Just had a look at the latest Vlog Gav . Even went back and had a look at some of your earlier vids A very honest account of the bait game. Reminded me again to take a look at the baits you have on offer. Sample order incoming.
In reply to Post #1131 superb vid from HC
In reply to Post #1140 Well ideally 20kg but I can often piggyback orders onto other orders if our timing is right
In reply to Post #1139 What’s the minimum order for the nutriplex Gav?
In reply to Post #1137 Nutriplex is still Pre order only for the simple reason that we have to hold so much of the herb and skipjack and Tricknut during peak season.
I will start making more Nutriplex in November and we are taking some plex with us on our next trip away.
Nutriplex has great winter form and is a very old proven recipe, it has a low fat content and an all round basemix like the other baits so it will work well in cold water.
Are the primers pva friendly? You can dunk a pva mesh bag in them but I don’t pour them into solid bags!
Mega things those primers, I wouldnt fish without them
Are the 'Primers' pva friendly?
In reply to Post #1135 When are you starting producing the Nutriplex again? Am i correct in thinking this is the bait you suggest for winter use?
In reply to Post #1135 Quite a cold day yestrday with that wind and the water, much colder than I expected but it gets a good wind all day, even so at over 15' you'd think it wouldn't cool off that fast (note to self, get a new thermometer!) In any case, white Trick Nut pop up producing a fish this time and a lost fish on a bottom bait, still doing the do. Those bottom baits are nice and soft but it still held on a rig screw for 90mins until the take.
EDITED, not a white wafter, a pop up! thanks Braders
In reply to Post #1134 The media thing will have to be sorted one day buddy. I have had lots of offers to help but like you have just said,I don’t like the idea of pestering people as it makes you seem desperate.
I have always concentrated on the actual products and tried to make things how I want them to be (and Pidge) but there are some clever lads out there who know how take pics and work social media.
Maybe next year I’ll take on someone who can drive that bit for me and take some of the pressure off us.
This year has been an eye opener for us and it’s not all positive, I have been doing far too many hours and two weeks ago I very nearly broke 😂
The company and the lakes take it out of you physically and we have grown so quickly that we need to take the next step and that means more help!!
The blog is a good way to vent and show you guys how we work and how I want it to be!
Haven’t had much chance to film anything for 3 weeks on the bounce now but I will get back on it this week.
God bless the tricknut……..just taken a large shipment of the nuts again and I’ll be back on that mixer by lunchtime 😂😂
In reply to Post #1133 To be fair Gav, I suppose it depends what you want from your business. You might find bringing someone onboard to do all the social media type crap which is so en vogue these days might pay for itself, and that doesn't mean you don't have to do it your way.
I use another bait firm and I quite often find myself unsubscribing from the e-mails as I simply get too many. I'm sure the youngsters like to be kept in touch but good god, how many times do you need reminders about stuff ...I can only imagine what their 'feeds' are like, if that's the right word.
I was out on Fri, it was surprisingly tough on a 'easy' water, weather conditions did not help & the water was surprisingly cold. 5 anglers and 2 fish, 1 to me on a Trick Nut wafter. Nothing absolute about that but confidence slowly building in Trick Nut
In reply to Post #1132 Isn’t it funny, I got told that we must make some sort of videos and improve our media as it’s the “in thing” but I have been buried in a world of work and paying bills and building the business for over 3 years and the whole media thing has just not happened.
I took the camera with me for a few days and turned it into some sort of blog thingy and my phone went mental!!
The orders piled in (they have been steadily rising to a point where I’m struggling to keep on top of it all) and the handcraft files has definitely made a difference already.
But I think that there is so much bull**** in the bait industry that the honest and open type of films will be popular. I’ll do a bit more and there are lots of things to talk about and show you lads as we move forward. I have some large changes coming I just don’t when it will happen and how it will work but I’ll film what I can.
When people make films every day it tells me that they are clearly not very busy as I genuinely don’t get time to drink a hot cup of tea most days 😂
Maybe Hollywood will come calling for me one day 😂😂😂
Just had a chance to watch your first vlog Gav. Must say some proper sensible bait talk being spoken there. Love how you keep your workspace so clean aswell. You look at a lot of bait company's behind the scene footage and they seem to have more product and mess on the floor then anything. Says a lot about the thought and effort you put into your bait Highly impressed will have to send of for some samples and have a look myself.
But definitely showing your age. Don't think many of the kids these days would even no what an 8th of pot and a blue magazine is these days..
In reply to Post #1129 When I have used a liquid the Calanus watered down with hemp oil is a good shout, I just find it unnecessary to be honest if i want more of a spod mix I just add some hemp/water. I also lightly coat the hookbaits in Minamino in the pots.
Anyone have a preferred liquid to go with the Herb and generic pellets in a spod mix ?
In reply to Post #1123 6 months on shelf life’s if kept cool etc.
I constantly test shelf life baits in my office and I have tested them up to a year old! I do think that you should use them way before then though.
Pepperami flavour boilies on the herb base mix would be great for my Barbel fishing.
In reply to Post #1123 I had some at the start of this year that was left over and it is still fine after 3 months.
In reply to Post #1122 Been asking gav for years for a deep c/ crab boilie to match the pop up ..
Was also asking for a squid to match and it came along in end
So still hope for a crab if enough keep on lol
What is the shelflife of the shelflife bait if kept in the correct condition ?
In reply to Post #1120 How about a light brown fishmeal with the Deep C attractor package? That would be awesome!
What’s everyone’s go to boilie from handcraft in winter that tricknut look decent
In reply to Post #1119 I can’t ever change herb
I’d get shot 😂
Maybe a dark version one day 😂😂
In reply to Post #1116 He could do them as a special hookbait
In reply to Post #1116 2nd this, Sting is banging 👌
In reply to Post #1111 Robin red Fishmeals catcher of big carp since the mid to late 80's
For some reason they do seem to pick out the bigger fish. That's why I think Terry Hearn puts so much faith in them. Arnt Sticky bring out a Robin red Fishmeal?
In reply to Post #1111 Forget the colour Gav, can you please do the herb with 3ml per kilo of sting flavour …….
In reply to Post #1111 If I could only use one it would be the Herb,had a lovely 17/18lb mirror early hours this morning.The lake has been fishing very badly this year and 12mm herb with a small dumbell wafter has done the business again .
In reply to Post #1113 Its not specifically the carps reaction to the red bait that i am bothered about more so the coots that are my biggest problem on a specific low stock carp water with a sandy bottom, the red fishmeals stand out so clearly even washed out.
I got some of the skipjack off you last week to see if it will be harder for them to locate, i have thought of trying a nut based bait as that will probably blend even better plus the the head of very big bream may not be as drawn to a nut bait?
The lake i am fishing is a very difficult lake with a few stockies and the very old originals which is what i am fishing for with some success but they will not not pick up a bright hookbait pink, yellow, white, orange etc all my fish are falling to natural subtle coloured hoobaits
In reply to Post #1112 When we first produced the finished article that is now the herb, we all kind of said the same thing and we watched a lot of carp on two lakes in particular feed on the herb from late winter into early spring.
The carp never showed signs of spooking off the bait, in fact it was the reverse! They homed in on the baited area and when our guys got together to share the early results they all said how good the first ever response was to the bait.
I actually think that 99 percent of what we throw into a lake is hi viz.
Most boilies are pale
Pellets go pale
Corn is bright yellow
Particles are bright
Therefore another bright boilie makes no difference to the carp. If they like eating something then they will stay and feed regardless of colour.
The birds however are a different matter.
Skipjack is reverse engineered from herb but with different additives, liquids and of course tuna fish but the colour was tweaked to avoid bloody coots!!
In reply to Post #1111 I think a brown version of the herb would have done very well, The red herb obviously catches a lot of fish and is very successful but i personally think the red stands out to much over most of the bottoms i fish, i always seem to do better on brown baits
In reply to Post #1110 I think the 3 main baits we sell will find a place in many of you guys angling at some point. I have worked my way through dozens and dozens of recipes over the years and most of them have something in common.
If you are going to try them then start with the herb! That one is just so effective. Today I have opened my social media (sorry to mention Facebook 😂 and the messages and catch reports on it are like nothing I have seen before. Shelf life herb is very good too.
It’s got a huge following and we could just make that one bait and survive now.
When I made it I was tempted to make it brown/ natural colour but l love the haiths robin red and I have seen how good those proper red fishmeals can be.
I do wonder what the brown version would have taken off like!
In reply to Post #1109 I use both, S7 & Tricknut, going to be hard for me to stop using S7!
Hope you had a good break
I keep meaning to come on here and share some mega carp but I guess you can see them on our social media if you want to. I don’t look here as much as I used to
Honestly, sort your s**t out.
