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 New Posts  Old school angling pt2.
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   Old Thread  #627 7 Oct 2014 at 5.21pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #626
When young i had no fear of any man to my mother said i was spoiling myself, i would end up at the fair ground they would offer five pounds to fight their prize fighter me a young chap would go down and watch for a bit then if i though i had a chance i would put my hand up for a go i would be stripped to the waist i stood in the ring eying their fighter he was made like a bull he came out of his corner like a swinging his fists he expected me to go down and call an end to this fight but i was made of sterner stuff he jabbed with a right it bloody well hurt i was up when he came at me again i was ready i stuck the nut on him he went down the canvas was covered in blood i don't think they liked what i had done it was time to run i grabbed my jacket and shirt and run like hell i was stopped by a gentleman the other side of the ring whats your name young man i can put some business your way meet me tonight i saw him latter at the old sun pub now gone demolished to make way for shops and such when i went there they would be playing the piano funny really they were all irish come in young man i looked around and their sitting by the piano he nodded i hear you sorted one of the fighters out at the fair.

I knew this man well he was my foreman on the job i was doing with a local firm in the beginning i was the only local man working mr Joyce, kept and eye on me if i got to cheeky and he caught me he would give me a good hiding he was only trying to teach me to be a gentleman and not to loose my temper so easily i loved these irish men they worked hard and played hard most came over to work and never went back to there homes in Ireland i loved their company. i would take a big jug of tea around the men most had tin mugs i filling one mug when i was grabbed by the balls bloody hell did it hurt the next thing i knew was my foreman pulled this welsh man to his feet he gave me the nod although in pain i was ready he let this welsh man go he came at me like a mad bull i dropped him very easy and i was given a clap by the lads. Now mister you can collect your cards at the office shouted mr joyce i went over to him don't sack he may have a family to support that welsh chap came a big friend over the years mr joycs died early in life i would like tp think he was a friend the next foemen was mr Donnelley he was another hard man he liked me i liked him we had great respect between us he called me one day what pay do you get i told him i have just put it up to twenty pounds a week god that was big money in those days i could go out and have suit made to measure ill tell you more latter. I loved these lads ill tell you more about taking them poaching. more latter
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   Old Thread  #626 29 Sept 2014 at 3.23pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #625
I loved the hill side it was like walking in a different land in my time as a youth it was so pretty it had not been spoiled like today with cars and such i spent hours watching the game grouse and such i also watch the various raptors that seemed to be making a come back buzzards sparrow hawks and kestrels they used to feed off the humble rabbits. i loved fishing the mountain streams off would come my boots roll up my trousers and in i would go under the over hanging bank i would feel the stream lined body of this fish i would soon have him on the bank i looked at this pretty fish no more than there quarters of a pound big for this mountain stream.

i continued down stream catching one or two for the pan at home I had tickled at leased twelve when a voice sounded whats e doing down there young un nowt sir. you be after sirs trout he won't be very happy about that. YES but his got to catch me first i managed to get my socks and boots i looked up he came hurtling down the bank but i had a least five hundreds start have you tried to run in heather i looked back he had vanished from sight i saw him crawling up the side of the stream bank he certainly was not in a good mood i wished him good day and i was away shouting i will have a few more yet i managed to get into the adjacent woods i heard another shout thou won't get away this time, you don't won't a bet does you i looked up the bank behind where i stood and there stood the lord of the manner well i called it that infact it was the big hall, he shouted once again your the bugger that had my duck last year it could of been sir i thought for a minute he was going to blow up, i thought to make my escape i managed to get to my bike with ease and cycled across the fields i saw no more of them and managed t get to the farm of a friend Chris Davies we sat and had a laugh with a big cup off coffee got your rod pete yes i have not used it yet have a go on my piece of river bloody hell Chris what will bell say nowt its my land i let who i won't so i was away pete get us a couple as approached the river i will mate i caught forteen in all not one under a pound i gave Chris three and i was away as i cycled passed bells i tied a couple to his gate thanking for the sport i had on his river. well thats another story. more to come latter

