In reply to Post #273 Hell, yes, Stu. Be good to catch up....
Nearly moved south ourselves, then gave me head a wobble
Andy Blackfire, how the hell are you?
You up for another?
Newbs welcome too, as always!
In reply to Post #271 Some further north than others !
In reply to Post #269 Bloody hell! Thought this was well dead. Some of us are still based in the North!
In reply to Post #269 Everyone's moved down sarf by the looks of it
In reply to Post #267 Hows everybody doing?
Are we having a reunion this year!?
Is there anybody there sydney
In reply to Post #266 No...
In reply to Post #265 is cheshire north enough to post in here
In reply to Post #256 I'm still here jimmy lad...
In reply to Post #263 The price is going to be around £700 . I have no idea how many members will be on there though
In reply to Post #262 What sort of price they looking at for this and how many members what sort of rules
In reply to Post #259 That's the one .
A few of the lakes are getting knocked into one , looks like a good stock of fish going in. It's just done a 40 common too
In reply to Post #260 AHH good I was thinking he meant t'other one "dahn sarf". Jimmy's is quite a bit nearer for me, if you can put up with a Yorkie.
In reply to Post #259 On Jimmy's lake
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #256 Few of us still knocking about, off to France on Friday for a social
Think he means the clearwater up by Borwick.
In reply to Post #257 The one in Essex ??
With the demise of the northern monkies this should be a good place for us
Anybody looking into the new Clearwater syndicate starting up next year ?
In reply to Post #255 Ain't this died a death where is everyone these days
In reply to Post #254 I'm always up for rollacolas stu
In reply to Post #250 Might be time to organise a trip out for the Rollacolas Karl, what you say?
In reply to Post #252 Good for local info too
In reply to Post #251 It's not looking good mate
Was always good checking the classifieds knowing it wouldn't be too far away
In reply to Post #250 Anyone any new on the monkeys site??
In reply to Post #249 Hello stuski
In reply to Post #248 Anybody there Sidney?
In reply to Post #247 Youve just reminded me to do this Vince, I'll do it tonight
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #246 hahahaha!
In reply to Post #245 The norm
Was going through all my fishing stuff last week and found an old camera. It has one picture on it from the fishing social ! arranged.
Its a picture of Vince sitting in a chair, asleep, p!ssed, in the afternoon and Dean is behind him pulling a funny face. Only picture on the camera haha.
I will get it off and put it up on here
In reply to Post #243 I'm suffering with the "new venue" syndrome. In other words I'm mostly blanking whilst I learn the tricks of the trade on this one. So nothing to report, appart from the fact that I am developing a loathing of our feathered chums that goes well beyond the rational.
I think I may have to resort either to buying night vision goggles so I can bait up in the pitch dark, or save up and only fish on Fishabil, (80 odd acres and no birds).
In reply to Post #241 Yeah come on guys how's thing going with you all?????
Only posting to boost this obviously sad and neglected thread...
AND to get that idiot Ledge off the 'latest post' bit.
wow cant you tell were all on fcebook now days
In reply to Post #236
In reply to Post #238 Merry Christmas lads
In reply to Post #236 Aint that amazing, I only just find this forum again after several years, and its apparently going on to Facebook!
Sorry but I am a bit of a techno Luddite. Meaning I can us a PC, (just), end of. So I havent bothered much with Facebook (except when dragged onto it by my Grandkids). That being so I'll pass on the get togethers then.
In reply to Post #236
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #235 Howdo chaps, I'll be sorting a social in the new year, probably on facebook though as a lot of the lads don't come on here anymore.
In reply to Post #234 Long time no ere lol how's it going Chris
In reply to Post #233
all the best lads.
Merry Christmas to all northern lads
And all who look in on this thread
In reply to Post #231
How do lads long time no here what's everyone up to and are you catching
In reply to Post #229 thas all come down to linears lad its rife wi northern monkeys like
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #226 Alright lads, it has gone quiet hasn't it!