Even for you there's no way I'm ever going on social media voluntarily , especially to look at pictures of other people ( who I don't aspire to be like, and am not envious of) fishy pictures (that on the whole I wouldn't want to fish for and would probably never get the opportunity to anyway )
I was forced to twice, once by a syndi that only communicated by FB (if you call a lot of the scribblings communication, could be another language for all I know), and once by a club because I was fishing and unbeknown to me there was a work party slated and they only told people by FB
Ramblings over, go and slag me off on social medial folks fill your boots ...and that was all said in jest to a point, FB can kiss my a***.
In reply to Post #1108 Yes,switched from dna to handcraft and won't be going back
Herb shelflife, as good as the frozen version? On a par with DNA for instance?
In reply to Post #1106 Evening everyone.
We are just about to embark on a 10 day shutdown.
It has been a very busy two months and we all need a break so the whole factory is closing down for a short while. If you were thinking about placing an order it will have to wait for early September and I have no doubt that the first week back is going to be nothing short of more chaos 😂
But we will do our best and get lots more bait ready as soon as we can.
I keep meaning to come on here and share some mega carp but I guess you can see them on our social media if you want to.
I don’t look here as much as I used to but I will keep replying to your messages when I see them.
Tight lines for now 😉
In reply to Post #1105 Very well spotted or sniffed
Your nose will get tuna
And the spice comes from a bird food that not many will have put in a large scale bait 😉
One of my favourite ingredients!!
Interestingly those little 12mm pop ups are working for a huge amount of anglers out there.
They are made with the basemix in them which for me is a huge edge!
Properly used the skipjack for the first time today.
One rod on a popup one on a bottom bait.
Fished 2 quite different swims and had 7 runs in 8 hours, 5 landed all on the matching popup. No muck or glugs just around freebies.
The stuff proper stinks after being out of the freezer for a bit I swear there's a low level of an oriental spice in there, but none of that matters really because on this water today, it's really done the job. I'm one happy new handcraft customer 👍
Just hoping for one more run before home time 🙂
In reply to Post #1103 Well done lads and glad the service was spot on!
We have sent out a lot of bait and hookbaits this week and I hope it all arrived safely!
Even managed a few carp myself today….. little herb Wafters, royal supremes and a mix of herb and skipjack 12mm produced two corkers!
Loads of carp coming out again this week 😉
In reply to Post #1102 More to the point then will catch fish. Just had a great session on my syndicate that is fishing hard, Deep C and Almond wafters with small pva mesh bags of pellets did the job for me when most people on the lake were struggling
Ordered 3 tubs of hookbaits a couple of days ago. Delivered next day. All 3 smell right, look right and all I need to do is put em in the right place. Great service and quality gear.
In reply to Post #1099 Cheers gav just made my life harder lol . Just placed a small order for the herb to try next weekend , i already tried and tested for you in the earlie stages tho last year the squid , so i give the herb ago next weekend then make my mind up and place a big order for france next month.
Thanks mate
In reply to Post #1099 Get on the super squids …….
In reply to Post #1098 Afternoon all!!
Apologies I have been mowing grass round the lakes all day today and sorting out a minor flood in our unit after a storm!
Skipjack or herb?
So so difficult to answer this. I love them both and my customers do too! Skipjack is very different to any other squid/tuna bait that I have ever seen (never seen one with actual tuna in commercially) and it’s already produced some mega fish.
Herb needs no introduction and I guess that if you judge it on results alone then Herb has 3 years of proof behind it whereas skipjack is the new boy with big shoes to fill!
My lads who use and promote it fairly are all blabbering on about the skipjack and how they never thought they would use anything other than herb until I gave them the squid!
Both very good
Both made with really nice different things in compared to a lot of baits out there.
Tricky choice to make isn’t it! Let’s ask this again in a years time 😂
In reply to Post #1097 I would suggest using messenger as I have had many a conversation with them out of hours via that method of contact
In reply to Post #1096 You might be better off copying that message and putting it in an email to the Handcraft team. You'll get a reply very quickly there during office hours. Gav doesn't check here consistently as he's usually swamped in tuna fish and other assorted bits and pieces lol.
Good luck on your trip.
Hows the skip jack comparing to the herb at min catch wise.
Im off to france in a month and fishing a 10 acre lake that only started fishing 2 years back and was untouched for 20 years . Stock been added 2 so there in there and used 2 boiles now but there lot naturals food in there crayfish etc .
Im thinking big c and the squid pop ups but need a a feed bait .
So out of the skip and herb.
Gav lend a hand ?
In reply to Post #1094 When will skipjack be available in 12mm
In reply to Post #1093 I do like the smell of the finished bait but my god it stinks when I’m blending the hydros, flavours, tuna fish and garlic…..makes me gag 😂
I’m also not keen on tuna sarnies anymore 😩
In reply to Post #1090 Skipjack smells more carpy tho 😂😂
In reply to Post #1090 Better get my order in
In reply to Post #1090 It certainly catches fish
In reply to Post #1089 Nothing like that one buddy
Meaty, spicy lovely smell and taste
Lots of hydro liquids in the makeup
Smells like………well it smells carpy according to the regulars 😂
In reply to Post #1088 Can anyone confirm what the attractor profile is used in the Herb?
I love the old Shellfish sense appeal / Monster Crab combo and wondered if it is anything like this?
In reply to Post #1087 Good news buddy
There has been delays for about 20 customers as we tried a new shipping company only for them to fail to turn up and collect 😂
But we are back in business and sent another pallet of stuff out today
Hopefully all orders will arrive by end of play tomorrow!!
In reply to Post #1086 Still got me delivery of your finest skipjack today mate, cheers. Thought there may have been a day or two delay
In reply to Post #1084 Yep
Servers are down and it’s caused us a nightmare today
Hopefully get it all back up and running soon!
Sorry lads
In reply to Post #1084 He knows,it's on the Facebook page
Looks like your website is broken bud.
In reply to Post #1082 I bloody hope so, been a tough year so far, only had a couple of decent carp
In reply to Post #1081 Well done! Lots of nice fish being reported this week.
Maybe spawning is mostly done for the year and they are up for a feed again
1st outing using Tricknut yesterday, wafters fished with method incorporating the base & liquid, 2 Carp, equalling the 2 on S7, quite happy with that for 1st use and only a few hours fishing
In reply to Post #1079 How about in a really pale natural fishmeal then, with no robin red or blood plasma etc to darken it up?
In reply to Post #1078 White baits are a thing of the past buddy
Not allowed to make them anymore but hookbaits are fine
In reply to Post #1074 White Deep C boilies to go with the wafters would be amazing I reckon!
In reply to Post #1076 Think that's what going to do,any dark sting wafters in them
In reply to Post #1075 Why not use the small dumbbell Wafters?? 😂 10x14mm
In reply to Post #1074 Never mind all that,what about 12mm wafters
In reply to Post #1073 Afternoon lads
I’m glad the herb is smashing it for you lads and I have to say that the herb is still working for the lads who got on it right back in the beginning.
That one is still handcrafts biggest seller and perhaps always will be!
I have never made any other boilie with such a huge response!
Skipjack, well this one has surprised me.
I have had some amazing captures sent in since its launch and there are a few lads that have some mind bending hauls.
One of my lads Glenn Maulkerson has just had two sessions back to back at a new lake where he has landed an entire seasons worth of carp including the biggest two carp in the lake. He has also been through 30kg of the freezer baits in two trips.
I have been using it on my new lakes and I must admit I bloody love it! No bird issues, and bites on nearly every trip!
My mate dan has taken this one to about 4/5 venues in the last 5 months and I have lost track of the carp he’s caught.
Herb took about 6 months to really get out there and prove itself and the skipjack is doing well on sales and catch reports already.
Making skipjack has proved interesting. Kilos and kilos of tuna fish being rolled into the bait has now become a really messy job. I blitz it into the hydros and the whole factory smells like a fishmongers 😂😉
It’s very different to anything I have seen before commercially (not just cos of the tuna) and I have grown to really like the smell and taste.
Why do some baits not work at some lakes? Hard to say but some lakes don’t respond to particles or to bright hookbaits or to maggots etc and generally I think it’s overuse or other species that’s the problem! Why does one guy not like herb when 9 out of 10 say it’s the best thing ever? We have just gone through a very busy spring and I’m hopeful that I can perhaps make a few of the things that you lads keep asking for. The brand is growing really well and it’s all driven by you guys. I have been sitting on the fence about the next step for handcraft but I have decided to try and take things one step further. I need help though as I can’t keep doing so many hours and being all over the country all the time.
I need people who can film, market some ideas, and help with our media as I haven’t ever actually advertised the business anywhere yet!
This week I’m making loads of tricknut basemix and I want to get that into as many people’s hands as possible. That’s the bait I haven’t pushed enough yet. Hookbait sales are just crazy every month now.
