Carp and the carp angler by George Sharman details a story on page 139 about his experience at Woldale that transpired to have background in past events culminating in loss of life at the pool. I can't find it on Kindle and it's too lengthy to write word for word here but a heads up if anyone does have a copy or can create a scan.
Sorry, that's not really much help to the thread.
So my first and only story of something unexplained is as below.
I finished school and started working in my local fishing tackle shop one evening during lock up I did my usual routine locked upstairs come down and the back door had 3 locks to it top bottom and the middle that was a mixture of chain and and a steel pole. Any way as I continue to lock up the back door we get one of our regulars in and as he pays we say our good byes we all hear this ringing sound and as we all look for this noise that is coming from the back of the shop it gets louder and faster any way we go through the fire door that leads to the back door and the top lock that I didn’t put on the door is swinging full pelt hitting a metal plate making the ringing sound to this day there is no explanation for this as there is no breeze drafts and the pad locks are heavy and would need a storm to move them in the motion it was swinging.
I meant to bump up this classic thread on Halloween but completely forgot,
Anyway, anyone got any new ones? 👻
In reply to Post #1543 The last part..
I did not see what Will had seen,except that what ever it was was drinking from the lake ,and had now gone..
Now what I have not told you ...is Wills swim is THE most haunted swim,we are talking suicides,and other stuff ,rituals, that time has long forgotten, all in the genre of ararat .and when I went to check up on Will he's gone and built a literally corralled circle of sticks and wood debris around his swim ...I kid you not ...,he was spooked....and now I was..!
That night ...I did not sleep ,I turned to god praying ,I'd not have to leave my bivvy ,I had to hold back on my nightly wee...I would not get out of that bivvy,Will...he didn't sleep a wink...
We packed up ,looked for the farmer to say our goodbyes, but where our cars were parked was farmer,a vet ....and they were treating a cow with huge scratches on it,clear as day it was in the entrance of the barn...
Sleep well in the countryside, won't you...!
In reply to Post #1542 The next part...
We prepared to part for the night as I mentioned, it gets dark quickly here,as Will prepared to leave ,he's pointed to the back of my Heritage Armo,and on the deck in the mud were two of the biggest paw prints I have ever seen, they were huge prints..,there were others ,but we had corrupted them by our movements..
I did though,photograph them..
It's now dark,oh...so,so dark..the sound of nature ,of night reverberating around the ancient pool..,during the long autumnal night ,I heard some odd coughing in the woods behind my flimsy shelter..and the owls hooting as they hunted for food ,but for sure ,laying there,I felt as if it was me being watched and hunted ,I zipped my door down and I never ever zip my door I was really uneasy..I don't know why but I was..
The night passed,dawn came ,but no chorus, came either,Wills come up wanting a chat ,saying at four am he'd seen deer spooked in those woods fleeing ,as he described it,plus there was a barrage of alarm hoots from owls at first light..
He looked a bit worried..
I'm looking at Will ,whose watching the pools mirror like surface, his whole demeanour changed ill never ,forget his facial expression ,as he said Ad,on the far margin is the biggest fcking cat I have ever seen,...
I don't know if I have posted this before,or mentioned it..what I'm about to pass on happened...it happened,no doubt about that..!
This is mine and my friend Wills truth ..Will is a full on country boy ,he lives high,high up on the moors ,now Will is kind of a unique, a special guy ,he lives in a remote caravan ,in wild country ,he's also a very,very capable angler ,it's his life for sure,and travelling around the world .
Now as I said ,he's moorland through and through , nothing much fazes him,stories ,fables...etc..ie he's tough.....OK..
Fast forward ,I'm lucky ,...I get to fish special places,places that should not exist ,in any time zone ,or in todays mad,unforgiving,dog eat dog world,..carp fishing included
Simply put i pulled two strings and managed to take Will as a one off guest to a history lake or Wheal...this Wheal has a dark history ,very dark indeed,and when I mention dark,at 3pm summertime this place gets proper dimpsy and at certain times a terrible foreboding can apparition itself ..
After giving Will directions we arrange to meet he's late ,as he got lost,and eventually we meet up and introduced him to the lake,and the owner and his wife..
We chatted to the owners ,for a bit ,but something the wife said stopped us in our tracks ,it went along the lines 'we have had an intruder'..me,being me retorted ,if we see anyone ,I can ring you and let you know..
The straight answer from the lady was,'not that kind of intruder'..and they both ambled off with stout cattle sticks ,prodding and sifting through the fallen leaves,on the angles path,we left them to it..they seemed to have lost something?
We both quickly set up ...but before it was proper dark Wills come up for a cuppa,now this a ritual as we are part of TAS ,..roughly translated as Trangia appreciation society ,Kernow chapter..!
In reply to Post #1540 I like things like this too
resurrecting an old thread as I enjoy the stories. Anyone else got any more to add 😱
Hey gang.
To anyone who has a genuine spooky story- would you be happy to have your story shared on a collective of stories for a cheesy Halloween podcast special?
Send me a PM...
In reply to Post #1523 Didn't know you could fish it, a few years ago I had to accompany my Mrs for a ghost hunt there as she doesn't drive, if I had known I would have chucked the rods in the car and asked her to wake me up in the morning.
In reply to Post #6 Under the Chestnuts at Woldale.
In reply to Post #1534 Personally I bypassed the new lake and went straight for the older stock. Some lovely jet black scaleys, not massive but when there’s barely another angler who cares
In reply to Post #1533 Hmmm.. tempting!
In reply to Post #1532 Some lovely carp In the newer lake up to 28 and some beautiful old proper carp in the other lakes to high teens
In reply to Post #1531 Anything worth going for at Pippingford?
Pipingford Park was always interesting being a active army base. Waking up at 4am to find a soldier sitting on a log 12 ft from my bivvy got the heart going not to mention getting up in the night for a slash and seeing a lit cigarette in my swim where someone had just been sitting. I think the soldiers like scaring the **** outta anglers is what I was told. I was thankful to them
In reply to Post #1529
In reply to Post #1526 Oh yeah, just seen that. I got in touch with the author and he told me there was more to the story but that he felt he would invite scorn if he'd added it. He's a very talented craftsman of centrepin reels, not the known makers either. He felt he'd been in the presence of something malevolent but he wouldn't divulge any further. I'll send him another email and see if he's willing to tell more. He assured me that he was not pulling a fast one and that overall it had been a terrifying experience.
Out of respect I won't publish the email here, if he wants to say more he will.
Tiddler on berryhill fields but more chance of hooking a ford escort after those knobs from bentilee have been up there. Even less of a chance in making it back home too.
In reply to Post #1520 Half the stuff here is easily explained just reading it. Localised freezing fog patches for a start. I used to cycle to work on the Trans Pennine Trail at 4.30/5am - several times I rode into a very small patch of fog, literally only 10-20 metres across , and it was much much colder than the surrounding temperatures, enough to give me goosebumps. Had I not known what it was, I could have felt very uneasy.
As I said earlier, the human mind is a very complex, very powerful thing, and it plays many a trick on people even when the events are ‘unexplained’. Said people are absolutely convinced about what they’ve seen/experienced, and why wouldn’t they be - as far as they’re concerned it happened exactly as they remember it.
In reply to Post #1524 that's a good 'un,
EDIT: see posts 1494 and 1495
Glad to see Busbridge Lake mentioned a couple of times on here.
It's definitely haunted, especially the swims that I want to fish
Scroll past Victor Sylvester to a real life experience, it's quite a tale.
In reply to Post #1522 Michelham Priory in East Sussex. Night fish if you dare
In reply to Post #1521 Have you heard Frank Warwick talking about the goings on at the tackle shop he used to run?
In reply to Post #1520 I tend to agree with chuffy. I work in a lot of old buildings, I’ve got two customers who if you met them you’d have to agree are completely normal, not prone to fantasy, not unbalanced or ex centric. Both of them are 100% convinced their properties are haunted. Both recount numerous examples of really really weird things happening in their premises. Oddly neither one of them seem that bothered by it.
In reply to Post #1519 people who believe in these sorts of things tend to have a lot more ‘experiences’, no surprises there
I’ve always found it tends to be the other way round, as in ‘they’re the last person you’d expect to come out with that
In reply to Post #1516 Absolutely mate. Just because someone can’t explain something, doesn’t mean there isn’t an explanation. The human mind is a very complex thing, what you do tend to notice though is that the people who believe in these sorts of things tend to have a lot more ‘experiences’, no surprise there.
Well, it is Christmas
In reply to Post #1513 Not a supernatural story but very scary.
My young son and I were fishing a small lake fenced off from a large private estate and screened by a row of poplar trees. Shortly after dusk we heard a volley of gunshots behind the poplars; some one hundred feet away. All the anglers fled to the car park and we were wondering if it was safe to sneak back to retrieve kit. Shortly afterwards the proprietor drove up and explained that a well refreshed shooting party had become lost on the estate and not realising that the poplars were a boundary, shot at some deer. Lucky they were good shots and hit the animals not the anglers.
I have fished mostly solo for well over 50 years often at times being the only one on the lake both here and in France and I its never bothered me in fact I go so far as to say I prefer it
and I totally dont believe in ghosts its all peoples imagination
hand on heart I have only ever been scared once that was at a French lake in the middle of nowhere
(bastd place to find ) there was a large forest up to the lakes edge on the bank I was fishing
only person on the lake was me it was around 02.30 I had not long had a fish and was just starting to drop off when I heard a commotion behind me branches snapping my 1st thought was it was maybe a cow pushing thru ? so jumped out of bed grabbed my machetti just to be on the safe side and turned on my head light to see and scare off whatever it was ?
by now from the noises it was clear it was a largish animal suddenly I got a glimpse it was a large Boar I had heard these things are not to be messed with as they can charge you and break a leg at this point probably for the first time I was proper heart thumping scared
I grabbed my stove and picked up a load of deadwood and used it to get a fire going sat up all night outside hoping the poxy thing would bugger off
in the morning the farmer came round he could not speak much english but I managed to explain it was a hog he got very excited and I managed to understand he was going to shoot it that evening just as it was getting dark I heard gunfire
following day he came round grinning from ear to ear explaining in sign language he had got it then 2 days later I had just finished packing up and the old boy had watching me he then grabbed my arm and took me to his house the few hundred yards away where he tried to give me this bloody great big joint of the butchered hog !
but I declined his house was full of flies never seen so many he had these sticky fly strips hanging down and they were completely black with hundreds of bluebottles stuck to them
In reply to Post #1513 Oh ****, I’m now going to have to read the whole thread again for about the 5th time
In reply to Post #1506 My explanation:-
You or your mates had Curry the night before and there were some underpants that needed cleaning!
So, yeah, your gas explosion theory was correct.
In reply to Post #1510 chrystal waters france friday night 10 pm loads of bangs sounded like gunfire was asleep dived out of bivvy to see firework display going on behind me and didnt i only go and get a run 44lb mirror ty very much
In reply to Post #1507 Where abouts was that??
In reply to Post #1508 Castle Leslie in Co Monaghan..Well known for its ghosts who haunt the place.
Very scary place to stay,and fishing into dark is spooky with a capital S.
Woke up one night while staying in the castle to loud bangs that seemed to echo all through the place,then next day being told it must have come from 'the crying room'.Apparently,there was a young boy murdered in his bed,and his ghost still wails every night.I needed a pi55 soon after and no way was I walking down a long hall to the toilet,so I used an antique chineese vase as a substitute
In reply to Post #1507 A great thread bumpty bump
In reply to Post #1506 Wake Lake, Epping forest ..
Just never again, nothing spooky as such, just nutters and i mean nutters !! People in Druids gear chanting , weirdo's just walking in the forest around 2am, the odd couple making some noise, was busier at night than in the day.
In reply to Post #1505 Not a spooky story but definitely an odd event that happened to me a couple of winters ago,
Me and three mates were fishing a water in the colne valley. Although it was winter it wasn’t stupidly cold so we were up and about around 11pm is. Suddenly there was a huge and I do mean huge bang. The kind that isn’t just deafeningly loud but that you also feel the shock wave from..
We all jumped up and my first thought was a plane crash as we are under the Heathrow night flight path. We scanned the surrounding hills but no sign of anything. We waited for the inevitable sirens, but nothing. No distant smoke etc.
Perhaps we thought it was a gas explosion in one of the houses that overlooks the valley, but nothing. We wondered if it was a sonic boom but I’ve heard those in France and you always here the jet noise afterwards and who flys supersonic over West London?
We turned on the radio at listened to the London news stations. Nothing. I checked Twitter. Nothing. For a week afterwards I read the local news websites but I never found a mention of it anywhere. It’s not like it’s the middle of nowhere. It’s a dirty great earth shaking boom at 11pm on a sat night inside the m25. Very strange and we never discovered what it was but it sure as hell was no firework.
In reply to Post #1504
We must be due some more of these
In reply to Post #1502 I use to fish, a private estate lake near where I lived before moving into London. Which was a brilliant lake I use to be the only person fishing 90% of the time and I managed nearly every fish out of there twice. I use to live on the place it was brilliant. It was one well moon lit night with clear sky's. It was about 11.30pm when i was sat in my brolly, having a smoke. All of the sudden I see a reflection of a person on my side of the lake, go right above the reflection of my brolly I turn round and there was no one there but I still see the shadow walking along the side of the lake and i started shouting and got no reply. I was really what the f*** could that have been. Next thing I get a run and when i was playing the fish which turned out too be a 20 odd pound mirror I keep looking behind as i was scared as f***. But noone appeared.
There are some very spooky anglers out there. Take my advice, get a BIG dog. It's amazing how safe you feel with a Rottie by your side! And the advantage of course is that if some turd does attack you in the night, it's a free meal for the dog! Quids in!
In reply to Post #1500 Good try, but I'm talking pavement pizza here!!!
In reply to Post #1498 He may just have been a wandering pervert!
I always check areas in case of possible "dogging" interference. Have seen and heard some things in my time, but believe me the sight of a drunken old bag in her undies at your bivvie door propositioning you at 2am in the morning is not something you readily forget! Avoid the "doggers" at all costs, still have nightmares to this day!
Couldn't find a smiley of someone chucking up.....................
me and my brother went on a local small pit in the middle of a country park for an overnighter,apart from the path around it its totally enclosed with trees and foliage and pitch black with no moon,hes 1 side,im the other float fishing with starlites,,i heard someone or something making its way through the trees behind me,its 1am now,i shouted out,whos that,hoping some animal would run away,it never,it was now about 6ft into the foliage behind me,my neck hair stood up,my brother walked round to see what i was shouting at,then peering through the bracken i saw someone pulling on a cigarette,the end light up,i shouted again,but this time i swore and told whoever to f... off,the cigarette lit again,i got my black widow catapult out,filled it with swan shot and fired it full belt at whoever was there,the screams were merciless,then the sound of running with the occasional thump of hitting trees as he went,i reckon it was a hospital job for him.
In reply to Post #1495 Brilliant i enjoyed reading that
In reply to Post #1495 A classic case of aliens.
Did you check your bum for anal probes
Nah seriously I enjoyed that. Can we have part 3?
In reply to Post #1494 Part 2
The air was cold-too cold, even for that time of year and I really felt that somehow, things were not ‘right’, but cannot really explain how. There were no owls hooting, no bats about..not even any midges bothering to bite. The water looked black and oily and I was getting a bit concerned by the cattle in the field opposite. Normally, they would wander around peacefully, mostly quiet but tonight it was as if –well, it’s a bit difficult to describe. Stampeding around continually and bellowing their heads off. The bank opposite is quite steep; you can’t access the pool from there because of the rock face. On the skyline opposite there are-were-several trees which shaded the pool and I noticed several head of cattle lined up there trying to get down the bank-as if they were trying to get away from something. Yes, I know it sounds silly, but that is how it appeared then. Then, one either lost it’s footing, slipped , fell or jumped, scrabbling down the bank and falling in with a tremendous splash… time to go! A rapid reel-in, quick check that nothing was left behind, but found that the torch had failed; never mind, I knew every step of the way back and had just started off when several more of the cattle came tumbling down the bank, crashing into the water in panic. I just didn’t want to be there anymore and headed back downriver to the bridge at a quickening pace. O.K. it may sound a bit’windy’ but I felt a sense of relief to be back on the road away from that place. As quietly as possible (not easy) I trod the steps from the gate to the stable door, pushed it open and climbed up into the loft and switched on the light. The flood of stinging yellow light and stable air brought a sense of reality and comfort and, after a welcome coffee, decided to have a kip and try the old Rock Pool downstream at first light-often a very productive time.
……It was still pitch black outside. I cannot recall the time, or for how long I had dozed, but something caused me to be wide awake in an instant..I remember straining my ears for sounds, but heard nothing but the usual ghostly echoing sound of the river under the bridge and into the cold night air. Then..I heard it definitely, it was not imagination, there was someone outside, moving very slowly and carefully, but the gravel betraying them. The steps were slow but very deliberate.
I lay absolutely motionless on the bunk, felt for the light switch-praying it would not fail when needed..and waited. After several minutes-it seemed, one or two more footsteps ..and the heavy door downstairs juddered quietly..and opened.
Who was it..? What-who did they want..? Although over half a century ago now, I can never forget that moment. It was cold, cowardly fear as I heard-and felt the weight of a foot placed on the first rung of the steps. Then the second..third-and fourth. There was a distinct pause and then the top step and I knew then that someone..something, was standing in the loft area, on the other side of the wooden dividing door.
It would take three or four steps to cross to the partition and I freely admit to feeling nothing but fear, both hearing and feeling, three quiet steps on the wooden floor outside.. Only a door separated me from-I knew not what..
I have absolutely no notion of what time elapsed, just lay there hardly daring to breathe, remaining motionless on the bunk with a clammy hand on the light switch; a simple bicycle toggle switch and I prayed that the somewhat ‘dodgy’ connections would work..
You know how you feel when you’re winding yourself up to do something? I decided to go for it, make the quickest movement of my life by switching the light, going for the door and kicking it open..-all in one! Whatever was there I decided to confront it-or forever live in fear.
After several mental rehearsals..it was GO! Light on and go for the door! Kicking it open I was confronted with…
…Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I might well have imagined it, except that the stable door, which I had definitely closed behind me, was open and a cool draft of night air came up into the loft. It would have been quite impossible to descend the ladder and move quietly on the gravel outside; so, what had I experienced..?
I wasn’t dreaming, most certainly both heard and felt what I have just described and have been unable to make sense of it ever since, from that night to this. The only other factor was that when the light came on, the intense feeling of cold air just melted away and became just,-well, normal.
I went down and closed the door, bolting it behind me and sat on the bunk until daybreak, all thoughts of fishing forgotten.
Maybe I’ll go and fish that pool again one night.. ..maybe.
In reply to Post #1493 Part 1
This is an extract from a manuscript, yet to be published. It is something which occurred about 50 years ago and, considering the nature of this thread, may be of some interest to readers..
..Within the compass of our lives, there has probably been-or will be-a moment or occurrence which seems to fly in the face of all logic, has no rationale and defies every plausible explanation. Not necessarily malevolent, just something the human mind cannot nail down and move on from. Something remembered even decades later, because it was so extraordinary at the time.
This is the closest I have been to the surreal and unexplainable. Today, half a century later, I am no closer to the truth than then. Make of the following what you will…
A season or two had passed before I returned to the river and the place where I grew up; the new tenants were a large family, not unknown in the river valley.
Les Knight, the head of the household, was a farm labourer, very worthy of his hire, whose small but tough, wiry frame knew nothing but hard work and toil. He permanently wore a beret on the side of his head, perhaps a retainer from wartime service days, had incredibly kind eyes and gentle expression-and spoke the Queens’ English with quiet, utter perfection.
Mrs Knight was somewhat taller, very thin and dark-eyed, possessing a violent shock of once-black-but tinged with grey, thick wavy hair; entirely natural but nevertheless, somewhat intimidating to children with a fertile imagination! In fact, years before it was widely held amongst us that Mrs. Knight was a witch (quite untrue) and possessed many mystical powers. Her mere presence on the bus would command 100% respect mixed with fear and utter silence from all the schoolchildren, to the complete mystification of their parents! The Knight family were in fact, most kind people who always welcomed me into their home,-but such is the imagination of the young..
The house by the bridge was originally built in the late eighteenth or nineteenth century as a gamekeepers lodge for the estate, but now a tied cottage to one of the estate farms. Much later-I think 1901 or 1903, a small, four-square stable was added next to the house a few yards away, both buildings set inside the gate and adjacent to the road. A rough, dusty gravel path was outside.
The stable was largely used for storage, much as we had done, but Les had had a Lister diesel generator installed in the rearmost part, to supply the luxury of electric light to the house! The Lister was only cranked up and run during the evening time and depite the exhaust being muffled with an old milk churn outside, you could hear the rapid but steady ‘tonk-tonk-tonk-tonk’ for miles, both up-and down river!
Access to the front part of the stable was by means of a very heavily made oak door and huge iron latch. The door always stuck slightly in the frame and always groaned a bit of a judder when initially pushed open. It probably still does. Once inside and a yard-or two in front, was a most sturdily built, wooden step ladder of five rungs about two feet width, leading to the upper loft part where we once housed all kinds of fowl. Here, Les had divided the loft area with a crude partition of vertical wooden planks, with a door for access opposite the top of the trap entrance. On the other side of the divider door, on the right-hand side, was a small bunk bed and some rudimentary pieces of furniture, these appointments completed by an ancient Victorian framed print on the wall! Fixed to the wall was a modified cycle lamp, powered by a 12volt car battery and toggle switch. Simple but essentially, very effective.
Les knew that I liked to fly-fish the witching hours for sea trout and had made this simple refuge for when the fishing was hard going and I could come back for a rest. He was a thoughtful and very kind man who liked fishing. He often came down late in the evening to watch but never took up the sport himself. A fish passed in from time-to-time maintained good relations between us.
……….It was a Friday afternoon and the omens for fishing that night were good. Warm and cloudy weather prevailed and I wasted no time in getting all together after work and heading out for the moors and valley on the old motor-cycle. I used to park it by the generator, inside the gate so it was safe, not that there was any need to worry in those days.
I spent the early evening with the family who knew I would be on the river that night and Les made sure the battery was charged and the thermos filled.
However, the weather was disappointing, the cloud clearing and the air turned chilly. The pool-my favourite, where I caught my first sea trout, looked good and there were definitely fish in it.
As darkness fell I began to fish but nothing whatsoever was moving..not even a small trout
In reply to Post #1369 Nice one lads dont fancy leaving the room im sat in at home now alone, let alone the 48 hours iv got planned monday on my ones
fishing a pit in Essex for a 24hr session on me own at about midnight i decided to zip the bivvy up and get me nut down for some sleep i woke up looked at the phone it was just after 3am for some reason i could just sense someone was standing out side me bivvy after a short bit of thinking maybe 20 seconds i decided to go out and look i unzipped it fast and jumped out to some bloke standing at my rods i said you alright mate.... he just turns round and looks at me not saying a word and walks off after that i left the bivvy unzipped with all the lights on i had really worried at the thought of him returning to do something . speaking to another angler when packing away the next afternoon i told him and he said he was prob just ganna take your gear and was surprised you woke up and had court him these days i tend to fish with mates and not on me jack jones
In reply to Post #1490 Read the post regarding Balcombe a couple of days back but didn't want to reply as I had a session planned last night. Nothing scary happened but fished just next to the outfall and got woken up about 12:00 by a group of lads on the dam. Never had any other trouble up there before though. Think it's the local spot for a 'smoke up'.
In reply to Post #1489 Sounds like do as you likies to me
1st time.... I was doing an over night session with my uncle. We were fishing the bank that was on the right if facing the lake from the dam. I was standing in his swim one up from mine about 11pm pitch black when a powerful searchlight shine from the field. It got closer and closer and we could hear a vehicle approaching. I thought it may of been the nra and went back to my swim to wind in my 3rd rod. When I went back to my uncles swim he looked ill! He was shaking. He said a White escort van pulled up with the windows down. He looked inside but and saw someone wearing a balaclava. Then drove off. We were properly s**t scared. I begged my uncle to stay so we could carry on fishing but he was not having any of it. I went back to my swim which was pretty much only one way in to start packing up and as I approached it I saw a figure climbing into the brambles. We packed up so quick I ended up leaving behind my bucket of tiger nuts! Serious!