What's occurring?
hi lads - any of you fishing the Lymm A/C waters?
In reply to Post #226 Not bad mate
Back on islands how bout you ??
In reply to Post #225 Been quiet on here boys hows tricks
In reply to Post #224 Not to bad Taff give up on the fishing a while ago just trying to get back into it now how's tricks mate
In reply to Post #223 How ya doing jay
In reply to Post #222 Alright lads long time off here
In reply to Post #221 Hard luck Neil Lymm it may be then
In reply to Post #220 im looking into all of them mate, Lymm is the strongest candidate at the mo.
Had my name down at pa for about a year. spoke to them last week he said i have 2 years to wait. booooooooooooooooooooo
In reply to Post #219 Not me Neil what about Lymm? That any good to you or you could get ya name down for pa now that's a club
Any you guys ever been a member of Stoke Angling or fished Astbury Mere?
In reply to Post #217 Good luck.
Tight lines!!
In reply to Post #216 Canal by mine and not a sniff yet
In reply to Post #215 where mate?
Had owt cock?
In reply to Post #213 I'm fishing as I text and it's peeing down
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #213 Nah, I might get out next weekend..
anybody been fishing boys?
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #211 depends who catches them...
In reply to Post #207 Cock
Next you'll be telling us that trout reservoir fish don't count
In reply to Post #209 Sweet man. Inbox me your mobile number!!
In reply to Post #206 i might join you on there doyle work permitting like
In reply to Post #207 I added them too. Some very informative info. I think I'd just use a maggot clip if maggots are fishing well. It appears pegs 16,17,18 are the more favored pegs. May change nearer the time though.
I will ring them later and see if they can accommodate me and help me rid this bad spell I'm having
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #206 I follow them on facebook and people have been catching quite regularly, not sure what pegs, but I am fairly sure maggots are doing well. I would take some superglue / cork balls and make a medusa popup rig, sounds like a faff but it's not that bad. Failing that, there's another rig I've seen, where you use a fluoro piece of plastic corn, have a size 14 match hook on the hair, fill the match hook with maggots, then pull it tight to the plastic corn to trap them on.
like this
and this
Hello fellas. Thinking of shooting up to merington for a quick over nighter on the 29th
Any advice?
bait, pegs e.t.c
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #204 Cheers lads, and Taff, less of the 'old' hahahaha
In reply to Post #203 congatulations to the both of you vince old pal.
In reply to Post #196 Congratulations champ
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #201 Dean's your man for this, but personally I would go for bantons, just check how bad the weed is this year, but Bantons seems to fish really well over the last few years.
In reply to Post #200 hey chaps, i was told this would get a better reception on this thread so il paste it in now......
Hey guys, i know this is really early days but i have recently booked a 5 day trip to wyreside with a mate that will be in june! I have been to wyreside about 4 previous times but have never done longer than 48 hours. We have been told that we can choose whichever lake we want to fish on and im trying to decide which lake to choose. Its definitely between bantons and sunny one, sunny one i have fished before and would definitely feel more at home, however i have always wanted to try bantons although it is much bigger with less fish. I suppose it comes down to the question, do i commit 5 days to sunny 1 and feel more confident of more fish still to a good weight, or commit to bantons and possibly not have as many fish but be in with the chance to get a much bigger one! Anyone who is used to fishing this place i would love some input on what you feel the best option would be and how to approach the particular lake for spending this amount of time there in terms of baiting up ect thanks!
In reply to Post #196 congrats vince
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #198 Thanks lads....
In reply to Post #196 Congrats Vince
In reply to Post #196 congratulations m8
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #195 Not bad pal, wife's pregnant again so that's my fishing next year ruined....
In reply to Post #194 Haha sure have vince , I sold all me gear m8 just starting up again , how are u m8 ?
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #193 Alright Ian mate! get yourself on this social.....
What you been up to? still got the feathered things??