In reply to Post #1070
I bought a couple of the paste kits to add to my method but I'm going to use some to roll dumbell bottoms. I bought a different sized baitmaster rolling table for it but tbh I think given the amount required I may make them on the smaller single hand table.
In reply to Post #1071 Not having the skipjack cause you've got them addicted to the Herb
In reply to Post #1069 No nor me,ended up on 12 fish between two of us 10 fish to herb.I had one on pineapple wafter and my mate had a new pb on the p-rami wafter.This is on a water the bailiff said isn't producing much these days
In reply to Post #1068 I can't even roll my eyes properly
In reply to Post #1067 Funny how some waters respond differently to different baits. Never really understood it myself.
In reply to Post #1065 Might have to roll your own T, I wanted some dumbell bottoms (TN), no joy.
Perhaps if enough people wanted them it'd be worth rolling them, petition Gav time 🤣
In reply to Post #1066 I don't seem to be catching on the skipjack,could be just the water I'm on but Herb smashes it
In reply to Post #1063 Hope you're doing well Gav. The skipjack is amazing, not only is it just as good as the herb its also effective at avoiding the coots, am able to fish all the bars i want and laugh at the little ****s who cant find the bait.
Top quality as always. Also love the stick mix, become a staple in my solid bags with the slickers.
Take care
On the bank now and The Herb is doing the business again,5 fish landed 1 lost.Tried different hookbaits but all have fell to the deadly Herb.Next order will be the dumbell wafters,15mm wafters and a good few kgs of 15mm and 12mm boilie.Can you do 12mm wafters Gav please
In reply to Post #1063 Good to see you back Gav
In reply to Post #1062 Evening lads!!
It’s been a while since I have looked in on the forum but I’m waiting for the kettle to boil and I thought I’d see what’s occurring!
I hope you are all well and catching loads!!
I’ll try and and answer some of your questions but I can see some nice feedback on the thread so I assume all is well! Good luck to all of you new customers and yes the skipjack is very popular right now. I always knew this one was another big fish bait but I’m already bored of dealing with tuna fish in brine 😂😂😂😂😂
I watched a guy catch 3 big U.K. 40s on the bounce this weekend on it and I’ll share some more captures next time I’m on here hopefully!
Tight lines
In reply to Post #1059 I thought the same regarding the Herb and Sting fishmeal........Smells divine and certainly catches its fair share of fish!
The Sting and Super squid HBs are my go to hookbaits.......
In reply to Post #1059 I've always fished with sting wafters over the herb and done well
In reply to Post #1059 Only problem I now have is what hookbaits to use with it. I’ll get the matching hard hookers and wafters obviously, but in my parcel today I also got wafters in Sting, Squid, MMT and Deep-C and they all smell amazing lol
Come to me little fishy...Gavs freebie plan working
In all honesty I put a hook bait list together at Xmas, it was ridiculously long, I'm amazed at my self restraint just ordering the matching 1's for the Tricknut (I'll tell the Mrs that...maybe leave out the DNA and AA bait order)
TBF to me I did order her a Solar Sofa Chair and today the Korum anychair table turned up for it...there's still got to be some good will mileage left...surely
In reply to Post #1058 Cheers for replies. My samples arrived today too. The Herb smells incredible, reminds me of the Sting Fishmeal shelflifes I did really well on years ago if I shut my eyes and inhale! Pretty sure I’m going to place and order for that next week. Only problem I now have is what hookbaits to use with it. I’ll get the matching hard hookers and wafters obviously, but in my parcel today I also got wafters in Sting, Squid, MMT and Deep-C and they all smell amazing lol
freezer bait it's turned up frozen in a polystyrene box (Inside a cardboard box)still frozen,
Same here today
In reply to Post #1050 Every time I've ordered freezer bait it's turned up frozen in a polystyrene box (Inside a cardboard box)still frozen, then goes straight into the freezer at work no problems at all 👍
In reply to Post #1050 Every time I've ordered freezer bait it's turned up frozen in a polystyrene box (Inside a cardboard box)still frozen, then goes straight into the freezer at work no problems at all 👍
My order arrived today, very happy bunny, I hope Gavs not offended when I say the Tricknut smell reminds me of the old Cherry Carp CNC
Ians usually on the phone even if Gavs not about
In reply to Post #1050 As Wayne said FB Messenger is your best bet (I've always had replies within an hour so so of asking the questions).
In reply to Post #1050 If you have FB it would be better to message Gav questions on there as he dont come on here much now due to the normal bait shenanigans that go on.........
In reply to Post #1049 Ordered some wafters and samples this morning, then found some wafters I’d missed and ordered some more lol.
Not used Handcraft before, so a quick question for Gav or anyone else who can answer it… if I was to order freezer bait, is it rolled fresh and sent out before freezing, or is it sent already frozen?
In reply to Post #1048 Looking on social media it’s catching it’s fair share……
Hows the new bait holding up gav
New uk PB on the Super squids.........
Must give them MMT a try too.......
In reply to Post #1044 You won't regret it,best bait I've ever used
In reply to Post #1044 Happy new year buddy!
Yeah we had a long Xmas this year and bloody hell I needed it!
Came back to a busy old day today.
So much going on already and lots of nice new things to come out.
Soon be Christmas 😂😂
In reply to Post #1043 Happy New Year to you too Keeperboy. I'm looking forward to a full year on your bait, (as always thanks to Braders for putting me onto Handcraft).
Definately looking forward to getting some of those Marmite wafters they sound great. Hope you had a nice break.
In reply to Post #1042 Happy new year to you all! I hope you all caught shed loads of carp over the Xmas period and drank far too much ale 😂
We will be back to the grindstone this week and sorting out lots of orders but I just wanted to let you know that the mega little marmite based Wafters we were working on last year will be released in January.
I think some of you will really like these 😉
Based on the new test bait basemix but with marmite, yeasts, and a few secret little things that we really like, I have no doubt these will be up there with the squids, and herb products.
How much food can you cram in a 15mm wafter? Lots!!
Even bagged some nice carp myself in recent weeks but I’ll save that and the photos of your captures for the next time I get half hour free!!
In reply to Post #1037 Just ordered some tutti to go along with the squids, should be my winter hookbaits sorted there 🎣👍
In reply to Post #1039 Used last winter, about to switch back from Herb to Nutriplex again for the winter this year too.
It's done me very well, 100% confidence in it.
In reply to Post #1039 From what I've read it sounds a quality bait for now
Anyone using Nutriplex? Used over last winter etc?
In reply to Post #1037 Guaranteed carp catchers those bad boys
Just took delivery of some 12mm squids, they look and smell superb. Can’t wait to give them a try 🎣 will definitely be ordering some more soon.
In reply to Post #1035 Hopefully I will add to that list over the next few days. Done well on the hookbaits this year, but tomorrow night will be the 1st time with the herb, so fingers crossed. Will send you pics if I'm fortunate enough to catch
In reply to Post #1034 Yep I have never known a boilie turn peoples results around quite like the herb.
I wish I could share all of the images and emails from people who use it but you all get to see plenty of bigguns on our media. God knows how many U.K. 40s I have to post at the moment!
In reply to Post #937 The herb just seems to pick out big carp looking at your FB and instagram.i can't wait to get fishing with it even know we are going into winter soon hopefully catch a few chunks next few weeks 👍
In reply to Post #1030 Nutriplex as the main bait in the winter but I'll mix in some herb to keep it going in all year round then when it warms up Herb as the main bait but continue to use nutriplex. Im guessi g herb and tricknut by the looks of things are more popular than the plex but believe me I've seen it take some water apart it's a top top bait
In reply to Post #1030 That’s a hard call isn’t it
Herb is totally dominant in summer and everyone thinks that nut baits are better in the winter but I don’t believe that.
Nuts, oils, fats etc are better in summer
But Tricknut is a mixed bag like all of our baits, and contain birdfoods, milks, yeasts, soy etc to aid there digestible elements.
I think they all work well in cold if you use them in moderation!
Piling lots of protein rich boilies in during January don’t really work for me!
In reply to Post #1028 I have one pop up, made with basemix, that I’d take anywhere. It’s the Nutriplex matching 12mm pop up.
I then coat it in extra minamino (it’s rolled into the pop up mix) and I leave them to soak for a week. Those little 12mm boring looking dull pop ups have caught me many big carp when bright hi viz fails.
But my lads rate the squids (fishmeal)
Or the deep c with real tuna fish inside (I’m doing well on these)
I change from lake to lake once I work out wether bright is best or match the hatch.
I do find it hard not to cast out sting yellow 12mm as they always seem to produce for me from late autumn through to late spring.
In reply to Post #1029 Is everyone planning on staying on her for the winter or switch to the nut?