2nd time.... I convinced a mate from school to come fishing with me. We got down there after walking from the train station with a mountain of gear and decided to have a look for a decent swim dumping the kit at the dam wall. We got halfway round and laying in the path was an adult deer. When we got closer we noticed that on its side it had had a cross burnt onto into its side. My mate was freaked out to the max saying it was some devil worship thing. Again I just wanted to get on fishing. I got my own way but after two hours of my mate whining we packed up.
I did do a fair few sessions by myself after my uncle decided to jack it in and I couldn't convince anyone else to come night fishing. I always felt so freaked out but something kept drawing me back to the place.
In reply to Post #1486 elaborate?
In reply to Post #1486 What was that then ?
In reply to Post #1485 That's the one. Had a couple of strange things happen there!
In reply to Post #1484 I believe I did on rare occasions not that I was a member is that the one with a dam ?
In reply to Post #1483 Did you ever fish the lake at balcombe?
In reply to Post #1482 Yea I know what you mean about getting a weird feeling for a place.
I used to fish a round little lake on gatwick airport many years ago surrounded by woods and an old barn then a massive airport carpark next to it, nothing scary at all but jesus the place used to have me on edge all night that place, something not right about that place.
In reply to Post #1481 I remember when my brother was about 13-14 he was going to do a night on a local lake which is in the middle of no where with just woods around it the track is about 3/4 of a mile from the nearest road but he was going to be fishing with his mate so my mum took him down there, while setting up his mate phoned and said he couldn't go but my brother told my mum he would be fine on his own, so my mum left him that afternoon and he was happy fishing, anyway about 8ish he starts hear strange noises from the woods behind him he put it down to the wild life and goes a sits in his bivvy after about an hour the noises of sticks snapping and other strange sounds are getting louder and louder like something was getting nearer so he zipped down the door on the bivvy got under the sleeping bag and phoned my mum up at this time it was about half 9 I remember answering the home phone to my brother sounding like he was sitting himself I gave the phone to my mum and he wanted picking up we went and got him and I remember that look on his face he packed his gear down the fastest I've ever seen anyone pack up before and we got out of there, although it was only probably animals making the noise he never fished another nite in that place and has only been back with me for a day session or two at most and not even I will do a night down there its just got a weird feeling about the place
Think I've read it twice now, I do love a good ghost story.
In reply to Post #1478 Oh no, my favourite thread has reappeared, going to have to read it all the way through........again
I read on here earlier that someone mention Busbridge in Godalming. I remember fishing here years ago when about 14 or 15 and was told that if you got too close to the water then the nun would grab your ankles and pull you in. That used to freak us out big time.
In reply to Post #1475 Looks spooky from the other bank
In reply to Post #1474 Use a gaff hook and stand on a sturdy bait bucket. Water shots would be the way forward....
anyone heard of th ehaunted corner at Whitevane? Said to be a dog and the ghost of a young woman who haunt snaggy corner nearest th ehouse. Was told that she'd drowned herself after her love died in WWI. Have fished that corner overnight after hearing this only once. Never been back in getting on for 20 years. Terrifying place!
In reply to Post #1472 I wouldn't know what to do if I wound a stiff in. I mean how would you go about weighing it for a start off? And would be a difficult trophy shot too.
note to self: do not read this thread before going fishing
Everybody no somebody who hooked a dead body while fishing.
bit like everyone knows somebody who back in the day shat in there one piece thermal suit hood.
In reply to Post #1466
In reply to Post #1469 My grandad was telling me that his dads mate back in the days, dragged one in on the Severn somewhere. He said it had loads of tackle stuck to it!
In reply to Post #1467 That is the opening scene to 99% of Inspector Morse episodes
In reply to Post #1467 ive heard of this but a different lake. the place i heard it had happend was at petersfield lake ( the heath ). think it was in the early 90s along the play ground side.
I heard a story about an incident that happened to a carper which I was told happened at Cutt Mill. Apparently some guy was fishing near the dam end and hooked into something heavy. In trying to free his line a stiff floated to the surface. Anyone ever heard of this?
In reply to Post #1465 Especially waving it over his head! ****ing terrifying!!!
In reply to Post #1463 If someone leaped out of their bivvy at me holding their truncheon I would probably do one as well!
In reply to Post #1463 Made I laugh !!
Fished Broadlands way back and was bivvied on the far side with my bruv. During the night I heard whispering behind the bivvy and some weird cackling which frightened the **** out of me. Suddenly the bivvy shook with a loud wailing outside. Grabbing my trusty truncheon, I leapt out of the bivvy and whirled round shouting what the ****s going on. Suddenly these two drunken pratts screamed and shouted out they thought I was someone else and ran off, one tripping over on a guide rope as he went. In the morning I realised that in front of the bivvy was a small raised mound of a good 8 inches in height. I was obviously standing on this waving the truncheon over my head which means my silhouette would appear to have been something like 7 feet tall. Don't know who was more scared, them or me!
In reply to Post #1459 30 years ago it was a little paradise, natural crystal clear water with big Pike, Carp and Tench. Was surrounded by mature bushes until Dave Barratt, the owner, and his bailiff had the idea of opening it up and started to charge in line with Bury Hill Fisheries. Totally ruined it. Now owned by someone else who I believe has made some improvements, but haven't been back to see it myself.
In reply to Post #1460 Doing a night anywhere in the Lee valley at the moment is pretty scary stuff, seeing if you still have all your tackle when you wake up at first light.
i always have bad nightmares when i do nights its always similar ones my mate as said many times who was you fighting with last night i just dont know why as never have them in the house. mind a couple of hedge hogs **** me up once my mate said they were mating f##k they make a noise
In reply to Post #1456 No, this was the old pit behind the cottages at Betchworth, at the base of Box Hill. Very eerie at night and bags of atmosphere.
Some brilliant story's on here has anyone got anymore?
Was told a story by my brother about one of his friends who fished a lake near a monastery some years ago (not sure if it's Furnace Lake near East Grinstead?). This guy (who I met once) seemed to be pretty level headed but by all accounts what happened to him on this occasion left him very badly shaken. Having waited to get into his chosen swim, he'd set up and said cheerio to his mate and settled down for the evening. As it got darker, slight mist started to cover the lake at which point he nodded off. Around 3am, he was awoken by what he described as a growl and sat bolt upright. Looking out across the lake, through the mist he could see a cloaked figure drifting across the lake towards him. Suddenly his rods began to violently bounce and jump about on the bank sticks. He was so terrified he ran back to his car and drove home. By all accounts he did return for his stuff a few days after but has never fished the venue since or fished nights.
Would be interested to know if anyone else has heard this story?
Personally, scariest thing that happened to me fishing was at an old brick pit some years ago. During the early hours when it was still pitch black, I could hear something creeping though the undergrowth getting nearer to where I was fishing in a dug out swim at the bottom of a slope. When I shouted to try and scare off whatever was making the noise, silence. My policy has always been the best defence is attack, or act like a nutter and show no fear! So I grabbed my torch and a large log and heart racing ran in ready to have a go. I stopped and shone the torch around and initially saw nothing, but then suddenly saw in the torchlight a body in camo lying in the undergrowth. Really shaken now I thought I’d heard someone dumping a body and thinking the murderers still nearby when this tit stood up and apologised for alarming me but they were TA on manoeuvres and were trying to get to the lake undetected for water. After some expletives on my part, I said what do you mean we and his mate stood up right behind me. How I didn’t **** myself I’ll never know, but after telling them to get their water and **** off sharpish, I spent the rest of the night wide awake, shaken and rather pissed off. Have never been back since! And to make it worse, not even a bleep!
My syndicate is secure,high fence all round and two locked gates to get in to the car park.i've quite often been the only one on there if I do a night mid week.
One night last year I woke up and something felt wrong,can't put my finger on it but I felt like I was in total blackness and felt really scared,suddenly the whole bivvy shook for a couple of seconds,like when it has been raining and you shake it to dry....the feeling lasted a few seconds and then passed and I honestly thought I must of imagined it.
A couple of weeks ago the mrs asked if I was going fishing that weekend and could she join me.she quite often fishes with me so it wasnt a problem.during the night I got woken by her calling out my name in a panic.i woke up and she looked absolutely terrified.she said she felt like someone was trying to pull her out of the back of the bivvy.
I went over and did Sunday night this weekend and woke during the night to the feeling that someone was standing outside the bivvy.there has been a bit of tackle theft in the area lately so i jumped out just in case but no-one was around.when I got home yesterday and told the mrs,we started searching to see what we could find out about the area.turns out that during the plague they used to bring the dead bodies from London up the river which is about half a mile away and bury them in the surrounding fields.....
In reply to Post #1452 Anyone got any more of these?
In reply to Post #1451 I've not had any experiences as scary as some of these stories but...
I joined a new club lake last year and its days only, now I got in the habit of turning up just before light and making my way around the lake in the darkness. I have never felt totally comfortable there but never had any reason behind it.
One morning, around 5am, I was setting up my rod rests in the water (have to wade out to get past the reedbeds) and out of the mist I noticed an old man walking towards me on the high bank to my left. Now normally you can see someone coming from a good 300yds away but with the mist visiblity was a bit poor. Still this old man was only around 50yds away from me when I noticed him which I thought was strange. Im pretty sure he hadnt noticed me hidden away in the reeds but I was following him with my eyes when a tree blocked my view. He never came out the other side of that tree...
I was frozen thinking that the only explanation was he had turned on a right angle and walked out of view dead in line with the tree. after about a minute I got out and ran to the top of the high bank and looked around, I couldnt see anyone at all.
Now this place is frequented by dog walkers, ramblers, joggers, etc but at 5am I was surprised to see someone appearing and disappearing infront of me.
In reply to Post #1450 Havent bothered to read all the posts just skimmed a few pages of them, and must say I havent had any bother in nearly 40 years of night fishing. EXCEPT one night, when fishing a small syndicate lake back in '87 . I remember as it was just before the night of the big storm back then.
Anyway the water in question, (an old brick pit), is in a mature bit of forest, and like most such places doesnt get a lot of light at night even with a full moon. But its never bothered me, or it didnt till this one night, when I was awoken by something apparently pushing through the undergrowth behind my bivvy.
Since I had got full night vision by that time, (I do a lot of water watching on late Spring or Summer nights, to help with fish location), so I didnt turn on my torch, but rose and stood quietly with my back against the tree next to the bivvy and waited.
I didnt have to wait long before I relised that whatever it was was passing from my left across to my right, but I couldnt see a thing.
Just as I was about to turn on my torch and destroy my night vision something screamed, and I mean screamed! Then not 20 feet from me whatever it was crashed away deeper in to the forest leaving me shaking like a leaf.
This was my first aquaintance with a randy Vixen that was to turn up at the back of the lake quite regularly over the next few years, probably due to the proximity to a large area of Rabbit warren hidden in the brambles to the left of my swim.
Sorry its not more gripping lads, but I am sure that such screams are the origin of many a ghost story told by city folk in times past.
In reply to Post #1449 Wow what an awesome thread! Just spent the last 4 and a half hours reading this from start to finsh.
Some great posts...........
Does anyone have anymore stories?
In reply to Post #1447 Wonderfull advice.....
Words truly fail me
In reply to Post #1447 Thanks for that Bricktop!
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Had to stop readibg this or id never go fishing again !
In reply to Post #1444 Very rare to suffer nightmares mate and got minimum stress in life. Not the best of sleepers though tbh.
In reply to Post #1443 Sounds like Night terrors mate, ive had a few before when stressed.... feels like your pinned down or cant move etc... as if someones doing it to you ( its your mind playing tricks )... I normally wont sleep through when fishing though , maybe get 3 hrs between 10 and 1 then wake up for no reason at all , like my brain tells me im not at home wake up and check im ok ?
Not really a believer in paranormal sheeite as I've still yet to see any conclusive proof either for myself or with the myriad of technology available to people today.
Had a weird one last week though as was fishing Merringtons and during the night I felt like someone.was pulling my hand and it woke me with a startle whilst preparing to kick off and defend myself. As I sat up though I noticed that I had a bit of a dead hand so put it down to that, I woke up with a bit of a cold sweat as well so went back to sleep after I'd checked my gear and the bivvy door was up so thought it was just a bad dream coupled with a lack of circulation.
That was about 2.00am and about half hour later I heard my mate , in the next swim, shout "get the f#@# off me...he shouted this twice so I grabbed the negotiator 'baseball bat ' and ran to his peg.
He was sitting up in his bivvy whilst I scanned around with a head torch ready to leather someone and I asked him what was wrong.
He said that he felt like someone was grabbing his bag and pulling it over his head and he felt stuck in his bag. He also said he had a bad dream and we put it down to that, as his bivvy door was also done up.
I didnt have the heart to tell him my story as he looked shook up as it was. I did blag a brew off him though and went back to bed....I admit to sleeping with one eye open and the 'negotiator' tucked up with me
I told him the next day and we laughed about it and just put it down to sleeping poorly as it was lashing down with gusty winds and was difficult to sleep anyway.
some great stories on here!
One of the blokes off my synd did a night this week kept hearing strange noises but kept looking out to see nothing, on edge but as the hours went by eventually fell asleep, only to be woken up again by 3horses with their head in his brolly trying to have it away with his bait! Not paranormal put him on edge only thing happened to me last year I was fishing thorney weir n kept hearing rustling in the bushes behind me I looked out n the bush was shaking so Iturned my light off n armed myself with my sock with few leads in the time past rustling stopped, found out in the morning some matey was rat ar$ed n fell in pretty much every bush on the lake back to his bivvy, me and another 3 others went n woke him up he was happy to see us n took some stick!
In reply to Post #1394 literally chills up my neck.
In reply to Post #1435 I was fishing moor lane in stains with a mate and we wss fishing from the island(one way on and off). Anyway about 2am in the morning the farmer who lives 200 yards away started his bloody chainsaw up! We was the only ones fishing and the farmer was never happy with anglers around his land. We wasnt that bovered untill we noticed he wasnt cutting anything and it was 2 in the morning, then the sound come closer then stopped. About an hour later someone walked over the wooden bridge, me and my m8 went and had a look...no one there . So we armed ourselfs with a couple of bank sticks and stayed awake all night. It s..ts you up when your only 14
In reply to Post #1435 I was fishing moor lane in stains with a mate and we wss fishing from the island(one way on and off). Anyway about 2am in the morning the farmer who lives 200 yards away started his bloody chainsaw up! We was the only ones fishing and the farmer was never happy with anglers around his land. We wasnt that bovered untill we noticed he wasnt cutting anything and it was 2 in the morning, then the sound come closer then stopped. About an hour later someone walked over the wooden bridge, me and my m8 went and had a look...no one there . So we armed ourselfs with a couple of bank sticks and stayed awake all night. It s..ts you up when your only 14
In reply to Post #1435 I was fishing moor lane in stains with a mate and we wss fishing from the island(one way on and off). Anyway about 2am in the morning the farmer who lives 200 yards away started his bloody chainsaw up! We was the only ones fishing and the farmer was never happy with anglers around his land. We wasnt that bovered untill we noticed he wasnt cutting anything and it was 2 in the morning, then the sound come closer then stopped. About an hour later someone walked over the wooden bridge, me and my m8 went and had a look...no one there . So we armed ourselfs with a couple of bank sticks and stayed awake all night. It s..ts you up when your only 14
In reply to Post #1434 Ok here it goes! I was 14 at the time doing my first overnighter on my own. I wss fishing one of bath roads old waters in Shepperton, I might also add that my mum drppoed me off so I was staying the whole night regardless of what happened. Anyway I got set up etc and got in my sleeping bag about 11pm, about 20 minutes later I could here talking behind my bivvy, being the warrior I was I grabbed a little knife I had and investigated...no one was there. Got back inmy bag and about 45 minutes latr heard ig again , and again no one was there. Just to add there was no one else fishing the lake . Thought it was mh mind playing tricks so I went back to sleep. About 2 hours later a big branch feel off a tree about 100 yards away! Needless to say I didnt get much sleep.
Got 1 more story for the next post
In reply to Post #1433 Never experienced paranormal activity on bank, but there is one perticular lake l fish where l always have some crazy,messed up.......... and l do mean messed up nightmares. Got no explanation why this happens it's pretty rare l have a nightmare maybe a couple a year, but this lake it happens every time. Be interesting to see how many lakes mentioned in this thread are on or near lay lines.
In reply to Post #1424 hahaha this made me chuckle.. but so true some places it seems you need one.
In reply to Post #1431 apart from you ya zombie
| Fozzy | Posts: 17232 |  | aka Elephant Man | |
In reply to Post #1430 Says mystic Ralphy
In reply to Post #1425 spot on there lee , dead people can't hurt you
In reply to Post #1425 That wouldn't be woodchester would it Lee??
In reply to Post #1427 thats not going to help if its paranormal tho mate, wat u need is a ghostbusters proton pack
In reply to Post #1424 I always used a carpenters mallet to bang in my bivvy pegs, and also to deter tackle thieves. Does give a certain feeling of security when you hear weird sounds around the bivvy in the middle of the night.
Is there a book for sale with stories like these in..?
In reply to Post #1424 Sounds like I do the complete opposite to you lot. I actually want paranormal activity to happen whilst I am fishing my current syndicate (or any others for that matter) - we often ask for things will happen for us if we hear strange noises and sometimes just to see if we can get something to happen. Let me explain.
Around 12 years ago my other half got into watching "Most Haunted" on TV, she then deemed that she would love to go on a ghost hunt. I organised it for her and as she doesn't drive accompanied her. We ended up joining the team and go quite regularly to various supposedly haunted places. Before anyone asks no - not a lot happens that I don't think can be explained, although I do have more of a belief in that sort of thing now than when I first went. I/We have spent hours sat in various pitch black castles/prisons/stately homes all alone waiting for something to happen.
During the winter I take her to loads of these things and in the summer/spring she comes fishing with me - so it seems like a fair deal
Anyway Last year I joined a new syndicate - incidentally the old neo-gothic mansion on the estate is also reputedly very haunted and we have done 5 paranormal investigations there. A couple of the lads decided to give me the low down on the various rumours of monks and ghost dogs etc to wind me up. One of them said he didn't sleep a wink on any night session during his first season due to various happenings. They were really upset when I told them what we do during the winter as clearly their windup wasn't going to work on the new bloke.
I am a lot more worried about the living than the dead. Especially if they are creeping around late at night
I always take a Priest with me when I go fishing. well to be honest it is more of a very small baseball bat I had turned up on a lathe by a mate about 12" long and lives in the front of my tackle bag ..
In reply to Post #1422 I agree..... Just found this thanks to check new responses.....superb read
I love this thread too. Some of the stories have made the hairs on my neck tingle, and I don't even believe in the supernatural!
In reply to Post #1419 Bump for some more stories..? Best thread!
In reply to Post #1416 As a believer who is yet to witness anything, what an amazing thread, 7 hours, a tesco trip and a hudl charge to read from start to finish. Oh and I made a steak pie...with mash for tea. Thanks to one and all for sharing.
hi just started fishing godalmings busbridge put a post on here thread on here yesterday in venues and the first reply i got was warning me of ghostly going on,s.
since i looked in to it on google and found one guy who one night heard his rod bag being opened and shone his head torch to see the zip being undone, it is also mentioned in this thread awhile back where the guy is after big frame.
the place has a very strange feel even in the day and spoke to another member recently who,s dog wont leave the bivvy when he is there at night
safe to say i wont be doing any nights on my own
In reply to Post #1414 I for one would love to hear your stories Dave
In reply to Post #1414 Make sure when you share your stories mate you dont put anything that can be misconstrude or you might get moderator taking your story off before we get chance read it unless you got a few thousand posts then seems lkke can say pretty much anything you like on here only messing moderators dont tell me off
In reply to Post #1412 Haha! Truly amazing!
I was implying that the stories were putting me off night fishing! Hence the "selling" of items of tackle associated with night fishing!
I will promise to give up trying to be funny as a new years resolution!
At least Sam got it.
Just to clarify I don't actually have any tackle for sale.
Also I don't really scare easily but I do have a couple of cracking "experiences" from deepest cornwall that I may share one day.
In reply to Post #1412 I think Dave's tongue may be firmly in his cheek! No need for a
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About ten years ago now, I remember fishing Lakeside in Wolvey with my niece and a friend. Half way through the session we had one almighty thunder storm so we all took refuge in our bivvies! When out of the blue we heard this massive bang!! Un zipping my door I was greeted with the site of a fallen tree, no more than 50 yards away with smoke coming from it!! It had only been hit by lightening!! and fell.... Looking back all I can say is how fortunate we all were that day, and how powerful nature can be.
Sorry this is nothing to do with fish well not with a fishing rod anyway but it is some thing I can not explain.
No I really do not believe at all in gost etc, I don't think my late wife is looking down on me I just do not believe, this is not to say a bang in the night doe not freak me out.
To the story.
I had take a very nice girlfriend to York we had gotten into the bedroom and as you do the second thing you want to do is take your coat of.
We had settled down to a very nice time and in the middle of this she let out a right scream, I went flying, trying to keep the blood were it should be I asked, in may be not the most simpathetic way what was wrong, thinking I may of gone an inch of target or something.
Anyway she said she shaw a man walk across the room, and being stupid I said at this point I would ask him in for a three, anyway you get the picture here, thing were not going well for me.
So we had a bit of a fall out but we did make up and had our showers and went out.
We were walking along and past a gost walk, we were together all the time, so no she could not of.
The chap was doing his talk and then said there is a story of hotel, whatever room 27 or a man who walks across the room and out of the window.
Have to say I wish I could explan that one. And she did make them change our room and there s no problems in doing so
Ow sorry I know this should be about fishing
The best I can say is we did have FISH amd chips
Sorry sorry, delet if you need too.
In reply to Post #1407 hahaha all that build up and it was a badger! lol
In reply to Post #1406 When I was younger and still prone to excessive nights out, I had a bender on the Friday night and decided to do the Saturday night at my local water, one bank was beside a road but the other was a killer walk through a forest and sloped upwards steeply for about 500yrs from the water’s edge. As was the norm, I was alone!
After settling in and still feeling a bit rough, darkness came suddenly with the overcast weather.
As I lay on my bedchair I started to dose until jolted awake by the sound of movement not far from the bivvy. I froze, then ten seconds later the sound of a huge branch being snapped followed by the crunching sound as the branch was ripped from the tree. It was deadly silent and every sound was magnified to jumbo jet proportions.
I can honestly say I have never been as scared before or since, I held my breath scared to move and give away my presence. My heart felt like it was gonna burst, it was beating so hard.
After what seemed like an age I let out a breath but for the rest of the night I was wired. There was no way I could leave, the darkness was total because of the trees and negotiating the hillside in the dark would have been futile.
I still don’t know what it was, some have suggested a Badger!?!?!?!
awesome thread
In reply to Post #1404 Some cracking stories on here!
Really enjoyable thread!
In Sepember I fished with three mates at a 24 acre lake in Central France. The lake is surrounded, on all sides by an ancient oak forest. After dusk it gets absolutely pitch dark in there.
We had had supper together (beef stew and mash) behind my swim and the lads had gone back to their respective swims to get their rods out.
I had tidied up my kitchen area and just put my feet up in my bivvy when all hell broke loose behind my bivvy. A dreadful screaming noise that got louder and louder, it sounded like several terrified women screaming their heads off.
With the hair sticking up on my neck and my Craghoppers filling, I leaped out of my bivvy to see WTF?
It was pitch dark now so I clapped my hands and shouted at the darkness, this did not work, it got closer and even louder.
I grabbed my bright green pen light torch and waved it at the forest. The beam jabbed out into the blackness and really seemed to upset my unwanted guests. The screaming reached fever pitch and there was the sound of shrubbery moving and twigs snapping.
I bounded onto my fishing platform, leapt into my little boat and rowed about 150 yards (much quicker than Sir Redgrave in his prime) to where Ian and Kenny were fishing.
They were stood on the end of their platform with head torches on wondering who was being murdered, the racket had scared them even at that distance away!
We thought about walking around to my swim with lights and large bank sticks to 'Sort Them Out' but instead we stayed put and polished off Kenny's copious supply of French Traditional Cidre. (being terrified is thirsty work)
The noise eased off and eventually ceased. We relaxed a bit and I had to 'Man Up' and row back to my pitch black bivvy in the trees, to the scene of the carnage!
