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Posts: 2831
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   Old Thread  #332 13 Aug 2007 at 8.11pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #331
well of we go again we started to fish a lake in north shropshire lets call it the secret lake, a freind of ours took us there his name is tom and had fished the lake maney years ago now before we get any further i have never caught from there. it was mainly a bream an roach water next to it is two small pools wich were orginaly used as stock pools for carp and a few got into the bigger water. the bream run up to arround ten pounds and might even grow bigger some good roach and some very big carp and i mean big. up to now i have only seen one fish come out and that was caught by another freind called nick he was lucky enought to catch it off the top on dog biscuit i my self have only fished it twice. but mike has managed a lovely bream eight pounds plus the carp nick caught was a lovely twenty one pound commen with not mark on him there are not many and it is megga hard the owner does not like night fishing althought he may relent but quite honestly i think they can be caught in the day as it has seen no pressure. the farmer found one dead a few years ago and that was a top thirty. i have peronaly seen two fish together and the one was at least 25 pounds and was dwarfed by the one with him its unusual to find a lake not fished so watch this space. mike and i had been fishing another water just up the road fom the water ive told you about the owner had told us there was some good carp in there but could tell us nothing about the size of the fish, it had been and still was used by a club for match fishing. and some anglers had broken there poles on large fish. more to tell of the pool later
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   Old Thread  #331 13 Aug 2007 at 12.59pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #330
well the next week so myself in north shropshire arriving quite early we both decided to fish towards the island i was quite confident on catching how wrong i could be i could not buy a bite, it was all mike we had been there approx four hours and mike had a screamer on his middle rod and after landing it and weighing it turned the scales to eighteen pounds a. lovely looking mirror .and believe me it did not stop there within the next hour he was in again another good looking mirror of ninteen pounds. and by evening he was once again attached to another angry mirror this time sixteen pounds. we were fishing exactly the same i could not believe i was about to blank and thats just what did happpen. he managed two more before we left the biggest just nudging twenty pounds.. i was well pleased for mike.funny old thing this fishing but then there will always be a next time. more stories to come will be away on holidays the rest of the week so no more till sat
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   Old Thread  #330 13 Aug 2007 at 8.43am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #329
it was once again back to the barbel andy came once again also mikes young son jaclk. setting up on the fast water we caught from the start young jack had a very impressive chub and on weighing turned the scales to just under four pounds. mike and i went off checking tickets on the bank living andy in charge removing our rods before we went . when arriving back andy had caught a couple of nice fish and jack had caught his personal best a fish of nine pounds. i think that paticular night mike and i caught about twenty fish between use the biggest just over nine pounds mike had also had one or two nice chub andy and jack had also done quite well catching fifteen fish betweeen them. now here comes the funny bit, andy and jack were fishing above myself and mike. andy came down to see me saying some one or thing was on the far bank watching them could i come and have a look its got big eyes he said and quite big mike and i went to have a look on getting the torches out all i could see was a fox looking back as he went up the bank the far side of the river. its only a fox i say and theres a house just up the bank. carry on with your fishing . and a away went mike and my self. we had just got comfortabale when there was a shout and jack and andy came running down towards us you would of thought old nick was after them. were not fishing there they say we have just seen an alien it got up from behind the stile its big watched us a ran down the side of the river, well i was killing myself laughing they would not even fetch their tackle unless we were with them, so getting out our torches once again mike and i had another look nothing they were asolutly spooked and would not fish that spot, so mike and i lugged there tackle back to our swim, but no way would they fish any longer. well i had forgot that the house oppisite was a donkey sanctry and id took some photos earlyer on and looking at them next day lying behind this fence was a donkey that was there alien mike and i did have a laught about that and they never really lived it down for some time every time we go now we say rember the alien ha ha well there you go more later
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   Old Thread  #329 13 Aug 2007 at 8.02am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #327
well it was back to south shropshire the weather had been quite good so mike and i fanced our chances, i set up by the dam wall opposite the lillie bed and mike was to my right fishing to island we got the rods out two to the lillies and one to th dam the far side . we decided to also fish with a feeder rod till dark hopping to catch some the big perch . it did not take long mike had a couple arround two pounds plus and i followed with simaler fish. on dark we planned to put an extra rod out for the eels once again using lob worm mike was the first to catch a nice eel of arround three pounds. followed by another of four pounds . i was awoken at three am to a run on the eel rod and on stricking every thing went tight it had snagged me in the lillies the only thing i could do was pull for a break hopping that would get it moving it certainly did but not for long it broke me by the dam wall bloody hell it felt a goog fish. i could not be botherd to tackle up again so got my head down. morning came without another bleep on our alarms, we caught bits and pieces throught out the day, hopping for some action in the night, if we only knew what was coming i think we would have gone home. i was bivied up under a big lime tree well the wind got up and did it rain it was absolutly blowing a gale. i can tell you we did hang on to those bivies i was bloody scared stiff thinking that old lime tree would come down on top of me. i think it nwas one of the worst nights i have ever experienced fishing and could not wait till morning. iu was so relieved when i got home and by the way we blanked more to follow
Posts: 108
   Old Thread  #328 12 Aug 2007 at 5.41pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #327
Keep it coming pete , your memories are very special and should be saved for future anglers to enjoy.