Looking at the nut and herb with great interest. For a very long time I've used a Banoffee and a seafood. For the 1st time I'm thinking if moving from a seafood (DNA S7) to the Herb. Just wish I could get some of the original Sectet Agent as a dip. The nut..hmm..think I may have to take the plunge even though not my pref flavour. I've rolled my own on a old CC Moore nut base, like this one its coarse and can be awkward to roll at home, yes I could have ground some if the ingredients finer I suppose. Wondering if my days of home rolling are over and tbh there are a lot of good baits about now.
Will be keeping a eye on this thread.
Edit, think I got confused with the Nutriplex, not moving from a fishmeal then...I'm blaming the codeine
In reply to Post #1026 If i want a hookbait to use in December which one would you suggest? The water I'm fishing responds best to fishmeal based baits..Tia.
In reply to Post #1026 Another new one 😱
In reply to Post #1025 They will work fine buddy!
Real pepperami is only one ingredient of many and we all used to use pepperami in the colder months to good effect
They are proving really popular already and I’ll be sending them out from midweek onwards.
A tad excited about these and the other new one 😉
In reply to Post #1024 How do you think the p-rami wil fair in the colder months? I know next to nothing about bait but with real salami in it, wondered if the hard days would stay harder and leak out less when it's cold?
In reply to Post #1023 The most popular would be what you suggested
Sting pink, squids, deep c white.
Sometimes you have to be brave and try something far out like a p rami 😉😉
Going to order some hookbaits, I want a pale pink and a white, which 2 am I going for lads ? Thinking sting in pink and deep c in white but I can’t make my mind up the pink squids look the nuts too as do the Eton mess 😂
In reply to Post #1021 Hoping to get them listed and on the site this weekend!
Was supposed to get it done on Monday but it’s been full on again
In reply to Post #1020 When will the p-rami be on the website?
In reply to Post #1017 Sting hookbait or Herb wafter over the top is deadly
In reply to Post #1017 I’m sure you will catch a few buddy!
In reply to Post #1017 It's an unbelievable boilie! Even compared to atlantic heat
In reply to Post #1016 Taken the plunge and ordered some herb boilies. I have been doing very well on various Handcraft hookbaits over Atlantic Heat but as the new almond wafters were calling to me and as I needed to top the freezer up it made sense to combine in one order. I have no doubt they will be a hit
In reply to Post #1015 I’ll be working on many new things in the future I promise
Right now it’s boring stuff like finishing the factory and speeding up the processes.
We are working on new hookbaits, boilies, and god knows what else but also working hard on the fishery.
Not enough hours in the day
But……..the fish being caught by you guys and other anglers is just mental
The big fully made it’s second visit to the bank and this time it was good old cabbie, 59.8 on the super squid over the test bait
In reply to Post #1010 Will you be doing stick mix anytime soon Gav
In reply to Post #1012 The Sting pop ups in yellow. Smashing my water up.
Sting dark wafter over the top of Herb and Tricknut strikes again for me.I absolutely love the Sting it just seems to produce the goods again and again
In reply to Post #1009 You are welcome buddy
Hope it brings you some good success!
In reply to Post #1008 Slightly elevated levels but only to allow for the fact they are dried out more.
Getting back into carp fishing this year after 25 years out, been surface in the main this year until now.
Been looking for a boilie, so ordered Tricknut, a mixed order of freezer & shelf life, and different sizes for both. And Tricknut pellets.
Broke a few boilies open and they look absolute quality.
That smell is just incredible too.
And the postage/packing was super pro and quick.
Cheers guys.
Are the herb hard hookers boosted, or just standard levels made a bit harder?
In reply to Post #1006 The first of many
In reply to Post #1005 Well what can I say.
First night using the squid wafter as a topper with an essential B5 and I catch one of my target fish 30lb 2oz common, only my 2nd 30 from here in 2 1/2 years ..happy days, knew they looked good 😀
In reply to Post #1004 Thanks for the warm welcome mate, it sounds like its onwards and upwards for the company, well done 👏
Looking forward to trying the baits out, maybe even this weekend if the postage has a fair wind
In reply to Post #1003 Welcome back buddy
It’s been a busy few years 😂
The Herb is certainly popular. The name comes from a few herbs and spices and a little bit of a private joke with the handcraft lads way back in the beginning. I remember one lad saying that the name “the herb” wouldn’t catch on, but we look back and chuckle now.
All of that aside. If you saw it being made and saw what goes into it then you will understand why it will catch a few. But even I am surprised as to how popular and effective it has become.
The hookbait sales are very good, they have gone far and wide! The squid……it just catches so many big carp!!
Keep your eyes peeled for the new one due out soon. And the one after that if we can nail it!!
New squid bait……..going to need to change it I think as one main element is maybe not going to be available to us.
Lots going on but just keep an eye on our catch reports……….the one thing you can’t lie about 😉
In reply to Post #1001 That's great news, I read the details on the squid hookbaits and just thought that's a bit of me and had to order some. The herb does look gd. I'm curious though, why the name The Herb? Feels a little misleading, I was thinking it was going to be a hemp based bait with maybe something alternative like pea protein herbs and spices I see fenugreek but I wasn't expecting an out and out fishmeal
Great service as usual, order arrived within 2 days.
The herb is a v special bait, without doubt the best bait I've used, since I stopped making my own years back.
Gave a mate my tub of pink squid pop ups and my herb hard hookbaits for a france trip he went on last month. He’s catching so many on them he doesn’t want to give them back
In reply to Post #999 I've not been on the forums properly for a while, not sure how I missed this company. Just placed an order to try some pink squid popups and wafters and herb wafters, plus asked for some samples, looks really good quality bait and I know the guys know there some, been following gav and keeperboy since early blakes days. I'm particularly interested in the original koi rearer in the squid and the new squid bait, but it all looks great, the herb and Nutriplex🙂
In reply to Post #997 Nice bloke is Martin.
I’m sure we will be seeing more of him soon and that fully is something special!
In reply to Post #996 Thats a stunning fish
In reply to Post #996 Big respect for Martin. He’s been catching them for decades now.
In reply to Post #995

Martin Clarke bagged his second 60lb plus UK carp in 12 nights which we think is probably a first. Also caught on The Herb.
Fair play to Martin, what a year he is having.
In reply to Post #994

Just back from a mega trip to Sumbar, myself and nine Handcraft lads caught over 450 carp including:
1x 70lb
9x 60lb
20x 50lb
90x 40lb
170x 30lb
We went through 600kg of The Herb.
In reply to Post #993 Hi lads.
Glad things are going well for you all.
I have just returned from Croatia and the fishing was incredible!
Many of our lads took the new sting pink, squids, deep c and herb boilies.
I have no idea how many carp we caught but it was hundreds!
You know it’s prolific when you return 40s and even 50s without photos.
As a group they are all loving the sting pinks and I had a feeling they would be popular!
The new hookbaits are coming along and we will be making more test batches this week hopefully.
Apologies for the lack of content on here but I’ll catch up in winter 🌧️😂😂
In reply to Post #990 Only take Saturday between about 7 anglers on my side of the lake, pink sting pop up
In reply to Post #991 It was a very weird fight and didn't have a clue what it was,I was really shocked when it hit the surface
In reply to Post #990 My pb pike was also caught on a yellow sting wafter
Is there anything Sting doesn't catch,had a lovely 23lb mirror this morning but now the pike are loving a 15mm yellow sting wafter
In reply to Post #987 Not sure if it will be this year.
We have just been far too busy to launch anything else.
We are very happy with the most up to date version of the squid bait. It’s a nice dark chocolate brown colour, and smells nice. Just waiting to see what’s happening to the squid hydro that goes in it as it’s about to change
In reply to Post #977 When's this big announcement coming Gav
When is the new squid bait out Gav?
In reply to Post #985 This week has been particularly crazy!
I keep telling myself that it will soon be winter and I can sit around drinking tea in the office 😂
In reply to Post #984 You haven't got any spare minutes. You used them all up rolling boilies
In reply to Post #983 I’ll measure one when I get a minute 😂
In reply to Post #982 Personally i think the 15mm comes out slightly larger than some 15mm i have used in the past.
Thinking of ordering some Tricknut, Boilies, Wafters, Pop Ups.
Just not sure on the mm size, wether to get 15s or 20s.
Usually I use 16 and 18 mm.
Compared to most Boilies out there right now, would you say these are on the small or large size?
If it helps I'm using Sticky Krill and Manilla in 16mm.
I got the sample pack and they were 12 millers lol.
In reply to Post #977 New boilie 😁😁 and I'm all out.. good timing
In reply to Post #977 ooh new boilie. I will definately try some of that.
In reply to Post #977 If its the new boilie and available in shelflife put me down for 10kg infact if it's freezer only I will still have 10kg and claim my bait freezer back
In reply to Post #975 Can't wait to try the new squid bait on my syndicate they love the Herb and Tricknut as you know Gav. 👍🏽🎣
In reply to Post #976 The new boilie yes
New hookbaits no 😉
In reply to Post #975 Oooh intriguing. Is it squid related?
