From The Bivvy With Roy Parsons
From The Bivvy is a new video series in which Carp Channel Monthly’s presenters get up close and personal with leading lights from the world of carp fishing.
In the first episode, available free to view on this website, Ian Chillcott shares a cuppa and chat with Roy Parsons, fishery manager at probably the most popular carp fishery in England – Linear Fisheries.
Don’t miss it!
CarpForum.co.uk is teaming up with Fishing TV to bring you hours of free-to-view, cutting-edge video content every month.
We have hooked up with the number one producer of angling videos and TV programmes to allow you to view their new monthly video magazines Carp Channel Monthly here on your favourite angling website.
Each issue contains three hours or more of up-to-date video content – replaced with new video very month – and it’s all completely free to view.
You can watch the programmes as a schedule, or you can flick through the playlist and watch on a video on demand basis.
“Imagine it like a magazine come to life in video – with features, tackle, interviews and instruction,” explained Fishing TV’s Gareth Purnell. “The content is top quality with some of the best know names in angling. Much of it is completely new and has never seen before.”
The July issue of Carp Channel Monthly’s is full of the latest rigs, tips and advice and includes top carpers like Ian Russell, Lee Jackson, Cash Farnan, Ali Hamidi, Dave Lane, Ian Chillcott and a completely new series from Chris Yates.
Carp Legends With Chris Yates
Chris Yates is quite literally an angling legend in his own lifetime. The man who captured the British carp record from Redmire won a place in all anglers’ hearts through his starring role in A Passion For Angling alongside Bob James.
In this new series for video magazine Carp Channel Monthly, available FREE TO VIEW on this website, Chris talks to top carper Ian Chillcott about his life in fishing, his ambitions and his thoughts on modern fishing in 2011.
It’s one not to miss, and it’s free to view.
Ali Hamidi: Carp Location
In this clip from Ali Hamidi’s two-part ‘Moving Up To Bigger Carp’ programme filmed exclusively for Fishing TV, the Korda star talks through how he approaches a new water. It’s available FREE TO VIEW on this website through the new Carp Channel Monthly video magazine.
In reply to Post #9999 I cant beleieve i have only just found this!!!
I finally have a use use for my Samsung Smart TV
FISHING TV APP!!!! OH MY GOD, I knew i spent 2 grand on a tv for something!
this whole idea is great, there's never anything carp related on the box and if there is its a repeat from 4 years ago
and all for free! spot on
gona get a pizza and watch as much as i can later this evening
latest rigs, its all just to much
In reply to Post #70 pmsl, yeah you need high levels of fitness to tackle this one!!
In reply to Post #69 Must be some water mate if you have to spend loads of time in the gym getting in shape for it
In reply to Post #68 Taking the rough with the smooth, this Summer for me has been awful, having said that I've actually not been doing that much. Been in the gym training mainly so the fishing taken a back seat.
I also don't have any tickets for any waters that really grip me, I tend to just flit around waiting for my water to start up again at the begining of October, then I really get into it.
In reply to Post #67 Don’t let a slow season ruin a career. I know you are expected to be out slaying them on every session but the reality is that you guys struggle on occasions like everybody else. In my book that makes you a better angler and more believable in the long run
In reply to Post #66 Thanks.
Haven't been getting it right recently at all though!!!! It should all kick in and come right from next month onwards. (Hopefully)
In reply to Post #65 Understood Cash. They do make some useful stuff and I have like most people got some in the tackle box.
Not had a look at the interview yet but will do as it seems to have got some good reviews. It’s always handy to get a view on what people are doing when they get it right
In reply to Post #64
It is what I do use though. If you ever see me on the bank you'll see exactly what I showed, I do also use a few bits of ESP and Atomic, but mainly use a lot of Korda bits. It suits my fishing and I have every confidence in it.
Apologies if it looked like a blatant advert, it really isn't meant to look that way.
Hope you enjoyed the interview though (no products mentioned or used there)
In reply to Post #63 Just watched your tackle box vid. Are you sure you didn’t pick up DF’s box by mistake. Never seen so many Korda branded products shoe horned into a box before. The old Krusher even got some air time.
Nice idea with the Trakker PVA bag
In reply to Post #62 Thanks ever so much Lee, glad you enjoyed it.
In reply to Post #61 Yer i managed to finaly watch your interview and i will be buying lifting the lid later
Good interview and some great captures over the years awsome & well done.
In reply to Post #60 Its best to just click on the film you want to watch once, watch the first advert and then the program runs uninterrupted.
In reply to Post #59 I had that last night and gave up.
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #58 Is it just me?? I just keep getting advert after advert after advert......AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH I feel like smashing my laptop to bits...
In reply to Post #57 Cheers Rob
In reply to Post #55 Liked it Rich!
In reply to Post #54 Been trying to watch it but so slow to load for me and i have an ok connection. I leave it to buffer come back and it just jams or goes back to the start to start all over again.
Looks good though I would deffiantly watch every month if the video player was better. It needs to show it buffer like youtube so you can see whats happening with the buffering. Then it makes it easier to jump back to a section or forward without worrying about it jumping back to the start.
In reply to Post #54 Hope you enjoy my 3 part interview with Ian Russell, really enjoyed looking back on my fishing with him.
In reply to Post #53 Happy days all seems to be working now although a little slow to load occassionally, not sure about the problems being down to the issues mentioned as I have a 20meg connection and if an update was required with flash player it doesn't make sense why it's fine sometimes.
