taken on to a degree. good news is that the catch reports on sting suggest the carp have no trouble finding them!
probably my favourite pop up of all time
In reply to Post #426 Looks good....maybe something to try in the future..
I find the Sting smell lasts a night, after that...zero smell. Not seen how long the smell takes to leak out on an hour to hour basis; will check.
In reply to Post #439 It's good to be busy
In reply to Post #438 I will be making yet more basemix this week! Never ends at the moment 😂😂
In reply to Post #436 Bait arrived all spot on and will sort the 12mm Herb when you have it ready
In reply to Post #436 Superb service as always,thanks very much
In reply to Post #435 It’s gone out today and will arrive tomorrow mate!
In reply to Post #434 Bait ordered,can't wait to get out to try it which due to work won't be until first weekend of march for 2 nights.
In reply to Post #433 I won’t post all the pictures on here as it will take me hours but the last few weeks has seen a crazy amount of carp caught! We are already working at full speed like it’s summer so if I can’t reply straight away to the pms I apologise
I’ll get back to you as soon as I can! Super squid, sting, Eton mess and the three boilies are scoring well right now
Krill & Cal served me well spring last year throughout April/May odd one on Eton mess and Pineapple then stopped fishing there after spawning as the weed is top to bottom all over lake by then add in it is shallow and birdlife is off the chart captures become difficult throughout summer months for all, Sting (dark) and Herb hard hooker snowman have done me proud through the winter and one or two over the tricknut on a tricknut wafter hookbait, I haven't even tried the Red Legends or Squids yet still got full tins of them.
In reply to Post #424 Sorry for the late reply
Crazy busy times for me right now.
The ones that we sell the most and the ones that we get the greatest feedback are on sting, squid, krill and cal,
However the red legend, and pineapple ones are popular too!
They all have produced some good fish and all sell well at times but the above are very very good catchers for sure
The ones we are playing with right now are gonna be special. Now we are a bit more settled we can have a real good tinker 😉