In reply to Post #191 Good news Ken..
I got a couple of ideas 8n my head to add to them..
In reply to Post #190 Adam: I've been informed that all the Blogs will be uploaded one by one, but it may take some time!
In reply to Post #189 Oh,bollox...I knew I should've saved my writings..so nothing can retrieved at then Ken,such a shame if so..
Sorry if you are looking for my Blogs. The new website seems to have lost them all. Hey-ho. It was nice while it lasted.
In reply to Post #187 Ta!
In reply to Post #186 Nice read Ken
In reply to Post #185 2nd part of Return to The Secret Garden now uploaded.
LINK to Part 2.
Here's my latest Blog, the first of a 2-parter about our return to the Secret Garden fishery near St Junien in France.
Hope you like it!
In reply to Post #183 Sorry i didn't see that.
In reply to Post #182 It says a couple of hours soak right at the beginning?
In reply to Post #181 Ken, I've always understood tiger nuts should be soaked for a minimum of 24hrs prior to bringing to the boil, does this change whilst using a pressure cooker as you have no soak time in your recipe below.
Hi Ryan. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you...better late than never.
GTPSpice is very coarse with whole hempseed it it. I like to grind it down for a few seconds before using it in stocking mesh. Even ground down there is still an element of up-and-down about the blend, which makes it visually and well as olfactorily attractive,
In reply to Post #174 Has anyone used the GTP spice stick mix
Thanks in advance
In reply to Post #172 Try John bakers milk e honey
In reply to Post #171 Ken,
I want to ask a question on base mix.
Fishing a fishmeal oriantated water, and talking to a very good local angler, he has told me fish a good milk and honey base mix bait.
Have looked on line and can’t really find a recipe for a fantastic milk honey base mix. Ken the cost would not be a problem want to make the best base mix, and have a couple of flavours I am going to experiment with.
Always held you in high estimate when it comes to bait making.
Rally look forward to hearing from you, and receiving the best in your opinion milk honey base mix.
Tight lines.
In reply to Post #167 BoiliePizza
This is a very quick and easy way of making lots of bait in less time and with less effort. (Not good unless you want to fish the margins, short to medium range, or have a boat or bait boat to hand.)
Hope you like it
In Case You Missed it.
@ Bryan: Yes the Euro Mix has been discontinued. However, can I strongly recommend Groats? These played a significant part in the success of the Euro Mix over the years.
Groats Prep
Just put boiling water and leave in a bucket over night then good to go
In reply to Post #164 No need to boil?
In reply to Post #163 Pigeon conditioner
In reply to Post #161 Hi Ken,
Have Haiths stopped making the euro mix? I was reading an article of yours and thought that mix would be ideal as it didn’t need boiling, just an overnight soak and it was ready to go
Is there anything similar you’d recommend?
In reply to Post #160 Great read Ken, I'll be trying a few of your suggestions
In reply to Post #156 Sadly both SuperNut and The Euro Mix are currently unavailable and I have had no indication as to when they will be available.
I am not sure what has happened at Haiths during the lockdown. Maybe it is a lack of ingredients that has meant some products have been suspended? I'll try to find out but communications between chez moi and Grimbly are somewhat disjointed at the moment.
By the way, the Blog on Dinner Plates should be uploaded sometime. The Blog so titled (Dinner Plates - Shhh. Keep it Dark) is actually about using light running leads and braid reel line! I have no idea how the title of one Blog has been used as the title of another!!!
And also Euromix, seems to have disappeared?
In reply to Post #153 Hi Ken, what’s happened to SuperNut, I can’t find it on the Haiths website?
| Cam | Posts: 6459 |  | MODERATOR | |
In reply to Post #153 Loving the Genesis titles Ken (big fan). Will there be a Trespass blog?
Did you know that our new natural Robin Green now contains Spirolina, one of the best attractor additives available The Blog looks at two ways that I have used it of late.
UPDATE: Sadly HB have no plane to release SNG or Marine Green with Spirolina...
In reply to Post #147 That is a great read Ken. That place looks amazing. Well done on the captures.
In reply to Post #145
So pleased it all went well for you Ken
In reply to Post #144 Good read Ken, sounds like a fantastic place.
In reply to Post #140 Great read Ken..
And you know what I'll be using next.. "tiger nuts"
In reply to Post #137 OOOPS! Sorry...