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   Old Thread  #625 27 Sept 2014 at 1.19pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #622
I really think christmas was my busiest time even into the sixties things were very hard i would be kept busy cutting holly and mistletoe anywhere i could get it for free, then there were the nights out i even had old farmer prices turkeys, it was only by luck i found he had any. I was up the fields when i heard all this noise what was that i found an old brick shed which really had not been used for years and in it were these black turkeys i had made my mind up i would have three or four before he killed them for xmas

I took another friend with me the night i was going to have them, his name was ray where be they pete up the grove wood i said I'm not coming up there it be Haunted well me mam says it is, i have never seen anything all the years i have been going up there alright ill come i want a bird for me mam, it was the worst night i have ever had i opened the latch on the gate to the shed i was hit in the chest by this big angry bird bloody hell he had me on the floor i managed to get my torch out and called

ray, no answer i am sure he hit a new world record for doing the mile i was scratched all over but managed to get the best off this old bird i took four in all i met ray down the field i was just coming back bloody hell pete your bleeding all over i gave one to ray for his mam although he ran away .

That was that i never ever took anyone with me again i made quite a lot of money at that time of year i poached the pheasants they were very daft birds so easy to catch they would put thousands down on some estates all you needed was a bit of luck i used a piece of line with a hook tied to one end bait was sultana i would buy a bag and scatter a few around god those birds loved them i would hide in a ditch the silly birds hooked their selves you just pulled them in and smack them on the head and into the bag they went i have had twenty or even more . This is how we lived they were good days more latter
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   Old Thread  #624 25 Sept 2014 at 6.32pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #623
Thanks ken i appreciate your kind remark
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   Old Thread  #623 25 Sept 2014 at 5.21pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #622
Many thanks, Pete.
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   Old Thread  #622 25 Sept 2014 at 12.50pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #618
Old bells dogs were very good the old bugger trained them quite well, he sold a lot all over the uk he was no fool, i had one or two near escapes but i also had great respect for the old gentleman. I was a fisherman and dearly loved the trout in the stream they had been stocked by the owners they were fished mainly by friends of the estates and looked after dear old bell. It was not long after the war and people would eat most things offered them they had lived off rabbits for years. As i crossed the field i could here the wind rushing through tree tops i hid my bike in some big ferns into the wood i got and sat down and listened there was a sharp yap further into the wood a dog fox no doubt little did i know that at one stage in my life i would lease the woods and such but its not then but now the river was well kept i got up from my resting position and looked in my bag i had some lovely red worms in a jar which i had collected from the farm yesterday they would do hooking a couple on the hook cast out the only weight i had was a box of BB shot i used two. The line swung around then tightened up no need to strike the fish was on i played it to the bank we had no landing nets then into the shallow water i got and picked this lovely deep fish from the water a good pound i need more around his size to night. THE wind was blowing well into the trees i would not expect ay Baliffs or keepers to be out tonight but how wrong could i be, i had caught another dozen fish when i could smell pipe smoke its got to be bell before i could turn around he was there i dived into some bracken and just lay there he never saw me he shouted to some on the other side of the river have you seen any one bill no nobody is around tonight ill cross the shallows to your side i don't won't to be out all nigh i listened for his land rover to start up he was away i could hear it fading in the distance