In reply to Post #192 Elo boys hows every 1 doin
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #190 Ouch
In reply to Post #189 memories
129lbs of fish and x amount of oz's and 3 raffle prize wins
Thanks andy
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #187 ...and wasn't Cahors next to Karl with all the fish in front of him but he couldn't buy a bite? hahhahahaha
In reply to Post #186 Carn't belive Karl caught all those fish he was just rubbing it in
In reply to Post #185 ha ha ha thats right andy yous did i remember you ended up next to me ha ha
In reply to Post #184 That's the time Karl and me swapped pegs vince
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #183 I know wha tyou mean Mark, I think Karl had 7 fish out one time though? or was it 5 maybe?
In reply to Post #180 its not about the price of the fishing its the amount of anglers they cram on we couldnt cast out on the last social plus out of all the socials we have had there i think weve only 6 fish out???
In reply to Post #180 and the food package for £20 is a crackin deal
You know that lar!!
In reply to Post #179 thats if this one happens
In reply to Post #179 £30 for 48 hours is good, and the food package for £20 is a crackin deal
In reply to Post #177 hello vince no im going to leave this social m8 cant stand that whyerside m8 to money orientated for me but thanks anyway pal hopefully the next one will be elsewere
In reply to Post #177
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #176 Alright Mark, nowt doing for me, not caught a fish for months,
Are you up for the social mate? there's possibly a space if people don't pay up... need deposit today
now then boys long time no see/speak infact its been that long i forgot my password
well hows every one doing and have yous done much fishing ?
In reply to Post #174 Done x
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #173 Sound, can you put cahors down please
In reply to Post #172 i mentioned that in my original post. Edited the post anyway buster. just thought id get the wheels in motion x
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #170 Doyle, if there's enough interest we may want to take S2 as well
Wyreside Spring Social. Last weekend of march for 48 hrs. Friday 30th - 1st April.
please see
Spring Social
happy new year lads
All the best fellas. Enjoy it, I'm off too work now.
I will sort a social at the end of the month. Take care x
Have a good un lads!!!! All the best
In reply to Post #166
happy new year lads, tight lines boys for 2012 see you all on the bank.
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
Happy new year lads, can't wait to meet you all again next year, drink too much, catch nothing and wake up with stu in bed with me....
In reply to Post #164 Yeah happy new year to all good luck for 2012
happy new year all and dont get to drunk tonight
tight lines for all trying to bag a 2012 fish tonight / tomorrow
and also be up for any social next year
In reply to Post #155 Yeah defo...... Let me know pal
In reply to Post #161 Happy Christmas to all and tight lines for 2012
have a good un lads
In reply to Post #160
i can be if you want me to be
In reply to Post #158 Get over ourself Dean. Your not my type
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #158 I'm up for a wyreside social,
Taffi - I nearly fainted when I saw the pics of all them pins in your feet mate....
In reply to Post #155 aslong as theres no kissing
In reply to Post #152 yeh good thanks mate, and you to
In reply to Post #155 happy xmas chaps
and i'd be up for a social
Anybody interested in a spring social?
I don't mind organizing it at all. Be nice to meet some of you all properly.
I'm thinking Wyreside (sunny 1) if there's enoug interest then I will look at other lakes. Let me know.
Merry Christmas x
In reply to Post #153 All the best guys for crimbo and the new year. hopefully get on the banks again in a year or so or as soon as these feet are working again.
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #152 Alright chaps - happy christmas everyone!
In reply to Post #151 alls well dean hope same your end . have a good and be merry pal
In reply to Post #150 how it going karl?
Any Monkeys out this or next week I hope to be out next Monday for quick overnighter
In reply to Post #147 thanks Dean sounds good
In reply to Post #146 last weekend in november andy!
In reply to Post #143 try and find out some dates vince
In reply to Post #1 alright lads, hows everybodys fishing goin had much out?
In reply to Post #143 winter pikeing sounds good to me mate im not working now so im free any time
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #142 Stu cahors was asking on Facebook, so I told him to organise it.. I'll give him another nudge.
