In reply to Post #2560 Some nice shots guys, I've only really done some portrait stuff over the last couple of weeks, trying to say goodbye to my 75 1.8 but I keep having ideas for it
Ken, those kingfisher shots would be good to revive the view from the swim thread, it'll get a bigger audience in that section
In reply to Post #2556 That's a great shot. What lens are you using for macro.
I use the Sigma 105mm but haven't used it for a month now but will be hopefully getting to do something with it soon.
This Blue Green Dragonfly was with a 150 to 600 Sigma lens taken on the same session as the Kingfisher, lucky shot really
In reply to Post #2553 I have never got a shot of any Kingfishers on my rods before but managed up to a hundred of this one over a four day period. I think this one is a juvenile.

This Kingfisher perched on my rods a few times
In reply to Post #2549 Really like the fly in the picture.
In reply to Post #2547 I'm in sw London so I've got heavy light pollution in all directions. I read on the lonely speck site about red intensifier filters cutting light pollution but it's not working out for me. Some weird things happen with the star colours so trails look crap and I can't stack multiple frames to clean them up as the star might be a different colour in each frame.
Maybe with a camera that gives single files clean enough it might work well
Took the big lens fishing the other night, found a Spotted Flycatcher 2 swims down.
Click for bigger
I wouldn't even know where to look
In reply to Post #2546 500th or 640th, I think I should go a bit higher. Shot it in video and grabbed a few stills, there was no way I could do anything else with any hope of success. Handheld at 3000mm, subject about 250 miles away going 5 miles a second. There’s some great shots that someone got with a properly mounted telescope where you can even see someone on a spacewalk.
Just over half an hour until tonight’s first pass and it’s cloudy so no playing tonight.
I did want to try for the comet but laziness and lack of a decent northerly view that doesn’t contain east London’s light pollution means I’m looking at other people’s pics and saying “I could have done that.”