In reply to Post #134 Enjoyed thanks Ken!!
In reply to Post #128 Thanks for that, Greg.
Good read that ken never thought of that putting oil in pan to stop em sticking
In reply to Post #123 "Dumbollox"
Just twigged what you did there...
Very good!
In reply to Post #123 I thank Magoo and Kev for that one!
In reply to Post #119 I take it you've coined that rig the "Dumbollox" rig Ken.
In reply to Post #121 always worth a read
In reply to Post #120 Thanks for visiting, Boycie
LINK edited to direct to the correct page. Silly me!
In reply to Post #119 Cracking bear, how much did that weigh when you caught it 30 years ago?
Brilliant blog by Ken on Autumn baits..
and Sam I did what you asked....
In reply to Post #114 I am mate....👌
In reply to Post #112 Good man Adam!
I hope you’re well
In reply to Post #109 Thanks for that article brian. I really enjoyed reading it
In reply to Post #111 Ok,I'll do one just for you Sam....👍
In reply to Post #110 I wish he’d write more.
Come on Ads, get busy!
In reply to Post #105 Think your links a bit wrong there Ken - managed to find it anyway though.
Interesting ...
In reply to Post #91 Awesome
In reply to Post #92 Many thanks, Andrew.
In reply to Post #91 Good read Ken. I find baiting tactics for week in France a challenge and I'm sure I have often under and over-baited in the past.
In reply to Post #84 Yes, but I'd have to kill you after you read it...
In reply to Post #83 Hi Ken, are you able to get hold of a data sheet for robin red? Protein, solubility etc?
New Blog article on Bricking. (One for the old school carpers.)
In reply to Post #75 Thanks Ken.
Had a bit of time on my hands over the weekend, for a change, so went through a few posts on the blog again
In reply to Post #75 Kens latest offering for Haiths Blogg page
In reply to Post #73 Hi Lee. Here is another blog on the same theme...
In reply to Post #73 There is a school of thought that argues that a single source of attraction is just as effective as a wide array; that attraction is attraction whatever the source. That is a very persuasive argument and has much to commend it. On the other hand there are others (myself among them) that take a belt and braces approach, hence my frequent use of pastes that are heavily (over?)loaded with a wide variety of attractors, as described HERE - scroll down for the recipe.
I have also blogged on the same theme HERE (link).
In reply to Post #72 Thanks Ken, I thought you'd probably written about it in the past (and I have probably actually read it already but can't recall), there isn't much that hasn't been covered on the blog but with 41 pages to scroll through I thought it'd be easier just to ask
In reply to Post #71 As I wrote, there is more than one way to skin a cat catch a carp, and if you read some of my other blogs you will see that at time I adopt exactly the approach that you suggest.
Here's Adam's* winter tactic
* Wandle 1
In reply to Post #68 Enjoyed this Ken and got me thinking.
In relation to carp specifically searching out a particular food source within a group of food sources i.e. the corn amongst the hemp seed, would it not be beneficial to have as many food signals as possible when baiting up for example, rather than 1 or 2 types of pellet how about 10-15+ of different types, drawing in a variety of carp who may have a liking for one of the specific food items as opposed to just the 1 or 2 types where they may get passed over, basically hedging your bets that one of the types of pellet will be liked even if the others are not? Or am I over thinking way too much about selective feeding patterns?
The same can be done for particles, boilies etc...mulitple combinations over a particular one or 2.
Hope this makes sense.
In reply to Post #69 Thanks, Sam.
In reply to Post #68 REALLY enjoyed this one!
Thanks Ken, keep em coming
In reply to Post #65 Around an hour to an hour and a half, Brian.
In reply to Post #64 like that paste bait mate
whats the approximate break down time ?
In reply to Post #59
In reply to Post #56 that last trip of yours will be hard to top as well
You're not kidding there, Steve. Things happen slowly in my carp world but I get there in the end!
In reply to Post #55 I often use the APP when I want to try something new every angler should download it to there phone
In reply to Post #55 Great idea Ken, especially as so many ask about bait nowadays, that last trip of yours will be hard to top as well
In reply to Post #49 My local carp are getting some of these this bank holiday weekend
In reply to Post #49 Awesome. Thanks for that Ken
In reply to Post #47 Peanuts can be infected with a fungus, which produces a poisonous carcinogen called aflatoxin. Since there is no clear scientific evidence of what is a safe level for wild birds, Haith's® buy only peanuts that are declared ''nil detectable aflatoxin'' - the safest standard there is.