Maybe this winter we should meet up and fish for pike on one of the albert waters Mark.
In reply to Post #141 im still waiting to fish one of the albert waters vince i will give it a good go over the winter i think
i agree a social is what we need even if its just a handfull off us meeting up for a weekend somewere whos up for it ?
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #140 Howdo Mark, I've been doing a bit here and there, not had a great season though to be honest... off again tomorrow night to one of the albert waters.
Someone needs to sort a social.
hello lads its been a while how is everyone ? have yous been doing much fishing ? i have forgot how to fish its been that long im hoping to get a few winter sessions in now im out of work
In reply to Post #138
how do boys hope you are all well. just got back from
holland working, ste can you count me in mate, not been out since
march, would been good to get the line's wet again. and sink
some beers. by the way the water at blackpool is four seesons.
In reply to Post #136 Still got some in the freezer mate , and thats where they are staying lol !
In reply to Post #136 i have, brilliant baits, nice texture to them as well. good luck
Hello Boys.
Fished wyerside last week for a cheeky 24 hrs. I was on Sunny 1, Peg 7. Used Cell, New Grange, Fished the Method, Zig Rig, Pop up, Wafters. fished the gravel bar half way and various other places. didnt have a sniff :-(
Only 1 fish came out whilst i was there, on peg 5. Never mind. I will be back!!
Going to Linear to hopefully fish Hunts Corner at the end of the month. Gonna Try CC Moore Meteor Boillies. Anybody used these?
In reply to Post #134 Afternoon boys , anyone out today doing any fishing ?
In reply to Post #133
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #132 Nice one Dean, let me know when you've baited...
i go to myerscough college and the canal that is next to that looks pretty carpy, might be worth a pre-bait some time
In reply to Post #130 Lancaster canal ..... Stainton stretch , full of big grassies , fight like hell up there !!!!
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #129 I'm no expert on the canals by any stretch but I do know the Lancaster has done fish to 20's, and they are quite commonplace... as for tips, no idea, just bait up and then turn up!
In reply to Post #128 that may be mate but im just looking to go somewhere different to be honest. only fishing sunny 2 as we are limited to 24hrs.
to be honest im sick of the same old places i go. joining a syndi myself in january. so not many more chances to go fishing this year really, apart from this 24 hour then down south for a week from the 25th sept at linear, which im looking forward to alot.
ive never considered a canal. could you pm me some more infomation. where, bait, tips e.t.c
thanks mate
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #127 It is an extremely busy and expensive day ticket water. The fish are very pressured and not that big either. Don't want to put a downer on it but it's not the kind of place I'd go to relax!
Greg and Dean fish the syndicate which is different.
Could you not find a nice quiet spot on the Lancaster canal and chuck a bit of bait in a few days before?
In reply to Post #125 Thanks mate, im only going for a little 24 hrs. never been there before. Just nice to get away when you work 5 / 6 days a week
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #125 I might be up on Saturday night Greg. Will let you know if I am.
I'd agree with Gregs comments, but I would always go with a pineapple popup on one rod.
In reply to Post #122 Neil.... Peg's 1/9/19/20/21
Good quality boilie, stringer with a few baits scattered around always used to work for me....
May have changed though, not fished it for a couple of years....
Having said that, I did have one of the big 'uns out over a very large bed of particle...
In reply to Post #123 Let me know when/if you do go up Vince... I'll probably be on Bantons so will pop over for a brew....
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #122 God knows... I wouldn't personally bother mate. Although I might be on there with the kids
In reply to Post #121
thinking about flying down to Wyreside and fishing Sunny 2 next week. Whats the low down on baits e.t.c
Any useful info would be super!!
In reply to Post #120 Oreeeeeet Lads,hows it going.
Absolutely stunning Vince
Well in pal
In reply to Post #119 Nice commons Vince
In reply to Post #118 just read that at least they caught tho
In reply to Post #117 Cheers Andy, just read it...
