In reply to Post #44 I have been an angler for 50 years mate.
I have seen otter damage in Norfolk in the late 80's and seen carp torn to bits on the bank first hand.
Anglers WON'T make it change and I guess you actually know that, they would not join the Angling trust our only organisation that had years ago a chance to raise the issue with any real force.
As said before, don't keep having a go at some of us who are just being realistic.
In reply to Post #52 Take it back a notch...
What did you understand regarding the petition? Do you know what you have signed...have you got the details required or did you just sign it regardless?
Fair questions?
In reply to Post #51 I haven't got all the answers, and I never said I did, I didn't even start the thread, all I'm doing is showing my support for it. The only thing I have basically said is that it's not pointless and that you wouldn't like it.
Like I said before you know where it originated from, I'm sure there are people there that'll give you the answers you require, or at least you will understand why it was started
In reply to Post #50 Iam not insulting anyone...I'm merely asking questions that aren't being answered...its an open forum andmi posed some simple questions...ive also stated that I have no issue with any petition if they are correctly out and out angling in a good light...the fact it's not being answered speaks volumes
In reply to Post #49 Everyone has a choice, everyone has an opinion, no one is forcing anyone to sign it, what's more worrying is that you are insinuating people's intelligence on this issue.
In reply to Post #48 I was asking you?
No one else has bothered to respond ?
Is that cause they don't know the answers..? Strange if they've signed it really. Don't you think?
In reply to Post #46 You know where the petition originated from, maybe ask the questions there
In reply to Post #45 Tongue in cheek mate...you'll get used to it
In reply to Post #42 Mr barbel itmkakes NO odds to me what so ever if one chooses a different direction...that doesn't mean I can't ask questions...the fact you can't even answer the basic of them begs yet another question...!
So,moto enable,me to understand the point of the petition ..please would you mind educating me
Where is the non lethal control taking place...?
What is being used as a method for non lethal control
Once caught..what is intended and where is the animal being released?
Not exactly damaging questions you might agree?
In reply to Post #44 Just proved my point
In reply to Post #41 Well. I was sort of hoping that anglers, if they made the effort can make a change...just like mark and I have with the otter world and natural england...but, I guess your right...wasting my time with people who have no understanding of the larger impact of what we do as anglers to bond with non anglers...sod it...lets trap and kill everything..I'll do a petition that will sort em out
In reply to Post #41
In reply to Post #40 Why? Because people have decided to go a different way than the way you want it to go.
Grey carper has already perfectly answered your question below
In reply to Post #37 Simple really....
We all know on here and other fishing forums and anglers in general about otters, but if you are really serious about the problem and I know you are, and wandle1, you have have to move on from anglers to make the general public aware, if they actually care about fish.
Seriously , this otter debate is just going nowhere now if restricted fishing forums.
In reply to Post #39 Why?
And thats not what I asked...