In reply to Post #974 Evening all, great news muz, you were lucky this week as we have started running a tad behind. The boilie sales have been crazy and I’m back to working long shifts with the lads to keep up.
Hookbaits we are on the ball with and these just keep piling out of the door like they always do!
Good luck with them and keep an eye out for some new stuff from us in the next few weeks
Just thought I’d post a thumbs up for handcraft,I placed an order with them yesterday midday, arrived 9am this morning.
Very helpfull e mails replied to straight away.
Hopefully one or two of the big ones will like it.
In reply to Post #971 My top up order will be in either tonight or tomorrow. More Eton Mess and some squids, pink is doing the business for me
What are the delivery times on orders please ?
In reply to Post #970 They certainly won’t fail you in the buoyancy department!!
God knows how many went out of the door today and tomorrow looks another busy one!
The squids are really producing well for many of the Colne valley boys and the sting is certainly very consistent at the moment!
Also quite a few captures on the pink Eton mess which seems to be having a revival
They stay up for days, no problem at all.
They stay up for days, no problem at all.
In reply to Post #967 I wouldn’t no I’ve not used them that’s why I asked the question.
Which you’ve answered 👍🏻
In reply to Post #964 If you need to plug a Handcraft pop up then you are using an anchor for a hook😂
In reply to Post #964 The 12's hold up a ronnie for well over 48hrs so a 15 will hold a hinge for days I would imagine.You will need a lot of putty to hold it down though
In reply to Post #964 I use the 12s and they hold up a size 4 for more than enough time for my needs (dont leave out for more than 24 hours), no need to plug
Just had a look at the handcraft website,I just wondered if anyone could tell me are the 15mm pop ups buoyant enough to hold up hinges for a good period of time ?or are people plugging them?
In reply to Post #962 Top angling buddy.
Glad to see them all still working! There has been a huge surge in catch reports again this week. Some better weather coming too
In reply to Post #961 Having a decent start on my new syndicate, 3 nights 5 runs 4 of which coming to the Eton Mess and the other to Banoffee. As always these baits seem to catch from the off
In reply to Post #960 Primers
Pva friendly to a point!
You can put it over crumb and inside solid bags, they are made out of nothing but hydro liquids but when you buy 1000 litres of hydro liquids in IBC containers it isn’t uncommon to see water separated on top of them.
Most of our lads inject these into crumb and pellets for pva bag work
In reply to Post #958 Are the primers pva friendly? And if I were to fish a lake that had a house bait such as cell that I’m going to be forced to use is there any benefit to dumping a primer bottle over the top of them?
In reply to Post #958 I'm hoping it causes me a few too,when my alarms start screaming
In reply to Post #957 That one is causing me a few sleepless nights 😂
In reply to Post #956 We are all waiting on this Squid bait now
In reply to Post #955 I have said many times that I personally catch bigger fish on fishmeals and probably always will, that’s why I put some in Tricknut!
I have to say though that I looked around for a proper nut boilie before I made Tricknut and there were very few options that I could see actually contained big chunks of nut or in fact any nuts at all!!
It tastes nice to me too 😂
In reply to Post #954 I didn't say small fish,I said Herb catches the bigger better stamp of fish
In reply to Post #953 I’m not going to stand here and blame the bait for catching small fish, I just can’t do it 😂
In reply to Post #951 I fish Herb and Tricknut together,Herb catches the bigger fish but Tricknut seems to catch more.I have definitely had the better stamp of fish on the Herb
In reply to Post #951 Tricknut is lush, proper nut bait that one
You will be surprised who uses it and where it goes! Just overshadowed by the blooming herb! I am shipping a lot of Tricknut out of the door today, prime time for nut baits!
Does no one use tricknut? I caught a few using the herb but since fishing the little yellow sting pop ups over tricknut I’m sure I’ve had more.
In reply to Post #949 Another top result Matt!!
Just got back fro my syndicate using the Herb and primer. Had 6 fish 5 20s and a 36.2 amazing bait. Used it along with hemp tigers and corn. My pal 2 pegs away blanked 🤫
In reply to Post #946 Order a sample pack on the website,add a note you would like some of the new squid bait
In reply to Post #943 Ha i already poured my heart to you on instagram
In reply to Post #944 Any samples of the new hook baits mate 👍 going to switch over to the herb very soon when I finished with the last 10kg of s7
In reply to Post #944 Gavin you Tease! 😂😂
In reply to Post #942 We have been working on some new hookbaits this year, I don’t think it’s been done before and it will be a completely new train of thought but I can see them being a little bit different to anything we have seen before. The deep c with real tuna fish inside them has opened up a new world of possibilities.
It’s all a bit hush hush for now but we have been busy behind the scenes!
In reply to Post #940 Herb certainly seems popular and that is a sign of a good product. We haven’t found a venue where it hasn’t worked yet (I’m sure someone has somewhere).
I haven’t been able to pre bait a venue for over a decade now and it does not worry me at all, as I just go in with what I know works.
It’s full of nice things and salts and minerals and high in fishmeal. And I have none in stock again 😂
In reply to Post #940 They do a pack of samples you can order for the price of delivery. They send you the boilies in the range and some random pop ups.
For the cost of a pint, get the the samples and try em. You wont go wrong, you really wont.
In reply to Post #940 get on Herb. I fish a local water that's similar, sees a lot of Krill, Hydra K and Cell, first trip down there I had 8 fish on herb, in the previous 48 hours there had been 3 fish out on the whole lake. Definitely works from the off.
Tip - empty the baits into a container, pour boiling water over them (12 hours before your trip) the end result will be mega soft baits to use as freebies, wafter over the top job's a good un
In reply to Post #922 I’m not asking to be convinced. But I’m tempted to switch to this from Sticky
I’m fishing a water where it sees so much pre baiting and natural food that I want something with good nutrition that works from the off
Anyone in this thread had a similar predicament
In reply to Post #938 He deserved that one didn’t he, he’s been very close on at least two occasions and we talked that one into the net last week. He came out late in the draw (just like I did), he ended up the same swim as I did the year before, and fished very similar ground.
He was proper chuffed to finally get his hands on it and who wouldn’t be! A mint 64lb U.K. fish won’t happen many times in your life. And how big can it go??
In reply to Post #933 Congratulations on the capture Martin
In reply to Post #936

This small but very beautiful carp took a sting pop up. We have sold out of sting pop ups and squid pop ups nearly every week since March.
In reply to Post #935

A recent mega upper 30lb caught by Liam half a wrap style.
In reply to Post #934

Two typical fish from our new fishery - Tuckey Farm from a recent test fish. They were caught over the Herb and Royal Supreme Pellets.
In reply to Post #933

My good mate Nick has battered Wasing in the last year and this is one of many crackers that he has caught on the Super Squids recently.

Well known angler, Martin Clarke is on the Herb and he got the fish of his dreams. A UK 64 lb common. Well done Mr. Clarke.
In reply to Post #931 Evening all
Finally got a full day off and some time to think now that the carp are spawning.
There has been some mega carp caught in the last month and I’ll try and post a pic once I have caught up on some PMs
Even I caught some carp!
Pics to follow
In reply to Post #926 Glad you liked them mate and have done so well on them!!
In reply to Post #923 Yes buddy you can order samples on the site and just pay the postage and in the delivery notes section you can ask for something specific in there (shelf life, freezer, certain pop up samples etc)
In reply to Post #925 Should be with you by Thursday if I see it on our system tomorrow!
In reply to Post #927 Hi mate, it’s been a long way down the priority order at the moment so it won’t be soon. I have been juggling handcraft and the new fishery and it’s all been a little bit crazy
But……..I am still tinkering with a few little bits for the new one and I’m running something around in my head to make it a tad different. More on that later but I just need a few weeks to catch up on everything. We have very little bait in stock yet again this week but we are catching up on hookbaits slowly! Apologies again for not being on here too much recently but I just forget about it all at times!!
That new test bait could be a big thing for handcraft but I just need a bit more time to get it perfect.
If you churn out any old **** it will always backfire!
I’d like to share some of the special fish being caught right now but I literally do not have the time. All can be seen on our own media if you want to have a look!
Herb and sting is doing its thing 😉😉
In reply to Post #922 Any news on when the new squid bait will be available
In reply to Post #923 If it helps, i used the freezer herb and ordered 30 kilo of shelf life for a match in France. I won the match by over 200lb and now only use the shelf life version. Not too soft and the fish love it as much as the freezer bait
In reply to Post #923 Good thing about the shelfies is you can order in 1kg bags I’ve just seen. Give you a good chance to test and look at the bait without committing to a larger amount. I’ve just done the same with the nut bait with my last order.
In reply to Post #923 You can order samples via the website, you just pay for P+P.