Unlucky Ste
In reply to Post #116 Think there's a report in the foreign section Greg- on the planchon thread. Looks like weather did for them.
Well in Vincent!
Does anyone know how big ste got on in France?
In reply to Post #108 welldone vince
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #112 It was 42lb 8oz Andy, jet black too. Tony said there were a few in there but they took all of them bar one out. Gave me a funny old fight it did, much like a catfish fight.
Well done vince
In reply to Post #111 Was it about 32-34 in weight? Had a week at Bley about 8 years ago and the sturgeon was out 3 times that week and went like stink every time it was hooked
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #109 Yeah it is Andy, That Sturgeon is knocking on a bit now by all accounts, and doesn't get caught much anymore....
@Doyle: Moulin de Bley is well worth a look mate, good facilities and a great lake.
In reply to Post #108 good work mate . looks like you had a swell time.
im looking to plan my trip to frnace for next year soon. i have no idea where to go. theres so many options.
my fishing buddy is a tart and he wont go anywhere with out a shower block. im not bothered to be fair. theres lots of options that i can look into to stay clean!!
In reply to Post #108 Is that Moulin de Bley Vince? How many times was that sturgeon caught that week? Looks like you had a good week!
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #106 not bad bob, had a few fish, including a 50lb mirror...

In reply to Post #104 How was France Vince?
In reply to Post #104 I'll gladly turn up depending on dates
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #103 Not been out for a few weeks Andy, going to France soon though, I'll report back as soon as I'm back
How's things going chaps any one been out I did 48hrs and had a 14lb 17lb 25lb and a 28lb all mirrors and lost 4 fish
In reply to Post #100 That's not bad 3places left come on guys
And I'm off fishing for 48hr in the morning Laters
In reply to Post #100
In reply to Post #99 whos going
andy parry
mini chris
In reply to Post #97 thanks dean
In reply to Post #91 me and greg are in mate, depending on dates
In reply to Post #96 welcome aboard neil
In reply to Post #95 id like to be involved. im fairly new to the forum and would like to join in things like this.
Also im going for a full day session at Leisure Lakes on the 23rd of this month if anybodys interested?
In reply to Post #94 Put me down ste
In reply to Post #91 Count me in ste are we doing 48 hrs
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #91 I'm in Ste. As is cahors.
In reply to Post #91 Im in... just not the weekend of the 9th of october
In reply to Post #90 Write if no one is going to organise it i will but it will be on sunny1 for 12 people for late September early october time if possible and there will be no deposits for this just a straight payment to wyreside
In reply to Post #89 Well we need some one to organise it first as I say I don't won't to do it but I do won't to go
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #88 Yeah, not bad mate, going to France in a month so looking forward to that. What Bike? Motorbike or pushbike?
In reply to Post #87 im good vince cheers, hows u ye i still got me albert just not used it had no interested in fishing really, any chance i hav im out on me bike these days
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #86 Alright Daz! hows it goin?
Dd you stay in PAAS?
In reply to Post #85 where ever u decide lads stick me down on the list not been out for a while now
In reply to Post #83 is it any good? for a social I mean?
no and no lol
i fish it on and off depending what mood im in (if i can tolerate knobheads) it gets rammed with noddies casting everywhere, there are no pegs, no rules and no max amount of people aloud on the lake so to many people fish it at once.
as for the social side the nearest shop is about 15 mins away and there is no facilities on site
can be a runs water at times, other times you can blank (i blanked last week on a 24hr )
only waters i can think of are boundary, pendle, wyreside, barston (bit further away), llyn y gors (in decent weather!), gwynedd lakes (what was the last one there like?)
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #82 Well it's near ish Blackpool...
is it any good? for a social I mean?
In reply to Post #80 thats cockerham quarry in lancaster
In reply to Post #80 linky
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #79 That link doesn't seem to work,
click on the fishing link in the menu
In reply to Post #75 sure it was blackpool vince? i cant think of a place there that begins with a c and is a runs water
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #77 I can't remember Andy and I can't find it on the net either...
