| Sgfc | Posts: 4321 |  | aka The Combover Kid | |
In reply to Post #1220 How much is a b-bowl Martin?
Just repairing mine at the minute ordered a ring set and when took it apart realised I now need a burner bowl one on order as from tomorrow so hopefully up and running in a few days....can't be doing without a brew on the bank.....
In reply to Post #1217 sorry late getting back .it was the washer greased it up as you said works a treat many thanks
In reply to Post #1217 sorry late getting back .it was the washer greased it up as you said works a treat many thanks
| Sgfc | Posts: 4321 |  | aka The Combover Kid | |
In reply to Post #1216 What was the winning method snowy?
In reply to Post #1215 All sorted many thanks
| Sgfc | Posts: 4321 |  | aka The Combover Kid | |
In reply to Post #1214 Sound like no pressure. Try greasing the washer before you buy another. If you do need one, leather is better.
In reply to Post #1213 no the pump does not get harder it stays the same ,you can see a jet of fuel coming out the genny and the flame stay yellow i would say there is no pressure there .so i will give the genny a clean out see if that is any better if not get a new washer and by that do you mean the rubber thing on the pump?
| Sgfc | Posts: 4321 |  | aka The Combover Kid | |
In reply to Post #1212 Could be either one of not enough pressure or a blockage in the genny.
When you pump it does it get harder to pump? if not change the washer, if it does then clean out the genny. If you don't know how to there are instructions further down, although I do like the idea of using coca cola. Sometimes you can clear a blockage by rapidly turning the valve from hi to low, you will hear it go as the whoosh is louder if you know what I mean.
That dripping is fuel that isn't being turned into a mist and so dipping out the end of the genny. Not the best thing to have
In reply to Post #1211 The drip is from the end that goes under the flame .once i open up the tape after pumping it starts to hiss then you can see dripping from the oppersit end to the tape .
| Sgfc | Posts: 4321 |  | aka The Combover Kid | |
In reply to Post #1209 From where on the generator is the fuel dripping?
Check the leather seal in the generator normally this will wear and split during use.
In reply to Post #1208 Thanks for that but i still have a problem .
After pumping up the stove i can see fuel dripping out of the generator this can not be right it runs down the stove and then its up in flames .
So am i doing somthing wrong or do i need a new generator .
please help
Been using these stoves for years in the army and they are very good. I have tried different fuels and they tend to clog up the pipes. Using the colemans fuel I do not have this problem. Also if leaving the cooker unused for long periods the fuel becomes unstable so good practice is to empty when being stored.
If experiencing problems with burning or leaks it mainly was the pipes being clogged with different fuels, quick fix was to strip the pipes and run through with cleaning brush and soaking the wire. this tends to fix most of my problems.
hope this helps, it worked for me.
In reply to Post #1205 Cheers for the advice. The seal in filler cap had perished , replaced with a new one. Working fine now