Fortified by another couple of glasses of French Traditional Cidre I am proud to say I did just that. All was silent when I got there. Even a few wafts with the pen torch did not produce a murmer. I crept out of the boat and leapt into my sleeping bag.
In the cold light of day we decided that it was probably a family of foxes fighting over the food scraps in the shrubbery, maybe??
This was a very scary night!
In reply to Post #1402 I once fished an old chalk pit with my mate in the winter that was hardly ever fished but did contain some nice carp and when we got to our chosen swims we noticed police tape wrapped around a small cluster of tree's to the right of us but we thought nothing of it as there was always stolen motorbikes and cars being dumped down there. After spending two nights down there we were told that a women from a local care home had gone missing and after two days had been found dead in the cluster of trees a week before we got down there.
In reply to Post #1401 Iv got a couple of good tales to tel the first was when i was in my early 20s i was dating a nice gal from chobam for a couple of months when she invited me to stay with her parents for a wkend i went one friday for tea (how formal!!) after geting on with her folks ok evening came and they showd me my room i was a bot gutted not to b in with my gal but that was zero option the first thing i noticed was how cold it was no this was in august and about 25deg i settled in for the night about two am i woke up with a dry throaght and culdnt breath i started choking i got out bed and went and slept on the couch in the morning my gf asked me waht was up as i was white as a sheet i told her about my experience her mum said that a couple of years ago her son had comitted suicide in there by hanging himself needless to say i never stayed again. The second was at a lake in a park near me i was doing a weekend with a couple of mates and we ran out of water the second night i volanteered to get sum from a tap in the churchyard nexdoor this was about 9pm i wanderd over it was very misty but just as i finished toping the but up i noticed a figure with a lamp thinking it might be the vicar coming to tel me of i went to say helllo but noticedhis clothes lookd odd they were a dinner jacket very old looking i turnd round and hed vanished i ran streight back to my mates and told them in the morning i ventured back over and bumped into the vicar he told me a tale of a man who many years ago who was on his way home from a party and fell in a grave and broke his neck and died needles to say wen i fished that lake i made sure to take plenty of water in future
In reply to Post #1396 sod that, dont think i'd of froze, i'd have left me gear and run all the way home for a clean pair of undies
| Fozzy | Posts: 17232 |  | aka Elephant Man | |
In reply to Post #1398 The finest apple pop available
In reply to Post #1398
In reply to Post #1397 It was the vintage Matt, in all honesty I bought them from Tesco express in my usual hurry, where normally their stocks are around the 5% mark, and did not notice,
The rest is history, I think.
In reply to Post #1395 Ahhh now you are leaving one key elemnt out of the story here Ray and that is which Westons you were drinking...?
If it was the Vintage at 500ml and 8.2% then I neither would have had a clue if I had finished the 4th bottle off or not....
In reply to Post #1395 As a lad, I used to haul my gear on my Mums converted 'drag along' shopping trolley over 3 miles to my nearest club lake. There was no night fishing allowed then, and because of the distance, I used to creep out at about 2.30am, to get there well before first light.
On an almost moonless, overcast humid Summer night, I was on one of the long straight unlit road stretches of my journey that took me parallel with the M4 near Reading, and in the middle distance (around 300yds) I could have sworn I could make out a white shape moving on the other side of the road, as it got closer it moved across to my side, and appeared to be heading at me. By now I was starting to get a bit 'twitchy' , straining my eyes in the darkness to see what this thing was, at 50yds or so I could see it was definitely an animal of some sort and heading straight towards me. I froze not daring to move, my squeaky trolley wheels at a standstill, within less than a minute, a completely pure white Irish Wolfhound of massive proportions went silently passed me. I remained frozen to the spot for what seemed like ages, hardly daring to turn and look behind me for fear of some sort of attack, and of course, when I finally did, it was nowhere to be seen.
I'm not suggesting that this was definitely some sort of ghost Dog, but the weirdest thing is it didn't even turn to look at me, zero recognition of any kind at such close quarters, and it was completely silent of foot.
Last night my beverage choice was four bottles of Westons cider. Whilst nearing the half way point of my fourth bottle, I would save one half of the bottle' incase I needed to wet my whistle during the coming night.
So nearing 11pm I bid farewell to fri and wished my rods all the luck,
Upon awakening at at 2.45 am sat, I reached for my bottle with glee only to find the bottle upright and empty......????wtf I thought......stay safe people.
In reply to Post #1393 Fished a lake when I was 15 with a mate. One swim had a mound behind it and a tree with a low branch above maybe 8ft off the ground. Anyway on full moons I always thought I saw an old lady up there.
3yrs later after leaving the lake I saw a book on the village the lake was in... They used to hang people from the tree. Never ever will I go back there.
In reply to Post #1392 maybe they finished smelling it while thinking of u and touching themselves and thought they wud return it in good working order
In reply to Post #1391 I hate to think mate,but I'm glad I didn't hang around to find out !
Never did fish that lake again.
I always wondered why whoever it was left my keep net on the bank and didn't nick it,I guess whoever it was wasn't an angler.
In reply to Post #1389 wonder wat he was doing with his hands while he was watching u
In reply to Post #1389 F***** weird that one mate, would make me not want to fish that again just because of the sheer weirdness of it, that someone is just watching you and waiting for you to go, crazy.
In reply to Post #1388 Back in the 70's,I would be about 15 at the time,I used to coarse fish a small lake near Ridgeway in Sheffield called Lower Skelper,a lovely little two acre lake right down in a secluded wooded valley where you usually saw nobody else all day.
My dad used to drop me off on his way to work and pick me up on the way home and I would fish all day on my own.
One day I had been fishing a few hours and caught a big roach of around 1.5 pounds and by far the best fish I had caught at the time. Into the keep net it went and I fished on.
Soon after I started to feel a bit uneasy and as if I was being watched,the feeling got worse and worse until I couldn't stay any longer as I was getting pretty scared.
Something or somebody was watching me,I just knew it.
I packed my gear but really wanted my dad to see the big roach,so I left my keep net in the water and quickly walked the half mile up the lane to the phone box at the top and rang my dad to ask him to come and pick me up as soon as he could.
He wasn't best pleased but an hour later he arrived wanting to know why his normally fishing mad son wanted to pack up early for the first time ever.
I told him why and we both went down the lane to the lake with him pulling my leg about being a big girls blouse.
When we got to my swim however there was no roach to be seen,the bank stick had been pulled out and my now dry keep net was laid out on the bank side !
I looked at my dad,he looked at me and neither of us knew what to say.
To this day I still don't know if my dad believed I caught that fish,he never said,but he knew wild horses wouldn't have made me pack up early without a very good reason.
They say you can feel when you are being watched.......I did that day,because whoever was watching me must have taken my net out and released that roach !!!!!!
In reply to Post #1386 that girls got nipples u could hang ya coat on
In reply to Post #1385 anyone had any more pant filling experiences recently
Seen kelly brooke in the papers recently if the counts
anyone had any more pant filling experiences recently?
In reply to Post #1382 PS if anyone is interested in this stuff ,and are down this way on holiday etc....
Check out the RAF Davidstow museum and memorial....you can go on a guided tour of the aerodrome ...very very interesting........
Its next to where they make Cathedral city cheese ,also part of RAF Davidstow,my best non fishing mate grew up in the old RAF hospital nr by ..................loads of history around here....
its not all about king Arthur .............................
In reply to Post #1382 In regards to the big cat sightings, there are plenty round Norfolk where i am. There was one sighted the other day near the football ground.
| Beave | Posts: 15676 |  | MODERATOR | |
In reply to Post #1381 Theres been a few digs over the years all around the old base . 80 % of it has been dug up and turned into fields now though which is a real shame .
A good friend of mine organises alot of the base digs all around the country using all the Geofizz gear , hes even been on Time Team a couple of times . Now hes found plenty of interesting stuff over the years .
The Liberator was obviously cleared after the crash happened but im sure if someone really wanted to they would still find bits and pieces of the plane and other stuff .
Id be abit more concerned about digging on the base itself as you never know what buried Ordnance you might find by mistake .
In reply to Post #1380 I pretty much live at the end of one of the old runways of an old WW2 airbase , RAF Hardwick, the 93rd heavy BG .
A B-24 Liberator crashed at the end of what is now my garden killing all crew , im yet to see a ghostly Liberator smash into the end of my garden .
Cool...wonder if they cleared all the wreckage....might be a few interesting finds still about....metal detector n spade time.
| Beave | Posts: 15676 |  | MODERATOR | |
In reply to Post #1379 I pretty much live at the end of one of the old runways of an old WW2 airbase , RAF Hardwick, the 93rd heavy BG .
A B-24 Liberator crashed at the end of what is now my garden killing all crew , im yet to see a ghostly Liberator smash into the end of my garden .
In reply to Post #1378 Just be glad that you dont live far from a lost Aerodrome .....
Some say on a still night you can hear the American bombers taking off....In a physical sense the offspring are among us .....
American WW2 pilots and local girls.....................
Just read this end to end. I'm glad I'm not gonna be able to go fishing for a few weeks. Some of these have really put the Willies up me
In reply to Post #1375 yeah your right mate, ive fished alot of places on my own but that was a weird place
In reply to Post #1373 Good story there adder really enjoyed it
In reply to Post #1374 Sound can travel long distances in the right circumstances.
In reply to Post #1373 i would have built houses from my backside had that happened to me just reading that i was feeling a bit strange but i will say that is a great read mate ...and just for the record i do believe in these sort of things but thats down to this.......
the strangest thing i had was when i fished a small water last year in the middle of nowhere in essex it was a small water which i had never fished before and only went there for a 36hrs session , when i arrived there were a couple of guys fishing . i found a corner with a few showing fish away from these guys but still in sight of them and set up. as the evening came these guys left and there i was alone which i loved, the lake to myself. as dark fell i had a couple of fish to 12lbs and knew i was in for a good night . it got to around 1 in the morning and i could hear a couple of voices ?? now its in the middle of nowhere and theres nothing there except the lake and im the only one on it. my sences were on an all time high the voices went and within a few min i was settled down. then went to my bag for the night i was laying there thinking about life as you do and this church bell started to ring out now it went on and on for what seemed like ages and was very loud and everything felt very strange you could of heard a pin drop before the bells started now i didnt see anything but i didnt like this feeling the hairs on the back of my neck were standing up something just didnt feel right if that makes sence..........first light i had made my mind up i was leaving, first light came and as i made my way to the van i passed a couple of guys coming on to the lake they ask me how i got on and my reply was had a few mate but the church bells done my head in, they seemed to go on for ages and the the guys replied what church there isnt a church near here for miles
i never returned that was enough for me
In reply to Post #1372 He turned and tried to open the door again, but it was impossible to do so. Feeling frightened by his experience, he was relieved to return to his family in the booking office.
Half an hour later, the Cartwright family were in their sleeping-bags, each of them uneasy and bewildered by the strange events. The old building creaked occasionally, but apart from that and the occasional rumble of distant thunder, there was silence.
At about 2am, however, Jack woke with a start. He could distinctly hear voices which seemed to be coming from the parcels office next door. Quickly putting on some clothes, he decided to investigate.
He tried the door to the parcels office, but it seemed to be locked tightly. The voices were now audible, obviously coming from the room. Jack was determined to solve the mystery. Putting his shoulder to the door, he found to his amazement that it opened easily. Looking inside, he was aware of a misty atmosphere and a figure sitting in a chair at a desk. The voices had stopped now but an illuminating mist seemed to fill the room with a white incandescent glow. The shape of the figure at the desk was vague, but distinctly human. He seemed to be poring over some papers and the room itself appeared to be tidier than when he had visitied it earlier. It was as if Jack had stepped back in time to the scene of an earlier age. Suddenly, the figure seemed to be aware of Jack's presence and turned towards him, as if to ask what he wanted. Jack could see the face now, that of an elderly man with a deeply wrinkled face and steel-framed glasses. His face was gentle and benign. As Jack took a step towards the figure the mist suddenly cleared and the figure disappeared. Abruptly, Jack found himself in darkness. He switched on his torch and found himself alone in the office. He was about to shut the door when again an inexplicable force on the other side pushed it firmly shut. Jack again tried the handle, but the door was locked. Totally mystified by experience, he crept back to the booking hall and tried to sleep.
In the morning, Jack related his experiences to his wife who listened sympathetically but reassured him that it must have been a nightmare. As they prepared to leave and resume their homeward journey, Jack decided to take a last look around the parcels office. Gingerly opening the door, which gave way easily he saw the festoons of cobwebs, litter and crumbling plaster, exactly as before. Satisfied, he gently pulled the door, which closed easily behind him. With a final look back at the station buildings, Jack drove away from the scene of his mysterious experience.
The family's first stop at a garage for a minor repair led Jack into conversation with the proprietor. He told him about their ruined holiday and where they had spent the previous night, although he did not reveal his unusual experience.
The proprietor listened, then said, "You're a braver man than I am, mister. That station is supposed to be haunted by old Garrity who was that porter there in the old days, and not many people go near it in daylight, never mind after dark."
Jack laughed. "Well, he didn't bother me. Perhaps we were lucky."
In reply to Post #1371 The storm had now passed its zenith and although the rain was still pouring down, the Cartwright family felt relieved at finding some sort of shelter. Jack drove the car as near as he could towards the station building and switching off the the faltering engine. He took a torch with him, left the car and entered the old building. After what seemed an age, Jack appeared out of the gloom and got back into the car.
"I've had a good look round, June," he said. "The roof seems sound and I think I can force one of the windows and get in. It's a bit of a mess but at least we can be warm and dry in our sleeping-bags."
When they reached the building, Jack shone his torch through a broken window illuminating the interior of what evidently had been the booking office. The floor was covered with the rubbish of years, but the place seemed dry and the family's spirits rose. Jack went back to the car for a screwdriver with which he prised open a rotting window.
The family moved in everything they needed to make their stay as comfortable as possible. June lit their camping lamp which cast weird shadows around the room. After a meal, Jack suggested a walk to explore their surroundings. They found a long platform and the remains of a goods shed. The track-bed was weed-ridden and strewn with rubbish. A sense of abandonment overhung the once proud station. Picking their way through the rubble, the Cartwrights concluded their exploration, although they had no idea of where they were.
As the children walked ahead, Jack and his wife agreed that they could sense a strange atmosphere, something eerie and unpleasant. The children then ran back excitedly to them.
"There's a light in one of the rooms and we've heard voices," said Melissa.
Their father told them that as they were the only people present in the deserted station, it was not possible to see or hear such things. The children, however, were persistent and led the way round to the side of the building, stopping at what had probably been a small parcels office. Peering through the filthy window, they saw an empty room littered with small rubble, several pieces of broken dust-covered chairs and an old table, but no sign of life. Jack looked at the children.
"But this is the place, Dad," said Melissa. "There was a light like an old oil lamp giving a yellow glow, and we heard voices, too."
Jack believed that they could not be imagining it.
"I know," he said. "Let's see if we can get in from the inside as this door is either seized up or securely locked."
Jack fetched his torch and screw-driver, then climbed through the window, struggling to avoid the broken glass. Marking his way carefully to the door that would give entry to the parcels office, he shone his torch around him. Only dust and rubble showed the years of disuse. Nothing stirred.
After much effort, Jack succeeded in prising open the door with his screw-driver. He shone the torch around the room before entering. No footmarks disturbed the dust, cobwebs hung like festoons and a strange musty smell pervaded the atmosphere. Suddenly he became aware of an eerie feeling, as though he was being watched. Nervously, he stepped into the room and walked around, crunching the broken plaster that had fallen from the crumbling ceiling. There was no one in the room and no oil lamp, but a strange smell pervaded the air. He left the room and was about to close the door behind him when he was hit in the back by the door itself slamming shut.
Hi, this is a nice story about a ghost. It's called the Ghostly Caretaker:
Jack Cartwright (his real name and he lives 10 The Dingles, Bundelsey Rise, Birmingham BM4 5TG Mobile - 07985647235 Home - 0181457961 Work - 01816780946 you can go and ask him about it if you want to 24 hours a day without prior arrangement) and his wife June and their two children Alan 11, and Melissa, 13, had been on a camping holiday in the West Country, but unfortunately everything had gone wrong. The weather had been appalling and as a result the whole family had caught colds. Their misery was complete when the previous night vandals had visited their camp site and caused considerable damage, including slitting the Cartwrights' tent (I thought stuff like this only happened on Merseyside). When the electrics on their normally reliable car had started to fail, Jack and June decided to cut short their holiday and return to their home in South Yorkshire.
Packing up their equipment, they set off home. Their long journey was broken several times by the necessity to make repairs to the car. Darkness began to descend quickly as rainfilled clouds turned the sky to a menacing black void. Before long, the family ran into a ferocious thunderstorm. Driving with difficulty through torrential rain while thunder and lightning crashed overhead, jack found himself in a narrow West Country lane, realising that he had missed the turning that would have brought him back on to the main road. By now it was dark, they were obviously lost and their headlights had begun to fail. Their only hope was to find a farmhouse where a friendly farmer might be able to offer them shelter for the night.
As they began to despair, their son noticed a railway station sign. peering through the pouring rain Jack saw a post with an old weather-stained sign hanging from it. As they drive towards their refuge, they found themselves in a large station yard, now overgrown with weeds and bramble bushes and obviously derelict. Like so many abandoned branch-line properties, the dereliction was complete.
Good thread chaps , some good reading on here , now 4 hours into a 12 hour nightshift and i am not going outside again !!
as the building i work in is on top of an old gypsy burial site !!
In reply to Post #1368 i went to the cinema to see it Ken and i can assure i wasnt laughing when i left .............at first i thought it was quite simply rubbish but it did affect my subconsious mind , i had dream after dream , some of them quite terrifing , i can honestly say that film creeped me right out .
as i said before , i dont believe , i am a dyed in the wool sceptic but i do believe that some people as predisposed or sensitive to parnormal behaviour , conduits if you like ............and i am not calling anyone a tube before someone takes offense .
I posted this a while ago in another thread, but seems a bit apt for this.
This one is not Lake related but is 100% true.
Many many years ago I moved into a flat with a girlfriend. The flat turned out to have OTHER residents.
We would often see shaddows or a figure moving down the hallway. The misses was terrified but i was facinated. One evening i'm in the bathroom picking a zit in the mirror when someone laughed loudly in my ear as if they were stading right next to me. I bricked it!! There was nobody eles about.
There was one room that was colder than the rest, a little box room. It always put the hebejeebees up me when i went in there. The misses decided she was going to turn it into a spare room. Anyways, when it was finished we were in the room, about to get down to some jiggy when a loud voice Growled..AND I MEAN GROWLED her name! We absolutly shat it!!
Most would say thats enough to move out, but we stayed because I guess we knew things were very strange but so far it was only a case of "did you see/hear that?"
Anyways, we had a party and a few m8's over. We had told them what we had seen/heard and someone suggested a ouija board. So we set one up. after that thing got a little wierd. The glass was moving like crazy and kept spelling out Devil and Kill. I have to admit it got a bit hysterical at this point. everyone was shyting it. We asked it what it wanted and it kept spelling TO KILL and the glass was dashing over to my misses. She was in tears. anyways. the ONLY two people with fingers on the glass were me and the misses. everyone else backed off. he glass was going mental!! still spelling out the same things.
I Know I wasnt pushing it and I'm damn sure she wasnt. by this stage she was proper hysterical, so we closed the board down released the spirit out the window, smashed the glass and burnt the board.(supposedly the way to end a session properly)
We saw lots of odd things in that flat. Things moved. The salt celler would move by itself across the work top infront of a room full of people. TV would switch on and off.
Anyways oneday we get a knock at the door and it's the previous tennant hunting some lost mail.
So we asked him "anything strange about this flat when you lived here?" He laughed and said "That was the reason I moved out"
I moved south and ended up living in two other haunted houses. Events in both witnessed by others.
I consider myslef to be a logical person, so I do look at things that happen with skeptisism and try to find a logical rational reason, but sometimes when you have exhausted the logical/rational, the only thing left is the impossible/unbelievable
Mate I got to say I'm still not a true believer and up till this point thought that anything that goes bump in the night was a load of old b@llux. I never in my life experience anything to make me remotely think there is anything out there and I've not lived a sheltered life. I'm not a great one with a pen or writing stories and I can safely say I'd fish any where on my own. There's people that know me on here and i think i can safely say that vouch for me that I am not feeble minded or easily impressioned as well.
I'm undecided about it all myself as its all easily explained away.
Now my misses thinks its Hirlarious as she in to all that stuff and I've taken the piss out of her for years
In reply to Post #1364 mr claypole at work again
I got to say this is one of my fav threads. I thought I'd share my own experience which I have to say is happening at present in our bungalow. When we first moved into our bungalow two years ago at first you'd always get the impression someone was staring at you from the kitchen as it backs on to the front room. It was unnerving at times and could be pretty intense feeling. We also went through loads of light bulds as the lights would turn there self off and on in the kitchen and the light bulds would just go. I put it down to poor wiring in there and fitted new fuse box, wiring, switches and light etc. still happens though...
Next one was a couple a weeks ago my printer just started printing blank pages off, now the odd bit was it wasn't even turned on. To say it baffled me is a understatement, I just Stood there. Staring at first as don't think my brain could compute it.
The most recent one was I sat at home just browsing the net a couple of nights ago when the kitchen tap just explode in to life. I mean the thing went from not being on to being on full. I walked into the kitchen to turn it of and God it sent shivers down my spine
I got to say this though I have never felt any nasty or evil intent. I'm not a big believe or anything and these are just a couple of long list of events, doors flying open etc. I always look for rational explanations and still not a 100% convinced it's a ghost or something. Now my sisterinlaw is a medium or whatever she calls her self and reckons its a old lady who owned the house before we lived here. She reckons she does it to me because she wants me to Acknowledge she's still here lol. My wife only has seen things happen when I'm at home and when away fishing etc has never experienced a single thing and not a single thing has ever happen when my kids are about lol. its always felt warm and never scary as well, just a bit freaky.
Make of it as you will as still deciding myself
In reply to Post #1353 I've read Nordle's story somewhere before. I was creeped out then and I'm creeped out now.
Still the best I've read so far though.
In reply to Post #1361 Well sorry i mentioned it, as my dead sister many years ago warned me its not to be messed with as she had a nasty experience in her younger days.
Going off on a tangent , about 15 years ago me and the wife were on holiday in Greece , when i had this sudden feeling of coldness and i started to cry and said to my wife my sister has died .
Don,t be silly she said , ten minutes later the phone rang confirming my vision as my parents had rung the hotel to tell me
I have had a lot of these since my parents have passed on , some good some bad .
Another was 6 years ago i had another vision that i was driving a new Transit down to France with two of my mates for two weeks fishing and a monkey in my wallet .
Bearing in mind i was skint when i saw this .
It became real two years ago , wierd or what .
I have had others that have proved correct , some good and some bad.
i even seem to know when i,m going to blank as recently this proved correct as well .
Just recently i said to my wife our shop is going to be robbed , it was two weeks ago .
Coincidence ????? somethings going on
In reply to Post #1360 Don't even get me going there. I know for a FACT that the church know of what goes on. Remember a girl having a break down after we had done ouigi board and ended up in therapy from priests. We ( us that we're there) had a visit from the local vicar telling us it was not something to play around with as we didn't know what we were messing with. There are things that just can't be explained.
In reply to Post #1359 Yeh your bang on ,, the Exorcist and a few others comes to mind
In reply to Post #1357 i blame the dvds
| noj | Posts: 11459 | | Social photographer... | |
In reply to Post #1353 Sod that
In reply to Post #1353 Well thats done it for me , that is seriously an un nerving story.
In reply to Post #1353 dP again , bloody mouse
In reply to Post #1353 Now even i`m scared.......
Edit.....thats my favourite is `Nordles`one...
In reply to Post #1353 now that IS hard to believe, thanks for relaying the story
In reply to Post #1 more about haunted lakes guys.
isnt korda lake known to be haunted?
and i always hear of a lake called godalming poppin up in these threads as bein a place many people see stuff and refuse to night fish it
heres a good little one i pulled from another thread from another board
I've been meaning to write this somewhere for a while now, and this thread seems like as good a place as any.
A good few years ago, I was doing a night on a little overgrown pit that I had found on an abandoned (WW1?) military base/airfield.
