Photo of a fish that was recently found alive, tethered to a branch by three feet of leadcore with a 3oz lead on the end of the heli rig set up.
The top bead had been side pierced and the main line had birdsnested at the knot so even had the bead been used correctly the fish would never have been able to free itself of the rig.
Proof if ever it were needed that there is NO safe way to use leadcore, even if the fans of the stuff claim that it is safe to use on a heli rig.
And it is not JUST leadcore that causes the damage.

This picture was posted on another forum and then a thread in here, rather than move the original thread and tidy it up I thought it best to start a new one.
This is what can happen if you use leadcore with a lead clip, this fish was wrapped up and nearly lost its life because of a poor setup.
When using leadcore please only use it with a helicopter rig setup, such as the chod rig for example. There is another thread in this section on how to use/tie ledcore so if in doubt please have a look there.
In reply to Post #1000 this was sent through by another member to highlight just how NOT to tie a rig.
notice how the lead CANNOT eject if the line snaps because of the swivel, even worse is that the angler has used leadcore.