In reply to Post #922 Hi mate, any samples available for the shelflife herb ? I’m struggling for freezer space so need to switch to shelflife and your baits look great, haven’t read a bad word !
In reply to Post #921 Ah the sting!
Last week myself and some very good anglers headed off to France to a new gravel pit I have been watching.
It was cold, wet and moody.
The fish didn’t seem keen to feed and at one point we discussed leaving early as we all have lots to do at home and children that we miss etc.
On the Tuesday one lad had a bite on a single sting 12mm pop up and that was the turning point.
By moving, getting on them repeatedly and fishing single sting 12mm pop ups everyone caught and we ended up on 58 carp to 61lb.
Never in all my years have I seen a trip turned around by such a change!
I still do not know if it was the hookbaits, the fact we fished them as singles, if they get fed yellow maize or what! I just know that all 8 of us got on them and the bites came!
Ended up being a really good trip to baleine and I left my last 12 pop ups with the owner!!
France was really behind this year but I’m told the lads are smashing them all over France on bait this week.
Sold out of sting, herb and tricknut again this week…….even with late nights, night shifts, we just can’t keep up anymore!
In reply to Post #920 My mates just had a 47lber on a sting pop up in France. His 1st French fish and ended a long blanking run for him, so to say he is over the moon with the fish and bait is an understatement
In reply to Post #919 Glad you liked it Mate
Catch reports are different league this year 😉
You will catch more for sure
This bait and all products at Handcraft are god tier, buy more!
Second session on a new syndicate, 30lb8oz on a Squid large dumbell over herb.
Advert ends
In reply to Post #917 Afternoon all!
Today I received some Simply awesome catch reports!
A uk 60lb common
A U.K. 57.12 special common!
A french 71
A U.K. 50 mirror
Several 40s
God knows how many 30s and that’s all Friday to Sunday!!
Spring is defo here and the orders are knee deep!
I’m off for a few days and I couldn’t have picked a worse week to have off 😂
In reply to Post #916 😂😂😂 be good and be careful with the DIY, you do not want an injury in prime time 😂😂
In reply to Post #914 Hi Gav,
Baits arrived today, cant wait to give them a try…got a bit of DIY to do before the fun prevention officer will allow me to go fishing.
Thanks for such a prompt turn round.
In reply to Post #913 Can't stop catching on the sting.
Insane hookbait 👌🏼💪🏻
In reply to Post #913 Hello mate
We sold out again this week, we will have more middle of next week if we can keep things moving along!
Just placed my first order, when will the yellow sting 12mm pop ups be back in stock?
Looking forward to giving these baits a try..exceptional feedback….
In reply to Post #911 Great news mate
You won’t go wrong with da erb!!
Sold out of all of it this week, we did that all year last year and it’s already happening.
Must go faster 😂
In reply to Post #908 My local day ticket carp certainly liked the samples you sent out. I chickened out with my order and just went for Herb, i dont want to get obsessed with the Tricknut or Nutriplex then have the Squid come out lol.
In reply to Post #908 Just doing an inventory of what I've got and what I need and will then be getting an order on ready for France end of next month
In reply to Post #907 If you want to see a crazy amount of carp just look on the handcraft page this week. I think it’s safe to safe spring has sprung.
The latest batch of the squid bait has been sent out and is already catching some carp (fair and square)
I’ll get some more sorted for those of you who wanted to try it
In reply to Post #906 That won’t be out for a fair while yet mate
Lots to do and test yet
In reply to Post #905 Sounds just the job mate! Will definitely add to my next order. Any approx release date for the squid bait? Wondering if its worth holding off ordering to grab some.
In reply to Post #904 Hello mate
That squid will stain most things black or dark grey 😂😂
My hands, the jugs, bait, pellets, you name it!
We are going through lots of the squid and the new tuna hydro which I rate massively!
Anyone used the new squid liquid? I’m wondering how much it darkens up the herb? I like the herb but much prefer a darker bait than the red of the herb.
In reply to Post #902 No problem,they smell Kraken sorry that's bad even for me
In reply to Post #900 Thanks
In reply to Post #895 That squid mix must really stink then if it's that bad when you're surrounded by so many weird and wonderful bait smells.
Certainly smells nice when it's made up. Thanks for the update
In reply to Post #899 They are a dark brown
What colour do the squid baits come out Gav?
In reply to Post #897 Thanks Gav
In reply to Post #896 Yes mate
I am pretty confident we can do it in shelf life. I will be running a few batches off next time I get chance
In reply to Post #895 Is there going to be a shelflife squid,my wife won't be happy if I empty my bait freezer she borrowed over a year ago
In reply to Post #894 Evening lads.
Squid samples have been popular. We are about to make another 150kg or so of it so we can keep spreading the bait around a bit further afield.
We have a few lads taking it into Europe in the next two weeks and more using it back here.
A wafter and a pop up are in Pidges hands now with all of the squid additives and basemix being used as per normal for us.
Be nice to see a few of them cast out matching the bait.
There is a huge downside…….the basemix stinks 😂😂 ruined my clothes, warehouse and anything it touched!
Herb was bad enough but I have grown to like it, this one is going to take some getting used too 😳
Crazy amount of carp being caught this week, 40s for fun!!
Am I correct in thinking there is a new (Squid) bait around the corner?
In reply to Post #892 Yeah they do,decisions decisions
In reply to Post #891 They just smell that damn good don't they. Difficult choice, and one i have no answers too lol. I will start on Herb and tricknut and just try to figure something out when the Squid releases. Good job we have a while to work it out as all of the baits smell good.
In reply to Post #879 Just took delivery of my Squid bait samples and I see what you mean.The thing is now do I drop Herb or Tricknut,I don't want three boilies but always like to have two different baits
In reply to Post #887 No I’m agreeing with you mate. I have found certain waters where they catch me the majority of my fish and yet others they can be useless. I was never a fan of pink hookbaits and really struggled on them until the squid was launched!
I often wonder if certain colours are flogged to death at venues and they become ones to avoid.
Last year I fished a fairly easy runs water and the pop ups caught a lot less than the food bait dark Wafters. The reason was simply that all spring they had been battered on bright pop ups and when I fished it in the summer, the baits on the deck were far more effective!
That’s common on busy venues
In reply to Post #887 For me it depends on the overall circumstance. Yellow does well through winter for me but I have caught on it in the summer when used fishing over particle. The dark I tend to use as a bottom bait (the hard hooker is such a durable hookbait) and I also have the 12mm pop up I use on snowmen during the warmer months if I want something a little more subtle than my typical yellow tippers. I think it can be very water dependent though as the lakes I fish I have never had a touch on the Krill & Cal yet I know plenty of people bag up on that bait. That's the great thing about fishing, you can rarely simply copy someone else and get the same results and you need to try a few things to work it out for yourself
In reply to Post #887 I find the yellow is the best winter and spring,I switch to the brown in the summer/autumn.I think they get battered on most waters with bright baits in the colder months and that switch can keep the bites coming.
In reply to Post #884 I was not knocking it gav , not at all mate far from it . I prob came across wrong .
Hand craft is my go 2 for baits , hence after talking you yestaday morning on pm im placing another order with you next week .
I was just saying the big c and squid for me have outfished it also herb in france last year and i have done me realy well on ur other baits .
Its prob just me using the little yellow sting wrong time of year or venues more suited to the others or me putting more time on others .
Do you find much diffrence catch rates in yellow or brown ? Mite chuck some brown on my order next week
For me bic c brown over white has done better but as said iv prob using wrong colers wtong times of year
In reply to Post #884 Just had a pot of the sting pop up delivered, stuck them under the mrs nose this morning, I hope the carp are keener.
In reply to Post #883 Funny isn’t it! For many anglers it’s there go to hookbait and it’s defo one of my blank savers!
My answer is always use whatever you sit behind confidently!!
I’ll have a sting out there tomorrow 😉
In reply to Post #882 Funny thing is i cant catch a bite on the yellow sting . Used it for a year or so and nothing.
But other 2 rods with the the squid pop up and the big c crab catch me every time and love em. . Maybe i try a brown sting next time
In reply to Post #877 Sting hookbaits have outfished anything else I have used for the last 18 months. Had a new pb and lake record yesterday on a sting hard hookbait
In reply to Post #874 Excellent, off down the lake for 2 days tomorrow so hoping to bag a few with the hookbaits and the samples…….
In reply to Post #879
In reply to Post #878 You should in my opinion, the squid samples are worth the postage alone.
In reply to Post #877 The customer service is always spot on too,might order some samples to smell the new squid bait.
In reply to Post #873 The herb is crazy, it has an almost addictive smell to it lol. I will get on the herb until the squid is done I think and maybe fish them together. I do fancy the sting wafters in the 15mm dark and maybe some squid or deep c hookbaits also.
Thanks for the recommendation, will definitely be placing an order.
In reply to Post #873 Glad you and the lads like them mate!!