It was winter, and I was in the middle of nowhere, so by about 11pm it was absolutely pitch black.
I was sitting in the bivvy looking out towards the rods when i thought i saw something big drifting slowly from left to right across the door.
It was that dark that i could'nt be sure what it was, so i got my torch out, got out of the bivvy and had a good look around. Absolutely nothing.
Now by this time, i don't mind admitting that i was more than a little nervous, because although it was dark, i was sure i had seen something.
To try and calm myself down, i walked a few yards behind the bivvy and shone the torch up and down a small path running through some woods. Again i saw nothing.
Then, as i was standing there wondering what to do, the torch dimmed briefly, then went out.
By now i was seriously scared, and i just knew that "something" was going to happen.
I wasn't a great believer in anything supernatural up until that point, but what happened next changed my mind forever.
My plan was to get back to the bivvy, zip the door down, then hide in my sleeping bag until it was light enough to leave.
So, i started to walk back to my bivvy in the pitch black, (i could'nt see a thing because the torch had just been on and my eyes had not adjusted back to the dark), with one of my hands out in front of me to guide me in the dark, when my hand touched something that felt like someones bare arm.
I screamed in pure terror, and instinctively swung with the torch that my other hand was holding, but did'nt hit anything.
By now i was crying and shaking and felt on the edge of going mad, i was that scared.
Then, when i got back to my bivvy i jumped in, zipped it up tight, got in my bag, shut my eyes tight and covered my ears. I was literally terrified. whatever was happening, i did'nt want to hear it, and i did'nt want to see it.
The next thing i remember is waking up at some point later in the night. I could'nt believe i had fallen asleep but apparently i had.
It was still dark, but the moon was now offering a little bit of light.
I was sitting there wondering what the hell had happened, and if i had been dreaming, when i heard a shuffling, rustling noise coming from under the bedchair.
The terror returned in an instant, and i froze, listening hard.
There was definately something moving under there, but the more i listened, the more i was sure it was something small, some small animal that had come in to get out of the cold.
Whatever it was, i did'nt want to be sharing my bivvy with it, so decided it had to go.
I got off my bedchair, unzipped the bivvy door, had a look out, and decided that i maybe wasn't so scared anymore.
I went back in the bivvy and tried my torch, which to my surprise came on straight away, so, moving my sleeping bag out of the way, i shone the torch under my bedchair to see what was making the noise.
At first i could'nt see anything at all, but then i saw something small move underneath my groundsheet.
I must admit, i wasn't too bothered by this, because on numerous occasions before and since i have lifted my groundsheet and found frogs/toads under there, so with it being fairly near to the edge of the bivvy, i reached under with the intention of pushing it out.
As soon as my hand made contact with it, i was grabbed hard by what was undoubtebly a big, strong, human hand.
I screamed and screamed, and pulled back with all of my strength, but i could not get free.
My hand was being gripped by a freezing cold, absurdly strong, human hand that was under my groundsheet.
Eventually, after what seemed like a good 3-4 minutes but was probably less, the hand just kind of melted away and i was free.
I ran, screaming and crying from the lake, completely aimlessly through the woods, continually tripping up and running into things until i somehow made my way back to my car.
I got in and drove home, managing to calm myself slightly before i got in.
Luckily, i lived alone at that point, because i was in a real mess for a long time, and i would'nt have wanted anyone to see me like that.
As an end to this story, i will say that every word is true, and i even ended up having Counselling and Hypnotherapy to get over it, which i believe i have done.
I still fish as much as ever, but since that happened a few years ago, i've not done one night on my own.
In reply to Post #1351 `We think as a human race we are so clever,but in fact we know nothing`...
I have often thought that as well Fred...a very true statement that is.... ...
interesting reading this , i would say some people have senses far superior to the average man in the street .
The ability to see things others don,t .
Its a well known fact that with all our medical knowledge we almost know nothing about human brain power , after all some people are very susceptible to small electrical anomalies , where others are not .
And being that the brain works on minute electrical impulses some people see apparitions , ie spirits ect when others scoff.
Don,t get me started on this subject , as i have seen things also , but i see it as a gift , and don,t even mention UFO ,s
but that is another story.
We think as a human race we are so clever , but in fact we know nothing .
As for civilized , we have not come much farther than bashing each other over the head with rocks , some 200 ,000 years ago.
In reply to Post #1340 `The more you want to believe the more you will believe `etc....
I think there may be truth in that..Ken..
But consider this maybe...when i was 11 yrs old i physically lost something...as i got older i had to compensate for this loss,i so i gained heightened awareness of all my surroundings ,i think what i am trying to say in a very inadequate way....is ,i gained heightened smell and spatial awareness far more than the average person...to compensate for this loss..
I have learned to use this `taught`awareness to my advantage....for example in my photographic days or location an angling situation....or even otter predation on a lake some may call it a sixth sense or luck....it cant be luck as im not lucky.......i just see stuff before others for sure..
Or it could just be that i have an interest/sensitivity in this sort of thing.....ie the `spirit of the human condition` or the paranormal...i dunno but it may be locked away in the pineal gland or` third eye`
Or is it cos me mums a `wise women `.....LOL..
In reply to Post #1347 Fascinating reading, some real chillers here ...
In reply to Post #1340 Ken, I certainly didn't or don't want to believe in ghosts and its something I never thought about and still don't to be honest, so I don't think I convinced myself something was happening that wasn't (not consciously anyway.)
BUT like I said earlier, there is a large part of the brain that we don't use, so who knows what's going on there, maybe it paints pictures or experiences that arnt happening really.
All I know is that I experienced what I said I did, whether my sub-consious mind made it up or if it really happened, it felt very real to me
ok hear goes, not fishing related im afraid
i believe in ghosts because unfortunately i have had to many experiences not to. I will say now i am not religious and i am not easily scared.
i will give you the only experience i have had as a group as it was one of the most memorable.
when i was about 14 me, my brother and my cousin used to go to my mums friends house. we used to go and babysit for her so she could go out on the piss with my mum. she had a pc game called baldurs gate we used to play all night (right little nerds).
this one time mo (mums friend) came to pick us up and the whole journey she went on to tell us that the ghost of a young boy dressed in what she thought were Victorian looking clothes had started haunting her house. She said they had named him richard. Now i had had many bizarre experiences myself as a child so even at 14 i believed in ghosts but usually all my mums friends were completely nuts to say the least. we all shared a look in the back of the car and took it all with a pinch of salt. Mo went on to tell us how at night she can hear the boy coughing in her daughters bedroom and how she sometimes wakes up with a red mark on her chest where he sleeps cuddled up to her....
so we get to the house and my mum and mo go out. we pulled a small bench up to the computer and me and my cousin commenced watching my brother play baldurs gate. i will add now that mo had recently been camping and there was a tent on the floor and tent pegs etc everywhere.
the first incident happened almost straight after i had put louise (mos eldest ) to sleep. we heard an almighty smash downstairs in the kitchen. I was given the task of going first downstairs armed with a tent peg. We opened the kitchen door to see cutlery, plates and cups everywhere. I mean Everywhere. ok so by this stage we were bricking it and we all suddenly realised that what mo was talking about in the car may have been true.
we all had a nervous chuckle and went back upstairs trying our hardest to concentrate on the game, this is where it all got messed up. I decided in my usual idiotic way to wind up my brother and cousin.
"come in Richard if your outside" i shouted over my shoulder at the closed door.
the door handle squeaked down slowly and the door opened a crack as if something small had entered. My cousin at this point began crying (i had hardly ever seen him cry before) and we felt this presence enter the room. i know it sounds silly but a feeling of a child entering is what we all discussed we felt and still talk about today. There was a tent laid out on the floor and we watched as small indents like footprints came across it towards us. my cousin Rudolph (yes thats his name, his dad is rudolph senior) is fully Guyanese and as black as the night and his skin had gone pale and he was dripping with sweat.
We watched in horror as the footsteps ended at the edge of the tent and than the worst part of it all happened. we felt what must have been Richard sit on the bench next to Rudolph. I looked at nathan (my brother) and he smiled in an iv just messed my pants kind of way and we both looked at rudolph who looked like he was going into shock.
Suddenly we felt this feeling just go and Richard left the room.
we spoke later me and my brother and we think he did not show himself because rudolph was so upset. me and my brother allthough scared had had plenty of strange experiences growing up so yes we were bricking it but not as much as rudolph.
we still talk about it today and Rudolph tells just about anyone that cares to listen as it was the first and only experience like this he had ever had.
In reply to Post #1341 I have never seen any one worse than myself and i have been in some weird places after dark but i would not knock any one that has. who am i to say you did not see something i know my family had something happen to them no one told my foster sisters anything about the wardrobe or my young nephew but they all had similar experiences why and how could that happen i know my mother was beside her self when something happened to her in that room she could not explain what it was, all she said was things were not right
In reply to Post #1342 That's what happened to me when I was being strangled (sic).
I don't expect anyone to believe my experiences. Only I know what happened. I'm the type of person that 'seeing is believing' ! So I can understand people who haven't Experianced anything.
In reply to Post #1342 That, I believe is called sleep paralysis and is reasonably common.
What's that place in Surrey, Busbridge park? That's supposed to have something of an atmosphere to it. It's a club water, perhaps Godalming AC or some-such.
In reply to Post #1341 Becoming slightly infatuated with this thread after reading it from beginning to end last night. Some of the stories sent a shiver down my spine.
Thankfully I've never had anything happen to me whilst fishing though one of the lakes on my club ticket always feels weird after dark.. I've always felt like there's something not right about the place, and every single person I speak to says the same. I wouldn't be at all surprised to encounter something down there should I spend any time fishing it on my own.
The scariest thing I had was waking up in my bedroom one night with the feeling I was being pinned to my bed by something/someone. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't move a muscle and my attempts at screaming resulted in just a tiny breath of air leaving my throat. That carried on for 20 seconds or so before it just stopped.. never happened before or since .
In reply to Post #1340 Is this simply because I think such 'visions' are the product of a vivid imagination, one that truly wants ghosts and goolies to exist?
That may well be true mate, but the desires to see such things I wonder may be buried so deep in the subconscious that maybe people believe that on the surface they're seeing it against their will. Occasionally I have bumped in to some folks who didn't believe at all until they saw such things. I think you have to be careful though, trying to *impose* any sort of truth onto somebody else. Just because I've seen one, and had a very frightening experience does not necessarily mean that's some sort of absolute truth which applies to everyone which they are guaranteed to experience at some point. Definitely something going on here which relates to the individual's perception. I've often wondered if certain types of mind can drag up things that might be best left alone, and if you're not of that persuasion you maybe won't have those problems.
Me I think it is all a load of ball cocks!
Somebody's got to! it's comforting to know that some at least are immune!
In reply to Post #1325 I also remember fishing `Rashleigh`1990/91....on the bar swim ,in november...all i can say is i saw a miner complete with cornish shovel..looking towards the m25 swim ....just standing there he was....
I must have spent more days and nights in the Bar swim in my 35 years as a Club member that just about anybody and I have never seen the Cornish shovel OR the miner!
Is this simply because I think such 'visions' are the product of a vivid imagination, one that truly wants ghosts and goolies to exist?
Me I think it is all a load of ball cocks!
A very silly lady of our acquaintance once bet me and the missus £100 that we could not sleep a whole night in a room in a certain hotel room Apparently the room was subject to huge temperature drops, strange lights and manifestations, and worst of all, furniture moving around and loud bumps and thumps.
We gratefully accepted the money the next morning after a peaceful and undisturbed night's sleep during which we neither heard, saw or felt anything, and the wardrobe didn't change places with the dressing table either....
The more you WANT to believe, the more you WILL believe...UFO's anybody?
In reply to Post #1332 Will check it out Conradi and thanks again for the pm
Top man is Conrad (buddi)
Any other storys?
In reply to Post #1337 Great thread!
In reply to Post #1336 definately......
In reply to Post #1334 .............a sort of carpy steven king
as an aside , although not spooky in the slightest , i have personally whitnessed a large black cat , and i dont mean a moggy , crossing the field on the opposite side of the lake i was fishing in Southern Ireland and in broad daylight .
I have absoutley no doubt that it was a big cat (panther , leopard etc) and when i spoke of it to a couple of the local anglers they told me it had been around for yrs and loads of people had seen it .
In reply to Post #1334 Its all down to my upbringing jon .......
Remember relaying a tale to a good friend one night about the `beast`......about when they brought in this act of parliament,well in a local village ,an old boy had two black panthers ,they were on matching leads n collarrs.what he used to do was walk through the holidaymakers with these panthers etc ,think he used to get a rise out of it tbh..
Anyway...this act of parliament came in ,they just disappeared......rumour has it thet were let go on Bodmin Moor,but one was seen at lower Tamar lake .........
I was relaying this tale to my mate [ee now packed up cos of lutra lutra]..one stormy night on this huge ...hic hic..
resi....this mate was a bit scaredy and i played onit a bit... ..so what i did was `manufacture`some `beast`paw prints in the grit of the resi by his harrisons....te he..In the morn i said to him omg look at these prints so and and forth.....
BUT .....my joke came back to haunt me.....put this way i dont joke about the `beast`ever.... anymore to anyone...
| noj | Posts: 11459 | | Social photographer... | |
In reply to Post #1331 You seem very knowledgable about this stuff Adam..
I bet anybody who pops round to your swim for a cuppa doesn't sleep a wink that night
In reply to Post #1331 I remember it like it just happened. I just stared at it, not believing what I was seeing. I never saw it like that again but did see small coin size ones regularly. Never that big though. Fascinates me but doesn't scare me.
A funny thing the night after it happened. I was led on the bed staring at the ceiling wanting it to happen again. It was pitch black and I actually asked it to show itself again. Flash....... Something lit on the ceiling. I stared intently again.........flash.....again. Wow I thought. Then it happened again, it was then I realised it was the poxy smoke detector lol. Felt a idiot lol but no explanation for all the other stuff
In reply to Post #1326 Sam , sorry for the late reply ............i wasnt having a go at you or anyone who has had paranormal experiences, the feeble minded i refered to relates to people ability to believe what they are told without question but more importantly to be led or indoctrinated without question ..............check out Bertrand Russell "celestial teapot "
In reply to Post #1329 You saw someones restless soul....they were sad...
In reply to Post #1328 Ok green `orbs `it is then.....
Like everything i have written.....this is totally true....
Back in the 1980s.....i remember it being the olympics on tv,it was the one where this American athelete ,the great Carl Lewis won all those gold medals...I was still living at home and that particular night i was on my own....just me and my dog a fantastic german shepperd....given to me when i was 16..
Now remember my village didnt have any street lights for years ...so being in the dark dont bother me at all,even to this day i can walk in the darkest woods or up on the cliffs ,with a huge drop below in the dark ,it dont worry me at all......
Sam will tell you i will see something a long time before anyone else......especially `otter`signs...LOL
Anyway me n me dog were watching the olympics ,all of a sudden all the hair on the back of my dogs mane just stood up ,totally erect...then he started to growl ,showing ..baring his teeth...then he started to bark and snap and jump into the air..i never saw anything like this from my dog before,but he wasn`t aggressive he was quite clearly petrified....THEN i saw it.....three large green orbs ,shaped like hot water bottles..human form but no arms drifted up and over the fireplace...ever so slowly...
My dog was terrified i could see the whites of his eyes.....he then ran up the stairs....and carried on growling and barking like crazy...
and thats it.....mind you my gramps/mums old place is hundreds of yrs old and built into a cliff face..
Dogs are very sensitive creatures...
I'm gonna ask a question. As you've read, I've seen and had some strange Experiances over the years. One only 4 yrs ago. I lived in an extremely old cottage (16th century) and there were a few things that I had heard there. One thing that happened I'd love explained what it was I saw. I was led on my bed, hadn't been to sleep, and this white glowing light as big as your fist appeared about a foot from my head. It had like sparks coming off of it. I sat up and it was still there for a good two minutes before it disappeared. Anyone any idea???
In reply to Post #1326 Ok ,back on track.....want know about the `Beast` or the Green`orbs `in my gramps cottage....?
In reply to Post #1325 That's a good post wandle There are some very shall we say *committed* people out there, and I think they really do mean business mate, it aint all front I like you have learned to respect people no matter what. Long may it live.
Give me a few more minutes guys and I'll start typing up one of those stories
In reply to Post #1325 You certainly have Ads, and thank you
Do you have any other storys to tell Adam? I know you have a few that you are unable to tell, but anything else you want to share with others?
Be good to get the thread back on track
In reply to Post #1316 ..Sam i have known you for a little while now and i would say you were a strong minded man and very intelligent.
The day you came around my cottage to tell me of your experience,i really could tell something had disturbed you,that for sure..it really bothered you mate not only that you almost seemed embarassed to tell me in front of my family.....no need to have been mate..
My sister is also highly intelligent and was a respected teacher in a private school in shropshire,but the pressures of the job GOT to her,plus she was interested in paganism...as she felt unhappy in her life she visited a`life coach`from that point on her life disintegrated....this `lifecoach`planted seeds in a vunerable human being and she tried to take her own life....very sad ....especially as it all stemmed from a `pupil` that spat in her face...[she`s a bit better now i must say]
I have learnt to respect other people ,even if they dont do the same to me..
There are lots of things that are beyond belief..but i have been confronted by pure evil in its human form...and it scared me and my mum witless,i cant tell anyone because people would convince themselves we are `not the full quid`
I also remember fishing `Rashleigh`1990/91....on the bar swim ,in november...all i can say is i saw a miner complete with cornish shovel..looking towards the m25 swim ....just standing there he was....i packed up and went home..the next time i went there i told another member about what i saw,you should have seen his face drain of colour...he had seen it before too..!!!!
In reply to Post #1323 I didn't mean it to come out that way.
In reply to Post #1321 Get it up Adder
I've over done it a bit lately mate gonna have to leave that one for a few months.....
Oh beg pardon I see what you mean I'll post it up later.
In reply to Post #1318 I am keen to hear it Adder, and I am sure others are
I don't think that of Buddi, but his feeble comment has rilled me and I do look forward to his response.
There is nothing wrong with a passionate debate as long as both party's remain respectful, I know I will and I am sure Buddi will too
Nothing personal atall Buddi, you make some good posts and seem educated, I look forward to constructively discussing this with you. Its all good stuff
In reply to Post #1318 I'm always interested in ghost stories. I love these threads.
Get it up Adder
In reply to Post #1318 get it up there lets have a read
In reply to Post #1317 Thanks Pete, just interested in Buddi's opinion
In reply to Post #1316 I'd recommend leaving this thread be now Sam from the religious angelic and demonic aspects of it. It's a touchy subject mate you'll always find someone who won't take you seriously. I as many on here know, not long back was a jumped up little **** who couldn't wait to over-react and tear into the validity of other people's views who should have righteously cowered under my towering intellectual power and truly awesome experience......
I'm not saying that's who buddi is - he seems cool to me, we just have to understand that until something scary's happened to open their mind to another point of view some people won't believe it and will always doubt it - as I did - rather naively enthusiastically. It's not an invalid aspect of life at all it's just very scientific - it's the kind of thrashed out proven rational thinking which gives hard edged solutions to things like engineering, physics, psychology and psychiatry problems in life and we have much to be thankful for it, and the erroneous theories and beliefs it shields us from - and thus the dead ends it prevents us having to wander (which can be fatal).
But as you and I know there is very different type of knowledge and experience out there. I'd recommend we just leave it at that mate, those who know can just be content to know and that's it maybe?
Anyways - I'm itching to write up a good story from my Railway book if anyone's interested?
In reply to Post #1316 Sam you have to be strong to come on here and tell us about your experience not all believe .
In reply to Post #1307 Buddi, you have hinted that people that experience these so called paranormal experiences are prehaps feeble minded fools, can you expand on that please?
I'm am skeptical also, even though I have experienced a few things, I also mentioned that there is a large part of the brain that we don't use, which could be responsible for some things.
In reply to Post #1314 I think Lymm Anglers have got a photograph of a big cat sighting on their website. Big black thing, does indeed look very large.
In reply to Post #1313 Pete I was scared stiff & not a good stiff!!! An afternote to the story happened about two months ago. A couple of friends of mine are now fishing the same lake for catfish ( no pun intended) so I popped up to see how they were getting on. While up there I bumped into the old gamekeeper & asked him if there had ever been any more sightings. He said not for about twenty years but before that he & some others had been out lamping & over the course of about four years they had three times picked up bright green ( I think) eyes in the beams which he said were not the norm for any of our usual countryside creatures. He was also convinced that it was from a big cat.
In reply to Post #1312 Another cat seen, i myself and freinds have been lucky enought to see a big cat the one we saw was defnetly a black leapord i have had a thread on here about the incident but like every thing else you get some that do not believe i have lived in the country side all my life and know what we saw. So i do believe your acount about the big cat i must say being by your self must have been a bit frightning i know we were a bit
In reply to Post #1310 Although this is not a ghost story it is an incident that certainly scared the s**t out or me. It happened about twenty four years ago when I was about eighteen. I was fishing a small, well known lake in the middle of nowhere, I say lake but really it was not much more than an acre. I had fished the lake many times both day & night, catching consistantly but for some reason the bigger residents kept eluding me. The night the incident took place was no different to any other that I had fished, it was a warm clear summers night with a very bright full or nearly full moon. I had arrived late afternoon & set up in the middle of the lake in order to fish an island in front of me. The rods were cast out to their spots & my Hutchie bivvy was put up & food was cooked & eaten. After sitting watching the lake & having a smoke I decided to get my head down as nothing of any note was moving. I awoke some hours later & looked at my watch which said 2:15 & as I lay there I realised that it was deathly quiet, there was none of your normal night sounds just complete silence, nothing.Thinking it strange I got up, lit up a smoke & went outside to try & fathom out what was going on. Outside the bivvy, the moon lit up the whole lake so that everything was visible pretty clearly. I looked around trying to work out why it was so quiet when all of a sudden I froze & felt the blood drain out of me. There not fifty yards away from me to my left on a raised bank I saw the sillouette of what I can only describe as a big cat, much bigger than any dog I have ever seen looking, I think straight at me. I can't describe the emotions that went through me & it seemed like ages although it was more than likely only seconds that I stood there transfixed by the creature when all of a sudden one of my Delkims went off on a one toner. I think instinctively I must have turned & grabbed the rod but when I looked back towards the sillouette it had gone. Now blind panic set in & I hauled the fish in,in about two seconds flat all the time scanning the surrounding bank trying to see where the creature had gone. The fish was uncerimoniously netted, put on the mat, unhooked & put back in record time. I then dived back into the bivvy, zipped it up tight & then sat there chain smoking until first light & some noise returned to the woodland. Once it got light I walked up to where I had seen the shape & examined the ground where I found two very large paw prints. I went back & wound the rods in & went to my car so I could drive to see the owner who lived at a nearby farm & tell him about the nights events. As I got to the farm the heavens opened, real stair rods as I ran to the door. He answered the door & I told him what had happened & surprisingly did not seem shocked. He then told me that a week before they had been out fox hunting when one of the hunt went after something that he swore had been a big cat but lost it!! We went back to the lake to see the footprints but unfortunatly the rain had washed most of the imprint away, leaving only a small indentation, not enough to use to identify what it was. The lake in question is situated about a mile from a zoo but surely if something had escaped they would have told someone, wouldn't they?????
In fact if you're interested I've got a great book here about Railway Ghosts. Has some fantastic sotires in it. I know this is a fishing thread but if I may, perhaps a type up of some of the best stories might be appropriate? What do you think
In reply to Post #1309 so back to the ghost stories please
I second the motion
In reply to Post #1308 only two eh ? in my book that would be the shepherd and the sheep
i think we have deviated ever so slightly off topic ............so back to the ghost stories please
They're good posts Buddi. My suspicion is that there is indeed no absolute, but at least two rather distinct types of person.
One suits Monotheism and one suits Paganism. Both have downfalls. In the Pagan or red path as I would call it there is a great danger that you can end up seeing cruelty or deviousness as acceptable. In Monotheism which I call the blue path there are dreadful risks that you can become excessively pious, distrusting and judgemental and end up being equally if not even more marose and cruel than the Pagan.
I think if you can accept that fundamental difference in class (rather like a Lord Of The Rings class like elves and dawrves and stuff) then maybe you can simply start to see that one man's poison is another man's pleasure. I'm convinced that whatever went after me was maliciously intended. However that may simply be as a result of the fact I wandered onto territory I shouldn't have and underestimated the importance of just being who you're supposed to be.
