In reply to Post #1 So Jurgen Klopp has finally got his first win at Liverpool.
Apparently it was due to a motivational text from his older brother clippity.
A woman knocked at our door and said she was
collecting for the new swimming pool so I gave her a bucket of water.
In reply to Post #2334 Like it
In reply to Post #2333 Reminds me of
"Dad, there's a bloke at the door with a bald head"
"Tell him to piss off I've got one"
In reply to Post #2332 My daughter said to me earlier "dad , there's someone knocking at the door with a beard ".
I said " well no wonder I couldn't bloody hear it then " .
Teacher......who can tell me what chickens give you?
Sarah.........meat miss.
teacher......correct, now can you tell me what pigs give you?
Jane...........bacon miss
teacher.......that's right, who can tell me what fat cow gives you?
In reply to Post #2330 Why can't Stevie Wonder see his mates?
Because he's married.
In reply to Post #2329 I love f5, it's so refreshing
In reply to Post #2328
In reply to Post #2327 Came home hammered the other night and was stumbling around at the bottom of the stairs making a right racket. "What the hell is going on?" Shouts the wife from the bedroom. "I'm trying to get a barrel of beer up the stairs" I replied. "Leave it downstairs you dozy ****" She says."I cant" Says I."I've drunk it"
In reply to Post #2326 Even more valuable lesson learned today.......
Don't keep ralgex and anusol next to each other
Valuable lesson learned this morning ,"...........
Don't keep anusol and Colgate on the same shelf
In reply to Post #2310 Lol such long topic
After too many visits to the "Pleasure Parlour"
(the house of horizontal refreshment)
JimmyAd notices green lumps
On his wedding tackle. So off he goes to the doctor.
The doctor explains "You know how wrestlers and rugby
players get cauliflower ears?"
"Yes" says Jim, nodding seriously.
"Well" says the doctor, "You've got Brothel Sprouts."