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Posts: 2213
   Old Thread  #1977 3 Oct 2013 at 8.20pm  0  Login    Register
If electricity always follows the path of least resistance, why doesn't lightning only strike in France?
Posts: 3622
   Old Thread  #1976 1 Oct 2013 at 10.29am  0  Login    Register
the vicar see's little Johnny walking down the road with a bottle

Vicar.....hello Johnny how are you today and what have you there in the bottle?

Johnny....It's acid

Vicar....that's very dangerous Johnny, can i swap it for some holy water, the other day i rubbed some on a ladies belly and she had a baby

Johnny....That's nufink i put some acid on my dog's nut's and he overtook a motorbike.
Posts: 3622
   Old Thread  #1975 1 Oct 2013 at 10.05am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1973
MY wife got a vibrator, still don't know how to use it, broke 3 teeth last night
Posts: 10386
   Old Thread  #1974 28 Sept 2013 at 10.29pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1972
Posts: 5
   Old Thread  #1973 28 Sept 2013 at 9.25pm  0  Login    Register
My mate asked me the other day what I'm getting my wife for christmas , I said I'm gonna get her a new dress and a vibrator .......... If she doesn't like her dress she can go **** herself.
Posts: 542
   Old Thread  #1972 28 Sept 2013 at 11.22am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1971
Funny how it's, OK to make jokes about Catholics, the Pope, Jews, Christians, the Irish, the Italians, the Polish, the Chinese, the French (including French Canadians) etc etc, but its insensitive to make jokes about Muslims. The sooner we are all on same level playing field the better.

1. If you refine heroin for a living, but you have a moral objection to liquor, You may be a Muslim.

2. If you own a $3,000 machine gun and a $5,000 rocket launcher, but you can't afford shoes, You may be a Muslim.

3. If you have more wives than teeth, You may be a Muslim.

4. If you wipe your bum with your bare hand but consider bacon to be unclean, You may be a Muslim.

5. If you think vests come in two styles: Bullet-proof and suicide. You may be a Muslim

6. If you can't think of anyone you haven't declared jihad against, You may be a Muslim.

7. If you consider television dangerous but routinely carry explosives in your clothing, You may be a Muslim.

8. If you were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs, You may be a Muslim.

9. If you have nothing against women and think every man should own at least four, You may be a Muslim

Posts: 2213
   Old Thread  #1971 27 Sept 2013 at 9.24pm  0  Login    Register
It's not a recession until your internet is cut off and you have to masturbate to the woman in a red bikini on the Special K box.
Posts: 3622
   Old Thread  #1970 15 Sept 2013 at 5.21pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1959
better not do that one

The waiter served my soup, i said you have your thumb in my soup, ..............i have arthritis and the doctor told me to keep it warm.............then why don't you stick it up your a***..............i do when i'm in the kitchen
Posts: 10386
   Old Thread  #1969 15 Sept 2013 at 12.49pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1948
Posts: 10386
   Old Thread  #1968 15 Sept 2013 at 12.47pm  0  Login    Register
lying in bed last night i looked into my wifes eyes and said , you remind me of the lottery
she said , is it coz im worth millions to you
i said no........... its coz i wish youd ****ing roll over
Posts: 1492
   Old Thread  #1967 11 Sept 2013 at 1.38pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1966

Those same TOTs have been onto the KW help line and text "stop Kevin stop"
Posts: 1438
   Old Thread  #1966 10 Sept 2013 at 10.31pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1965
kevin webster called in to the rovers on his way home today-fancied a couple of tots apparently
Posts: 1629
   Old Thread  #1965 10 Sept 2013 at 7.38pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1964
Posts: 1492
   Old Thread  #1964 9 Sept 2013 at 9.21pm  0  Login    Register
A young mans body was pulled out of the thames, he had a pair of stockings, high heels,with a cucumber stuck in his rectum, oh and henwasnwearing a Tottenham shirt, but to save the family any extra trauma or embarrassment the local police removed the shirt.
Posts: 2213
   Old Thread  #1963 6 Sept 2013 at 7.20pm  0  Login    Register
Summer is officially coming to an end and you know what that means....All you half naked ladies are going to have to find a personality.
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