If there's one thing I'm beginning to see very clearly there are at least two fundamentally different types of human of heritage unknown. This fits exactly into the concept of the importance of variety.
I'm careful and responsible with my faith. I do not reject gay people, do not reject pagans or anyone else - and I entirely agree the dangers may well lie within as a result of simply trying to be something you should not be. If you try and impose one order on everybody you're going to cause serious problems sooner or later and will end up becoming unpleasant.
For me, despite these terrifying experiences - which I'm clearly not alone in experiencing - I still have the sense to admit it's only something I observed, and that might simply be because I was asking questions I shouldn't have been instead of just being who I'm meant to be if you catch my drift
In reply to Post #1305 if i had some experience of this nature it would prob persuade me to seek an explanation . if i had been frightened by it it may even push me toward religon or faith ............the old no aithiests in foxholes scenario but as it stands i remain sceptical until it happens to me .
I have heard it discussed that some people are more susceptable or are conduits for paranormal happenings , maybe this is the case or maybe the world is full of feeble minded fool who will believe virtually anything they are told .
my ex wife used to stay at her aunts as a child quite alot . they lived in a very old NT property which was allegedly haunted . My ex had several encounters with opening windows , ticking clocks with no internal movements , things dissapearing out of the room and being found in strange places etc ...........any time i visited or stayed there i saw and heard nothing but an ancient old mansion in a poor state of repair ............their heating bill was something else ............that would have given me nightmares .
please dont think i am having a dig Pete , i have an imense ammout of respect for you as an angler and person and always enjoy reading your posts .
In reply to Post #1301 I agree with every sceptical word youve posted there,as i feel exactly the same tbh .Having said that i always keep an open mind, and always personally wont critisise what someone believes to be true but merely question it .
In reply to Post #1301
I never mentioned once in the thread i had seen anything the only thing i disliked was the wardrobe but my family and others did see something i am not disillusioned in any way i firmly believe even to this day my mother and sister and others saw something that was not quite as it should be i am not asking you to believe, my step father was not really religious in any way but it really got him thinking
In reply to Post #1302 not just christianity , but all organised religion i have had any experience of ............though i must admit to knowing little of the hindu of buddist religion ............the muslims i would lump along with the rest .
its all a question of faith ..............of which, i sadly have, very little .
sure, most of them are a good metphor for a clean lifestyle but human nature would dictate otherwise . We have a tendancy to subjugate the meek or weak . We have a tendancy toward greed jealousy and averace .........we as a race will eventually ..........in the imortal words of Roger Waters "amuse ourselves to death "
war , politics and religion all serve the few to dominate the many .
but thats reality ............i`m more intersted in the ghost stories tbh.
Sorry lads, but I'm staying well clear of this thread.
In reply to Post #1301 protestantism , catholisism, paganism etc are all unproven systems of belief relying on nothing more than fear, guilt and faith to motivate us .
So would you add Christianity as a whole to your list, or Buddism, Islam, Hinduism?
In reply to Post #1298 ADD ............i have no doubt you believe but i see that as a major part of the problem , clinging to the mast of religion only feeds all those subconsious fears and guilt ......instilled by religion in the first place .
My younger brother was diagnosed some 15yrs ago and like you he is very literate and intelligent ............which only served to fuel his own dillusions ..........had his iq been some 30-40 point lower he may have had fewer problems . Self analysis of ones own mental cond can be even more dangerous that self diagnosis of physical ailment .
i am an out and out sceptic , of all things unproven ..............most of what goes bump in the night has a rational explanation but thats not to say i couldnt be shown otherwise . Some of the stories in this thread really made my skin crawl .
witchcraft whether black or white and demonic worship , protestantism , catholisism, paganism etc are all unproven systems of belief relying on nothing more than fear, guilt and faith to motivate us .
what i do bellive is that we know next to nothing about a huge portion of the human brain which contols everything we think and do .
In reply to Post #1299 I believe it Pete!
In reply to Post #1298 This is a true tale make of it what you will but this genuinely effected members of my family although i must stress i never saw anything but others did. I Was telling my sister about the stories about ghosts on this forum and she asked me if i had told the story about the wardrobe it has nothing to do with fishing but about a strange event that happened years ago.
I was about thirteen years old and we were still living at craven arms when my step father brought home an old wardrobe he had been given it was put in my bedroom it was a funny looking thing and had beautiful scrolls carved into the woodwork and four faces also carved in the surrounding wood work. i must admit i did not like it in my bedroom there was something odd about it i would lie there staring at the monstrosity i really did not like it at all but i had to put up with it.
We moved back to Bayston hill when i was nearly fifteen the wardrobe came with us and it was installed once again in my bedroom i really did not like it why i don't know it felt evil but i never told my parents how i felt i was eighteen when i met and married my wife in the year was 1960 when i moved out my parents started to foster young children . Two of the girls stayed with my parents until they were about 18 years old and slept in the room that was mine they both a had very frightening episode when sleeping in this room they told my mother and father that nasty things had come out of the said wardrobe my father being a bit strict would have none of it until my mother saw something in the bedroom she could not explain what she saw. so it was moved into my sisters room she had bad dreams from day one and in the end the wardrobe was moved to the shed and that was were it stayed for many years dad did strip the brown varnish of and glossed it white. Eventually my sister married and being short of furniture the wardrobe ended up at there house it was put in the spare bed room all was quite until my nephew Andy was put into that bedroom he would be about for years old he started to scream the house down and would run into his parents bedroom most nights, saying things were coming out of the wardrobe who's to say they were not then my sister twigged and told her husband Richard about her own experience with the wardrobe, it was taken out side and broken up and burned they experienced no more trouble with that room and young Any slept soundly. believe what you will but this is a true account that happened to my family.
In reply to Post #1297 Pete, my Dad was reading one of Yate's old books one time and he described an awful experience at a water somewhere. He felt uneasy from the word go, would only night fish it with a mate and then suddenly in the dead of night he saw a white glow going around the pond. When him and his mate shined the torch right into it they reckon it was leaving a sticky residue on the leaves which reflected the torchlight!
Needless to say... they ran - left all the gear and never went back!
In reply to Post #1296 Lets have a few more tales lads i am sure theres a few out there
In reply to Post #1295 Sam that's exactly the idea. Each to their own, I don't expect anyone else to believe a word of it. I also strongly suspect it's a dilemma that could never happen to some, it kind of depends on the *type* of person you are, and that can go deeper than you might think.
I liked your story a great deal, it gave me the confidence to share my own
I do believe in things such as ghosts, but I am unsure about demons and devils to be honest.
That's not me knocking you Adder, I keep an open mind and I'm sure many people won't believe my story and others on here, but it 100% happened to me so who am I to say you didn't experience demons or whatever ay.
Either way well done for saying it, it takes balls to admit you were diagnosed as a psychzophrenic, no matter what the cause was.
Another point in all of this is that we only use a small part of our brain, we all know how powerful that small part is, so who knows what is going on with the rest of it, if you know what I mean
That's a nice reply Pete. Those who don't believe in such things to the point of mocking people basically have no business replying in this thread, lest they risk getting probably getting a visit themselves!
I tell you what, it's taught me to respect life, respect people, respect your leaders, respect your elders, respect the need for obediency and never, ever, ever criticise someone else's choices, no matter how repugnant they may seem to you. For me at least, total obedience, respect and benevolence is now the only way to go. The thought of condemning anyone or anything, even the most wicked entity is something I don't even want to hear mentioned in life. I have no right to sway anyone else's choices, but I do have a duty to warn others - and that's all.
Maybe someone else who's had this experience may surface now in this thread - until they see or hear others mentioning it they won't have the courage to surface
Back in 2004 I was fishing one of the small pools on hamsted Heath with a mate of mine. It was quite a busy lake frequented by dog walkers and families out for a walk in the park.
Early in the afternoon a van parked behind the lake, thinking nothing of it we carried on fishing until we noticed a police man up on the road and we thought we were going to get a parking ticket. It was then we noticed that he was accompanied by several other men and a film crew. We thought they must be filming a training video or something like that.
We retreated to our bivvies and thought nothing of it until my mate mark shouted me to look up towards the road, which I did............to the sight of the "copper" wearing nothing but his bobbies helmet and pink high heels and another bloke performing a sex act on himWhile the film crew filmed them!!!!!!
My thoughts were I hope that's not paying for a parking ticket or they are filming a gay porn film and he ain't a police man!!!! After they had "finished" the director must have decided to film some of the local wild life and people around the lake including me and my mate cowering next our bivvies.
So if if there are anybody that enjoys that sort of lifestyle on this site and they happen to watch a film like that with two blokes catapulting tutti fruitti boillies at the cameraman it's me and my mate mark!!!!!!
I think I am still suffering post traumatic stress disorder!!!!!!
In reply to Post #1290 that's some very deep stuff there, I'm a bit shocked you wrote that to be honest.
Fair play to you though
SAM i have been out at night in some weired places poaching and fishing and i have never seen nowt, but i keep an open mind on such things as a lot of my friends a relatives have seen ghosts my sister and husband my farther in law and they are quite sound in mind well the father in law has now gone but he was a big believer in ghosts i never knock any one who has your stories are very good
In reply to Post #1290 I wasn't going to if you didn't
that's some very deep stuff there, I'm a bit shocked you wrote that to be honist.
Fair play to you though
In reply to Post #1259 What made it so terrifying was how I felt, it was kind of like something was feeding off my energy.
I had very dark thoughts going through my head that I didn't feel came from my own mind, it was very strange and very very hard to explain.
In reply to Post #1284 ....
In reply to Post #1286
I'll call it out for what it was - An Exorcism. And one I had to actively take part in to get it to work. I also had to do it completely alone because no-one ever listens to people who talk about this stuff. The ways these things work is clever, they will set you up so you arrive somewhere just in time to hear a certain piece of music or a certain conversation which leaves you flabbergasted at how someone or somethings knows what you've been thinking. There was one incredibly obvious incident where someone outrightly asked me about something very specific that I was wrestling with at the time. I gave the right answers and promptly never went back there. I know what a hallucination is and this wasn't one of them. Several other very dislodging co-incidences occured. I fought them all giving perfect answers, every time. I've learned things about life I just could never share with anyone. It's very notable that at one time a medium (of all people) chased after my mum after a reading and thrust a coin with Saint Jude on it into her hand and said "you're going to need this". Saint Jude is an Exorcist.
I know damn well how this will sound to others, but I will say this - once someone has conquered their ego, you'd better start paying attention to them, because they're not trying to big anything up - I'm describing this out of fear not pride or drama. I just don't know where I would even begin to describe the symbology, co-incidences, psychosis and just plain terror I felt during this period which has not long ended. The atmosphere was absolutely diabolical - and I felt something had big, big plans for me that were aimed at tricking me to follow ambition, but were definitely *not* for the benefit of humanity as a whole, and I'm well aware of how vain and egotistical that sounds. Still feels appropriate though.
I don't like talking about this too much but I'm not staying quiet about it in case others who need relief from it may read this topic and these writings. I'm sorry to have to say it, but if it hasn't happened to you, you absolutely will not understand it, so don't try - just be thankful that was never your dilemma. I've completely surrended ambition and ego now and I'm just plain glad to be here, and I'm very happy to be a committed Christian again.
I'm completely sober at this point of writing this, completely stable this is not another one of *those* episodes I used to have, I'm completely happy for others to see this. I'll just leave it on this note:
If you think The Devil is bad, wait until you see the dark side of the other one!
Seeing as others have been so forthcoming about this I will say a few words of my own. What started as a suspicion developed into a horrifying and full blown realisation. I've been diagnosed as Schizophrenic, since undiagnosed with it - so I know damn well the difference between metnal illness and a malicious attempt at posession. The only thing that shifted it was complete re-conversion to Christianity and begging for help from The Lord Jesus Christ. It's extremely hard to talk about this because arrogant assumptive people always want to mock you, or worse berrate you aggressively with rational thought and fact. I can't even begin to dsecribe how *extremely* unhelpful this is. You wouldn't brutally interrogate a child who'd been abused you'd give them chance to express it in their owns words slowly.
Suddenly everything in my life made sense. What I was being prepared for, how attractive I looked to these things, how dangerous the type of intellect I have is and the things I think about - which I can't help because I was born with them. The amount of symbology in my life is absolutely incredible when I look back at it. Numbers, dates, rare and symmetrical markings on my arms even my chosen username. It's very noteworthy that The Bible describes The Devil as an ancient Serpent. If you think this is nuts try walking that walk, then say that. All I can say is that since I openly embraced this truth I have become *more* mentally stable, not unstable. That for me is proof something very nasty was very much after me and the change in atmosphere in my life has been incredible. Most want hard facts, hard this hard that - well i would say to those arrogant people that these things are so clever they operate in areas very hard to describe so they can cover their tracks easily, even so well they can cover their tracks from their intended victim. In the end I could see what was happening so i turned to the book of Jude and savagely attacked my own ego which although it broke me, showed afterwards how horrible I was becoming inside, and guess what - that's when things began to change for the better. These things will target your weaknesses and if you have the courage to turn round and attack yourself and remove your emotional and mental flaws then they lose all their old avenues of attack. They can't gain a foothold in an emotionally healthy entity so to speak.
In reply to Post #1284 Lmao
| noj | Posts: 11459 | | Social photographer... | |
In reply to Post #1283 I'll be well prepared mate
In reply to Post #1282 Nice one, bring your rods..............................................and crucifix....
| noj | Posts: 11459 | | Social photographer... | |
In reply to Post #1281 Might venture down that way for a weekend to put the willys up the missus this year
In reply to Post #1278 ...its cos we live tween the moor and the sea..... ....
Remember its all to to with the circle of life,ingrained into our deepest souls....... ...
In reply to Post #1260 great story sam.
and to all the other posters, thanks.
everytime i join a new fishing forum first thing i always search for are these storys, and this thread is the best of the lot.
but there are some real good storys on other boards that perhaps should be copy and pasted here so we go em all in one spot, believe me there are some real spooky ones out there.
ive fished one of the lakes mentioned in this thread, and it showed up in another very old thread on fishingwarehous forum(different story), but alas, i never saw anythin
keep em comin guys
If you want convincing, I'll tell you another true story.
When I was little my dads mum ( my gran)used to take me everywhere with her. Used to spoil me rotten much to my mums annoyance. To give you an idea of how much she spoilt me, she bought my brother 6 pairs of trousers for his birthday that'd fit me. Because my mum wouldn't let me wear them and put them up til they fitted my brother, she gave me a sovereign ring ( I was 4) lol.
Anyway, my mum and dad had just bought their 1st home and were decorating the lounge. I was in bed( still only 4 yrs old). I shared a room with my brother who was asleep. I used to sleep with my bedroom light on and the door open. I turned to the door to see my gran stood on the landing as real as you or me. Not see through. She had a long blue dress with like daisy flower print over it. She didn't say a word, just smiled at me. Then she just disappeared. Can still to this day remember it in detail. I got up and went downstairs to my mum and dad who were still decorating. I asked where granny had gone. My mum asked why. I said she was upstairs just a minute ago, to which my dad started crying.
Little did I know that she had died 3 days previously and they hadn't told me because they were worried how it would effect me. They then had to explain about death to me as I hadn't a clue about it beforehand.
There is definately something we know very little about. I've seen and had a few experiences over the years and recently had another but that's another story. And I'm a seeing is believing type of person, so I understand those that don't believe.
I think some people are more sensitive to these things than others. Most times the dead won't hurt you, it's the live ones you gotta watch
| noj | Posts: 11459 | | Social photographer... | |
In reply to Post #1277 I'd fish alone anywhere too mate, but would be disturbed by an old dead bloke rubbing a stick over my brolly
You Cornish certainly are an interesting bunch, heard some strange tales from locals there on holiday as a nipper
In reply to Post #1273 Its only natural and healthy to be a sceptic......
But growing up where i did .......and seeing `stuff`with my own eyes im a believer...!!!!......
night fishing on my own ....anywhere...no problem.its not the energy of the restless soul ye have to worry about.......
ITS the dead within the living..................................................................anyone fancy coming night fishing with me...................................LOL.........
| noj | Posts: 11459 | | Social photographer... | |
In reply to Post #1274 I like to think there's always an explanation but as you say sometimes there's not!
I've been told some really spooky stories
If I hear weird noises outside the brolley I stay in it. I don't know how some of you can go out to investigate! lol
In reply to Post #1273 That's wierd Ads, I inturpreted it as a finger nail but it started quite low on the back of the brolly and curved up then down, like a rainbow so a stick would make sense
Jon I know exactly what you meen about being scetical, I think for so many experiences there is something logical behind it, but sometimes you just can't call it
| noj | Posts: 11459 | | Social photographer... | |
In reply to Post #1271 It certainly didn't feel right mate and never felt it again!
I'm going to read a little on it but I can't help being a little sceptical
In reply to Post #1270 ..That is 100% true mate.......,he also used to `stick scrape`threewheeler man`when he fell asleep in the reliant.....i remember it well cos they fell out over Mr j waking him up....
I`m the only person who fishes this place now.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............
In reply to Post #1269 Jon ...they were feeding off your mortal energy......hence why you felt sick....
In reply to Post #1268 Is that realy true about his stick Adam?? That's crazy
If it was him, I certainly don't think he liked me!
| noj | Posts: 11459 | | Social photographer... | |
In reply to Post #1265 Funny you should mention a dizzy/weak feeling. I had a really bad spell and nearly collapsed fishing an old monastery stocked by monks for food a long long time ago. There were all sorts of stories and although I never 'experienced' anything I've never had that horrible feeling again..
I'm not the spiritual type but your story does make me wonder!
In reply to Post #1259 ...the lake that Sam fished is /was one of two ....the other is at the top at the old Manor ,which has just been sold...
Simply this land has been owned by the same family for generations...
Sam i believe fished what i call `oaktree corner`... on the dam this swim is just to the left of the wooded area in which is the family crypt is situated [if your facing the lake like Sam was....
What Sam didnt know at the time was that owner Mr J.....was crushed to death on the A30 on a large tractor buy a huge articulated lorry.....It was`nt Mr J s` time ` to die and i reckon he was pretty fed up about it...and i remember he didnt like new faces on the land...[when he was alive]....
Here`s THE thing ....when i was a teenager and night fishing up by the manor house on the old estate lake...When Mr j was alive his favourite trick at night when he used to go out to check the sheep at lambing was to scrape his stick up n down the back of my canvas bivvy to let me know he was around..
But i didn`t have the heart to tell Sam this ......SO Sam now you know...........
In reply to Post #1266 Many thanks Pete, much apreciated
In reply to Post #1261 Great story sam really enjoyed it there are more things in heaven and earth than we understand must have been quite frighting for you i have fished places i have not liked and felt uneasy fishing them but i have never seen anything worse than myself but others have,. but great story
In reply to Post #1262 Thanks for sharing that ev
Cheers jon, I certainly did.
Carpe1, it realy wasn't worth going back there, didn't have the best quality of stock in there
In reply to Post #1261 Dont blame you for reeling in the rods.
| noj | Posts: 11459 | | Social photographer... | |
In reply to Post #1261 Interesting read there Sam, safe to say I'd have **** myself!
Look forward to Adam telling us WHY it happened
In reply to Post #1261 Bet you shat yaself lol. Wouldn't stop me fishing there though. Even the water I mentioned when I was being strangled, I went back to fish. Actually hoped something would happen again but it didn't.
Thanks everyone.
Ads I'm sorry I didn't go into complete detail when I told you but it wasn't easy, especially with your wife and daughters there!
By all means tell them why, I'm not sure you have told me the full ins and outs of it either, but I did see the cript afterwards, the next day actually
In reply to Post #1256 O .M. G
So I get back into my bed and my mind is raceing with things like who can I fone to come and get me, only my mate pete knew I was fishing here and he didn't know where it was, plus he lives an hour away andwould never come out to get me.
For some reason at this point i got angry, grabbed my bank stick from under my bed and got out and shout some gibberish that I can't really remember, then got back in bed and prayed I hadn't over done it.
A minute later and I heard that terrifying sound of the fingernail once again, this time from right to left, then my brolly started quivering building up to firm shaking, I was petrified and said in a girly manner, no please don't, please don't
By this time I was feeling really drained, week and sick, I had cold sweets and I couldn't really see properly
A few seconds passed (felt like minutes) and it stopped.
That was the last thing that happend that night but I continued to feel unwell all night.
I didn't get any sleep and spent the whole night just staring out of my brolly and praying all would be ok.
I have never done a night there since
Well there we go, that's my story.
What made it so terrifying was how I felt, it was kind of like something was feeding off my energy.
I had very dark thoughts going through my head that I didn't feel came from my own mind, it was very strange and very very hard to explain.
Anyway, hope my displeasure has caused some of you some entertainment!
| ev | Posts: 1041 |  | |
In reply to Post #1251 sam i had a similar thing happen to me
when i was in my 20's i used to help run a scout group and took 20 or so lads away for the week in a place called littledale, now just before we went my grandad was not well and was in hospital for a month but a week or so before we went away he died, this would mean myself and my brother, who was also a leader would have to return home mid week for his funeral
the week was going well and late one evening the tuesday myself and brother and another leader had got the lads of to there own tents well away from our main large canvas tent, we had not been drinking as we were incharge of the lads and a good distance from the main town,and had the whole place to ourselves for the week and spent a good hour chatting then got ready to bed down
we tied down the canvas doors at each end of the tent ( an old fashoned canvas woodenpoled icelandic which was 15 foot long and about 8foot wide and tall enough to fully stand up in ) the tie down is done in a loop to loop fashion and finished of with a half hitch or to around the pole not quick and not easy in a rush, we slept in a row, me our mate then my brother at the other end of the tent and other door,
all went as normal when at about 3AM i woke up aware that someone was moving around inside the tent, i was not scared and looked to the direction of the person and watched a figure with bright outline move from my right to the left then out of the tied down door, not alarmed i just turned over and went back to sleep.
morning came and the routine of camp took over, later that morning my mate asked me what time i went to the loo i said i didnt, he said thats funny i sware i saw you with your torch going to the door, wasnt me i said, but i saw it too and assumed the same one of you must of gone, but i opened the door this morning and it was as i had left it tied exactly the same!!!
that left my brother and he said he didnt see a thing and didnt go out to the loo??
Its still something we talk about when we all get together but,
it wasnt till many years later that my brother who was very close to my grandad told me the truth, he said he was visited by grandad both as we were camping that night ( the night before we were to to go home to the funeral) and while we stayed back at our parents house ,to the point where he had to turn on the light all night to get any sleep now he is not one to spin a yarn and not one to mess with peoples feelings, but there was something in that tent with us that night i would swear to this in court if i had to
its not the only strange unexplainable thing i have experianced but one that was not a true scare just a comforting strange feeling......... unlike others
In reply to Post #1256 Ok Sam well done mate...
do you want me to tell the lads/ladies why......this happened ?
In reply to Post #1253 PART 2-
So I'm sat there on my bedchair watcjing the water as always, when all of a sudden an imense amount of cold air surrounded me, this was strange as it wasn't windy atall.
I could see my breath in the cold air that I could not have seen minutes before.
This didn't bother me untill maybe 5 minutes later when I started to feel rather sick and a bit dizzy, I also felt like something was with me and it didn't feel good atall. It is hard to explain but I felt like I was being watched intensly at at close range, like something was sitting with me.
I got up and had a walk around the bivvy and I felt quite week so I got in my sleeping bag and hoped whatever was happening would stop soon.
What I was experienceing seemed to fade over the next hour or so but soon came back as I was lying in my bag.
I started feeling dizzy again and minutes later I heard what sounded like a finger nail scraping across the back of my brolly from left to right in a slow speed, I don't mind saying I was ****ing myself by now and was really scared.
I got out and had a look behind my brolly, there was nothing there and no trees or anything else that could have scraped my brolly. Nothing could explain it, trust me I tried to think logically but there was just no explaining it.
I got back in bed and was smoking like a trooper, praying my alrams wouldn't go off so I didn't have to get out.