More preparation advice to follow soon. Here's a teaser for you!
In reply to Post #45 Thanks Brian
In reply to Post #44 Oh dear, I was looking in the baits section on the Haiths website and couldn't find them
In reply to Post #43 And would they have the same preparation process as the peanut granules
look here
In reply to Post #43 http://www.haiths.com/peanuts/
I just used something called Google and it revealed that Haits do indeed sell peanuts.
You will find them cheaper elsewhere though! I'd personally make sure they were of a good quality, so it might make sense to just go with Haiths and pay a few extra £.
Whole peanuts need more prep than granules, I'm sure Ken can advise you on prep better than I can, but I'd say 24 hour soak and 15 minute simmer
Do Haiths sell Peanuts? If not where best would be to get them from? And would they have the same preparation process as the peanut granules?
In reply to Post #39 Great read Ads
Thoroughly enjoy your writing style.
It's about that time again when the fish regularly start patrolling the margins and creating your own hot spot can be very productive. I call these spots DINNER PLATES...!
In reply to Post #34 Bit late for that, Lee! Been writing about groats since the early 80s!
In reply to Post #32 Can you keep the groats on the low down please, maybe great to increase sales but I don't want to lose my edge over others, cheers
In reply to Post #32 The Big Red Fishing Blog
Hope you are keeping up to date with our blog page. Lots of new and revived contributions to quicken the pulse!
And don't miss our Facebook page, where you will find all the news, product updates and even mouth-watering pprizes available in our competitions.
In reply to Post #29 They have impeccable taste!
In reply to Post #25 Ken, for information purposes only, we supply Rollin Baits as well as Haith's with raw materials.
In reply to Post #27 thanks Ken
In reply to Post #25 Thanks a lot
In reply to Post #24 Not only are they the best in the business, but their workshop is right next door to the Nutrabaits factory, which means they get raw materials fresher than any other company. In addition Haith's are only an hour away so again fresh ingredients are guaranteed.
In reply to Post #23 Cheers, will use them in the future then
In reply to Post #22 Not just a cheap substitute like most of the rolling companies are
ive said it before and will say it again
Rollin baits supply genuine baits as they are supposed to be made Essential baits and Nutrabaits only let a few companies to roll there baits because they now the importance of keeping there customers happy with a consistant product
In reply to Post #21 Reccomend them for their cell then Ken? Not just a cheap substitute like most of the rolling companies are?
In reply to Post #20 Might be worth giving Rollin' Baits a ring. Exceptional rolling company and for that amount you would be able to get a very good deal.
Rollin' Baits.
In reply to Post #19 Ok will do.
In reply to Post #17 Would Haiths do a pro rata rate on the basemix Ken for quantities more than 20kg as contemplating using it for Chantecoq this year. Looking at least 300kg of base.
In reply to Post #15 the app is now available on google play
In reply to Post #14 I mention Nutrabaits a great deal in my Blogs as they are an Approved Bait Firm, licensed to sell Haith's products. If you look at their Facebook pages you will note than a great many bait companies from all over Europe are mentioned, as Haith's are always keen to help the bait industry as well as the individual.
I just knew I could rely on Carp Forum to lower the tone!
| Fozzy | Posts: 17232 |  | aka Elephant Man | |
In reply to Post #10 Don't know who the bird is at 0.44 but that's deffo our KT in his trademark hairnet at 0.08
Company video... just in case you thought Haith's was some back street garage bait company!
In reply to Post #7 with Rollin Baits you get what you ask for in the mix unlike some I could mention
In reply to Post #6 Best rolling service in the country, Steve, by a huge margin. Nobody does it better in our opinion.
In reply to Post #5 They look pukka Ken
Sounds awesome, be very handy app to have. well done to all at Haiths
In reply to Post #2 cannt wait for it
Coming soon to your phone or tablet...
The first Haith’s Baits App should soon be available to download via Google Play and the Apple App Store - making it the must-have app for anglers who’d like to be part of the Haith’s Baits Tribe!
When it’s live and it should be ready to download within the next few weeks and will be packed full of helpful information, tips, recipe cards and preparation instructions for our baits, along with our latest Facebook post, tweets and much, much more…..
Good news!