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 New Posts  The CarpForum approved boilie recipe
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Posts: 6644
   Old Thread  #196 19 Jun 2012 at 11.58am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #194
Your not wrong Smurf.

I just added 15ml each of LO30 and Salmon Oil to 5 eggs.
Worked a treat.

BTW I found that when mixing up the dough it was best to get it so it was still a bit sticky and then leave it in a freezer bag for about 15 mins to settle, it then loses it's stickyness and is just right for the gun.
Posts: 3418
   Old Thread  #195 19 Jun 2012 at 11.35am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #193
it's a great feeling when your own hand made baits catch fish
Posts: 24
   Old Thread  #194 18 Jun 2012 at 11.12pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #193
Was this just the original mix or have you added anything extra too it?

I had all the ingredients come today and was planning on making a mix this week.

Been looking at different Additives and was thinking of getting cc moore's Feedstim xp and marine amino compound to add to the mix. Should these help improve the boilies?
Posts: 6644
   Old Thread  #193 18 Jun 2012 at 5.41pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #192
Finally got round to trying the bait out and had one of my best sessions ever, 12 fish, they couldn't get enough of it, cheers for that Smurf.
Posts: 6644
   Old Thread  #192 11 Jun 2012 at 10.57am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #189
Posts: 57
   Old Thread  #191 11 Jun 2012 at 10.23am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #190
20mm it's 2 min.
This is the optimum that i found in order to be boiled all the way.
Posts: 402
   Old Thread  #190 11 Jun 2012 at 10.09am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #189
Boil my 20mm baits for 90 seconds and they seem pritty firm
Posts: 3418
   Old Thread  #189 11 Jun 2012 at 10.06am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #187
I don't have my old records here are work but 75 seconds for 14mm rings a bell so you would probably want to go a little further, say 90 seconds Which is halfway between the 2 times you mentioned
Posts: 24
   Old Thread  #188 11 Jun 2012 at 6.50am  0  Login    Register
This is my first of hopefully many post,

I have always wanted to make my own boilies and this bm1 mix seems nice and easy to start off with.

Is the mix alown good enough, or does it benefit from extra attractors? If so is this where everyone makes their own personal choice to make the boilie their own, or is there a must add attractor that is better than the rest?
Posts: 6644
   Old Thread  #187 10 Jun 2012 at 6.50pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #186
What do you recommend boiling times-wise with this mix and 16mm baits, I have now tried between 1min and 2min?

1min giving quite a soft bait and 2mins a much firmer finish that would withstand sticking out better. Just don't want to bludgeon all the goodness in there with over cooking.

The latest batch I made up with just LO30 liquid and Salmon Oil added.
Posts: 2946
   Old Thread  #186 7 Jun 2012 at 6.11am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #180
They look just like mine

Comparing now ... your balls are bigger than mine They sure do look Karpi
Posts: 1215
   Old Thread  #185 6 Jun 2012 at 11.13am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #184
I started out with Esterblend 12 (As always ) and Cassia E.O. In the end though i just rolled the mix with MSG and Butyric Acid. Thats what the majority ended up as. Stunk to high heaven.

I only used a little oil (5ml) As i used the CLO. They turned out really well. The last batch i made was a concoction of all the ingredients i had left to use up. They ended up as BM1 but with Caseins instead of Milk powder, CLO instead of Nectarblend, and no crushed hemp. They are still in the freezer (4kg ish). If i get chance later ill photo some later, and post them.

I also made a pop up mix using modified BM1 and glass spheres. It needed a little more work when i finished with it, but if i ever get i right, ill post the recipe. I was struggling to reduce the texture, and up the binders so it rolled and boilied properly. The last batch i made though was nearly there.
Posts: 6644
   Old Thread  #184 6 Jun 2012 at 11.00am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #183
Thanks Russel.
Did you use a flavour in yours or just the basemix as it is?
Posts: 1215
   Old Thread  #183 6 Jun 2012 at 10.58am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #179
Look good baits those mate.

I rolled about 20kg of BM1 basemix when i got round to it. Mine had a slightly different texture to yours, as i used CLO and crushed hemp instead of Nectarblend. But they are more or less the same colour.

I also caught from the off with the baits i made. Not a particularly difficult water (not a runs water by any means though), but they worked straight away. No pre-baiting what so ever. A good confidence boost and testament to a quailty bait.

Looking forward to playing around with BM2 when i get chance. That one looks like it will stand more tinkering with.

Posts: 3418
   Old Thread  #182 6 Jun 2012 at 10.44am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #181
Depending on your others additives then yes I can be helpful to wrap it in cling film and let it stand for half an hour. Still they look good to me...I can almost smell them from here
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