Too much information now.
Kens post 12's a good summary of information, couple this with the hand washes / precautions and it could be a valuable sticky if anybody could put it all together?
Been fishing a venue this weekend with water voles and it makes you a bit paranoid, the amount of stuff you handle when fishing is unreal when you think about it, hang stuff in tree's wherever possible or keep it in your tent, unhooking mats, landing nets and pods etc. are prime areas
Would it be worth mentioning venues of particular attention, as well as raising the anglers awareness it may cause the owners to take some serious action? after all your health is more important then any carp
In reply to Post #216 This is a very good thread with excellent information as anglers we are at increased risk of catching weils disease but also we should also be aware of lyme's disease which can have very bad side effects and I believe can lay dormant in your system for many years it is caught via the bite of a tick and only about 50% of infected bites show the Bullseye Rash which is a sign of the disease.
I was lucky in that when I was bitten whilst in France last May 09 that about 3 months after I noticed a red rash had appeared on my leg nothing strange in that you may think, except that the rash was a perfect circle about 40mm thick like the outer ring of a bullseye and it was lucky that, that evening whilst reading through threads on this site that a thread mentioned the bullseye rash in conection with lymes disease, it was then I did a search on it on the net and must admit to being very worried after reading what it can do to you, another problem is that very few gp's are lyme literate I actually told my gp what I thought it was so he took blood samples and then had to look up the prescribed treatment to give me. As it turned out 2 weeks anti-biotics are all thats required. So please all make sure that if you do get a tick please make sure you remove it fully and also check the symptoms online as it really is another nasty disease we are at risk from but luckily not as common as most.
Stay safe Dean
In reply to Post #213 I think any question on this subject can never be thought of as silly. The more people who ask, the more information will be out there
In reply to Post #213 No. It is not thought to be transferable.
KEN.. or any of the others on this subject... Without sounding silly is WEILS transferrable between people?
In reply to Post #211 So sorry to hear that, Gerry.
Unfortunately the medical profession can only go by the symptoms that present themselves when deciding on a course of treatment. The fact is that Weils presents exactly the same initial symptoms as flu and unless the patient draws to the doctor's attention the fact that he may have been exposed to Weils Disease, then the doctor will in all probability treat the patient for flu.
Our own doctor has a copy of the notification shown in post 104 on our records, and we also carry a similar laminated notice in our wallets and our fishing gear. In addition we carry the same notification in French (as per Luke's post in number 106).
The anti bacterial gel is the same stuff that is used in hospitals (see post 64). It can be obtained by a friendly chemist from the address given.
As for myself, Lee, well I don't think I have ever recovered my full health since catching it in 2005, but I am one of the lucky ones who survived.
In reply to Post #210 Glad you bumped this thread up my one of my pals fishing partner died when they treated him for Flu think it was after he was dead they found out what it was
SCAR may have more details ?
In reply to Post #209 How you doing now Ken?
This has opened my eyes to the dangers of this disease and more should be done to inform ALL anglers of the dangers.
Abit off topic but 6 month ago yesterday, i was bit by a contaminated Mosquito in Florida whilst on one of them air boats on a lake looking for Aligators with my kids, within a week of being home i was seriously ill in hospital with a Brain Virus and our Dr's never had a clue what was wrong with me until the M.O.D returned my blood results.
Its taken nearly 6 month to get back to my old self and even now i still have a few bad days.
We all have to becarefull.
| 8 | Posts: 589 |  | |
In reply to Post #208 This has opened my eyes. Will be approaching things differently now. Why do people who win Fish O Mania always jump in the water at the end. I have just got back from France and was in the water for some pics and to land fish. Glad i have come across this as my knowledge was not up to scratch in this particular area.
In reply to Post #207 So am i right in saying all anti bacteria wipes are strong enough to kill weils disease ?i see in a earlier post that someone uses baby wipes are these strong enough to be effective ?
In reply to Post #206 I've always done this as a matter of course over the years and thought it must kill all the nasty bugs that are lying around waiting to infect.
| Beave | Posts: 15676 |  | MODERATOR | |
In reply to Post #205 using boiling water should kill off any nastys that maybe lurking
In reply to Post #204 Sorry to revive an old thread........
Do you think boiling water helps against Weils Disease ?
That is, using it to wash pans ect........
In reply to Post #203 As for the card info thing this is the exact info the EA should have put on the back of the new license this year.
If anyone from the EA is on here please take note and include it next year ( also make the card a reuasble real plastic card that you top up at the posty each year - Smart card style this would cut the need to re supply cards each year )
Spot on post Ken good to bring it to the forfront of anglers minds. The hand gels ae available all over the place these dys and dirt cheap no excuse for not having a bottle or two in your tackle. I have carried at least one on all sessions for the last few years.