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 New Posts  Weils Disease
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Posts: 114
   Old Thread  #1175 10 Apr 2011 at 11.31am  1  Login    Register
Very very good thread,

full of information, i have always read your writings with respect Ken, and am pleased that you are well on the road to recovery

Please, If you think what i've written below is wrong, not relevent and perhaps to start a different thread with it, please let me know


Can i just add, that being new a newbie to the site, and as informative as the whole thread is, i thought i would like to add a few of things.

the most important thing, is to be aware of the diesease, and take preventive measures, but as stated before, not all rats carry the disease, and certainly not all lakes are "contaminated". and as stated there is no innoculation for the disease, in 40 odd years of fishing i have not personally known or heard of someone who has contratced the disease, but that is not to say that i've suspected i have contracted it in the past!

you will find, and it seems to ring true with my experiences, that lakes that may have a problem with rats, will fall in the near to urban areas, and this in itself causes the biggest problem...litter.


I'm afraid to say, all of it, even if its not yours, have latex gloves, and be careful, but take it home, afterall you will be doing yourself and the lake a great reward, i know that standards of bank decorum have improved over the years, but unslightly lakes are just more ammunition for the rapidly growing anti angling lobbies.

i even take my fag butts home, i smoke, smoke like a train when i'm fishing, and they all go in an ash tray, and home with me at the end of a trip.

i have never fished a water thats had a rat problem, that hasn't had a litter problem. it goes hand in hand, in the distant past i have been to some right **** holes regarding litter, and behaviour on the bank, again its all related, nowadays i turn round and come home, not intrested anymore.

So thats the first bit, if it looks dirty, it may well be, be on extra guard.

Secondly, to suggest that people are to exterminate rats is wise?
i can see a situtaion where guns, and the like are being let off at every oppurtunity as the rat vigilantes take on mother nature
hooks baited with bread, horrific, and i've seen it before, and its bedlam,
its nasty and wrong....and yet more for the anti angling types to get thier teeth into

sure, proper humane traps, with monitors, to release back voles and shrews, and the like, these animals are unfortuantely in massive decline, and these animals will also take a hammering if anglers are removing rats on an individual basis, i',m sure there are countless people out there that assume evry small brownish black furry mammal is a rat... not the gun tooting imagine we would certainly be see portrayed in the papers?

Unfortuantely, i do believe that anglers are certainly responisble for the majority of the litter around lakes and i do believe that this is cause for the rat infestation, theres a huge amount of circumspect anglers around, that respect thier enviorment, but even one can ruin it for everyone else.

i certainly didn't want to hi -jack the thread, i just wanted to add some problems that i could see arising if anglers were to take it, into thier own hands to try and irradicate the problem and maybe
calm peoples fears a little, and say that if you suspect a water might have a problem with rats, just take extra extra care.

perhaps a list of waters where you know people have contracted the disease?
or signs in the car parks of waters that may have weils?

I also think people should be made more aware of limes disease, spread by ticks, almost identical syptoms to weils, but from what i've read invariably fatal if not caught in time
Posts: 1842
   Old Thread  #1174 10 Apr 2011 at 0.36am  1  Login    Register
Great awareness thread Ken,, glad to see you recovered, some weight you lost there just shows we are all at risk and like you said everyone thinks, it will never happen to them.,, i will deffo be more aware and careful after seeing this thread, .
Posts: 30593
   Old Thread  #1173 9 Apr 2011 at 11.52am  1  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1172
i had no awareness of this weils disease but now im very cautious after reading this thread

If this thread helps make just one angler more aware, then that is a good thing...

I am posting below a PM I received from a member: We should all take note...