In reply to Post #871 The squid has a long way to go yet
We will be making hookbait test batches soon
In reply to Post #872 Of course you can buddy as long as we pre arrange it
In reply to Post #871 I'm glad you like them,I didn't think for one second you wouldn't.The Sting fished over the Herb is an instant winner,the 12mm pop ups are so buoyant its almost unbelievable
In reply to Post #871 That Squid bait does have a nice twang to it!!
Just got to get through all this bug I have and then will be using the herb and squid when it’s out!
Your so close to where I work Gav, is collecting an option?
Thanks for sending the samples through Keeperboy. You were recommended to me by Braders and he wasn't wrong, the boilies smell amazing!
Can i ask how long until the Squid is availble to buy? The Herb smells amazing but that Squid bait is out of this world. Can't wait to try that!
Thanks again.
In reply to Post #869 Excellent and will do…….
In reply to Post #867 Yours went out today mate so will arrive tomorrow!!
Be interesting to hear your thoughts on the test bait?
In reply to Post #866 Thanks and the same to you!
In reply to Post #865 Cheers Gav….. much appreciated…..
In reply to Post #865 Good luck for the upcoming year.
In reply to Post #864 Hello mate just seen it come through! I’ll be on it tomorrow and I’ll put samples in for you too!
It will be a very busy week again!
Apologies to the guys on here who I haven’t replied to but I am sort of keeping my head down at the moment. Myself and Pidge are full bore and our own media is relentless at times.
Jan/feb and early March have been just crazy and that means very little fishing for me (that’s when I check this forum 😂
I have been working on the fisheries, tidying the factory, buying this years ingredients and putting in the hours.
Some mega fish being caught including a nice 42 today to a really nice guy. It’s been a good winter for some anglers but the worst one ever for me as I haven’t been much! Let’s hope that changes 😉😉
Good times are nearly here!!
Hook baits for the year order placed…….
In reply to Post #862 Don’t worry mate, there will be various batches kicking about 😉
In reply to Post #858 That’s a shame I will need some bait for the lakes soon, was hoping to try and use the same bait for both Carp and Barbel this year.
In reply to Post #860 I will get a big batch made soon but I’m concentrating on making sure we have enough herb first!
I’ll spread the new one about for sure 😉
In reply to Post #858 I'm happy to pay for some to try on a modestly stocked lake in France at the end of April if you are looking for more testers in a range of circumstances 😁
In reply to Post #858 Can't wait to try it,there is a 30+ Common I'm after in a low stocked mere
In reply to Post #857 I am hoping that it will be this summer. It has worked in the cold which was my biggest worry and the whole reason I wanted the new bait was for my own winter fishing (selfish huh 😂
Nutriplex was awesome in the cold but the fact that is more expensive (milk content) is what holds people back.
We as a company need another boilie like the herb and Tricknut if we are to move forward so I’m working hard on this one.
I have had to strike certain deals with two big bait companies to find certain ingredients that I can’t get anywhere else but that has now been sorted through my friends in the industry.
Also I’m working with some new ingredients that I haven’t used before and I need to check how they perform when you feed small or high volumes and that takes time.
On paper it’s incredible, but as we know, that isn’t always good enough.
It’s high in protein, tastes lovely, has some very new things inside and it’s working so far.
Boilie season isn’t far away now!
Yes I am thinking the new squid bait might be a good Barbel bait to use?
In reply to Post #854 Hi gav when can we expect the new squid out .
Iv got a session planned for easter would love try em .
Been big fan off your squid pop ups and deap c for years
As said to you in pms in past , think a deap c bottom feed boilies would be a evan better and a winner .
Pm if better .
Cheers for the reply gav
In reply to Post #853 Hello mate, it is no secret that we at handcraft have close ties to Martin and solar seeing as Pidge rolled them for him for decades!
Yes we had kept back a healthy supply of koi rearer that is very precious to us but it was always blended with modern squid flavours that we have had produced. There are some lovely things in those pop ups and Wafters hence why they are on our catch reports nearly every day.
God knows how many go out in an average week! I am actually sick of the smell of squid and squid additives as it makes everything stink but it is no secret how effective it is mixed up with nice powders and liquids.
The new bait we have been working on since last year has taken these concepts one stage further and we already know it is going to be one hell of a fish catcher.
Hi gav, is the flavour in the squid hookbaits the koi rearer? What Martin did originally in solars baits, Cheers
In reply to Post #851 Excellent news i want the deep c and squid for my main hookbaits i France.
In reply to Post #850 The 20mm squid Wafters were popular
Requests for sting 20mm Wafters flooded in and deep c is right up there with the two big sellers now so I don’t see why not!!
Any Plans on 20mm Deep C wafters??
In reply to Post #847 I ate a lot of the rolled bait last time i popped in. It's lovely!
In reply to Post #847 your trick nut is lovely
In reply to Post #845 Glad you like them
When I make Tricknut I eat far too much of the peanut chunks and the Brazils 😂😂
In reply to Post #844 Samples are available from the site mate (im trying to get it so that it’s simpler to see) but if you have any issues call us and leave a message if we can’t answer as it’s very busy already this year.
In reply to Post #844 I recently got some samples, they're very good. The tricknut is so nutty it's hard not to eat them yourself,the herb is a lovely fishmeal, think my favourite is the nutriplex. Can't put your finger on the smell but it's got a fruity back note. All good fish catchers by the reports.
In reply to Post #843 Could I possibly have some samples please - looking for a new bait this year
In reply to Post #842 He’s a man of few words
Says it how it is
He took that hat out to the back yard and tossed it into the air and blew it to pieces! I’ll get him a new one when I get him angling again 😉
In reply to Post #841 An extract of Pidge's hat from his Kingfisher days?
In reply to Post #840 Incredible hookbait
Repels silt
Has something inside that nobody that I know has pulled off inside a pop up! Also had my U.K. pb common on it last year in tricky conditions!
Pidge certainly played his ace with the deep c!!
In reply to Post #839 DeepC done me proud last year 👍
In reply to Post #838 Squid and deep c
Ain’t no missing those smells 😂😂
In reply to Post #834 I’m not nose blind…….
In reply to Post #834 Let me know when you send mine and Phil's samples,I will get the forklift ready for the delivery
In reply to Post #834 Alright Gav, hope the relocation works went well. How do I get my hands on a sample of the new squid bait, and when will you start taking orders?
In reply to Post #832 Tricknut……I love making it and eating it!!
In reply to Post #833 Ah the new bait!!!
So I’m sending samples out and so far the feedback is all good (I’m sure it won’t last 😂
The smell to me is a nice one but the trouble for us is that you become nose blind. I don’t ever want very strong over powering baits as I don’t think they are good long term.
All of the baits including this one are low level flavours.
The new one smells come from a high level of a new hydro liquid, a mega mega squid additive and a flavour that is a bit special to us.
Its colour is all natural again too, no dye!
Let’s hope the carp like it 😉
Received the samples today, they all smell sooo good. The new test bait could certainly be a winner,smelly but not overpowering.👍
In reply to Post #831 I fish Tricknut and Herb together and both have produced for me,the new bait would have to be amazing for me to change over
In reply to Post #828 That TN is divine smelling………carp obviously like it too……
As soon as I run out of my current bait I’m hoarding some of the herb as my water isn’t that responsive to nut baits but they do love a fishmeal…….
In reply to Post #829 Cheers Gav. Didn't want or mean to give you more headaches🤦🏻♂️😂
In reply to Post #828 We will make the sample packs easier to find again as many people want them in an average week!
Busy day again tomorrow! I’ll get them all out as soon as I can
In reply to Post #827 The Tricknut is unbelievable,the smell makes you want to sit and eat the lot
In reply to Post #826 Thank you, couldn't find it on my phone. So I just googled sample packs and it popped up, order placed.👍
In reply to Post #825 Go onto their website and scroll down and you can click on a page to order some samples
In reply to Post #821 Do you do sample packs of your boilie range? Would like to get some to have a play with.
In reply to Post #823 Fair play to you
I know of at least one 40 caught on a tutti pop up sample 😂
In reply to Post #821 I always catch more on the samples than anything else……
In reply to Post #821 Thats very good of you
In reply to Post #820 I’ll sort you lads out some samples to go play with 😉
In reply to Post #818 He never said NO did he mate
In reply to Post #818 Plenty of time
Rolling lots of sting pop ups and Wafters this week and next. The 20mm Wafters will be next
In reply to Post #817 Same Tony……
Must get hookbaits sorted soon before it goes nuts……
In reply to Post #813 If you want send any of the new bait mine and Phils way,we will gladly try it out for you
In reply to Post #815 Very good idea and yes I did think of doing that. Will see how I like the first order of freezer baits and go from there.
Like you I don’t like putting un used bait back in the freezer or air drying it so that’s the attraction of shelf life’s.
