In reply to Post #1706 yes dave that was the one
In reply to Post #1717 Cheers thanxs Dave.
An amateur compared to you guys but playing with a new Cannon S100 still need to learn all it's functions, then the pics might be better.
Also reloaded the pics to Flicr I see you guy's say it's sharper then.
In reply to Post #1716 Nice pictures DUKE NUKEM. Canadians look good in B&W
In reply to Post #1715 My first Bird shot's..
But it's a start.

Hmm.. can't find the 'save location' mentioned but here's a tester..

Aha! It worked so here's the rest..

In reply to Post #1712 I have a Nikon D40 too, the 35mm 1.8 AFS is a fantastic lens for trophy shots. You can keep the fish nice and focussed and throw the background into blur with a shallow DOF. As said, due to the crop sensor the 35mm will basically act as a 50mm. Well worth the money
In reply to Post #1712 Compatibility chart
AF-S will give you autofocus. I think you may have been a bit confused by what you had read (post 1704), the focus won't change, it is the effective field of view that changes because of the sensor size difference between your camera and a full frame (or 35mm film) camera. Google 'crop factor', there are plenty of good articles on this subject.
In reply to Post #1706 A little bit pricey unfortunately. I wouldn't use it anything like enough to warrant spending that on one. Perhaps I'll look into selling my camera and getting a replacement that will do what I want it to.
Seems silly to do that just so I can use a different lens, but some of the shots I've seem with nifty50's are just incredible.
In reply to Post #1710 click on ur pic untill u get it where u can choose the size. then choose the largest medium option.
right click the pic and copy location. then post in here with the usual < img src = stuff.
A few from the weekend.. lots of bugs out to play!
EDIT.. turns out I don't know how to link shots from flickr. Help please!
In reply to Post #1708 Thanks for doing that Paul! that looks a lot better
The kit I was using was a canon eos 600d paired with a sigma 70-300mm ago, (have to say this lens is excellent value for money if anyone is looking at getting a budget action lens i highly reccomend it) to be honest im not sure what settings i was using as im on the ipad atm so not sure how to get the exif details, off the top of my head the iso was 1600 as lots of trees surrouding you makes it surprsingly dark, shutter speed was about 125/1 and a aperature of f8.0
In reply to Post #1707 i dont think the quality is bad mate. i bet photobucket is ruining them tho.
waht kit did u use and settings. personally i wouldnt expect to use a flash in that environment at all.
in fact ive taken the liberty of grabbing that file and running it thru lightroom.
youve got a nice shallow DOF and good clear focus. and thats just from the photobucket file thats already
lost resolution.

In reply to Post #1706 I was very lucky today to see some wild boar in the forest of dean, fortunatley i had my camera on me albeit the quality is very poor due to not using the flash as I did not want to spook them as they were pretty scary especially with pigletts lol and using photobucket does not help hope you enjoy seeing them as it was a first for me

In reply to Post #1705 The new 50mm f/1.4 AFS should auto focus on the D40 as it has on board motor, is this the lens you've got Tufty, Cracking lens wouldn't mind adding it to my collection lol
In reply to Post #1704 not sure on the auto focus bit, but your camera is a crop sensor, which means any lens you get you actually get 1.5 times the focal length, i.e. a 35 mm =35 +half again= 17, so 35+17=50 or as near as dam it, 50 would be a 75mm and 200mm would be a 300,
i got the 35mm 1.8 dx nikon after looking at the shots dangerous dave took and a bit of advice from him
have also got the 50mm 1.4 and got some cracking shots from my cousins wedding at the weekend