Great stuff on their and I'm looking forward to more issues
In reply to Post #42 Hi everyone just a few answers to some of your questions...
The content of Carp Channel Monthly will be updated around every four to five weeks. It will just change over automatically and will continue to be free to view here on Carp Forums. If you look in the bottom left of the player you will see when the next issue is due.
The content won't archive as free-to-view 'back issues', but will be available in the Carp Channel Monthly archive to members.
The videos currently play on Android phones through the browser on your phone. By the middle of next week they should be playing on apple devices like iphones and ipads - Apple devices don't stream Flash video so we are enabling another type of video for that.... Later this year we are hoping the issues will also be available on Smart TVs.
Reference people who are struggling to get it to work I think it will be one of two things:
1) Update your Adobe Flash player
2) Check your broadband speed - www.broadbandspeedchecker.co.uk - if you have under 1meg really you are not going to have a great online video viewing experience....
Hope all that helps...
It's great to be working with such a busy carp site and we hope you carry on enjoying what we're doing...
Gareth, Fishing TV
In reply to Post #51 Thanks for the tip Chris, clickety clicks worked for me, Thank You,
In reply to Post #50 it works for me sometimes but not much... just keep clicking over and over agin until it loads
In reply to Post #47 It didn't want to work for me one evening recently, but last night it worked as there were still a few shows I needed to watch.
In reply to Post #47 it does say that its timed out ..... but i clicked ok and it loaded up ....i have just watched it
In reply to Post #1000 Hmmm... this was working the other day but the link appears dead now
In reply to Post #45 i cant watch it either?
In reply to Post #9999 The link isn't working is there a problem loading the page for everyone ?
In reply to Post #43 Thanks Karlos.
Great Stuff.
In reply to Post #9999 Very good just watched it and enjoyed it
In reply to Post #41 All works fine here.
In reply to Post #40 me to got to watch half of it this mornin, came back to watch the rest n none of the links are workin
In reply to Post #36 how come the link arent working i just get a carp d or advert page
In reply to Post #38 Amazing! but what happens with the issues, can we still view all of them when ever we want
In reply to Post #37 Nice one Karlos!
Really enjoyed the chat with Yatesey, and the Horton underwater footage is awesome as well!
There will be some adverts on the finished version, but I am happy to put this live now so you guys can start enjoying it...
In reply to Post #1000 how do you get to watch these any one got a idea
In reply to Post #33 Not a problem mate just turn the sound off, works for me
In reply to Post #20 Don't worry you'll be able to play it on your Android phone - oh silly me you've got one of those i-things
ali hamidi, carping wannabe superstars giving biased advice all on video in magazine style on this very forum....... fred's gonna be pleased!! only kidding
chris yates interview should make good veiwing
In reply to Post #31 No Worries Karlos.
Can then make some more Popcorn tomorrow.
In reply to Post #27 Sorry, not yet...I've not been given the thumbs up just yet.
Some technical difficulties mean it looks like it will be tomorrow now (Tues 5th)
Sorry to tease, that isn't / wasn't the intention.
In reply to Post #9998 gotta be better than eastenders
In reply to Post #27
In reply to Post #9999 Ooooo am I on already!! LOL
In reply to Post #25 More like download it over night lol
In reply to Post #24 Can you watch it at work (when you are on lunch?)
You could always load the page when you get home from work, click the pause button on the player and then hope that the video has downloaded/buffered to your computer by the time you've eaten your evening meal! (then hit play to watch it)
Just my luck .. even a 3 minute youtube clip tkes 18 minutes to download with my crap bt connection .. no chance of streaming
In reply to Post #22 I have my tub of PopcornUps ready...Tiger Nut for me, and Choco Malt Teaser for Mrs CarpForum
In reply to Post #21 Will get some Popcorn then for tomorrow night.
In reply to Post #20 I think the video streaming software (the player) is Flash based.
That would make it a no-no (blame Steve Jobs, not me!)
EDIT: Just checked, the video player IS a Flash plugin...so unless you have jail broken your iPhone and got Flash plugins working on it...no iPhone viewing for you :(
i look forward to this, hopefully i might be able to play it on the iphone
In reply to Post #18 TOMORROW
(once the guys running the Channel give me the go ahead)
It might be lunchtime, failing that in the evening...
In reply to Post #9999 When's it out?
Nice cant wait, sigh of relife, no danny f
In reply to Post #15
In reply to Post #14 Aha....pretty obvious eh? Good to see a tough guy can cry Duke!
| Beave | Posts: 15676 |  | MODERATOR | |
In reply to Post #12
Am I missing something obvious here?
Yes , this bit
In reply to Post #5 Nope, sorry to be a pain in the bum but it doesn't say that here...in post 2...In this clip from Ali Hamidi’s two-part ‘Moving Up To Bigger Carp’ programme filmed exclusively for Fishing TV, the Korda star talks through how he approaches a new water. It’s available FREE TO VIEW on this website through the new Carp Channel Monthly video magazine
| Fozzy | Posts: 17232 |  | aka Elephant Man | |
I Have heard "The Blank" is doing a Walthamstow explained video
In reply to Post #2 praise that man yet again the one and only Karlos
In reply to Post #7 Brilliant stuff Karlos, even more reason to be on the pc away from the missus!!!
In reply to Post #9999 looks good
In reply to Post #2 This sounds really good.
Well done Karlos.
In reply to Post #1000 top man.
CF leads from the front and paves the way