i caught another five or so fish, when i heard a shout the crafty bugger had not gone home he was now joined by mr pc plod and company i heard him run through the trees he has gone that way away they went blowing there whistle as they went i just walked over the water fall i stumbled onto the blind school land i hid my rods and bag under the chicken pen and climed the nearest big tree i watched as they came back and stood talking its that bugger from Bayston hill he was talking to the Sgt we will check him out today or tomorrow thanks said bell we may as we'll call it a night i got my bag and rod and i was away on my bike i got home around three in the morning i washed the trout and put them into the pantry i washed and went to bed
i heard the police motor bike i had a look it was pc jones he looked quite funny on the bike as he was very big man, your lad in mrs yes he is a sleep and has been all night thanks we will call again and away he went well theres a bit more. more to come
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   Old Thread  #621 22 Sept 2014 at 6.59pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #618
Been away for a time so more stories to follow
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   Old Thread  #620 6 Sept 2014 at 7.39pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #619
appreciated Daniel
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   Old Thread  #619 5 Sept 2014 at 1.03pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #618
Abosulutely briliant snippets of a life full of living!!...I'm sure alot of us feel we were born to late reading this thread. Good mates being out there with nature is what carp fishing means to me, however i'd say we have all had a watered down version in comparrison.
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   Old Thread  #618 31 Aug 2014 at 4.01pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #617
Well I have managed to put a few fish on the bank nothing really big but mostly doubles the biggest around fourteen pounds but have seen some good photos of middle twenties so it is only a matter of time. Although I am seventy two I still get that buzz when fishing a new water I wish I was younger to do the things I loved to walk the fields in the dead of night holding my trusty rifle graham by my side we would shoot the humble rabbit some night over fifty, I have had a wonderful time over the years simple things gave me pleasure like standing in the woods listening to the wild life I have slept under the ferns they made a comfy bed covering myself with the same the vixen screamed it would freeze the blood of most that had not heard it before the screech of the owl one wood I poached he put down galinees they soon warned the keeper if there was anyone around lovely to eat I would have a couple before they even called into the bag they went and so did I what a racket they made in the dead of night the keepers would soon be out of their beds, I would be long gone onto the next estate it all gave me pleasure. Into the next wood, I would listen for a while just incase they had been called out to watch their coverts not a noise you can tell when someone's about a crack of wood where he had stood a rustle of clothes catching the undergrowth the smell of a distant pipe they all gave you a warning when some one was around I would take my time have six nice birds with my rifle and torch then away to the next wood.

At times you would be discovered then the chase began this really excited me I would be away with the keepers and maybe dogs I would hide my pheasants one ploy I used was to run the river bank crossing where I could if near old bells shoot I would run the top of the waterfall then down the other side across another fall under the road bridge and wait and see I smelt pipe smoke knew instantly it was old Gerry Haiz, if he was here so was old Bell the next thing I knew was my face being licked by a big old lab it was bells he knew me he soon got fed up
and away he went when bell called him back come you old bugger I watched and waited but they disappeared into the distance I was lucky once again. well a bit more latter
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   Old Thread  #617 16 Aug 2014 at 1.10pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #616
I have been doing a bit of fishing, i have caught a few i have been going with a big friend, well two they have made me go as i would not of gone after Grahams death, but i suppose i must move forward so i have been going with Bern and big Tom they have both been a big help Bern fished with Graham and myself loads of times in the sixties and seventies Bern has been a friend for 42 years Tom not so long about 15 years he is a member of our shoot personally i could not do with out him he is a lovely chap and will help out anywhere we need him, well the fish i have caught have not been huge but i have enjoyed going, there are some big fish in the lake so we will just have to wait and see i will put the time in, there are some lovely Rudd present so i might just have a go for them.

Graham myself a Bernard have had some good times together not only fishing, we liked a drink or two god we have been in some terrible states over the years but it has done us no harm we all loved nature and that lead us all over shropshire watching foxes, falcons, deer, anything that took our fancy Bernard was never with us when we poached. Grahams brother came along we would go out with a long net and caught loads of rabbits a Dark windy night was the time and we poached a few estates, and we were discovered on a few occasions so the net was up and away we went,at times they would call the police, they would come with their horns blaring away any self respecting poacher would be long gone. I can remember one particular night we failed to get away before the law appeared with three very angry keepers, we hid the net and away we went in those days i could run we were surrounded by the river and it left nowhere for us to go only in the water i said to Graham we can ford it further up stream dick said there a farm a little further up the fields we could hear whistle and shouting all around us we approached the farm up into the hayloft we climbed