I have only just joined this Forum and saw your name pop up.
I just wanted to send you a PM thanking you for the piece you did on Weils disease many moons ago.
I unfortunately contracted this in France about 4 years ago and thanks to the awareness from the piece you wrote, my wife eventually managed to convince the doctors that I may have weils disease.
I did write a piece for Carpworld thanking them and you which hopefully you may have read.
Anyway thanks again and if I ever bump into you at a show I will buy you a pint

Many thanks and kind regards
Posts: 393
   Old Thread  #1172 6 Apr 2011 at 5.36pm  1  Login    Register
i had no awareness of this weils disease but now im very cautious after reading this thread
Posts: 492
   Old Thread  #1171 3 Apr 2011 at 2.37pm  1  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1169
ahh thanks ken for that, maybe if people were made more aware of this it would help keep these outbreaks to a minimum as some one said maybe the E.A should print something on the back of rod licences cause it sounds like a horiffic thing to catch................. stay safe all and tight lines
Posts: 174
   Old Thread  #1170 2 Apr 2011 at 9.54pm  1  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1169
I have been fishing since 8 years of age and some 35 years later shudder at the times I must have in the past skirted with the potential of catching what clearly is a horrible condition.
My total way of thinking has changed since learning more about this and hearing of cases like Ken's make it even more real.
In one of Ken's previous posts he comments how after 6 years he still suffers from the after effects and I was talking to a fellow angler on my syndicate who was also suffering the long term after effects of this disease.
Being a family man and sole bread winner I now take every precation to reduce the risk and would advocate every member of this forum heed the warnings in this life saving thread
Posts: 30593
   Old Thread  #1169 2 Apr 2011 at 10.18am  1  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1167
Hi Matt. It is a common misconception among UK French fishery owners that the French have developed a protective inoculation.

If you browse this entire thread, towards the end you will find a discussion between myself and Old Fella (Jim) who also believes there is an inoculation that protects against Weils Disease.

It is as Nine-O-Six says above, NOT TRUE, though the French do seem pretty ill-advised about this.

Just look at it this way...If there WERE an effective inoculation, don't you not think it would be available throughout the EU?

The fact that it isn't suggests that there isn't one...
Posts: 2755
   Old Thread  #1168 2 Apr 2011 at 8.14am  1  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1167
No, there is no vaccine available for humans.

This pdf is available as a card from the HSE free of charge (go to the bottom of the sheet for the details).

It may be worth trying to get the EA to incorporate the information onto the rod license.
Posts: 492
   Old Thread  #1167 1 Apr 2011 at 10.18pm  1  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1166
is there not an injection you can have to protect yourself from this, im sure i heard about it while living in france i think the fish farmers get it because there constantly in contact with the water
maybe i dreamt it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posts: 1667
   Old Thread  #1166 1 Apr 2011 at 7.55pm  1  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1165
we should all take note of this,its a killer
anglers just dont realize the danger of cooking,eating,drinking while fishing.
last week i was at linear complex,guy next to me happily cooking away etc,i noticed next morning hed left his frying pan,pots out in the doorway of his bivvy,when i mentioned weils decease etc he just blankedme, then said,theres no rats round anyway,and carried on cooking.
Posts: 880
   Old Thread  #1165 31 Mar 2011 at 1.47pm  1  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1164
Totally agree, good work chap
Posts: 1731
   Old Thread  #1164 31 Mar 2011 at 1.41pm  1  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1163
Great post !

Its amazing what we can all learn from posts like this.

Sometimes the quest to catch Mr Carp completely blinds us from some more important factors like our health etc

Ive cetainly learned something today - thanks Ken

Posts: 191
   Old Thread  #1163 31 Mar 2011 at 12.52pm  1  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1162
same here, going to be getting myself some antibac gel for cleaning my hands with before eating ect.

As they say, better to be safe then sorry!
Posts: 273
   Old Thread  #1162 31 Mar 2011 at 12.35pm  1  Login    Register
Well the message is defo gettin through to me, after reading through this thread ive noticed myself being more concious about it whilst being on the bank, as where before i used to wash stuff in lake water, wash my hands and so on. My tackle bag is now equipted with antibac gel
Posts: 30593
   Old Thread  #1161 26 Mar 2011 at 6.02pm  1  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1159
DP...Twitchy finger coz I am so angry at the ignorance expressed in some of the posts on here...
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