In reply to Post #107 I also have my bivvy done up nice and tight and all edges pinned down for the night
In reply to Post #106 Boiling water doesnt get rid of weils, always have a rat trap set at night
dont know if this came up earlier in thread but i u
this, odour free and designed for the fisherman:
In reply to Post #1000 Weils disease is bad but should not be taken out of context, i was a keen water skier for many years and have skied all over the country, one or two people have contracted the disease but when you think of the thousands who ski and have never been infected it puts the risk into perpective, and I have swallowed may a mouth full of lake wter at a rapid rate of knotts when falling off.
If fishing on a lake with rats present take reasonable precautions but still enjoy your fishing.
In reply to Post #103 very informative thread
In reply to Post #102 yea i know defies logic eh? lol
In reply to Post #101 almost everytime if fish the lake over the road from this one(which is only days) i end up with headache and a day or two of flu like symptoms? and i'm not the only one..very odd that
& yet you keep going back!?
In reply to Post #100 on some lakes this wont dter the rats.. i done an overnighter this wednesday, and when i got up for a wee at about 5.30 am i found that my small rubbish bag had gone? never did find it? also my saucepan that was full to the brim with lake water had been dragged about 7ft away? im thinking that this was a fox? and talking of strange happenings,almost everytime if fish the lake over the road from this one(which is only days) i end up with headache and a day or two of flu like symptoms? and i'm not the only one..very odd that
In reply to Post #1000 i have one of those cheap solar lights from wilko that you stick in the garden,which i place under my bed.
i also leave the radio on.
In reply to Post #1000 My dog died of this many years ago.
I have accidently drank the same lake water 15 years later, in th autum. My misis brought down a bottle of water for me to drink, I had a similar bottle filled with lake water next to the unhooking matt. I placed the drinking water next to it. When my partner went I picked up the wrong bottle lake water and started to drink waving to my partner. I only had a couple of mouthfulls before realising what I had done. I drank my other drink, and when I got home drank lots more water. Luckily I didn't get I'll.
How do some fisherman kiss fish. Shorely that's risky
In reply to Post #97 I'd go to the GP and tell him your concerns. At best it'll put your mind at ease, worst case scenario you've contracted it, and you can get it sorted now before it ****s you up. There's probably nothing to worry about, but it's better to go to the GP and get the all clear than not go the GP and get sick.
Ive used anti bac gel for years now, the session before the bottle split and I hadn't replaced it, have now tho.
So if baby wipes arnt good enough, do you think I should get checked out?
In reply to Post #95 no mate, baby wipes will not kill bacteria. You need to get some anti-bacterial hand gel for when you're fishing. I'm a bit OCD with it, but better than to risk getting weils disease.
Whilst fishing an overnighter last week under an oval, I nodded off halfway through a cuppa. I was woken up by a rustling sound. As I looked out 2 bloody very rats scampered across my swim with custard veranda in there gobs.
I checked the pack and they had knicked half a pack, they had been standing on a toilet roll whilst munching. When I picked the toilet roll up it was soaked through with rat piss.
I had a full panic and wiped everything down with baby wipes. I'm now crapping myself, every headache I get all I can think is weils.
Were the baby wipes enough?
In reply to Post #91 I always wash my pots and pans in the lake water wiv no problems
Well then you have been very lucky so far .With this information at your fingertips, you would be foolish to ignore this and possibly risk your life .