In reply to Post #510 to many sherry's again ginge when will you learn
got a couple of dates booked for you know where this year
In reply to Post #510 nice roast will sort that out.
| Fozzy | Posts: 17232 |  | aka Elephant Man | |
In reply to Post #509 A lot
In reply to Post #508 you still a little drunk foz
| Fozzy | Posts: 17232 |  | aka Elephant Man | |
You pair of Mobys , you will still be talking about going in 2015 Frank , realise your a nod again disappear of the radar and sell your gear,
I will still be catching em
In reply to Post #505 what for ?
In reply to Post #504 no i bought the pub
In reply to Post #503 this one
In reply to Post #501 I would be worried...if I ever thought you would get around to organising it!! And I'm not even in the forties club yet...must be at least half your age
So did you escape the pub without paying for a beer or is that a stupid question....
In reply to Post #502 what saturday frank ?
yes plenty of fishing coming up soon for me i will be popping over sat if everything goes to plan to see you guys. happy new year to you all
In reply to Post #500 your not invited, your too old
In reply to Post #499 Made you get your wallet out did they...
And I'll go fishing as soon as you sort out the social...
In reply to Post #498 tell you what i know just how michael schumaker feel's that is the last time ever that i go in a pub for a quick one at 12 oclock on new years eve
in fact its the last time ever that i will ever go in a pub ever again, unless its for charity
so whats occurring this year boy's any of you mug's actually going fishing ? after all this is a fishing based forum !
| Fozzy | Posts: 17232 |  | aka Elephant Man | |
In reply to Post #497 Frank will sponsor you for a nosh Pete , he has sponsored loads of noshes of blokes