In reply to Post #1999 Very nice - Turnstone?
In reply to Post #1998
In reply to Post #1997 Here's a Warbler (Blackcap) for you Ev - just happened to be in the back garden with the camera at the right time when he popped in. His Mrs was in 5 minutes later but I'd gone in for a cuppa by then.
Click for full version
| ev | Posts: 1041 |  | |
In reply to Post #1996 Like the wagtails. Keebs,
60srules , I have the full suit of topaz, use this along with aperture, but finding topaz just seams to get a bit noisey?. Guess I will keep plugging away, aim to get. The warblers on a local lake any tips pm if you like
In reply to Post #1995 Topaz Denoise is a brilliant bit of software, all my shots get run through it to some degree.
In reply to Post #1993 Hi Jason
I see you mentioned using Topaz software. Are you using their `In Focus` and or `Detail 3`?, both are good but due to the amount of control you have it takes a while to balance all the adjustments and get the result you were looking for.
Their noise reduction programme Topaz `DeNoise` can take the edge off image sharpness but detail can be brought back with intelligent use of the sliders
A very quick fix which boosts sharpness in a simple step is the `Smart Sharpen` feature in Photoshop
Some nice work there lads.
Ev - TC's always lose a bit of image quality but they are pretty sharp mate, I think you can probably get rid of more of that noise with some practice.
Got this pair of Wagtails by the garden pond every day now, they are nesting nearby.
Click for full versions

| ev | Posts: 1041 |  | |
In reply to Post #1992 Cheers Dave
Little soft trying to get the hang of topaz but not sure if its down to lens and 1.4x converter and d300
Like the wide shots
So what's the lens??
In reply to Post #1000 Lovely Tit shots ev

Been getting the hang of my new ultra wide
In reply to Post #1990 Thanks,
| ev | Posts: 1041 |  | |
In reply to Post #1989 That's just how photobucket deals with the image, better to get a flicker account you will not suffer image softening
In reply to Post #1988 Just a question
When I upload to photobucket, pics seem to loose some sharpness, is there a way around this?
Nice ev
| ev | Posts: 1041 |  | |
Message Suppressed by Forum Moderator.
In reply to Post #1000 Not the best shot, its taken from my garden. Had to zoom rite in and try hold it steady.

In reply to Post #1000 My quick release plate attached to a storm pole worked fine, and was left in situ throuought the session.
Appreciate you could with a tripod, felt a bit overdressed.
Had a couple of smaller commons, one of which was very lively and whilst holding the lively fish plus camera remote with thumb and forefinger, can be a bit of a job presenting the fish upright and square too the camera.
So a Yongnuo MC-36/C1 intervalometer is on route.
This will work with yours daffy.