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   Old Thread  #327 12 Aug 2007 at 2.41pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #326
we started to fish below shrewsbury once again mike fanced fishing some slower water and we went on one of our short sessions once again the only trouble was getting down the hight bank onto this ledge i was a bit worried about falling in due to me not bieng so good on my legs. but with the help of mike i was soon fishing . sport was a bit slow if i rember right i caught a couple of chub to five pounds. the wind got up and weather started to get worse with some quite heavy rain , but we stuck it out my rod tip flew arround and landed a nice chub weighing in it at just over six pounds followed by another two arround four pound mike had also caught some good fish to four pounds. by this time it was asolutly pooring on landing a barbel of eight pounds we called it a night two days later saw mike and myself in the company of andy who fanceyd coming for the night it was to be a short season from eight pm till one am we fished the fast water and was catching from the start andy had a big fish just under ten pounds. so i was quite hopfull of bigger to follow mike had caught a couple to just over eight pounds when once again my rod was nearly pulled from the rests now this was a good fish i could not gain line on him as he made his way down stream eventualy snagging me in some weed so in went mike and andy torches on and net in hand. as they got to the weed they shouted it was a great big carp on trying to get the net under it away it went using the current it eventualy broke me. we eventualy ended the night with at least twenty eight fish between us, i was quite happy but would of dearly loved to have landed that carp but thats fishing. more to follow
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   Old Thread  #326 12 Aug 2007 at 1.00pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #325
well it was back to our barbel fishing the weather had broken and we had severe rain for most of the next two weeks, the river had come up quite dramaticaly, so we headed down just below the weir at shrewsbury. fishing from a concrete walk way, the water was moving quite fast and about two foot from the top of the concrete, we managed to get our rod rests in by pushing them in a large crack in the concrete., we both decided to use hallibet pellet , the problem was holding bottom in the current i did not fancy our chances, but how wrong i was, from the very first cast i was in a nice fish of nine pounds, it was then mikes turn catching a simalar fish of arround nine pounds . it was then i hooked somthing really special i could do nothing with this fish it swam up stream against the current it was a most powfful fish i could do absolutly nothing with it, and it snapped me like a carrot. the next bite was so savage it actualy pulled the rod from the rests i made a crab for it and found myself on my back on the concrete path with this big fish still on mike came running and also some spectators who had been watching us and helped to get me on my feet as i could not get up myself owing to my affliction, well i played this fish for some time and on landing could see it was a good one it turned the scales to twelve and a qauter pounds, i was over the moon id got my double and a good fish for the severn,, bloody hell mike we just cant go wrong it was fish atter fish, i boke my peronal best three times that morning also catching an eleven pounder plus one at ten and three qauter pounds . i was defnetly on a hight we had a number of spectaters by now and it was becoming a bit crowded, mike also had many fish to nine and tree qauter pounds. we ended the morning by catching thirty two fish between us and went home very happy chappys word soon got arround and we could not fish that spot again for many weeks. more to follow
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   Old Thread  #325 12 Aug 2007 at 9.45am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #324
