In reply to Post #2140 Shields is a very good woman boxer, like a very poor mans Mayweather lol. Certainly lacks power. Be an interesting fight because Savannah can certainly punch
Great fight over the pond last night and deffo worth a watch if your a fight fan. Thurman vs. Barrios. Some leather exchanged there
In reply to Post #2139 That Shields is very skillful but where is her power.I see why Marshall calls her pillow fists now
In reply to Post #2137 Similar to me, what a ****
In reply to Post #2137
Would love it be my mate.....
I hope Eubank jr gets a title shot,I hope he gets his head taken clean off.He is one arrogant little ****er
Shields looked good,just got no power.Marshall would of finished that fight in the early rounds and I hope she beats Shields
In reply to Post #2134 That's very true, a while ago tho
In reply to Post #2132 Eubank jnr has stepped up in class twice and we all know what happened
In reply to Post #2130 He had no defence,why did he not keep Gill on the end of his jab and box at range.He might of sparred with the best but at the moment he can't box for ****
In reply to Post #2131 I know nothing about Williams but really rate Eubanks so junior in round 6 for me
In reply to Post #2130 Agree, big unit but so easy to hit, shame really, looks a fit lad. Got his ears boxed off tonight though
oh dear Robinson got a lot to learn
In reply to Post #2128 Looking forward to this one.
Come on Liam.
Williams and Eubank jnr. tonight fight fans
In reply to Post #2126 I like Whyte, not an athlete by any means but respect.to the man, he can fight. Pay day and out