In reply to Post #8 To control lutra lutra in a non lethal way isnt it joss
In reply to Post #9 wandle...you know the crack...what you actually signed?
What's the intention
How, what they going to do once non lethally captured?
I'm baffled?
In reply to Post #3 Done,cheers
In reply to Post #7 So...what have you signed...what do you understand about the petition?
In reply to Post #1 Email signed
In reply to Post #5 Can someone explain to me the intention behind this petition, cause ive been having a debate on FB over this and I'm competly lost over it
In reply to Post #4 Nicely done mate
In reply to Post #3 I added it in the Otter thread as well but thought it needed its own thread. Thanks for the link
In reply to Post #1 I'll sign it....
Found this on another angling forum. There’s a hell of a lot of signatures needed but we have to start somewhere although it probably won’t make the slightest difference.