the next week saw myself and mike back on betton the weather was still hot but on arriving i had seen some nice fish showing , in the swim we were about to fish, i had managed to put some bait out a few times in the week mainly bolies fish meal based. after setting up and a meal and being rather tired it was into the bag , we had planned a two nighter and i was quite confident, well the night passed without even a blip on the alarms. and i was begining to wander if we were about to blank. the day passed by i went out in the boat with mike and saw some real good carp at the top end of the lake in the lillies. a couple were asolutly huge, mike recond maybe top thirtys or even a forty on arriving back on the bank, mike was away again to try and catch a few pike by spinning from the boat, he managed two or three but nothing big but at least they were fish bloody hell was it hot to hot to lie in your bivie my confidence was slowly dwindeling, night came but nothing i was up first light but saw no sighn of any carp showing the ony thing was loads of roach dimpling the surfice, well back in the bag, i was awoken at eight am to a screamer on the middle rod, mike came running to do the honers and we eventualy netted this big dark mirror wieghing in at twenty eight and three quater pounds photos took it was returned, mike went for a walk with his stalking rod an arrived back whithin half an hour carrying tanother good carp in his net caught on red worm from between the lillies weighing in at twenty two pounds, well as i said to mike quite a sucseess although it had taken some time at least we had not blanked , more to follow
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   Old Thread  #324 12 Aug 2007 at 9.12am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #319
when i was first asked to write about dick and some of the greats i had fished with i really did not know were to start, i had never been a writer, and still dont profese to be but i have really enjoyed putting these articels together, there was only so much i could say about dick jack and some of the other greats, i never ever professed to have fished with the great man as when i knew him he was mainly into trout fishing, although he was a big freind for many years and was a big insperation to my fishing wich has remained with me throuthout these years. yes i did fish with jack hilton bill quinlon , pete collins , pete taylor, and many more in the early years to many to rember, at the time dick asked me to write for angling times about our big bream exploits, but did not have the time or the know how i was to busy working to support a young family, all i have written is a true account of myself and a few good freinds struggeling to catch through the years, i have never caught a forty but have caught many many carp of alall sizes up into the thirtys, and many specemins of other speices. and probably if it was not for dick i would not be fishing today because he was a mager influnce in my life, when i finished the article on dick i i was asked to carry on my stories wich i have done to the best of nymy ability,, and they are kindly being eddited by bill and gregrot from wrexham who is a lot more educated than myself as you know bill is fishing redmere this next week and has other comitments the week after, so is now having a helping hand in the form of greg. hoppfuly they will appear in the forum story section in due course, i have recieved many pms asking me to carry on with my stories wich hopefully intend to do some members have mentiond a book. but that is for the future we will have to see, up to now there is twenty eight thousand words actualy in print and will take some time to edit when it appears in its alterd state i would like to dedicate it to my freinnd dick walker and the many greats i knew, i hope this makes sence to some. more to follow
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   Old Thread  #323 11 Aug 2007 at 1.32pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #319
thanks for your pm and your kind remarks point taken but i have been asked to carry on ive had so many pms it unreal asking me to carry on the series all the best pete
Posts: 156
   Old Thread  #320 11 Aug 2007 at 12.42pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #319
They would make a brilliant book - but until that happens Pete, I'm enjoying reading of your exploits via this forum, so keep 'em coming mate!
Posts: 48
   Old Thread  #319 11 Aug 2007 at 12.35pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #317
Dont mean to disrepect you Pete,,was interesting reading in the early stages about D Walker etc,the stories many of us could relate to!!

