In reply to Post #458 Could you swap poultry protein for hydrolyzed feather meal pete? Is candy sweet a strong powdered sweetener in that recepie?
Made my first batch of BM1 this morning..they came out great! I cant wait to get home from work to see how they have dried out !!
Thanks for the recipe and thanks for all the advice, looking forward to getting back to the rolling table...wife permitting!
Just another quick question I cant seem to find the Poultry protein meal for the BM2 anywhere on the CC Moore website, is this called something else? I apologise if it mentions this elsewhere in the thread but i havent seen it asked anywhere else
In reply to Post #475 Cheers guys
In reply to Post #469 I dont use the bm1 mix but a similar mix along the same lines and i use the ratio you mention of one kilo of whole egg powder per 10kilo of base.
For roughly one 1.1 kilo of mix i use 100mil of my liquid additives to 1/2 pint of water, it may not be exactly the same for your mix but will give you a starting point to work from
In reply to Post #469 Not used it with this mix but as a starting point I use 250g of egg powder to a litre of water. This works out at (very) roughly 3kg of base mix. Liquids then added to that.
In reply to Post #472 yeah will take a drive as I live in the villages so lots of farms.....
In reply to Post #471 Find your local farm shop and they will normally do a deal
In reply to Post #470 LoL, my little 3 year old has just walked in and said WOW That is a lot of bait! LOL
I don't think Tescos would sell me the amount of eggs I need
In reply to Post #469 Sorry no I have not used it, I always used fresh eggs from local farms. They used to love seeing me walking up the drive with my wheel barrow to take home 200-300 eggs at a time
In reply to Post #466 One question mate. I have always used real eggs in my mix, but going to be using Whole Egg Powder instead this time.
I have been reading on here to start at 1kg per 10kg base mix, so that is what I was going to start with but wondered if you or anyone else has used Whole Egg Powder in the BM1 before and if so what quantities did you use it in, per KG base mix & also how much water added?
Much appreciated, saves wasting bait in a trial and error....
In reply to Post #460 Just put an order in with CCMoores for a French trip that came today. First time I have bought in higher quantities, works out much cheaper :
This is what I ordered (in kgs)
lt94 25
maize protein 25
megablend 12.5
semolina 12.5
soya flour 12.5
pre digested fishmeal 12.5
vitamealo 10
betaine 1
liquid shellfish Concentrate 2 litres
salmon oil 5 litres
Whole Egg Powder 10
Total 371.4
With 7% discount 345.402
Delivery charge 41
Total Delivered 386.66
I already have the Selenavite and 7 of the items will make much more than the 80kgs dry mix the LT94 & Shellfish will make
Top Bait - TOP TOP Prize - and a big for a 1 stop shop in the name of CCMoores.
Just got to roll this lot now!
In reply to Post #465 Thanks
All ordered up hopefully everything will be here by Friday
Just another question, I have some whey powder in my cupboard that won't get used, what could I substitute in the BM1 mix for this? Or is it even possible?
In reply to Post #465
In reply to Post #464 Here you go Selenevite E, use at 2.5% and add something else you fancy to make up the other 2.5%. I used GLM powder on my latest batch.
In reply to Post #460 yeah i suppose it would save on postage too!
Im sure it has been said on this thread but im unable to find it now....could something else be used as a substitute for Equivite? as its very expensive and CC Moore dont have it.