we removed a few bails i making it big enough for the three of us after getting in we pulled the bails back over us and there we stayed for over two hours the police and keepers did arrive but never twigged where we were, we heard one keeper say they must of crossed the river
where the ford is its not to deep they may of got their feet wet but then they were in the woods by the big
hall , they could soon be on the road and away home. we nearly burst out laughing, i have got a road block said the Sgt if they go towards shrewsbury, we will nab them, and away they went, the car was hidden on a old airdrome which the yanks used in the war, no one ever went near the place they said it was haunted by the air men that had lost their lives in the war it was now covered and very over grown but easy to hide your car we were soon on our way to dicks we only caught twenty rabbits which was really waste of time but we enjoyed every bit of it we were soon enjoying cheese sandwiches and mugs of hot tea if the police were waiting they would be there a very long time. well thats it for now rigs to tie more later
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   Old Thread  #616 8 Aug 2014 at 11.43am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #615
Graham and i made one more visit to the pool in the woods what a rout march it was the ferns they were over our head we sweat gallons before arriving at our destination, on looking around things were just the same as when we last left it we fished together this time with our backs to the ferns i said look at that graham one of the biggest grass snakes i had ever seen came across the water and disappeared into the ferns we had not seen an adder as yet. But as the day warmed up they made an appearance they lay on the beech sunning there selves we left them well alone i must admit it was one of the best days fishing we have ever had we caught some tremendous Rudd some over three pounds i wonder why no others fish the place graham, the dogs still barked at the hall well half a hall most had been burned down.
We were just having a sandwich when this funny looking bloke came down the path towards us he looked as if he needed a good wash he had a great big beard which looked as black as soot it was to late to run.

Morning gentlemen whats e doing here if e catches y from the hall e will kick your asses, we did not know what to say, we did meet him years ago he would not give us permission to fish the pool but offered us some fishing on the river severn i must admit we never took him up over his kind offer, he won't give e permission on here iii tell e the story why, he once had a rowing boat on here his wife and son were rowing around when the young lad stood up and overturned the boat well that is what they thought happened, they both drowned they never found them for over a week this was once an old marl pit and is quite deep at the one end in those days they never had the equipment they have today. The inquest said the boat should never have been taken out it was dangerous for two people, it was only made for one person so that is why he does not let anyone down fishing, i own the farm up the road i can not stand the miserable old bugger, out shot his hand and grabbed a big grass snake i got my dinner now and off he went, i looked at graham what do you think about that i have never seen anyone eat a grass snake before, we watched where he went he got over the fence onto the field we had a look but he had vanished, we will call at the farm on the way home and ask the name of the gentleman that lives at the hall, and thats what we did we were greeted by a youngish chap we have just met your gaffer, he told us a bit about the accident at the pool he can't have hang on he brought a photo out is this him yes, well he has been confined to bed for over two years he can't walk, well thats him we both said, well that is a bit strange ill have a word with the doctor on his next visit, by the way the chaps name is Mikel Travaloin if i was you i would not go to see him he is a nasty old bugger, that was the last time we ever fished that pool that was in the sixties make of it what you will but its all true. well more latter
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   Old Thread  #615 5 Aug 2014 at 12.11pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #614
When fishing we always had a look at the land that surrounded us trees, and hedge rows, this was in the sixties or even in the late fifties if there was a few rabbits then we may go back and use a long net, or if pheasants then we would pay them a visit one windy nigh and shoot a few. On this big estate we discovered it had quite a nice lake, we had a look just as it was breaking light it was quite big with a boat house at the one end.

