In reply to Post #221 Hi Chris,
I think this weekend kinda proved the point I was trying to make, all the vr46 babies were calling for Masia to be banned for the season for dumping the oil on the track,(absolute stupid crap), Martin loses a moto2 win by going green by inches thus promoting a vr46 baby for the win and polis espargero is at least 4ft of track on the final lap and gets no penalty at all?????
And clicky, whoever had the great idea to put the 2 most despised riders in the same garage is an absolute advertising genius, polis and rat boy 2021, I'm gonna love it........
Too much politics, let's race!!
rossi is taking fabios seat at pertronas,fabio taking rossis seat at factory Yamaha with vinales. as for zarcos pit lane start, thats down to dorna. the Spanish Moto gp mafia..both espargaro brothers get away scot free from their pissing about.alex holding up Petrucci on the racing line looking for a tow. pol again whinging about zarco taking him out, while yet he went wide then came back on the racing line without looking..pol espagaros actions after last weeks red flag was terrible. moaning about race being stopped while he was in the lead.. I really don't know why hrc Honda gave him a factory seat next to mm93 next season..the bloke is a nightmare..
In reply to Post #220 I would not have thought that would influence a decision like that or would hope not. Fast part of the course and major rider error.
Im guessing after that Jon the VR46 gang will be the stuff of legend. Reckon he will be done this year after that, i will be very surprised if he does not quit
In reply to Post #219 Hi Chris
I definitely do get your point of view, but "fault" for last weekend's crash is questionable imo, you can argue either way
There's been a lot of very poor and obvious driver error incidents in all classes this year that have caused crashes, incidents and dnf's
The only time punishments seems to be dished out is when the vr46 gang pipe up. The Mcfee podium was because they were causing a stink about track limits and that ultimately backfired on vieti
Race control come across as being influenced by vr46 at the moment
In reply to Post #218 Not sure Jon myself
Maybe it’s to set the benchmark, I’m not sure?
One thing for sure, for a rider of that quality that was an horrendous error which could have killed two riders?
There are risks with motorsport no doubt, that’s what makes it exciting but on reflection that was just reckless for me, massive error
Very sad imo
Zarco starting from the pits is just moto gp bowing down to what's becoming the VR46 mafia
Does the Vali legend really want this to be his legacy?
In reply to Post #216 Seriously, talk about luck and fate. You don’t walk away from those!
One weekend, two horrendous crashes. Crazy!
Same venue, 2019. Great bit of racing
2019 Austrian treat
all riders ok. . both rossi and vinales are very very lucky there..ive seen a photo of vinales with his hands over his head as one of the bikes went over the top of him..
In reply to Post #214 Seen the lowlights moto 2
That is a terrible crash that
Just ripped the bike to bits!
Jesus, just seen the moto GP one, flying bikes
Make no wonder Rossi was shocked, 2 x bikes comes past you in the air at 180mph!
If that’s not time to hang the gloves up I don’t know what is!!!
Moto GP
Moto 2
Let’s hope everybody is OK
In reply to Post #213 The moto 2 crash was awful and they were doing CPR on one of the riders in the initial pictures before they said everyone was conscious.
Rossi used up his 9th life and it showed on his face..........
Happy for Dovi though, not sure how it helps anything, but I've got a soft spot for the old dog
In reply to Post #211 would love to see foggy back . red flags in Moto 2 and gp today.. both nasty stacks..the shock on rossi"s face back at the garage said it all..
In reply to Post #211 Bagnaia for me, new talent is what’s needed to beat MM.
In reply to Post #210 Hi Rich
They've got the Lorenzo rumour going on here as well, but surely Ducati desperately need to move forward not back. They'll be phoning Fogarty next
In reply to Post #209 yes confirmed, shame I like dovi. lets hope he gets another ride..not sure how true but Lorenzo might be taking his seat on the duke.
In reply to Post #208 Cheers Matt
And WOW.........