In reply to Post #48 to the big man who's calling me a theiving pikey b******d . get your facts right .i tested for jamie end off . you have mail ......send me or johno another message like the last one and it will be 100% the biggest regret of your life .... its a small country isnt it robert
In reply to Post #50 Thats what i was thinking?
In reply to Post #1000 shouldn't his advertising banner be taken down from the form?
In reply to Post #48 well said
In reply to Post #47 to anyone sending me and cockneybloke messages on facebook calling us filthy pikey theiving c**ts get a life we only test there baits we dont own the company so get a life will ya
In reply to Post #46 sorry colin just had a good chat with karlos seems things are the way people are saying that they are
In reply to Post #43 shame some others just presume the worst all the time. some people just slag people off before they know what the reasons are dont they colin
whys that aimed at me mark ??????? .... who did i slag off ???? have i said anything else that hasnt already been said....
and was just making the point really, that despite people suggesting that jamies family may be being harrassed, it would appear that his family are involved in this as much as jamie is
In reply to Post #40 I just see printing his private HOME address on here as a cheap shot and an invitation to harass at that address.
http://www.infinitybaits.co.uk/ is registered at his home address, not at the business address. This information is freely available online. I'll go back to minding my own business now.
In reply to Post #1000 real shame its got this . hope all get it sorted
In reply to Post #40 good points julian
shame some others just presume the worst all the time. some people just slag people off before they know what the reasons are dont they colin
In reply to Post #31 And visiting his home address is going to get you satifaction ??
Karl thought so...came away with sweet FA didn't he ???
no just lots of verbal abuse off jamies 15 year old son
In reply to Post #40 Dont get me wrong Julian i completely see your point and in some ways agree, but can also see how as an investor karl was probably driven mad by angry customers and feels they should contact the responsible party....
In reply to Post #38 I dont know fella...thats the honest answer .
Quite what Karl's involvement in the Infinity business is...I dont know. How culpable does making an investment in a company make you ??
Difference is, I'm not attempting to apportion blame, unlike many others, because I dont know the facts.
I just see printing his private HOME address on here as a cheap shot and an invitation to harass at that address.
Now, not knowing the facts, but maybe knowing Karls private home address.... am I entitled to publish that so others can harrass because I have a greivance I'm unable to resolve under my own steam???
This should have been dealt with in private, and with the correct authorities if offences have been committed. Not on an open forum where none of the facts are included.
I am in no way defending any actions that were wrong from ANY parties, I'm not simply defending Jamie...I have no need , interest or desire to. I have no alliance to anybody here.
Anyhoo...nuff said on this from me really. Made my point...it may make sense to some and not other...all I can do is make the point, which I've done...so I'll leave it there.
In reply to Post #37 I did not necessarily mean lynching in a physical sense......more in a vilification sense
In reply to Post #36 I think you'll find that route is being followed, but as i keep saying why should Karl take these calls from irate customers