In reply to Post #271 pleb
In reply to Post #270 bonjour noodle's are you in france ?
In reply to Post #268 welcome home son
In reply to Post #268
In reply to Post #267 frankeee are you self medicating again come on now you can tell me about it are the nasty boy's at work tormenting you gain mate is it the same one's again ? are they doing the same things again ?
you need to talk to me francis its no good bottling it up its beginning to effect your mental state mate were all worried about you it cant go on, let me help you before you do something bad.
if it help's i will take you out for a days fishing i heard you got some new reels we havnt fished together since you got your new rods remember when you blanked and i caught one, or the time before that when you were field testing the new kevin nash ' dale farm ' model brolly and you woke up and told me you had caught two in the night, ok they were only stockies and nobody else saw them but you did catch them frank i know you did.
sorry i never got back to you last night i was at a local planning meeting, some unscrupulous multi millionaire ******* is trying to knock down the village scout hut and put up a ****ing great windmill in its place for financial gain and he needs all the help he can get
In reply to Post #266 He would fall in a barrel of boobs and still come out with a bellend in his gob cracking fella but not an angler mate.
| Fozzy | Posts: 17232 |  | aka Elephant Man | |
In reply to Post #265 You mean he didn't really catch a 60lbs gudgeon ? But he's holding it in the picture
In reply to Post #264 It's called PhotoShop ffs mate .......never had you down as getting fooled that easy tbh.
| Fozzy | Posts: 17232 |  | aka Elephant Man | |
In reply to Post #263 Fairs fair Frank , seen the pics and there belters
You wouldn't want to be falsely accused of say
Would you mate
In reply to Post #261 Sorry but u turncoat slut
In reply to Post #261 dont listen to the reservoir dogs son i caught all there fish 30 years ago, there's still a bit of life in the old man yet dont chicken curry
| Fozzy | Posts: 17232 |  | aka Elephant Man | |
I have been forwarded pictures of dinnys fish from the trip and i sincerly apologise for my outlandish and scandelous liable claiming that he did infact fabricate his catch reports.
Please accept this as a heartfelt and full public apology for my appauling and upsetting behaviour to my good freind dinny
I,am going to go grayling fishing for a fortnight as a penance
In reply to Post #259 never
| Fozzy | Posts: 17232 |  | aka Elephant Man | |
In reply to Post #258 I think he's had enough Frank
In reply to Post #257 he looks like