EDIT: Found it, cockerham quarry, seems it's changed ownership though, and it's only 3 acres...
In reply to Post #75 how big vince any idea the lake i mean
In reply to Post #74
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #73 There's a place near Blackpool that might be ok, can't for the life of me remember the name of it but it's a bit of a runs water.
It's not four seasons. Think it begins with a C?
In reply to Post #73 Its a synch with a Mk1 bivvy bailer .
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #71 Lyn y gors?
**** that!
In reply to Post #71 last time we fished there the weather was megga bad but it didn't bother me as i won but i dont think most of the chaps will be to bothered with it myself
Llyn Y Gors
In reply to Post #69 what about cromwell then we've been before
if i go I wont be drinking!!
i think i will sit this one out guys i cant bring meself to give wyreside me money
i had a walk round lesuire lakes today deffo not the the place for a social
In reply to Post #66 gregs the man for organising mate, i just turn up and get stupidly drunk.
where up there tomorrow so will have a chat with him
In reply to Post #65 Well if it's wyreside we could get Greg or Dean to sort it out I don't fancy sorting this time but they are regulars there I only suggested it
fair enough, wyreside sounds much better then!
due to the bad publicity of lesiure lakes i would not be wanting to fish this place for a social
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #62 I'm easy on venues, being secure is important for me!
In reply to Post #60 i went last september bud for a quick overnighter and the poor sod next to me had all 3 rod swiped in the early hours 20 odd yards away for me and i didn't here a thing
but i can have a few next to my rods a supose
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #60 I'm up for it dates dependent Ste! Would prefer it to wyreside to be honest, it's only 20 mins down the road from me! and it's a lot cheaper.
We should aim to fill the lake thoguh, would be much better that way.
I'm 100% certain cahors will be up for it too.
In reply to Post #58 when did you last go? Some of the pegs are excellent! A few Large doubles with woodchip. I'd say 10 decent pegs for bivvies at least.
Its quite safe too as she locks the gate at 8pm. I'm not saying its the best venue but not a bad alternative if the price is right. Theyve just stocked some more commons in to 22lb aswell.
In reply to Post #55 thing with the leisure lakes is we wont be able to leave gear and go for a drinky and some of the pegs are crap
As long as it's reasonably local I'm up for it. No wheels at the mo
In reply to Post #55 alrite lads seeing as we have the ball partialy rolling lets see how many people wont to go and then we can go from there was aout yesterday at hampton springs and had an 18lb and a 16lb mirror on SPAM BROKE A BLANK OF NEARLY 8 MONTHS PHEW
how about leisure lakes, Southport?
It's not a bad venue, large tidy pegs, can drive to most of them, clean facilities, club house and cafes basically on the bank. Quite an easy water too. Done two 48 hour session recently and landed 4 carp to 15lbs but some catching quite a few more and they go to mid-upper twenties.
Wasn't plan on fishing there much more on weekends as it gets very noisy with the clubhouse and campers but for a social maybe not so bad!
Sure if there's enough of us I'll get it for £15 per person per night.
Edit: I'm struggling to link here. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002085531929#!/profile.php?id=100002085531929 thats leisure lakes facebook page
In reply to Post #53 wyreside foxes ??
anyone got any ideas wheremost of the places i fish arn't runs waters
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #49 Yeah, let's try to sort somewhere out for later this year.... be good to all get back together and catch a few / sink a few.
In reply to Post #49 pm mate
i think we should go on a runs water and have doubles comp for a laugh
In reply to Post #47 wheres a viable alternative tho lads?, close ish for everybody with some facilities...?