In my opinon these stories have run there course in forum form,,better put down in book form,,,hope this makes sense,,bye for now,
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   Old Thread  #318 11 Aug 2007 at 12.25pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #317
the next week saw us once again at ellesmere i fished once again from the grassey bank putting one rod into the very coner of the lake under an old willow bush i was using monster crab pop ups fifteen ml the other two rods sraight out in front mike was doing a bit of floater fishing hoping to stalk a few arround the lake. i did not have to wait long the rod in the corner absolutly shot off i eventualy landed this lovely big tench on weighing it was eight and three quter pounds the warden came arround later and on telling him he said there was no tench in the lake as they had all been taken out i showed him the photo on my didge camera and he was most impressed they now have an a four framed copy on the office wall. well placing the pop to the same place under the willow it was away again this time a fifteen pound commen. mike had also caught off the top three fish the biggest a seventeen pound ghosty the smallest was a forteen pound mirror. we were on a bit of an hight the rod under the bush was off once again resulting in a nice mirror of eighteen pounds. god this was turning into some session six fish and it was not even dinner time yet well one off the other rods flew off i new straight away this was a bigger fish and on landing it was a lovely big commen turning the scales to twenty plus. mike was still also catching and kept bringing fish back to be weighted and have photos taken i was just having a cupa and the rod under the bush was away again the tea went all over me in a rush to get to the rod after a short scrap another mirror was retururned after some photos this was becoming crazy you just could not go wrong at the end of the day the total count was fifteen carp and one tench between us what a day and we had not touched the bigges that inhabited the place and believe me it did not stop there we had some great catches from that pool more of that later
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   Old Thread  #317 11 Aug 2007 at 10.04am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #316
the next week saw us off to fish for the barbel on one of our short sessions mike took his daughter along she wanted to see what went on it was a warm sulatry night and i decided to fish with some small pellets i had got hold of. we caught a couple arround eight pounds when we were disturbed by some one shouting it turned ouy the cattle had got into the car park making a mess of some cars parked in there some chump had leftthe gate open. i left my rods still out and in charge of mikes daughter wich really was a mistake and should have took them out. we got to the car park what a bloody mess mikes mirrors all broken off my car was badly scratched due to them rubbing agsainst it and two other cars quite severly damaged we were not to happy to say the least. on arriving back we could not see mikes daughter any where by the bank on shining our torches there she was up to her knees in water practicly in the midle of the river with my rod in her hand saying she had a huge fish on and it had jumped out of the water and was going up stream mike rushedn to herm side giving me the rod on tightning up i could feel it was a good fish and saying to mike this is a carp or a big samon. it was unstopable on the tackle i was using ang snagged me further up stream i had no waders with me so mike waded in with the net. hopping to get some wear near it but it was just to deep, saying to mike not to take any risks i pulled for a break the fish did move ony slightly then the line parted company. on asking her what exactly happend she said the rod was nearl dragged from the rests and she made a grab for it and saw this big fish break surfice in the moon light well we did manage a couple more but not big fish realy it was a bit of a disaster and packed in at twelve thirty. the cars were in quite a mess and i was not in the best of moods on getting home next day saw me trying to remove the scratches with t cut, well more storys to follow later
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   Old Thread  #316 11 Aug 2007 at 9.09am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #312
we carried on pike fishing down the river and on the south shropshire mere as i said before the jelly lures were not to good after catching a few on them they would fall to pieces, we caught some good fish on the big plugs but never caught over the seventeen pounds mark they were lovely fish with deep bellys .we moved back on the town waters fishing dead bait the season was nearly at an end and being in shropshire there was not many waters that open and abide by the old close season and most still waters are ssi as i have said before . this story should have come a bit earlyer on im getting a bit lost. never the less we ended the season on a hight catching in all about fifty pike since we started so i waswell pleased. the new season came and saw mike and myself set up on our syndicate water in souh shropshire looking arround we saw quite a few fish showing i decided to fish to some lillies the other side adjacent to the dam wall' also putting the extra rod out for the eels mike was just above myself fishing to the end of the island. we started to catch the eels not long after dark mike hooked into a large fish on lob worm it put a good bend in the rod and would not give ground no/ matter what pressure he put it under i could see this was a huge eel and did not fancy his chances of getting it to the net, i was right minutes latwer he parted company mike was gutted to say the least. talking later on i said i would not be suprised if some of the eels the lake contained were over the british record it was stuffed with them. the next one out was just over five pounds i think that night we had about eight between us and not one under three pounds. i tried to sleep for an hour or two and had just dozed when i was awoken with a screamer on the middle rod i had been using a small pinapple pop up on the busness end after landing it i was a little bit disapointed as it only weighted in at twelve pounds. but still on this hard water it was a result. well we ended the session with some real good ells and four carp between us the biggest sixteen pounds. i was quite happy although would have liked to have caught one of the older rezidents that inhabited the lake but still i suppose theres always again well thats all for now more to come later
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