In reply to Post #3133 Cracking win for Cain new champion
Heany up next
Boxing tonight folks
BOSH !!!!!!!!!!!!!! DONT BLINK 1ST ROUND
Boxing on DAZN tonight from 7pm.
Main event of Tyler Denny v Felix Cash tonight.
Come on Tyler.
In reply to Post #3129 There the ones that shock, put fast Frank in orbit that one
Incredible boxer the tank, he has got dynamite in that left hand
In reply to Post #3128 What a left uppercut ! that started it super fast he never saw it
In reply to Post #3127 Wasn’t it
Knew he would win, they were all raving about super slick Frank. Tank has dysnamtie in that left hand and he can land it
Best performance to date that for CBS, SMc. has brought him on no end. RR one dimensional, poor, CBS superb condition, great game plan, worked him from the off
TANK DAVIS !!! what a Left hand
Billam smith v riakporhe thought it was a poor fight mainly due to the ref breaking them up every 10 seconds !!!
Billam-Smith convincing win well disappointed with Riakporhe though
In reply to Post #3123 I think the Davis fight could be a cracker, FM is super slick but I think he will fall to the left eventually
The Benavidez fight could be interesting too
I hope CBS wins but I think this is his toughest challenge to date
In reply to Post #3121
Well done DD
FH beaten and gased
Well done Zhang. Wilder, retired!