Wyreside have it stitched up around here
In reply to Post #46 as always mark
In reply to Post #45 i agree great social place but very money oriantaited lately
In reply to Post #44 other than the price, nothing compares to wyreside for a good old social
In reply to Post #40 hope you had a nice b'day ste and im deffo up for a social any ideas where
In reply to Post #40 sounds good, hope u had a great birthday too
In reply to Post #39
In reply to Post #40 happy birthday ste and yes im well up for a social mate
In reply to Post #38 hello lads hope everyones doing alrite, what have you all been up to lately......and are we going to have a northern get together this year maybe september time somewere let me now what you all think of that then
oh and heskey had a 53lb cat out of dream lakes on sunday it should have pulled him in lol
oh and its my birthdat today big 42
take it easy fellas speak to you all soon
In reply to Post #38 How do Dave long time no see
hi Guys i'm catching as well,
In reply to Post #36 Not to. Bad Karl thanks just trying to sort some time to fish at the mo I've got 48hrs coming my way
In reply to Post #35 howdi andy hows it going
In reply to Post #34 at least your out catching
In reply to Post #33 had a few out pal .
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #32 Cheers, how are you getting on at the syndi Karl?
In reply to Post #31 have a good time and catch plenty vince
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #30 Alright Karl mate!
I did a session on Sandmere a few weeks ago and had a low double; pretty quiet for sandmere, but I lost 3 fish too... not sure why either.
Got France with Cahors and my dad fairly soon
In reply to Post #29 didnt know there was a best part on here
In reply to Post #27 fished orrell water park and millfarm had few nice carp from both didnt no there was a northern part on here!
In reply to Post #27 blank for me
have a good birthday vince
evening lads hows things going, any 1 catching
In reply to Post #25 how are yous chaps?
In reply to Post #24 certainly is mate, well done
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #23 Nah nothing big Dean, all low doubles. Nice to get a few though.
In reply to Post #20 nice1 vince, any size
In reply to Post #21 nice one vince.
In reply to Post #20 nice 1 vince
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
Well I've opened my 2011 account. did an overnighter last weekend and had 8 runs for 4 fish landed. Lost a couple in weed and dropped a few runs. Not bad all in all, apart from having to hold the brolly down half the night cos of the wind!
In reply to Post #18 photies
I'm catching
had my first days fishing in about a year on sat, had a great day with family, my dad hasn't been fishing in 2 years and even longer for my twin bro. We all caught too! made up, had a nice mirror about 9-10lb on large halibut pellet and a common about 10/11lb on free lined bread crust.
Me and my dad are going to do a day or a night somewhere later this week, possibly leaisure lakes near southport? And we need a new day ticket for a 3 night session soon seeing as little wyreside has closed down!
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #15 I've had nothing since November....
I'm going to try one of the club lakes this weekend, not decided which yet.
In reply to Post #14 nice 1 chris
In reply to Post #13 okay mate. think its about time we had a northen social.
In reply to Post #12 Don't rub it in Chris!!
In reply to Post #11
how do chaps.
the only fishing i have done is a week session in france in march at lac du charlou lake.
fishing was hard but 5 runs 3 fish. 21lb common and 2 mirors 27lb,
and 55lb called srumpy jack. trying to get out next week if not working.
In reply to Post #10 Had a day on the middle lake at Baden Hall at the weekend with the old fella-had 10 carp to mid doubles. It's a bit of a pastie water but usually good for a few runs and a bend in the rod. Not done any roper carping since france in september- just don't seem to have the time.
In reply to Post #8 how do chaps not much going on in here at the mo has anybody been catchin cause i blanked last trip out
In reply to Post #8 Ooh a Northern bit........
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #7 Yeah, I'd be up for a little get together!
In reply to Post #5 Good idea Mark it will be nice to catch up
In reply to Post #5
In reply to Post #4 i have been doing bits but nothing special we will have to get a few of us together in a few weeks time for a catch up
In reply to Post #3 i think ive been every weekend since the start of feb mark having a weekend off at the mo, may do a couple of evening / late afternoon few hr drive bye's this week, for the carp havent really fished for them since the last social mate been chasing everything else
In reply to Post #2 evening stu have you done much fishing lately ?
In reply to Post #1 thanks slash
| slash | Posts: 8320 |  | MODERATOR | |
There you go chaps