I didn't have a front with me so was open to the dark misty lake, I could barley see my night lights on my delks it was that misty now, what happens next? My rod springs into life that's what, I hit into it, completly bricking it, but for some reason the ill feeling kind of went a bit, I played the carp in (not bullied it) unhooked it and wound the remaining rods in so I didn't have to get out of the cover of my brolly again, as I had just finish winding the last rod it the feeling comes back, really strong this time and If I could have run away into the nighjt then I would have but I felt far to drained.
I climed back into bed and started wondering how bad this was going to get and to be honist I was expecting something really bad to happen, I just coulnt see myself making it through.
In reply to Post #1251 please SAM i think that was a good tail i never knock any one as my sister lives in a haunted house what they have seen is unbelievable its more active at Xmas and rips down the decorations even throws the Xmas tree across the room it effects all four houses in the terrace and has frightened some of the children so much so they wont even be left in the house by them selves they have seen this old man dressed in Victorian cloths and a young gtirl from the same period spooky
In reply to Post #1251 Top man
In reply to Post #1251 PART 1-
Ok so here we go.
As Adam has previously mentioned, he sugested I had a little dabble on this water, it was/is a beautifull place in a remote part of cornwall. The main reason for wanting to fish there was because it was so beautifull, the stock wasn't all that apealing to me if I'm honist (sorry Adam, but you know why) I had already done a quick day session there to get a feel for the place and had one out so obviously the next step was to do a night.
I had visited the lake several times at night on the run up to my first night there, its something I always like to do to get some bait going in and I love watching the water for signs on the few days before I fish, over the few weeks I was reccying the place I noticed it was always quite dark at night, mainly due to it being surrounded by very tall trees and thick woodland, not a problem but I does make baiting up a touch tricky.
The night of my first night was very close to the new moon, about 4% full from memory and as a result it was darker than normal.
I flicked my rods out, poped my brolly up and poped the kettle on and had my first brew of the night.
Soon enough night time fell and with the darkness came an incredible amount of mist, I love misty lakes and find it a lovely sight, problem was that it was so dark and misty I couldn't see any further than a few feet infront of me.
Now I do a lot of nights, 2 or 3 a week usualy so I am no stranger to darkness and needless to say doing nights on my own never bothers me.
The thing that was so disturbing about the experience is not what happend but how I felt, as it something had some kind of control over me.
Anyway, I will continue on my next post,
| ev | Posts: 1041 |  | |
In reply to Post #1240 isnt this woodchesher??
In reply to Post #1248 Pete if you really want me to then I shall, it isn't the freekiest story on here but I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
If I am honest Adam, you got a watered down version as I didn't want to sound like a complete nut job!
Maybe they like you there and that's why you hanvt experienced anything.
I will start by mentioning that I had a possible ghost experience when I was a boy, maybe 12 or so.
We used to live in a very old house in the cotswolds (not as upmarket as it sounds) there was 3 floors and I had my room right up the top on my own.
I have always been a deep sleeper and rarely wake up in the night, but one night I woke up and as I opened my eyes I saw a girl stood in front of me, she looked about ten so a little younger than me, wearing a long sleeveless dress and she stood very prim and proper.
I didn't panic and the atmosphere was really relaxed but I was obviously rather surprised, she was just staring at me
And all I could say was- what are you doing? With that she smiled at me and faded away.
As I said I wasn't scared or anything so I just went back to sleep, never experienced it again.
Now as this happened in the middle of my nights sleep, I reckon it was possible that it was a kind of dream type thing even though I sat up as soon as I saw here maybe my brain could have carried on dreaming? (Not good with words so its hard to explain what I mean)
Anyway, I have gone off subject, will tell you one of my experiences in my next post
In reply to Post #1247 Not Fishing related but here goes....
My dad told me this.
Back in the late 60s early 70s my dad worked in a royal naval building that dated back to the 1800s.
Him and a colleague were given the job of rewiring and renewing light fittings on a old stone spiral staircase after office hours and at the weekend when no one was around.
Whilst working away and chatting my dad said you could feel it getting colder and colder,at first they put it down to a door or window being left open and carried on.They didnt think much of it as it was Feb/March so not exactly warm,However he then said when you talked you could then see your breath,the temperature was dropping rapidly.
My dad thinking sod this went down the stairs to see if a door or window had been left open,as he went down he said he felt warmer and could no longer see his breath,no doors or windows were open.
He went back up and they continued working.
At the top of the stairs was a corridor that led off to offices but the staircase continued up to the roof area where the loft space was used by the sea cadets for their training.
Whilst working away he said both he and his colleague could hear footsteps comming down the staircase,they called up but got no reply,carried on working.
They then heard more foot steps,thing was the steps were stone but whatever was comming down the steps sounded like it was treading on wood and shuffling,they called up again and again got no reply.
The temperature was now very cold,the wooden footsteps must have been litterally just round the bend of the spiral from them,my dad shot up but there was nothing and no one there.
They finished the job and put it down to one of those things.
A while later they were working in the plant rooms in the basement when another fitter said that hed experienced the same thing working down there,temperature drop and shuffling footsteps,wooden sounding steps on stone.
They asked a curator about the building,it transpired it had been built by Napeolionic prisoners of war who were manacled together and were forced to wear CLOGGS,they were billited up stairs in the rafters/loft space and were only allowed to use the spiral staircase to get to and fro as the rest of the building was occupied by officer class types.
In reply to Post #1248 ...I will have a chat...
Sams a good man..reckon he feels people on the forum will extract the urine ,but im sure they wont Pete..
I know the story and he was pretty shook up to be honest he even came round to relay his experience to me....as a result he only fished this place once or twice....
See he`s not the only one who has `felt`experienced at this place,my other mate has and he only fished it the once at night on his own.....
Normally im the 1st person to feel summat.....but not on this lake ,dunno why.....
BUT i do know why Sam and Paul felt what they did at seperate times......you see i knew `him`[before his passing] over 31yrs and got on well/respected his land....
In reply to Post #1247 Adam i wish sam would tell his story
In reply to Post #1246 ...Not far from where i lived at the time ....in a large detatched house lived the old `oberseer`..[spelling]..before the National Trust bought the village,in a nutshell back in the 1940s and 50s this little old lady was in charge of the land and property..and at the time weilded a lot of power....
She came from one of the oldest familys around and spoke Cornish fluently..at well under 5ft tall ,she always had this little jack russell dog buy her side...my German Sheppard was petrified of this small dog i remember..
My initial feeling towards her was fear....one day i was on my way back from trout fishing in the river and i met the old lady...and we conversed for a while....it went something like this...
Adam,she said looking through me with these piercing eyes...`Every now and again the devil rides over the village`......remembering a incident in the 50s when the school master was taken by the river...and she walked off..!!!!!!
Not that many years ago the Devil did indeed ride over ,as the river destroyed the lower part of the village....along with many cars and business/propertys...that fateful day..
I rememberd what Miss`o` told me ...it turned out that she had been warning everyone for years,she was one of the `good ones`if you follow me..
If you go down there [the village]this very day,as soon you enter through the woods.....`the door WILL shut behind ee`.....
In reply to Post #1245 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8H_v8cM9CQ
Check out this classic
In reply to Post #1229 Coven................
i came face to face with a coven i have mentioned it in my stories they even put a cross that was very well made up side down on the oak tree i went to bait up one night and they were frolicking in the nude talk about embarrassment my mate would not believe me so i took him down to the lake the one lady a very buxom women asked if i was embarrassed i am afraid i was she said they were good withes not the evil kind i supose that was in the seventies.
In reply to Post #1243 My last members lake located in Wolverhampton was as bad as it gets.. the gates into the venue was opposite a gypsies camp.. And just some of stuff throw over the fence included a dead dog , gun,& drugs. once a week the local helicopter would shine a spot lamp on the water so head lamps would not be needed..
In reply to Post #1231 That was a great read
In reply to Post #1229 Fair enough
I was fishing on a place called highbridge on the Eastleigh& district club book when they used to have it. It was autumn time and I was fishing on weighbridge point on my own. It was around 1ish in the morning and I was fast asleep. The next thing I know is I've got these hands gripped tightly around my neck. I've woke up but there's nothing there but I could still feel these hands around my neck. I honestly thought that was going to be my lot. All of a sudden the grip released and whatever it was was gone. I sat wondering wtf had happened. I stayed but funnily didn't go back to sleep. Never really been able to explain what happened.
The other time something strange happened I was fishing at rooksbury park. People who know the lake will know there's only one way in or out. It's completely surrounded by trees and swamp ish ground. I was fishing by the entrance, the 1st swim you come to. It was around 5.30-6am in the morning and light because it was summertime. Whilst having a brew I saw a guy around the opposite side walking along the bank.
Well I knew I was the only one fishing and wondered how he had got to where he was without my noticing. He had to walk past me to get in after all ! I watched him to see where he was going, he passed behind some trees on the opposite right hand corner swim but didn't come out the other side. I never thought much about it til one of the locals, roger brame, came down around 9ish that morning. He asked who else was down. I said I thought it was just me but there may be someone round the other side as I'd seen them but didn't see them come in, even though I was up. Roger then told me I'd seen old, cant remember the name, who had died whilst fishing that swim and is often seen over there!
In reply to Post #1238 Check out Haunted Britain on Youtube episodes 12 and 13
i watched it was very good i always keep an open mind on such matters
In reply to Post #1238 on it buddy ! scare the crap out of myself before bed , good times
In reply to Post #1237 TOm!
Check out Haunted Britain on Youtube episodes 12 and 13
In reply to Post #1236 These things can literally scare you silly ! Honestly the bloke i saw when i was 10/11 who had seen the full body apparition was a total mess ! He refused to ever go back intot he mill alone .... makes you wonder
| Fozzy | Posts: 17232 |  | aka Elephant Man | |
In reply to Post #1235 Come on Les , lets hear it , especially the strangling one
In reply to Post #1231 Great tale. I've read about the evening pitch many a time.
I've had a two different occarances myself over the years at two different waters. Neither can be explained. Still doesn't stop me fishing alone. Even though one of the occarances envolved me being strangled by something that I couldn't see.
In reply to Post #1233
The guy below me is correct..
| Fozzy | Posts: 17232 |  | aka Elephant Man | |
In reply to Post #1231 The guy above me is a donut
In reply to Post #1231 Right thats it, only fishing days now.
In reply to Post #1230 Part 2
I tried to make sense of it all the following morning and even tried to convince myself that I had imagined it. But deep down I knew that I had not. The shaking of the tent and the intense cold had been only too real. What I did know was that I had now lost all interest in fishing and simply did not want to spend another night at the water alone. Not long after day-break, I packed my gear in the car and set off, or rather I tried to set off. The torrential downpour had left the car parking area so muddy that there was no way that I could drive through the gate and into the field beyond, especially as that manoeuvre involved a right angle turn going uphill. I struggled for half an hour but to no avail, and so I was forced to and find Dave, who eventually arrived with the tractor to pull me out. At long last, I was on my way home three days early, and this time I had no regrets about leaving Redmire.
The interesting postscript to this story is that at the time I had never read or heard of the strange occurrences that have been attributed to the Evening Pitch by various anglers. It was many months later at a NASA conference, when I was talking to Len Arbery and his on Tony, that Len said something that took my mind back. He mentioned a night when he too had experienced feelings of intense cold in his bivvy, and it was so marked in his case that articles inside the camp were actually frosted the next morning – and this was in summer!
On 11 October 1989, I read in the Angling Times of the most frightening phenomenon in the Evening Pitch to date, one so shocking that a priest was called in to perform an exorcism. Ricky Richardson was camping in the swim with his son at night and a hideous apparition with green staring eyes materialised at the bivvy door and stared in on them. Other anglers from different parts of the lake heard their screams and when they arrived found Ricky cowering in shock at the back of the camp. When I read that story, my mind went back to that particular night in 1986. If I had seen the same spectre, it would definitely have been a case of breaking out the brown trousers! (in my case it would meant a major overwhelming heart attack causing instant death
Okay here’s the next one:
Part 1
At about midnight, with nothing having transpired to disturb my dark, still world, I climbed into my sleeping bag and wearily closed my eyes. To the sound of a distant hunting owl, I was soon asleep and so I remained until a little after 3 a.m. when I was awoken with a start by the most violent shaking of the bivvy on the side on which I was sleeping. It was almost as if a large dog had taken the material in his mouth and was trying to rip a hole in it. I shot out of the bivvy to investigate the cause of the commotion, and as I did so the shaking stopped abruptly. It was a little unnerving, especially as I soon established that there was no apparent cause for the phenomenon. I was totally alone, there was not a breath of wind and I soon convinced myself that it must have been a large animal. Perhaps a fox or badger had stumbled onto the material.
Back in my bivvy, I decided to have a brew up before retiring to bed once more and while I was waiting for the kettle to boil I became aware for the first time of how incredibly cold it had become inside my shelter. It was weird. Outside it was a very warm, humid night, but the bivvy felt as though it had been refrigerated. At first I put it down to condensation, but even then it was unnaturally chilly. Once I had made my tea, I wandered down to the Stumps swim with it to warm my feet up. I was perhaps only there for three or four minutes, but it was long enough for me to realise the tremendous temperature difference between that area and my bivvy. In the space of only about forty yards of bank, it felt as though the temperature difference was about twenty degrees Fahrenheit.
Convincing myself that it was obviously some freak atmospheric condition, I was soon once more ensconced in my sleeping bag and was soon asleep. Three times, however, in the next hour I was awoken suddenly by what felt like a blast of freezing air across my cheek, and the third time it was so startling that I sat bolt upright on my bedchair. I noticed two things almost instantaneously. The first was that the bivvy was now like an icebox, and the second was a large black shadow that crossed and then re-crossed the open door of the camp. To say that I was now distinctly uneasy would be putting it mildly, and without further ado I gathered up my sleeping bag and walked with it to the car, only about twenty yards away. Having locked myself in, I lowered the passenger seat, made myself as comfortable as possible and then slept the rest of the dark hours without further interruption.
In reply to Post #1227 You see Ty,if i tell you what i saw i would go back on the promise i gave my mother..
She knows some of em......plus my missus comes from a `herbalist`background..
I wiil say one word though...
In reply to Post #1227 It will most likely be some sort of fundamentalist Paganism bonesman. If he saw something he shouldn't have then he's right to keep quiet about it
In reply to Post #1225 How can you say the bit at the end and leave it at that.i need to now know what you see
In reply to Post #1 i used to be a member of mid kent, paid £275 for a ticket. my 1st session on there, i got there just after dark. i arrived at the lake i had in mind to fish, went through the gate and then horror hit me, every swim taken, decided to go to another lake, same there too....
scaryest places i ever went to, having paid £275 for not being able to get on a lake as a weekend angler.... never again
In reply to Post #1217 C`mon Sam tell em mate ,your clever with words etc............plus its true what Sam says ...as i put him on the lake and know the truth behind the place...
Plus im the longest surviving `local`to currantly still to be fishing there......apart from ol Tom who would be in his 90s.. ......
ps i defo believe in the `paranormal`etc ,i lived as a teenager on/next to an anciant burial site that has ley lines cossing it big time..we all hated it there and ended up moving to my gramps place 500 yrds away.....that had `orbs`that were seen and my German Shepard dog would never seem to settle...
Plus...... 30 yrs ago.i saw something in the woods nearby ..a religion that time has nearly forgot about ,i was warned never to repeat what i saw that day.....to any one...and i haven`t...so im a believer...
In reply to Post #1222 Hi
Not fishing related but have a very true ghost story ! If anyone knows Derby they may well be aware of other peoples experiences at Darley Abbey weir and the mill building behind it ......
My dad used to work in the mill building behind the weir doing cad cam lathe work ( machine forming metal basically - dont think company is there anymore ? )
Anyways it was about 20 years ago know when i was 10/11 and my dad was doing swing shifts splitting the weekends with one other bloke as it was a rush job, my dad went in the mornings set the machine running and did the odd bits and bobs, then he came home and the other bloke (Simon) went in when the lathe finished and shut everything down for the night after the cad cam lathe had shaped the metals ! Anyways this was not unusual and just basically overtime work my dad did.... Around 9pm one night we got a phone call ( house phone ) and my mum answered it _ It was Simon saying can he speak to My Dad ( mum was worried at this point as Simon was panicking - she could tell by his voice ) After about one minute of my Dad being on the phone he put the phone down saying we will be there in 5 mins!!! Mum and Dad then begin talking and it ends with all of us piling in a renault 5 car ( mum / dad / 3 kids _ my dad was drunk and could not drive so mum had to take us down - lol remember it like it was yesterday) Anyways Simon was bricking it and had legged it over the weir bridge leaving the mill unlocked and all machinery etc on and was waiting by the telephone box over the other side ( 1/4 mile approx ) . To this day i have never seen someone so afraid and white as a sheet as this bloke - he was petrified and refused to go back in the mill ! My dad goes in and shuts everything down and gets simon his car keys and says we`ll sort it all in the morning .....
Dad revealed to us a few years later that Simon had seen a full body apparition of an old foreman dressed in victorian costume watching him as he checked the lathe ( Many other incidents had been reported ) and from then on my Dad would always take one of us with him when he did any weeknd lathe setting cos we loved the ghost story !
In reply to Post #1222 Thanks Jim, I'll just leave it on this last note though as to not say anything about it would be or might be irresponsible. Just be very aware how much you get or can get taken in by this new age nonsense which is trying to challenge the old warning messages from The Bible and The Qu'ran. Somewhat dusty and rugged though they might be they've pretty much got it right. There really is severe danger out there when you proceed beyond sensible boundaries of thought and compassion and general interest in life, no matter how innocently motivated - these things will attack anything.
Realistically speaking in modern times only a personal experience is likely to convince someone of this, but you're left in no doubt when it turns up and it is truly terrifying and one of the worst realisations you can probably ever have in life as a human being. I'm not saying there aren't aspects of Religion which are wrong, because I believe there are and it can be taken way out of context to the point where gay people and people of other divinations are being wrongfully rejected. As for the warnings about messing with spirit though - mentioned in Deuteronomy - they are absolutely correct. Just make sure you choose your path through life wisely. And remember morality is frequently no defense whatsoever against danger in this respect.
In reply to Post #1220 Fair play mate Some thing are best left unsaid
In reply to Post #1217 In reply to Post #1216
Sorry Pete but I just couldn't do the story justice, plus many people with think it is made up, I probably shouldn't have mentioned
not me SAM there's one house on our village so haunted people wont live in it i have also told the story of my two friends fishing a Shropshire mere when they came down to birch grove to see me they were petrified there are more things in heaven and earth than we realize or can comprehend i for one would love to hear your story
In reply to Post #1214 You're just dangling the carrot right now Chris
Sorry Jim I'm going to take Sam's stance on it though and leave it. Best off kept private. I've already seen a pot smoking reference which suggests things wouldn't go well
But... I will give you Tony's second story from Redmire as a trade for silence about my own matters. Let me go out and get some cigarettes and food and I shall return and type it up! Get ready to be scared!
In reply to Post #1215 Pretty please Sam,intrigued
In reply to Post #1216 Yes Sam do tell........
In reply to Post #1216 Sorry Pete but I just couldn't do the story justice, plus many people with think it is made up, I probably shouldn't have mentioned it realy
In reply to Post #1215 come on sam tell us your story
In reply to Post #1211 The only weed I consume is nettle wine whilst I'm out chanting in the woods
In reply to Post #1210 You're just dangling the carrot right now Chris
In reply to Post #1211
In reply to Post #1203 Cheers mate, will order it, looks a good read.
Far too much weed being smoked lads!
Sounds a bit far fetched I know, but very true!
No it doesn't Sam. If I can find the time and the words (I don't think even I can - and I'm good with words) I'll *try* and explain what happened to me. I'll have to really water it down though, this is a public forum. I guess if it hasn't happened to you, you won't understand.
In reply to Post #1208 .... just be grateful she didnt come from Cambourne.......LOL
In reply to Post #1207 The second worst night of my life, the first was when I pulled that bird from bodmin
In reply to Post #1206 Sam...you wanna tell the lads/ladies on the forum bout the lake you fished ...etc
and it wasnt till afterwards ......till i told you why you had the experience....that you did.....
re the family crypt......Ad..... .....
In reply to Post #1201 Many thanks, I'm looking forward to it.
I too have had 2 experiences that I can only put down to being paranormal, however, I think a lot of peoples experiences are explainable.
I don't mind saying that on one of those expriences, I was almost in a state of shock, I have come close to dieing through my own stupidity before (non spooky boys stuff), but that wasn't as scary as this paranormal experience. Sounds a bit far fetched I know, but very true!
In reply to Post #1204 Nope
In reply to Post #1201 Some recent and terrifying experiences in my own life confirm it.
Go on spill the beans
That'll get you to it on Amazon. Barnes & Noble and others may also sell it. I think it might be out of print now. It's not full of stuff like that, in fact there are only two ghost stories in it, but Tony Miles' style throughout is good, clean practical and always entertaining. Some bad experiences in life have left me rather dis-illusioned with Chris Yates' extravagant style and as such Tony's style appeals to me alot more now because it's just so frank and plain yet full of experience and great info. Anyways I'm off fishing for a few hours I'll try and type up the Redmire story later. Thanks.
In reply to Post #1201 Now I wanna buy that book...
In reply to Post #1200 Yeah sure Sam. I just need to let it run a bit longer to make sure admin are happy for it to stay up. They might not have seen it yet.
I also need the time too. I'll see if I can do it tonight. Thanks
*Edit* Although it all sounds interesting sometimes I think in truth there is something very, very dangerous behind all of this. Some recent and terrifying experiences in my own life confirm it. His next story which I'll try and post up later strongly suggests this. Not just ghosts, something far worse. If my business stays good and frees up some time I might start learning Demonology - and definitely not with the intention of doing anything - rather to learn about how to defend against it. Wait till you hear his Redmire story. I think most people who'd had really scary experiences at Redmire would agree it's something quite alot more than just a ghost!
In reply to Post #1199 Thanks for that, any plans to put his other story up?
In reply to Post #1198 Part 2
I went back to my tackle again, turned off my torch and broke out my flask for a welcome cup of tea; I never did drink that tea. Within perhaps half a minute of pouring it, there was a terrific crash in the undergrowth that sounded right next to me. I can tell you that I was getting scared now and with more than a little trepidation I searched the area once again. This time I knew that I would find nothing, but what I did realise was that the thicket had suddenly become cloaked in a cold, clammy, swirling mist. Everywhere I walked the heavy breathing accompanied me and I knew that further fishing was impossible (you don't say!).
The visibility was down to only a few yards as I half-waded, half-stumbled across the side-stream, and when I stood on the open field something else struck me as being highly unusual. The only area where there was any mist was that little thicket. Over the rest of the river and the fields there was none, and the night was beautifully clear as it always had been. That made no sense whatsoever. - (supernatural, malicious, energy-vampire causing localised temperature drop explains it well enough for me!)
My heart was still pounding with nervous exhaustion as I packed the car and as I drove out of the lay-by that night, I vowed that I would never night-fish that swim again. I never have.
-- And that's it. He mentions a little more about it about how he fished there again, but never at night. Personally I'd have avoided the whole area forever. This is copywright material bear in mind so if that is a problem and it gets suppressed anyone who wants to read it can pm me and I'll e-mail you over a word document with it in. It's a 20 odd year old book though. I doubt anyone will lose any sleep about that. Spooky eh?
In reply to Post #1193 Tony Miles' writings on his experience on the River Cherwell from his great book Big Fish Angling published first in 1990 I believe:
Part 1
During my angling career (which now spans over thirty years) I have had very few frightening experiences that could be attritbuted to anything but entirely natural causes. I have always found ghost stories great fun and although I certainly have never discounted the possibility of a spirit world, either for good or malign intent (I personally favour the latter view), none of my countless night-fishing sorties have ever been disturbed by spectres or things that went bump. I have always found the countryside is a very friendly and benign place at night (guess it works for some). During the eighties, however, I have experienced two nights when the events that occured have no satisfactory explanation. One of those nights (which you will read about later) happened in the Evening Pitch (surprise, surprise) at Redmire, but the other took place in that barbel swim on the last day of August, 1984, I have never been as frightened, either before or since, as I was that night.
The night was totally breathless with not the slightest hint of a breeze and, as it was beautifully clear and starry, it was not excessively dark. I had not seen a soul all day and complete silence reigned all around me. I was completely relaxed, watching my glowtip intently when quite suddenly the quiet was disturbed by loud clumsy footsteps and distinct heavy breathing sounds (uh-oh!). I was not at all concerned (whatever). The noises were so loud I knew they had to be caused by someone walking up to me and was certain that Alastair had come down to see how I was faring (not too well by the sounds of it). I actually spoke out loud to him, but thought it strange that I had not heard him wading through the shallow water that had to be crossed to reach the swim. There was no answer and yet the breathing noises continued, so I picked up my torch and searched the bushes behind me (I'd already be running for the car), fully expecting one of my friends to spring out at me. But there was no-one there and my little copse was deserted. I even waded back across the small side-stream to the field beyond and searched both upstream and downstream for some explanation, but could find none. There were not even any cattle in the field that I might have heard.
It was once again totally silent when I re-entered the copse, as indeed it had been in the open field, and I half-convinced myself that I had imagined it. It was most odd (rather like his desire to remain in the area). However, within only a minute or two of resuming fishing, the rustling and heavy breathing sounds started again - so loud that they could not possibly have been imagined and I was now becoming quite apprehensive. Cracking noises right behind me prompted me once again to search the thicket with my large torch and before long I stood at the edge of the open field again, having once more confirmed that the bank was deserted except for myself. I remember taking a deep breath and telling myself very firmly to ignore the strange sounds (some never learn). Somehow there had to be a logical explanation although I was hard pressed to find one.
(Continued shortly)
In reply to Post #1196 bet the old boys pi...... Theirselves with laughter
In reply to Post #1195 Not a ghost story but I was fishing my old lake a few years ago for a couple of nights.
It was about half eight and darkness was just settling in, I was on the lake on my own and had just finished baiting up for the night so put the kettle on, had a fag and sat watching the water until the light finally went.
At about half nine, I was just about to get on the bedchair and thought I'd seen something on the other side of the lake, couldn't see or hear anything and thought it was just a bit of wildlife so jumped in my pit and started to read by headtorch.
About half ten, was just about drifting off to sleep and hear some shuffling outside the bivvy and then a barrel of a cocked shotgun is poked into my bivvy, followed by two old boys asking if anyone was in there.
Absolutley **** myself and didn't sleep a great deal afterwards either.
I was doing a two night session over Bretons farm a few year back it was a October. As the lake wasn't owner by anyone (and still isn't ) you only got a few people coming past, and by 6 in the evening i'm already tucked up in my sleeping back drifting in and out of consciousness dreaming of my alarms screaming away.
Anyway its cold, dark and misty and i thought i heard a noise it' about 2 in the morning now i'm up armed with my trusty baseball bat (i'm alone on this lake) thinking a bunch of kids are coming round or some drunks believe me you can get all sorts over there, now i know 99% of people aren't looking for trouble but you never know so instead of waiting for it to come to me i start to walk round to where i thought i heard the noise which i can't hear anymore by the way, but the scene is set like something out of a Hammer horror movie, if anyone knows Brettons i was fishing the island on the second open, so i start walking towards the finger end of the lake can't hear a thing, then this massive Rottweiler come out of the mist looks at me, i look at it and then i goes past calmly on it way with no owner insight.
I guess the dog had just got bored or couldn't sleep and took itself for a walk ha ha but fellas its was proper weird.
It was the only thing worth talking about after that session as i blanked.
In reply to Post #1192 they are the devil incarnate.
In reply to Post #1190
In reply to Post #1191 When I was fishing the Avon just outside Stratford I got woke up by mooing, as i dragged my head from the sleeping bag there was a flock of cows about 6ft infront of my brolly all looking at me. They are big, there was many.
Pike fishing on a canal I moved my chair back so that the towpath traffic could go through sat there relaxing with a little warmth from the winter sun and a coffee then a cow stuck its head through the fence licked the side of my face then mooed
In reply to Post #1188 Tragically boyo I think that thread has now been auto-deleted. Shame it was the best thread ever. My favourite story was about the guy who felt a hand on his shoulder way out in the middle of nowhere. Probably meant to scare him but I also suspect warn him of danger too. He slept in his car all night and then drove away at first light.
If I can be bothered I'll write up Tony Mile's account of his experience on the Cherwell and at Redmire if you want?
In reply to Post #1188 Great read
In reply to Post #1187 I started a thread in 2004 I think called """ Spooky things when nightfishin" Its a good laugh and read same as this but I cant find it anymore....... It is a while back mind
In reply to Post #1186 I had an odd experience when fishing my local… the lake is Cannop ponds, cracking lake with so much potential but run by match anglers who clearly despise carp anglers. Its one of those lakes in the middle of woods, nearest house has got to be 2 miles away, with no mobile reception and has that creepy feeling to it.
It’s about 1993 / 94 and a group of us deciding to do a night there, we are all in the age range of 14 / 15 years old so was heavily relying on parents dropping us off and picking us up. It must be 11.30 at night and we are all bivved up for the evening and having the lads banter as you do (probably discussing what girl we would love to pump our Tesco “finest” into) then all of a sudden we hear a faint drumming noise. Its starts off and sounds like some lads parked up with the boots open with there bass cannons pumping out the music. The music is faint but slowly starts to get louder and louder until the sound is clearly drums beating. By this time we can’t make out what the hell the noise is and start going into panic mode/mind wandering! The drumming is to a regular beat and is getter louder and louder over the space of 30 minutes. We are slowly coming round to the idea that it must be a party in the woods etc. until the drum beat is matched with a loud chanting! Now by this time I am cacking it and I think I had some sort of small stroke, Followed by my heart jumping out of my body! It sounded like a scene from a Bad Boys 2 where they bust a bunch of KKK worshipping.…..now this chanting is getting louder and louder and is now easily going on for a hour plus and sounds like its 100 yards away and getting closer. All 4 of us by now are to the point where we just want our mums and for the bad noise to just go away but unfortunately its not!! We all pile into one bivvy with one lad brandishing a rounder’s bat and is ready to kill anything that comes near us or even moves. Then all of a sudden the drums and chanting stop and that deathly silence grew upon us to the point where we are panicking and thinking that whoever it is knows we are there. After that silence we heard nothing, not even the sound of people walking away, not even a car, just nothing and to this day I couldn’t even tell you who or what it was that night……..
Growing up in the Forest of Dean you always hear rumours of “devil” worshippers etc. and dead animals being found nailed to trees, whether you believe all that nonsense then fine but I have no explanation to what we heard that night….frigging spooky to say the least!
ok its 11:00 at night and now i cant sleep ><
In reply to Post #1184 Starting to wish i hadnt read this thread off for a one nighter tomorow and i know the lake will be dead quiet just the wind ripping down the valley hope i get plenty of action so i dont have to sleep or ill slip a whiskey in my tea to help me get off.
In reply to Post #1162 they are still having an influenece Belch!!! in fairness i remember vividly you ringing me up and telling me the whole encounter!!!! I can also vouch I have also fished this venue and have also heard the clunk of the gate on occasions but no one there!!!
beats the time the swam flew into the electricity pylon with an almighty bang Belch!!! but thats was a different sort of Kak my Pants feeling
In reply to Post #1180 Was in my hot air balloon few years ago, and thought i spotted some fish in the margins'
so let out some air............
In reply to Post #1181 I know one, but I must admit it really freaked me out when I heard it.
My mate and I went to look at a small 2 acre pond that we found on a map. When we arrived it was steep sided and had a real, dark sense of forboding around it, you couldnt put your finger on it..
After we left we went to the local pub for a pint on the way back, a weird old pub in the middle of nowhere. We sat at the bar and got talking to this wizened old boy at the end of the bar and told him how we'd gone to look at this pond as we were anglers and in the area. We told him of how the place had "not felt quite right".
He sad that in the late 1700s a local serial kiler lived in the area, when the villagers round him up they metered out their out justice and hung him from a tree by the pond, and feeling he was evil they didn't want to bury him in the church yard and he was weighted and sunk in the old pond.
He also said that if you go to the pond at night, even without a breeze you can hear the creak of the rope with which they hung him...
Worse still he explained that people in years gone by on the wildest of winter nights, peoplehad seen a hideous figure trying to claw its way out out the steep sided pond. And that he, and others had seen the finger marks in the clay sides in the cold light of day
I've spent the last 20 years fishing often on big pits alone and not really ever been bothered, but I tell you what I'd never do a night there knowing his body is still there, somewhere down in that deep dark silt, waiting ,biding it's time, to crawl out one night and take it's vengance
We drunk our pint quick and left!
Also not far from me is the screaming ghost of pluckley claypit, an unfortunate worker who met his grisly end there in an accident. Apparently his cries can be heard at night and is so well documented that the locals are simply not bothered by it anymore...
Another place I don't really fancy trying....
In reply to Post #1180 You must've **** a brick! They're LOUD!
Afew years ago i was fishing my club water,there were a few other anglers on.Late afternoon most started to pack up and drift off and eventually i had the whole place to myself,great i thought.
I was squatting down close to my rods when directly above me came an almighty ROAR.........i absolutely shat myself and fell over,luckily not taking my rods out but landing in a kind of press up position with my hands in the margin.I looked up and saw the bottom of a hot air balloon basket about 20-30 meters above me,there were 3-4 people in the basket absolutely pi**ing themselves laughing
In reply to Post #1168 theres a ghost on one of our club lakes & i think she fancies me,
she's been wooing me for ages...........
Too subtle Brian ..... that deserved better
In reply to Post #1176 with time I'm sure she could be your 'ghoul friend' . . .
be just my luck to get a moaning myrtle.........
In reply to Post #1172 boom boom
In reply to Post #1173 I don't know - with time I'm sure she could be your 'ghoul friend' . . .(i'll get my coat, cough)
In reply to Post #1174 i know!
who would you call??
In reply to Post #1173 nobody wants to wake up covered in someone else's ectoplasm
In reply to Post #1172 a relationship like that couldn't work bob,
there`d be no substance to it.....
In reply to Post #1171 Better than a gay ghost.........
Now he would put the willies up you!
In reply to Post #1168 theres a ghost on one of our club lakes & i think she fancies me,
she's been wooing me for ages
I feel real sorry for her brian
In reply to Post #1162 Good story, then you mention the rave seen,
Got a mental picture of someone on the far bank raving.
theres a ghost on one of our club lakes & i think she fancies me,
she's been wooing me for ages...........
In reply to Post #1162 Great story chris
In reply to Post #1165 I remember story of some chap who was fishing in France and some greatly woman with like a dark face came snarled at him and was dragged away by two other people she was with.
I've not done the story justice but scary stuff. Not sure if it was on here or cemex.
In reply to Post #1162 real good tale there is more in heaven and earth than we poor mortals understand
In reply to Post #1162 Well told story mate.
In reply to Post #1161 . . .told this on another forum years ago, still bugs me to this day. . .
Was fishing a very small day ticket water on my own one summers eve and had the water to myself. . .the carp were holed up at the far end under the usual bushes and I was having fun free-lining mixers and playing hit and hold off the top . . .
The lake is surrounded by a metal fence and there is a creaky gate at the opposite end to the swim I was fishing that 'clanks' whenever somebody opens and closes it - the baliff came round at about 7pm, took my money and disappeared - I knew he'd be back around 10.30pm to lock up at dusk. About 9.45pm the gate opened and I thought 'he's back early . .oh well, perhaps he wants to chat etc' however after about 10 mins he had'nt appeared (the swim was well covered by undergrowth front and back) so I reeled in and walked up the bank to see what he was up to.
What I actually saw was initially plausible however it soon become clear that there was some strange stuff going on . . . a girl, about 10-11 years old was standing on the far bank by the gate, seemingly staring at me. I waved, no response - I then shouted 'you alright?' . . no response. Kids did occasionally frequent the lake, however usually in groups and wearing jeans, trainers, tracksuit tops etc . . .this girl was wearing a pinafore dress (50's style) and had an unconventionally short haircut . . .the temp was dropping (I had a fleece on) so this child looked really out of place . . .I shouted again 'you ok?' . . .no response. The light was fading fast by now and the child continued to stare across the water - this was when some really strange sh*t happened . . .she started to whistle with a very high pitch, but tunefully . . .she put her hand in the air and a small bird landed on her finger (a bit like snow white in the disney kids film). . .I shouted again, 'hello?' but with no response . .
It was starting to feel REALLY cold now (bizarre for mid-summer) and I was extremely nervous - I scuttled back down to my peg and starting packing up straight away . . this was too weird. Next thing I hear the gate clanking again and I'm now sh*tting myself with my mind racing . . .I turned around after hearing the undergrowth crack and there was the baliff . . 'you ok?' he asked. With relief I recounted the whole story, and he started to laugh . . .I was nuts apparently! I asked him whether he knew of any kids drowning etc back in the day - apparently not.
Now to be fair I was heavily into the rave scene from 1989 onwards and I've hallucinated plenty of things under the influence, I'm also creative in nature and in my work . . . .however, I saw what I saw and would stand in a court of law and recount the same tale. . .I havn't been back to the same lake since . . . . . . . .
In reply to Post #1160 really good story , thanks for sharing,

In reply to Post #1159 really good story , thanks for sharing,
mate of mines dad was fishing a local sydicate one night, laying in his pit reading about hauntings round norfolk. after a few hours he fell asleep and was awoken at about midnight by a banging on his bivvy at the back right near the bottomm, so he got up had a look around but there was nothing there and no sign of anyone being near by.
he told himself it was just the book he was reading and that he was dreaming and went back to sleep... bout 2 hours later he was woken again by the same thing, went outsuide again to check and there was nothing there, still thinking it was a dream he went to bed. an hour after this exactly the same thing happened again this time he was out in a flash looking about but still noone there. he didnt go back to sleep this time instead he made him self a cupper and as soon as it got light he started to pack up...... as he lifted his ground sheet up he the realised his mistake.
he had only gone and put it over a rabbit hole and the poor old rabbit had spent its night tryibng to get out. god we gave him some stick for that.
With Haloween just around the corner, I thought it would be fun to "resurrect" this excellent thread. I wasted good time in work reading this. Anyone got any stories to add?
on my club water a few years back, i got there about 8:30/9:00pm. no other cars in the car park as i pulled-up so i thought "great, whole lake to myself." picked a swim and quickly set-up as it was getting dark and fast. flicked rods out then sorting my ground sheet out when in the fading light noticed a mound of dirt with a wooden cross stuck in the top of it around 4ft from where my bivvy will have to be set up. bivvy went up anyway as im not a great beliver in all that stuff. just getting cosey and cracked a beer open and i had my dvd player with me so thought will put a film on. opened my dvd player bag and i then noticed i only had one dvd with me, "the exorcist". so there i am, on my own at the lake with no one around sitting next to a fresh looking mound of dirt with a woodern cross hanging out the top of it watching the exorcist. about 8 the next morning, the bloke who runs the club came walking into my swim, so i told him about my bad taste in dvd's when fishing next to a freshly dug grave. he laughed at me and called me a nutter for watching that whilst having the lake to myself. as it turned out, that mound of dirt was from a work party and a few of the lads thought it would be a laugh to put a cross in it.
im only 14 and when i was fishing the other week with a few friends we had a bit of a funny experience. It was the first night of the session, and after getting everything sorted we sat up for a few hours into the early morning chatting with the radio on. around 12, my mate heard something and quickly flicked the radio off. The other side of the lake was very heavily tree lined and wooded, making it unfishable unless you were stalking. Suddenly, this loud crash in the trees echoed across the lake, followed by more and more, distinctly moving left across the lake towards the end of the lake and the swim we were in. Sitting there, absolutely s***ing ourselves, we sat in silence for about 1/2 hour until it eventually stopped and all went silent.
not as freaky as some as the others on here but i sure was s***ing myself
Im only 13,and im joining a syndicate lake,in the middle of knowhere!!! i will be doing night sessions on my own,and the lake is down a track,away from houses,in the middle of fields,and boggy marshes. Dont know how scared i will be when i start?!?!
Any more??? Great thread!
In reply to Post #195 Fished there a few times with my cousin and uncle when I was young, pretty scary place especially at night over by the bridges or right over the back end of the lake.
Worst I ever had was back when I was a lot younger before I was a raver myself I was doing two nights on a little lake out in the middle of nowhere on my own, from about 10pm till 4am I could hear all this crashing and shouting in the bushes all night round the other side of the lake had absolutely no idea what was going on for hours scared S@#*less someone was going to come and give me hastle. Next day I just carried on like normal didnt really give it a second thought but as soon as it got dark the crashing started again for about an hour and loads of dodgy people started wandering around the lake bit weird considering this was in the middle of nowhere. Didnt leave my bivvy for a good hour and sat there clutching a bank stick until sudenly this REALLY REALLY loud music started playing and it turned out it was a rave! Spent the whole night in my bivvy cacking myself thinking some druggie was going to rob me!
Mind you I was there when they had the next one at the lake a year later but I wasnt fishing this time!
In reply to Post #194 I've had a few strange experiances fishing Olton Mere in solihull, 20 Odd Acre Mere with woodland and railway behind you,
The lake was dug by French Prisoners and is meant to be a grave for quite a few of them.
Its also dug in the grounds of an old monastery, which borders the lake on one side, some night its lit up and resembles draculars castle, however, on others when your along in the dark its much worse.
The number of times i've heard what sounds like wet feet walking past in the middle of the night
many years ago i used to fish a suffolk lake doing days and nights. like any other lake this one had the named swims.. gas bottle, the royal box, the lawn ,rat nest etc. one however was notorious. it was called NITEMARE........
most of my mates had fished it at one time or another and each had had a weird nite to say the least. i was cynical and doubtful until i fished it.
i had what can only be described as a hideous nite of scary dreams. from what i can remember (age dimming my memory ) it involved babies and blood among other things
needles to say i NEVER fished that swim again
and just recently i was doing a nite on my club lake where i had troves of rats all around . i watchd the small ones picking up the remnants of my spodded pellet until i hit the sack. every once in a while one of them ventured round the back of the bivvy snuffling around, this i could tolerate, but i drew the line at one of the buggers using the back of the bivvy as a trampoline!! behind me was a sloping bank and it had launched itself onto my roof. the sound of THUD RUSTLE RUSTLE was more annoying than anything else but it got a brief lesson on flying from yours truly within!
In reply to Post #191 SHE IS WELL FIT.....
In reply to Post #190 what you mean never heard of it. you have been in your bivvy way to long.
In reply to Post #187 this is the real beast of essex
In reply to Post #186 lol i fish in essex never heard of the beast of essex though tell me more please lol
In reply to Post #188 fished a small park lake few years back in essex and was doing a sneaky night down there,and i had a take so picked me rod up and thought i had hoked a big wet bag...BREAM.turns out it was a bag off dead dogs with a purse in the bag in a bag......now this **** the life out off us as we wasnt meant a be there so we quickly dashed off and never fished the little lake ever again.....i have now heard of many stories off findings at that little black whole in the park...
In reply to Post #187 im seeing that sort all the time. so the shock factor has gone now.
In reply to Post #186 The beast of essex
i saw the beast aswel.....

i also didnt fish there for a while
In reply to Post #182 3 years back i see the beast of essex. while night fishing on my own. i didn't fish that place again for a long while. as for the story of the mental patient. that is not scary. the scary thing is they never let the public know unless they have to. so loads of them get out but we are never told about it.
In reply to Post #184 i think i have posted this before but....
a few years ago i was fishing along the river on me todd, and had got woken up by helicopters on top of my biviy and then loads of police came into the park by foot, trying to see what i was doing and who i was...
after finding out that i was fishing they said a young girl had been murder with a hammer on twickenham green and they are obv looking for the killer..and they advsied me to pack up and go home, like ****..i ended up with 2 doubles and a 28lb+ mirror,
but i did stay up most of the night...
Fishing one park lake once, me and a mate were both fishing in a swim near the car park, mainly to keep an eye on the car. On the second night a red van pulls up at about 2.30am without lights, waits in the car park until another blue van pulls up about about 10 minitues later. They could not see us but we could see them and they started taking things out of one van and loading them into the other. Then they both drive off... anyway about 2 hours later just after first light the police turn up and come over and say there had been an armed robbery on the local garage that night, and they were looking for the owner of a blue van which they had found burned out about 1/2 mile up the road. Thank god they didnt see us, dread to think what they would have done.
Also on the same park lake, a guy I know was fishing with his younger brother - about 3am the police turn up, helicopters everything, with its spotlight right on the bivvy.. few minutes an armed police unit turned up at the bivvy and ordered them out etc. when they relised they were just fishing, they informed them that an escaped mental patient from a local medial unit had gone an stabbed someone, and he had fled in the direction on the lake. My mate said he has never been so scared, goes without saying they packed up, never to return. Was in the local papers and everything.
In reply to Post #181 anyone got any more stories or crazy things to share, great read this thread
In reply to Post #180 other side of the water bazza
In reply to Post #179 thats quality BOMBER...just looked at your profile...and you 2 are from derby
In reply to Post #178 jump on the back of a sheep baz that the norm for you derby lads
In reply to Post #177 its a possibilty beave!... although i didn't hang around to find out! i jumped on the back of a sheep and headed home
| Beave | Posts: 15676 |  | MODERATOR | |
In reply to Post #176 did you have headless horsemen running past your bivvy aswell
id have thought the sound of swords would have been profish trying to find his knife and forks
In reply to Post #172 i used to fish a pit that lies at the side of an ancient monumental bridge,its the same bridge that bonnie prince charlie turned around on and headed back for scotland with his tail between his legs so the history books say.anyways one night i was fast off under my brolly when i was woken by the sounds of swords clashing people shouting,horses running,full battle cries! needless to say i shat in my sleeping bag! packed up and went home!
omg this is the best thread ever. I just wish I had a spooky fishing story to add to it. I've wasted 2 free teaching periods today reading this stuff, and have not got any of my urgent marking done, so thanks guys!
In reply to Post #169 lol
I lost a bloody nice fish too, still won't can't forget it to this day, water exploded and it took me through all the snags on the island before snapping me off - but that's another story
i fish a lake called churchyard and as in the name 1 bank of the lake there is a fairly large graveyard a few yards from the swims, can get a bit eary but none the less if the fish are up there it has to be fished regardless.
In reply to Post #168 heard about a few strange occurances on scarlett paul...the pimpernell they called him!
In reply to Post #167 Me and my mate use to fish a lake that was pretty deep in the woods, we joined it for the season. It was alright during the day but always felt pretty weird at night.
We did a few nights without much happening - on the last occasion we did 3 nights, we set up the far end of the lake which was in pretty deep trees. On the third night it was really windy and raining and it just didn't feel right.
I was laying in my bivvy when I heard someone come from behind out of the woods, right up to my door, I was semi expecting my mate to open the door, but there was nothing, I pulled the zip down to look and no one was there, I zipped it back up and got on with trying to sleep.
About 5 minutes later I hear my mate talking to someone, I heard his zip go down on his bivvy and then all of a sudden he's rushing over to mine - he said he thought I had come up to his front door, he thought it was me, hence the talking, when he realised I was in my bivvy, it totally freaked him out, we both felt someone was watching us that last night, after that we never went back.
I think the place was called Scarlets.
I used to think farlows was a fairly scary place to fish, especially when on your own, bt not particularily because of anything supernatural in this instance. Around the time when i was 14, some 9 yrs ago, i was fishing with a freind of mine. The lake was rarely patrolled and none of the gates were locked allowing anyone to drive a small distance behind the swims along the stretch of the banks. At the time, the side of the lake we were fishing (m25 banbk) was rumoured to be having a big problem with pikeys camped out near by and also by car theives, a number of freinds had been rumoured to have been robbed at knife point and some even thrown into the lake.! This instance it must have been around 2am we woke to a car flying up the bk of us at speed. It was also rumoured at the time that even the car theives had been causing anglers problems. Being 14 we were prety **** up as to what was going to happen, they were speeding up and dwn, handbraking at trhe end of the bank and come speeding bank. Any how the car suddenly fell silent and only the sound of people runnin away frm the scene could be heard. Hoping this was the last we would hear of them. a few moments later we were well and truely **** up when the car, parked in the space jus behind our swim blew up and was engulfed in flames. am sure a number of anglers at that time had witnessed something similar. It is such a scarier experience when you are woken to a situation like this. any one else have any problems down farlows bk in them days? id like to point out that since them yrs farlows has well and truely fixed up, all the gates are locked dead on 9pm and have never seen trpuble down there in yrs. all doin a top job down there, only problem down there these days is finding yourself a swim at the weekend due to it being so popular!
