In reply to Post #1276 You will probably get a blurred image if a long exposure is used due to movement. You are right not to use the night setting as this is for special effects photos. If you use the portrait setting the default uses a large aperture so that the depth of field is reduced giving an out of focus effect behind the subject.
You are going to have to use flash which when the camera is in auto mode it should come on automatically. Try and get a solid background behind you but be careful as you may wash out some detail on the fish, commons are prone to this being light in colour.
You could also suffer with red eye but not a problem as the camera has a red eye reduction setting or you could get rid of that once the picture is on your PC. You can also avoid red eye by not looking directly at the camera, slightly right or left and of course looking slightly down at the fish works as well
Once you get the hang of it you should get some reasonable results. Having access to something like Adobe Photoshop does give you a lot of options post production. Some of the guys on here will tidy a photo up for you.
Night Shot Query
Can anyone give me some pointers for taking night shots with a Canon 550D?
I'm looking to take shots of carp captures in near total darkness.
The DSLR tips I can find are all aimed at portrait or scenic shots at night where you can use long exposures to raise the light captured.
They suggest achieving this by putting it in M mode and selrcting the lowest f number the lens allows. I think this will result in long exposures still.
Any ideas? How about I use the normal portrait setting or just put it in auto?
I plan to use a tripod.
In reply to Post #1274 Looks a bit like some kind of Orchid, is that possible
could be i found some seeds and put them in last November lovely looking flower only lasts a day then its gone i have had about 7 flowers up to now all different in colour really beautiful
In reply to Post #1273 Looks a bit like some kind of Orchid, is that possiable
In reply to Post #1272
i dont know what they are can any one tell me i know most flowers but these no did think they maybe lilies but they only flower for a day
another sorry a bit blurred
In reply to Post #1271 what are these flowers i grew them in the green house
In reply to Post #1270 Nice shot I am getting to old to get down to these shots
In reply to Post #1269

A little grassy I made friends with in France
In reply to Post #1268 Take it that PS (Photoshop) is what we are referring to does offer a lot more opportunities to save in different formats, It also handles just about all known formats which some other operating systems can’t cope with, or find a programme to open it with. I would be surprised if when the Canon software is loaded and the files downloaded directly to the PC that the problem would continue.
In reply to Post #1264 This happened to a friend of mine from the camera club. He was using a Canon compact (not sure which one). One of the members suggested he load from a card reader and open in PS, before saving to the desktop (or where preferred). Worked, apparently.
Using flash for outdoor shots can add a sparkle and fill in shadows on a dull day

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In reply to Post #1246 Sorry for the long delay replying Ken .
Thanks for the comments
Yes you can use most of the sigma lenses on Nikon though you must check they are nikon fit.
If you need auto focusing on the D5000 D40 D60 D3010 or D5010 you do need HSM which is sigmas self focusing range.
I bought my 150-500 last december and so far i have been very pleased with the results, the focus is spot on though as ken rockwell says in his review it can be a little slow.
The Optical stabiliser is very good and you can get good shots on much lower shutter speeds with it on and i now take most of my shots with it handheld even tough it weighs nearly 2Kilos .
Some earlier versions did have a few focusing issues, I think sigma have now sorted this out, i would recommend this lens to anyone .
Nice swan shot pete.
I have also owned a G6 for several years and take most of my shots in raw, if you want to upload raw i think you do need to install the canon software on vista or you did when i was on vista.
this is also probably the case with the G5.
Thanks again Ken, i must check this thread more often
In reply to Post #1263 Thanks for the replies guys, its all a bit complicated but i will have a go at loading the canon software, im sure I tried it with the usb lead and it did the same thing. I do have a kodak camera software loaded on which may be interfeering with it in some way so i will take that off first then load up the canon stuff and see what happens.
In reply to Post #1262 The G5 shoots RAW so it is possible that Manual is shooting in RAW.
So .... select M on the top dial. Press the Func button and see if RAW is displayed in the bottom left of the screen. If it is then change it to L. If it was then you will need to convert the images on the card (.CR2?) to JPG - Put convert RAW to jpg into Google and you should find something free if you haven't got the Canon tools