In reply to Post #580 Seen this thread flying around for a while and took little interest.
Absolutely fantastic, just watched the first one
Without sounding like a tw@t France has never interested me, after been asked to go several times in the past I have never been bothered. Always been happy doing my own thing
That Rainbow lake and the fishing style is something else, would I love to have a dabble their, looks fantastic, proper challenge and a totally different way of fishing, over grown, little wild, brilliant
And if that's just homemade filming, exceptional, happy times
Just got all the rest to watch now, book me a place
Finally kev, finally
In reply to Post #597
And I've heard it's very good,that's my night sorted tonight...
I've edited the link at the bottom of the list.
In reply to Post #595 It's up now...
In reply to Post #595 Try copying and pasting this link https://vimeo.com/172709322
In reply to Post #594 Shame the latest one is still having problems...
In reply to Post #580 really enjoyed kevs videos didnt know there were that many top block
In reply to Post #592
In reply to Post #591 I watched it and it was fine on my PC ? Are you trying to watch it on a phone by any chance ? as that possibly could be the problem m8
there is a problem and its being looked into
In reply to Post #588 Clicked the link This video is private
In reply to Post #588 Nice one dude...i will be watching that after...beats watching england any day...
In reply to Post #588 Nice
I've added it to my list, Mods should make it a sticky maybe.
Hes posted a new mar peche in foreign waters section today