In reply to Post #807 Have you thought of buying a split order. Just take a small amount of freezer baits that you know you'll use and a larger amount of shelfies that can be used if the fish need more bait. Any left just stays in your bag for next time. Putting defrosted bait back in the freezer really irks me, once is ok but after that I'm not so sure.
This year I'm experimenting by vacuum sealing my freezer baits in 1kg lots. Hopefully any unopened bags can go back in the freezer without too much detriment.
In reply to Post #813 good luck mate
hope you have a great bait making, selling year
In reply to Post #812 Evening lads,
Apologies for not being on here for a bit but as usual, my life is a bit turbo!
I’ll try and answer what I can as quickly as possible?
Shelf life or fresh?
I always used to use freezer baits and I always will but……..modern shelf life’s are very good!
It’s the same bait, but with preserve added to the shelf life, and dried for a day longer! A good bait is a good bait in either form! Some of my consultants are on the shelf life’s now and no signs of any change in catch reports!
Crayfish and sting…….many many people say this to me but I got crayed on one last time out angling!!
Shows……..not this year as I am still investing all my time and money on the new site and ingredients!!
It has been a very busy start for us this year and it’s odd as most lakes are frozen! I’m still catching up, making basemix, playing with the new ingredients in the new bait and trying to raise a family and fish on a Friday night! I’m so excited about 2023 and the feedback from you guys is just on another level! The hookbait sales are crazy, hundreds keep piling out each week and lots of nice fish being caught (not this week though😉
If you need any help I will keep checking in here in the evenings!
In reply to Post #797 Are you doing any of the shows this year?
In reply to Post #810 I have seen Gav say that too but my catch rate has not suffered in the slightest.If I'm honest my catch rate on Handcraft shelflife is far better than when I was on freezer bait from another really well known firm
Pretty sure I have heard Gav recommend freezer vs shelf if you have the freezer space. No preservative has got to be better than with preservative no matter how low level/food safe.
It may be of interest to some that I’ve found crayfish seem to leave the Sting pop ups alone. I fished Sting next to Deep-C and the Deep C got hammered and the Sting only scratched up.
Could have been the spot, but it’s happened a few times now.
In reply to Post #808 I would normally agree but Gavs shelflifes are that good I won't use freezer baits again.Me and my mate are on Tricknut and Herb and we have caught well on one lake we fish and others around have not had the amount of fish we have.The other lake we fish is a big mere,low stock and my mate has already had a fish on his 12th night,some lads have done 70+ nights and no fish at all.Handcraft shelflifes are superb as are the hookbaits,Sting is confidence in a tub and the customer service is amazing
In reply to Post #807 If you can store freezer bait I would always go for that. Getting it out the day of or night before a session has never been an inconvenience for me and people that know far more than I ever will about bait keep telling fresh/freezer bait is better quality than shelf life, so I am happy to follow their advice
Thinking of switching to HC baits this year but can’t decide on freezer or shelf life.
I’ve got my own bait freezer so that’s no issue but I love the idea of shelf life’s from a simplicity angle.
Anybody care to help me make a decision.
In reply to Post #805 Any plans on bringing out super squid pop ups in white ?
In reply to Post #804 That fully scaled caught by Shane Sheffield,wow what a fish
In reply to Post #802 Merry Xmas mate
Hope you have a good new year!!
In reply to Post #801 You are welcome buddy!
In reply to Post #797 merry xmas mate
In reply to Post #799 Merry Christmas Gav and thanks again for the gesture for my mate before Christmas, we both really appreciated it. Can't wait to get a few more fish on your hookbaits in 2023
In reply to Post #797 Merry Christmas! Will be getting an order in the new year 🎣🎣🎣🐋🐟
In reply to Post #798 Difficult act to follow mate!!
Merry Christmas buddy
In reply to Post #797 Merry Christmas Gav,can't wait to see what you have got planned for 2023.It will have to be a special boilie to get me off Herb and Tricknut though
In reply to Post #796 Merry Christmas to you all on the forum!
It has been a very busy year for us and at times it has been Incredibly tough.
I just wanted to thank all of you for your custom and feedback and for all of the catch reports you guys sent in.
We have been working non stop for the last 15 days building the new factory and it’s nearly done!
New hookbaits coming, a new boilie has been rolled a few times and tinkered with and we have some quality new anglers joining us in 2023.
I’m skint and knackered but really excited about next year.
Enjoy the break with the family, eat as much as you can and be grateful for all you have around you!
There has been some mega carp caught in the last few days too😉
In reply to Post #793 It’s the same bait (shelf life and fresh), the only difference is that the shelf life has mpg rolled into it and it’s dried for 12 hours longer.
Both are what I class as soft
Both can be squashed between your fingers
It’s about as perfect as I can make a shelf life!
Freezer baits are my preferred choice all year round but sales say that shelf life is now 50/50 compared to freezer.
I wish I could get more anglers on the freezer baits but i understand it’s not practical for many today!
In reply to Post #793 I generally mix the frozen and shelf life if I need to use a throwing stick as the shelfies are that little bit firmer. What I would suggest is chuck a few into some water so you can see for yourself how quickly they become soluble, it’s not very long. I’ll be using a mix of frozen Herb and Nutriplex throughout the winter😎
In reply to Post #793 As far as I’m aware they’re both identical. Very good in both forms. The freezer version is softer in my opinion but I’d happily use both all year around.
Calling all Herb users. Is there much difference between the texture of Herb freezer baits and shelfies?
I’ve been using shelflife all year, but find them fairly hard which makes me wonder about their cold water solubility. If the freezer baits are much softer I may have to pick up a small bait freezer and switch to them. (There’s no way I’m allowed bait in our food freezer, hence getting shelfies)
And Gav, good to hear that business is going well enough for the need of a bigger premises! All very exciting for the future mate 👍
Good luck to you Gav, not surprised you are having to upscale as the range is quality all round.
Look forward to the new additions 👏👏
In reply to Post #790 Afternoon lads and ladies,
Just a little heads up that handcraft will be out of action leading up to Christmas and maybe early in January whilst we are building our new facility.
At some point we are going to have to shut down the website temporarily whilst we move and we won’t be able to make any bait for a while.
The good news is that we will be in a much better position on the other side and in a place that is closer to my home and with a bright outlook.
There are some exciting products coming, new liquids, new hookbaits, and even a new boilie 😉
We have new anglers on board and also a whole new project that we have to keep under wraps for now but it is going to be a very busy year in 2023.
Before we move there will be a brief chance to get hold of some boilies on a crazy deal but they won’t last long if it is like the last time we moved!!
I will try and keep you updated as best as I can but I’m not always around and I am still trying to catch another mega common when I get a day off 😂😂
Thanks for all of the support and custom this year and all of the private messages.
Still so much to do!!
In reply to Post #789 I fished it many many years ago when it was owned by the millers.
Lovely venue
Just impossible to get on now 😩
In reply to Post #788 Amazing venue that Gav........Been on my French list for a longtime......
In reply to Post #787 Today I had one of the most amazing catch reports from France that I have ever heard of.
Two anglers who I won’t name, have just done a week at a lake (that I won’t name) and went through 60k of our bait (crazy in November) but what they landed will take some beating!
4x70s to 78
And one 20 pounder 😂
In November…….and they didn’t fish 24/7
Sting hookbaits and squids helped them
And this isn’t rainbow lake or anywhere like that!
Two very good underground anglers who both agreed it probably won’t happen again!
I am allowed to share photos of one of them on our social media 😂
In reply to Post #786 It’s one hell of a carp
I reckon it may come out again before Xmas and it may well be on a handcraft hookbait 😂
In reply to Post #785 Some fish that common. Guy on my club lake caught it few months back. Your hookbaits certainly catch them 👏
In reply to Post #784 Another U.K. 60 came out today on the sting
61lb 3oz waterside common……..he had the only two bites of recent times and both of them on the little 12mm yellow perils!!
Hence they are all out of stock again 😂😂
Back in stock middle of the week
That common is Incredible!!
In reply to Post #783 Love them! It’s one job I like doing, handling tutti or sting or banoffees!
In reply to Post #782 Quality Tutti pop ups…bright and pungent!
In reply to Post #781 Evening all, been a while since i looked in on you 😂
Plenty going on at HC and weirdly we just had the most orders ever in a weekend. I would expect that in April not late October into November!
Some lovely carp being caught but I’m not gonna post them here as they just disappear 😂😂
In reply to Post #780 Tricknut and Herb
In reply to Post #779 Thanks mate, have you tried all the range or you just using one particular bait?
In reply to Post #778 Not used the freezer baits but the shelflife are soft enough and crumb up easily
What are the shelfies like those of you that use them? Are they much harder than the freezer baits?
In reply to Post #775 This please. thanks
In reply to Post #774 I hope they bring you the success that they are bringing me!!