In reply to Post #1495
In reply to Post #1495
Took the missus out for a romantic meal last night
and played footsie under the table while we were
eating.I had a lovely steak and she got toed in the
In reply to Post #1485
Paulo Di Canio has vowed "Sunderland will conquer Europe..........Starting with Poland.
I was in the pub the other night and overheard three very hefty woman talking at the bar.
Their accent appeared to be Scottish,so i approached and asked,"hello,are you three lassies from scotland?"
One of them angrily screeched,"Its Wales,Wales you bloody idiot!"
So i apologized and replied,"I am so sorry.Are you three whales from Scotland?"
And thats the last thing i remember.
In reply to Post #1485
Pain is the part of the tattoo process that makes you appreciate them more. I love mine, even though it tore off some ball hair when I peeled off the paper.
In reply to Post #1485
Should be an easy game for Chelsea on Sunday.
DiCanio is fielding a team entirely of right wingers.
In reply to Post #1485
| sik | Posts: 2391 |  | |
In reply to Post #1484
| sik | Posts: 2391 |  | |
Essex girl in car crash says "i think i have concussion" paramedic asks "how many fingers have i got up?" the girl replies "oh god, my f@nny's paralysed too!
The new guy in prison is approached by a huge bodybuilder type in the shower on his first night.
He says to him, "as you're new here, you get the choice". "Do you want sex with, or without spit?"
The guy is thinking, with spit won't hurt as much, so he says, "w- w -with spit".
The big guy shouts over, "Hey Spit, the new guy wants a threesome."
| sik | Posts: 2391 |  | |
My wife hates it when I say,"You're just like your mother!"
Actually,she hates it when I say anything during sex.