ISO1600,f16 using natural daylight. Topaz cleaned up the noise very well for a first attempt. Worth a longer look.
In reply to Post #1637 Two tutorials here - essential viewing to get the best from it. Fiddling with the presets is a reasonable start but no substitute for doing it this way...
Detailed Overview 1&2
Click Here
In reply to Post #1636 Thanks Paul,trying some test shots this morning
In reply to Post #1635 I bought it (download) straight from their site. Did the same as you - 30 day trial and then bought a license code.
The price is in Dollars but it doesn't matter. It looks like $79.99 at the moment which is only about £50.
Worth every penny.
In reply to Post #1634 Just started using Topaz, thanks for the tip. I can see it would be useful in a number of applications. Using the trial version (30days) at present, any idea of the uk cost and is there a uk supplier that you know of, thanks in advance.
In reply to Post #1633 Topaz Denoise Dave - get the hang of that and it will open a whole new world of very usable high ISO's
In reply to Post #1632 Thanks keebs yes sigmas OS is quite good, normally though below 1/250 is very chancy, guess i got lucky.
My D5000 just gets to grainy above 800iso so i just took a few quick shots, didn't expect them to be any good
In reply to Post #1631 500mm and 1/80th? You must have IS on that lens surely Dave? Hand-held I can't get below 1/320 with any meaningful sharpness at 400mm!!!
Some very nice macro work here guys
Sundance - very good use of Topaz mate - definitely got the hang of that now Great Kingy grab as well - very difficult bird to get.
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Feels like forever since I've posted any pictures but here's a couple from this morning that, out of 30 shots, im fairly happy with..

In reply to Post #1628 My Kingfisher woke me up as I was napping in the chair. A single bleep did it and as I was trying to work out what I was looking at I had a fair amount of time to enjoy his company.
We also had a resident Robin in one swim who loved bits of your grub. I think he turned up the following year looking way past it. Somebody told me that they had a life expectancy of two years. Could be true as that was the last time he dined with us.
In reply to Post #1627 Cheers dave.
Jeff, your right, its hard to have it to hand. I had a result with this one, as I had spoted him a few mins previously
and had got the camera out and sitting in the top of its open bag next to me.
All in all a really weird day, as can be seen, lovely sunshine. hard to believe it was jan and the lake was frozen.
The below pic was taken 4 hours ealier.
In reply to Post #1625 It’s a side of spending so much time out of doors that a lot of people some of them anglers don’t relate to
I never took a decent camera fishing and the compact I did take spent most of its time in the bottom of the rucksack
As a consequence of this I have missed some interesting and memorable capturers. To be fair I would have had to have the camera within touching distance or hanging around my neck.
I had a kingfisher sit on the end of my rod once and it was a great experience. I am full of admiration for those people who get top class capturers under these conditions. Most of us do the best we can with what we have at the time.
In reply to Post #1625 Still its a lovely shot sundance
Great to capture the moment
In reply to Post #1624 This was taken with a canon s5is bridge camera. So its
not mega sharp however. A Kingfisher on the rods: