I'm new to the forum, and fishing generally.
Picked it up over the last 4 years, however I have really come a long way in the last year, fishing trickier waters than I probably should but wanted to challenge myself. (resulted in many blanks )
Now have a better idea of goals and what I want to target. 12 year old son tends to tag along most of the time. (he loves it)
Anyhow, nice to meet you all
Tight lines
In reply to Post #591 Wellcome to the forum James
Hi all,
just thought I would say hello, recognize some of you from the Anglers Forum (previously CEMEX) where I have been a member for a long time.
look forward to joining in on here.
In reply to Post #588 Welcome to the forum.
In reply to Post #588 Welcome
Hello to everyone.
Been reading and enjoying this forum for months and finally I decided to register as a full member.
I am comming from Bosnia, leave here and fish here, and English is not my native language so I do apologize for any grammar errors I make, be gentle .
I started fishing like when I was 6 years old with my father and fishing since then and that is about 29 years. Last couple years I have dedicated myself in carp fishing and found that hihgly interesting, so much that I consider myself as fanatic.
I love camping, nature, so much that I could make my life in tent and I try to pass that passion to my kids and family.
Hope I will be useful member and my experience will help others on this forum, like many of you have helped me with various questions that have get me on this forum in first place.
In reply to Post #586 Welcome
Hi all, not long signed up on here and still figuring out how to use the site, got sick of fb and all the rubbish that gets posted on there. Always fished since a kid but got into my carp fishing about 8 years ago. Manly fish the day tickets around the colne valley, Farlows, Thorney Weir, go over to Linear now and again. Looking forward to chatting about all things carpy.
In reply to Post #580 Welcome mate and enjoy 😉
In reply to Post #582 Welcome
In reply to Post #582 Welcome mate
In reply to Post #3 Hi all, just joined and looking forward to asking a few questions on all things carpy
In reply to Post #580 Hi and welcome mate
In reply to Post #1000 Hi chaps,
Long time lurker signing up for duty! Paul, aka Ox, aka Captain Disaster, frequenter of the Cotswold Water Park, Gloucestershire and Somerset waters.
In reply to Post #578 Hi and welcome Steve