In reply to Post #162 If that's the same organization that did the parakeet survey a couple of years back I wouldn't pay any attention to it, the amount of these birds they claimed were in the wild could be found in Richmond park at any given time, the actual number of them was at least 4 times their figure.
If this otter survey is out by the same margin....
Big trouble!
In reply to Post #161 that was natural Englands figures so you could double that
| Beave | Posts: 15676 |  | MODERATOR | |
In reply to Post #158 So if those number estimates are true that's only one Otter per 5 square miles , hardly a figure of epic proportions .............
Take the 425 away that have been found dead on the road and that gives one at just under 5.5 square miles .
That's only England mind you , I can only imagine that Otter figure makes up the total for the British Isles as a whole so the square miles per otter would be considerably more
In reply to Post #159 a sad but truth fact
fence or get your fish stocks killed
edited as I swore like I had a bought or turrets...!!!
From Adam's report included in The Big Picture report detailing otter predation on Cornwall:
"Who is to blame? The Tamar Otter Sanctuary, Cornwall Wildlife Trusts and the private do-gooders with their own agenda and release programmes.
There are now so many dog otters in my area that they are fighting for territory, a fact that the Cornish
Wildlife Trust admits to. They have been released into areas where, in the past, they never even existed. It’s a totally man- made problem. These people should be made to pay for all the damage to the ecosystems that they have destroyed by overt reintroduction of an apex predator with no natural enemies.
I will stand by what I have written. There is no future whatsoever for Cornish/Devon coarse angling unless the fishery
is prepared to fence the venue, hence my saying ‘no fence no fish`. I go to sleep thinking about what has and is happening and wake up after a disturbed night still thinking about it. That’s not good, and it has been going on for the last 20 years
.Link to the full report.
And some of you wonder why I have been fishing predominantly in France for the past 20 years
In reply to Post #157 there is an estimated 10,000 otters in the country
In reply to Post #156 Just about finished "The Big Picture" which you can read from the PAG website. So many shocking stories backed up with facts and figures.
"Approximately 425 dead otters found in England between 2007-9" is astounding
. How many of the things are there alive right now? I just cannot comprehend how so many carpers do not see how vital it is to help our sport. Join the Angling Trust, keep asking your club or syndicate when it will fence and take pictures of any mutilated fish you find
In reply to Post #155 Gutted for you and the syndicate..
do you have and photos of the fish kills
In reply to Post #154 Well, that's me looking for a new venue to fish this year, having read about the otter damage to my current one (Winto's /Sand pit, Leicester) in the Venues UK forum on here.
It will be interesting to see what it says in the renewal letter
In reply to Post #145 Wow that`s amazing footage...very very good visual evidence indeed.........
Here`s a small tale ,short of a long..............Me finds mint single figure common dead in margin,no predation marks ,nothing.....but fish dead...picks up dead common ,puts common into leaf fall directly behind me and my gear..couple of mins later I look around ,no dead fish ?.......looks upstream ,sure enough otter seen carrying common in direction of it`s holt and river kill platform.................
I will never forget it........
In reply to Post #151 yes mate
In reply to Post #150 Is that on your lake joss
In reply to Post #148 more than once...ill post some more up soon