We would only take a float rod with us charlie would not come as he said the estate was quite heavily
Keepered he should know as he been a keeper,himself, ill wait in the car and see what happens he said in a heavy voice. On this particular night saw Graham and myself lightly loaded with two float rods bait and a few hooks and weights we left old charlie tucked up in a old blanket and put a bit of fern over the car looking back you could not even see there was a car there, it was standing on a old concrete run way that was now heavily over grown no one ever went there.
Graham and i made sure we had adequate bait with us we settled down between the the boat house and the reeds it was quite dry it was a fish a cast, mostly a tench lovely green colour i suppose we got carried away we had caught at least forty fish when we heard movement along the bank side he is smoking a pipe pete, said graham, lets wait here and see what happens and thats what we did until a few more, joined the other one, they binner here to night gaffer is em in a deep shropshire dialect, no we will walk on a bit father into the wood before he could say any more two shots, rang out thats jim the other said his got a problem, bang, bang, away they went like a herd of cows chasing a dog, come on out you two i knows yer there we charged up the bank to be met with the strangest chap i had ever seen he had an old bag over his head he then pointed a four ten shot gun at us, he could do no more and started chuckling like an old hen, you prat charlie we jumped and wrestled him to the ground and could not stop laughing. Stop them keepers may be back no said charlie they will be tucked up in bed by now, whats you gone a do with my gun charlie we will bag a few pheasants when we get nearer the car what a night forty tench and fifteen pheasants it ill do for me says i as drove for home we dropped charlie off i only want a brace for myself said charlie and ill come fishing next week he said ok see you then, i dropped Graham off outside his house i had a snack the wife had left me a wash and off too bed looking at my watch it said four thirty i soon slipped into heavy sleep and dreamed of things to come. well more latter
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   Old Thread  #614 29 Jul 2014 at 11.26am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #613
I can well remember sitting with Charlie and graham on the river Severn we were ledgering for roach and chub I noticed a few rats running over our baits that were in boxes then a few more passed us by have a look up the bank Pete said Charlie before I could open my mouth Graham shouted run looking across the field all I could see was like grey black wave its bloody rats Pete hundreds of them Charlie took one look and shouted up that tree, I was half way up before he shouted, I had seen this before rats were moving home something had disturbed them we all waited when they passed under the tree the big ones came first then the younger ones followed by the very young and infirmed there was literally hundreds maybe over a thousand it was like a big wave coming towards us I had only seen this once before but that was when was at school I was stood by a river bridge crossing the main road they passed us by on the field side then crossed the road there was not many cars around in those days to run a few over I was standing with an old farm labourer let em be he said they wuner hurt e as long as yer stand well away in broad Shropshire language, I was only a nipper I was not going give them any chance.

Did you say you had seen this before yes Charlie on the bridge by prices farm craven arms, I have seen it once shouted Graham when I worked on the farm with my dad, so we have all seen it before as we sat up the tree more and more came in all my years I have not seen as many said Charlie, some that passed us were real oldies manky looking like they were on their last legs I felt like climbing down the tree and smacking them one with my rod rest but I did not, we watched them go through the distant hedge Charlie said look at that, one of the biggest rats I have ever seen came back through the hedge and came this way keep quiet and watch said Charlie he was making sure all had gone I said to charlie and graham after they had all gone what intelligent animals they were, from when we got up the tree it was a good half hour.

Lets have a sandwich said Charlie that's really made me hungry we can then carry on fishing he took a big bite it nearly made me and graham sick at least ours were in an old oxo box I would not touch them I fed mine to the swans graham and myself fell about laughing whats a matter with you two said Charlie nothing really nothing. well a bit more latter
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   Old Thread  #613 26 Jul 2014 at 3.09pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #424
I suppose it was the sixties that had put a swagger in our step, as we had all left school but other things had me thinking and planning, How can we fish old jaspers pool I was determined to have a go it was a long way to go from home,but it was ok when we lived in hill country, but that was years ago my in laws may not be very pleased if I disturbed them from their slumber. A pete said john I hear he stocked the lake or pool as you call it with some good size rainbows and Brownies l will have a look before we go said I, can i come said john wait and see said I. We will wait and see i always picked my dear friend Ray, you can come if you wish ray no probs shall I go now no I want to introduce to others you have not met as yet and Malcolm is one of them he is living his dream and can't wait for for us to get on our way john I shouted come before ye gets very wet which he did he looked like a wet lobster sorry john I don't mean it as we neared our destination I called them together I will say it again no killing just have look tonight can we have a pint tonight the others came back quite quickly we crossed the hill quite fast

Onto our bikes and away home, we reached the public house quite fast, persey never minded us youngsters in the bar and would say miss behave and you will get chucked out. I just hope the law don't turn up tonight, old persey did not know when the law would turn up it could be any time you younguns up the stairs if they arrive
hear me whistle and the copers have arrived out side, up stairs we we would go, i knew the landlady well she spoiled us rotten, we had a big dinner and a couple of pints.we would not leave the house until it was quite. the police had gone are we going latter said john I don't know yet to much against us and the weather is about to change so we will wait and see. i am very tired. so more latter
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