In reply to Post #165 not really a scary story but i always tell people about this lol,
it was around april time and it was one of them freezing cold nights, clear skies and full moon,
2am 2 cars in the near by lane screached to a holt and i could here people shouting and doors slamming, then i could here a pig squeling and dogs barking and it sounded like the people shouting wer walking towards me down the feild, i could see the car lights through the bushs but i was safe because the only way you could get to the swim was via boat.
still dont no what was going on lol
In reply to Post #164 Is there a link to that thread i started on here ""Spooky things while night fishing"" that was along the same lines
In reply to Post #150 I read that article, he found quite a few bones and he also told of the big wild dogs or cats or something that were jet black and one of them walked into his bivvy or his swim or something, he must have been scared stiff. If only i still had that magazine as that article did creep you out a bit.
The scariest moment in my fishing was during a trip to france.
i heard this noise arround my bivvy, unzipped the door and a full grown WILD BOAR was looking right at me! I must have nearly had a heart attack! the boar too and it ran off.
| Beave | Posts: 15676 |  | MODERATOR | |
In reply to Post #161 ive already asked you nicely once before to cut out the masked swearing nick , this is why we have a swear filter
Message Suppressed by Forum Moderator.
Heres one that happened to me many years ago while fishing a lake in Essex.
The lake was a club lake and surrounded by high chalk cliffs, one side was a very slim bank with the other being much more comfortable, we used to fish the more comfortable side for obvious reasons. My mate had fished with me the first night ( I was staying until the season ended) another two nights, we had caught a couple of carp, not massive fish but good fish for the water.
My mate went before it got dark and left me alone on the lake, at about 1 in the morning I heard this loud screaming, when I say loud I mean really loud, this was followed by someting which sounded like it was rolling down the cliffs oposite through the bushes. This freaked me out completely.
Was it children being killed and thrown down the cliffs?
Was it a woman being killed and thrown down?
Who was it being thrown down the cliffs?
I honestly thought it sounded like children, I was cr*pping myself, it was years before mobile phones were popular. The following morning a couple of anglers turned up to fish to the end of season and I told them about what had happened, they said they had heard the same many times, it was a family of foxes that came out and made the screaming noises whilst tumbling down the cliffs playing and or mating.
Can't remember if I stayed the extra nights now or not!!!
In reply to Post #158 About 4 years ago, I did a social on my syndicate, which has a public canal running alongside on one bank. Me and my mate, stayed up late on the first night, we were on the public side, having a few cans/fags etc. It was a November night, very foggy, and we got onto discussing ghost stories etc. Nothing happened that night, but my mate had to go in the morning, leaving me to do my second night on my own.
The next night, nothing much was happening, fishing-wise, so turned in at about 10pm, and again, it was a VERY foggy/black night, with no moon etc. My mind went into overdrive, recalling the stories from the night before, and I've got to admit, I got a bit spooked (I've been to Millwall, Leeds, Birmingham with Cardiff City, and never felt as uneasy as I was this night on the bank).
Anyway, at about 11pm, I was drifting off to sleep, when, about 10 yards behind my bivvy, I started to hear a young girls' voice (I've got goosebumps writing this now !!!). She was singing, in that Amityville style, and I'm not scared to admit, I was bricking it. As it's a VERY public bank, I used to (don't now) carry a baseball bat with me. So, after about 2 minutes of plucking up the courage, I got out of the bivvy, with this baseball bat cocked like Babe Ruth !! To my utter dismay, the little girl was continuing to sing, but all I could see was a small skeleton, dancing around about 5 yards away.
Trying to think logically, I quickly thought - this must be a kid off one of the canal boats, so I politely asked (with very shaky voice) "can you go away please, I'm trying to fish here". Just as I'd finished the "here" something else jumped out from behind my bivvy and shouted (at the top of it's voice) "RRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" !!! The bat was in full swing mode now, and as I swung it, our Head Bailiff (at the time) went "wwwwhhhhoooaaaahhhhh , as it whistled past his nose.
The git, had heared me and my mate the night before, and brought his daughter up, dressed in full Haloween get up, purposely to wind me up. He had heared me saying that I couldn't watch Amityville all the way through, so had done it all on purpose !!!
I tell you, my heart was doing about 400 beats a minute. It took me ages to settle down. The Bailiff was laughing with me into our 3rd cup of tea, although he did give me a rollocking about the bat !!!
That's the scariest I've had. Makes me LOL now, but at the time, it wasn't funny !!!
Whilst the wife and I were fishing a lake in france one year, we were sharing the lake with some guys from liverpool, 5 of them.
One of these guys was an absolute giant, about 6'8", 20 stone, easy.
But unfortunately for him, he was such a girl! He heard scuffling behind his bivvy during one night, and he got up to see what it was, and shone his headlight into the woods, where he was confronted by two bright green eyes, which gave a shriek, and ran off, and so did he!
His mates came running to see what all the commotion was, and he told them about the "Beast". well, after calming him down, he finally got back in his bivvy, only for 2 of his so called mates, stuck 2 glow-sticks in an apple, and put it into the woods behind his bivvy.
They then started to make spooky noises, which had this guy s******g himself!, he flew out the bivvy door, looked round behind the bivvy, and see these 2 glowing "Eyes", and started shouting at them! Well, the "Beast" just sat there this time, didn't move..........and this REALLY freaked him out! He grabbed a bloody great long branch that had fallen from a tree, about the size of a baseball bat in diameter, but twice as long
and hurled it at this thing.............only, he forgot that his Greys Prodigy spod-rod was leaning against the tree, and he snapped the bloody thing in half!!!!!!!!
Not one of them could sleep for laughing!
In reply to Post #1 I'm pretty sure I've never mentioned this before on here. It isn't fishing related but I've always known something wasn't right here due to the circumstances surrounding the event.
On holiday in the bahamas in 1992. Best holiday ever, right at the end Hurricane Andrew blows in from the atlantic. Airports shut down windows taped up tornado watch categeory 5 hurricane etc... Hurricane blows in around late afternoon, wind speed incredible much much stronger than anything I've seen in this country although I've seen gusts that are very strong over here, but during a hurricane they don't gust they are constant and the wind is so fierce the rain blows sideways. Seen tennis court type fences with the posts twisted up like pipe cleaners and loads of trees down. Even some stone walls had been part demolished and there was lots of flooding although we were lucky not to get flooded where we were. The pressure drop the day before it arrived was incredible. Went from being in a sauna type heat to a cool blustery day in this country.
Anyways the storm got really strong during the early evening and the wind was forcing rain water through the gaps between tightly screw closed double glazed windows. The hotel was only two/three floors high but was very luxurious. In one part facing into the slightly more sheltered but still very ravaged pool area there was a stairwell which enabled people from both floors to get down to the pool. The doors had a one way lock on them. You could open them from the inside but they shut behind you. To get back in you'd have needed a key or someone there to let you in. You could open these doors as they were facing west. Some of the other doors could not be opened due to the wind strength no matter how hard you pushed.
Anyways in the middle of the storm well after it had gone quite dark and with howling wind and rain outside while me and my dad we're watching the storm out of one of the windows - a young girl a year or two younger than me (I was 13 at the time) dressed like a tourist like us calmly walked along the corridor we were in, opened the door, walked outside and closed the door behind her. I looked out but I couldn't see where she went as my view of the stairwell she walked onto was very limited, I seem to vaguely remember maybe seeing her arm on the stair well side as she descended but that was it. I clearly remember both me and dad loooking at each other at the time completely puzzled as to why on earth she had done this, and why she didn't even look frightened. This was the time before mobile phones too.
I suppose it's possible that maybe she'd phoned a mate on the intercom in a room downstairs who let her in when she got to the next floor down. Maybe her parents got mad with her when they found out what she'd done, but she'd have to have been the coolest and calmest young girl in the world to have so casually walked out into all that, I mean it was a cat 5 hurricane in full force?
I've had a much more definite supernatural encounter in much more recent years but this one is one that always stays with me because I feel that if I could get the chance to relive the situation again I could have spoken to her and found out what was going on. That feeling of being so close to something that might/might not have been supernatural was very strange and the calmness of her actions remain oddly alluring even after all these years.
In reply to Post #155 not so long ago me and my brother where fishing a lake with a small wooded erea behind us. at about 1 am my brother had a fish on while he was getting it sorted out we could hear something very noisey moving throw the woods close to us. it was to big for a fox or sanything like that. when we had put the fish back we went and tryed to have a look to see what it was thinking it was some one walking throw pissed up. we had one of these 1 million candle wot torches on full shining it throw the woods following the noise. we came out into the car park which was only a short distance from where we where fishing. we couldint see what it was. later that night we heard the same noise.
In reply to Post #143 now that is spooky as f×××
In reply to Post #145 gr8 thread never nite fishing again
In reply to Post #152
In reply to Post #150 ive just sat for the last hour and a bit reading all the post and im scared to go outside for a fag great storys keep em coming
In reply to Post #149 i was also reading a carpology article and it was talking about places when fishing and it said frank warrick (i think) said he found a human skull when he was setting up and when he waided into the water he found the rest of the skellington by stepping on its ribs it said that was on lake raduta
In reply to Post #148 I heard about a public lake in france where the local scum have found there is a market for carp gear
THIS IS SCAREY 2 Dutch carp anglers were going to fish this place for a couple of weeks
The first guy arrived on the friday afternoon and loaded his boat up and boated out to the swim fished the friday night
his pal didnt arrive until untill late Sat and so he just put up a brolly and slept under it untill the morning well that WAS the plan around 0300 he heard some noises then he saw 3 French lads 2 of them had large sticks they got either side of the bivvy door then the 3rd one stood by the rods and shouted quick quick come quick Luckily the dutch guy shouted and told his pal stay inside they waiting to cosh you this gave him time to arm himself with 2 stainless banksticks they had a good fight and manage to beat them off they stayed up all night and packed up in the morning
apparently the following week a dutch angler wokeup to find his zodiac missing and his rods ect
France has some very dodgy places
In reply to Post #145 if you feel threatened enough to take a knife fishing with you maybe you shouldnt be fishing that place
In reply to Post #144 i was doing a 24h sessoin on my local res and it got to about 2am when i woke up to what i thaught to hear a person running or hopping down the dirt track 3foot behind my bivvy and i curled up in my bag untill i heard it again the exact same noise so i picked up the 9'' hunting knife and looked out side whilst i went for a piss and i could barley see my rods from 3 foot away becaue of the mist but i woke up at 7am the next day and talked to my mate who was fishing down the bank and he said he could hear creaking all night from what he thaught to be someone walking up and down the wodden walkway behind him.
only been back there once after that but on the otherside of the lake
In reply to Post #122 lol very funny
In reply to Post #141 i do love scary stories and to be honest its all good fun...as i used to work as a ranger around the n.devon area i have seen some wierd things in the night all of which i know how to explain,but i do like the floatings nuns etc what people see..i have only one story which i cant explain and this is it..
i was out watching for deer poachers one night on a moor fairly close to where i live..when a woman who was dressed in what i would call normal outdoor clothing circa 1970's came up to me..now this woman was proberly in her 50-60's so i thought nothing of the older clothing..she continued to ask me where she was as this was very late and very dark..now im on a road sat in the 4x4 so really the only thing i asked her was "why she was out so late walking on her own"..she didnt reply to this and i continued to tell her where she was etc..to that she said "thank you " and off she went..now when telling my fellow rangers the next day at the normal meeting..i was inform that this woman has been seen by many before and she got lost on the moor and died in the 1970's...
now i cant explain that.............
In reply to Post #1 The scariest night I ever did was on a day ticket water in Suffolk. I'd never been to the lake before and found I had to drive 15 mins or so from the main road down dirt tracks through farm land to get to it. This was ok arriving in the day light but once it got dark as the only angler on the lake I began to feel pretty cut off. It was proper pitch dark (as dark as youve ever seen it) and a cold misty frost started to settle. I got into the sleeping bag early (as you do) but was woken by the sound of somerthing moving around behind the bivvy, I tried to ignore it but it got louder and louder until curiosity got the better of me and i decided to investigate. I had a good look round with the head torch but saw nothing so got back in the bag, probobly rats. I couldnt get to sleep so lay peering out of the bivvy door. It was then I noticed way off in the distance the faint glow of headlights which ever so slowly were getting closer and closer. The dirt track only led to the lake so this car was coming my way. I couldnt help thinking who the bloody hell would be driving out here at this time of night, surley not another angler? there was no way of setting up in this darkness. I armed my self with my rubber mallet (like that was gonna help) and watched the car drive straight up to my swim and shined its full beam right through my bivvy blinding me and lighting up the whole lake at the same time. All I could think was I was gonna get battered and have my gear nicked. I heard the door slam shut and prepared myself as the big silohette approached me 'got your ticket mate' it was the poxy bailiff !! I told him how he had ***t the life out of me and he said ' dont worry no one ever comes out here at this time of night, your in the middle of nowhere!) exactly, I thought. Feeling A bit reassured I watched him drive off into the distance and settled back down for the night. I just startied dozing off when I heard something rustling round the bivvy again I lay there for a couple of minutes to see if I could here anything and as I did 2 peircing green eyes peered around the bivvy door .... I s*at myslef !! what the f**k !! I had to know what it was !! It shot off as I launched my self out of the bed chair and gave chase. I found curled up in the bushes behind the bivvy a black cat, green eyes glowing like LED's. Its nights like that that make me wonder if Im completeley mad night fishing by myself .
In reply to Post #138 I went to a local lake about 3 years ago with my mate to have a wander around and have a chat with a few of the guys,when we got there a bloke with a shotgun loosed a couple of rounds off and sent his dog in over someones rods to fetch a mallard,i was straight in for the kill saying"what the feck do you think your doing it's no shooting on here"to which he replied"i'll shoot where and when i like"I duely remonstrated with him in colourfull language and argued him to a standstill,when he left my mate, Mick turned to me and said"you tit,you could have got us shot then"never even occurred to me
In reply to Post #138 i had a badger swim across a river wreck my swim( lines and rods dragged all over), stood in front of me, shock its self, sort of barked and wondered off!! that was a bit freaky at 4 in the morning!!
my freind told me a story about, him and his mate fishing a day ticket one summer evening, and at 2 o clock ( apparently witching hour) he had a run, played the fish, netted it all fine, and pictures takes, it was only untill the pictures were developed that, what seemed to be a ghostly person came closer and closer each snap, untill it was standing right behind the angler!!!!
Cmon Guys Any More Scary Storys
I like reading them!!
In reply to Post #133 i have just sat down for about 1 hour and 40 mins reading through every comment in this thread. great thread but quite scary. i was looking forward to going night fishing this year, but maybe not as much now
In reply to Post #131 anymore stories lol
In reply to Post #129 Unless your martin bowler - then youve got scooby and the rest of the mystery gang to protect you
In reply to Post #127 So there I was. I turned up at this lake in the middle of the night, only to find a load of discarded tackle with one rod attached to the prized fish in the lake. Result, cracking fish and a complete carp set-up to boot
In reply to Post #128 Dont know why people bother with preists , cross's, exorcism ect to defeat the supernatural
All you need is a fluffy sleeping bag with a zip that goes past your eyelevel
Unless your martin bowler - then youve got scooby and the rest of the mystery gang to protect you
im in the middle of a 24hr session,its pitch black n misty on the lake n im readin this s**t on my fone,im sittin in my bivvy n i think ive just s**t a house brick,think im gonna zip my big snooze up n just hope the ghosts r in a good f**kin mood coz u lot av planted a seed
I fish a lake in deep surrey I wont say exactly where but with some of the details I give those that fish it will know,
Well here goes a rather funny story albeit at my exspense,
This lake I fish is a heavily tree lined lake in a deep valley, Where there is always little or no mobile phone reception, Several years ago you used to have to book yourself in, so that the bailifs knew that someone was there. As the story goes a bailif had died there several years previously and because there wasnt any knowledge that he was there it was three days before he was found, further to tthat there is a nunery at the end of this 7 acre complex where there have been stories of floating nuns passing by bivvies in the early hours of the morning so as you can imagine you gotta have some minerals about you to fish the place at night,
Well my episode begins a couple of months back whilst I was carrying out my pirsuit for "Big Frame" A rather historic looking mirror stocked back in the 1930s that goes at best around 36lb. Several day sessions previous were to prove univentful but felt I was getting nearer on every occassion, So I decided I would do a night, bare in mind this venue has a lock and key. I arrived at the said venue at around six o clock on a saturday evening when I arrived I found that the car park was completley empty .At the time I thought this was great news as the venue has the tendency to switch off if there more than half a dozen lines in the water, Realy excited that I was the only person there I set up on the dam wall it;s a great swim as you have a complete view of the lake, I quickly but gently placed my rigs and bait in the desired areas and set about making the little hut cozy with my cup of tea in one hand and a copy of carp world in the other I was settling for the night ahead.
Well blow me at exactly 7pm the sun light dissapered and with it so did the moon light I think they decided to leave the place along with all the other anglers, Half an hour later and my mind began to get a bit carried a way but I could hear fish crashing around so was loathe to pack away. I couldnt see any further than a couple of inches in front of my nose, I remember taking a picture of the two led lights in front of which happend to be my buzzers. Another half an hour later and it was starting to get cold and a thick mist was dropping down in front of me so I decided to text a friend of mine, being the supportive friend he is he decided to remind me of Blair Witch Project after reading this message I kept looking around imagining that someone was stood in the corner of the hut . this was no good I had cracked. I phoned my friend with a quivering lip and said "mate this is no good your gonna have to come and get me"
"what are you serious wheres your car"
"just behind me but I'm not leavin this hut it's to dark. Ill pay for your petrol and give you fifty quid if you come and get me " bareing in mind he lives in battersea and I'm past guilford anyway he agreed,
I sat for an hour and a half pooing my pants with bats clicking around me owls making lots of noises. So as the story goes after several months of trying I got my first almighty run but was to scared to hit, it I sat there watching the line fizzing off the spool at a rate of knots and knew it was a good fish but there was nothing I could I was paralised with fear, A couple of minutes later I heard an almighty crash right behind me with that was it I lept up clicked my head torch on and ran as fast as I could to the gate left all my tackle unlocked the gate and sat on the side of the road untill my mate turned up I havent been back since "Big Frame" will have to wait..
In reply to Post #125 bowmans / willows when you see the caravans
In reply to Post #124 Thanks for all the Redmire stories lads
We're fishing there in February, guess which swim I'm NOT setting up in
In reply to Post #123 Did a night on my local river. The nearest place to park the car is by a rowing club which is about 400m from where I was fishing. The rowing club is in the middle of a park. The local park & the rowing club car park are apparently a notorious cottaging place.
Well about 2 am in the morning I was sitting up watching the river, and I heard someone walk past me. Well I thought nothing off it, and about 5 mins later he walked back past me.
By this time, I decided to climb back into my bivvy. I was just dozing off, when I felt a presence near by (my senses always are hightened at night). This spoked me, so I jumped out of my sleeping bag only to see this blokes head peering into my bivvy. I got out the bivvy, and with the words "what the f*ck you doing mate, f*ck off" I got the reply "it's quite cold tonight isn't it". I again asked him nicely (in my best south London speak) to go away, which after about 5 mins he did. Very bizzare. I have to say after that I did not go back to sleep.
In reply to Post #121 i too have fished thorneycroft & it is weird, one afternoon i turned up and there was a strange vibe about the place - nothing was moving,bright sunny day really deadly quiet - odd! and that pram always freaks me out. its a bit of a standing joke at work how i get scared whilst out fishing. one of the girls i work with asked me to take a picture of the pram to show her, i darent incase i bring some kind of unearthly spirit home with me somehow encapsulated in my phone.
Anyway my scary story: about 5 years ago i was up at the crack of dawn on a frosty bitterly cold winter morning, as i parked the car across the field to the lake was covered in mist , the havy type that just sits about head hight. anyway as i walked accross the field a silouette of a tree apeared out of the mist as i continued to walk towards it i can see a siloutte of a man hanging by a rope from a branch. one of those momemnts where you just gasp and drop everything, after a minute or two stood there in the mist looking ....weighing up whether to slowly edge back to the car. Anyway i slowly walk right up to the tree absolutley cacking myslef thinking jesus il never be able to fish again etc. etc. walk right underneath it and look up through squinted eyes i slowly parted my fingers, then i saw it.... yep it had a carrier bag for a face it was a f**king scarecrow hanging from the tree!! needless to say i didnt see the funny side of it.
In reply to Post #1 fished a local park lake years ago when i was a kid, woke up to find a tramp next to my bed chair tucking into my crisps. dunno who was more scared, me waking up to find a vagrant sat next to me under my brolly. or him sat there with me sqealing at him like a girl.
In reply to Post #120 Here's a confession
I told someone about something that had happened to a friend of a friend.
I was pissed off when he told me that it was an urban legend.
He said, what were you told. So I relayed the story of the awful event that befell a friend of my friend. He than said yes but you told me it had happened to a friend of your friend but it had happened to a friend of a friend of a friend of yours.
People seem to automatically do this....did I feel dumb.
In reply to Post #117 I'm not calling you a lier mate but it does seem like one of those stories.
In reply to Post #117 if you were going to hang yourself you'd make sure your feet weren't going to be on the ground when the rope went tight so why not be 4 feet up?
In reply to Post #116 Well you dont lie about them sort of things
How would she of got up high enough to be above his bivvy!?
Climbed I guess!! His bivvy is not that tall
In reply to Post #115 a fella slit both his wrists and chucked himself in our lake, while people were fishing!! it does happen..
In reply to Post #109 One of my mates friends = urban myth, usually
In reply to Post #113 She's a tree surgeon as well!?
In reply to Post #112 By climbing the tree and jumping off?
In reply to Post #109 Surely that can't be for real!!!
How would she of got up high enough to be above his bivvy!?
In reply to Post #110 I know .That would haunt you for ever. Dont no the guy personaly but one of my fishing buddys do.
In reply to Post #109
That's shocking.
In reply to Post #108 One of my mates friends done a quick midweek over his syndicate(not sure where) He turned up at night time set up on a swim under some trees and began fishing.
Throughout the night he was going for a p**s behind his bivvy etc etc.
When morining came he was packing away and he looked up above his bivvy to see a women hanging from the tree.She had committed suicide the day before and no one had noticed.
In reply to Post #107 i thought it was only me that got terrorised by hedgehogs!
In reply to Post #106 was on horseshoe, had my son with me, and he was squashed into the back of my bivvy (when he was a bit smaller!).
all was quiet, (spooky? no!) and i was asleep. half woke up to the sound of what sounded like a rat , scratching claws or something, on my ground sheet.
gave a bit of a eff off, get out type of grunt, then just rolled over thinking that ratty would have well scarpered.
couple of minutes later the same scratching noise wakes me again, so i give it the HAA, GET OUT OF IT, etc...
and nod off again,
couple of mins... same noise, and im thinking that this rat/s will just not bog off! this time i rol over, and get the torch on and look around, checking for rats at the bait, etc.
no signs of rat damage, then heard a scratchin under the bedchair, and i thought can it be the sons sleeping bag zip?
looked behind my boots, and theres a bloody hedgehog, snufflin about, maybe trying to get into the bag with the lad, but nothing would ever wake him!
got one of my boots and gave him a bit of a shove to get him moving in the right direction. told the son about it in the morning and he thought i dreamt it, but the next evening we had about 4-5 of them playing around in front of our bivvy for an hour. cool!
In reply to Post #105 Jesus, i only ever fish nights ... stop it
In reply to Post #104 This thread is quality,keep them coming
In reply to Post #103 i was doing a night, and i could hear this sniggering. sounded like a pig grunting, i then hear a bang. drifitng in and out my sleep out the corner of my eye i see a movement in my bivvy. i shat meself. i thaught i was gna get mugged, so i jump on top of him. Little did i know it was my friend who i was doing the night with, with his sleeping bag on the floor. his snoring had woken me up, and i thaught he was an intruder. "why u in here?" well he says, "my bivvy's cold so ive decided to kip in here" so he carries on to snore.
who said fishing was peacefull!!!
In reply to Post #101 absolute class
In reply to Post #101 yer eejit.
In reply to Post #100 This goes back about 25 years ago.
I was in Germany and a group of us had arranged a sponsored fish-in for a local charity. Because it was for charity the local lake owner let us fish through the night, as normally there was no night fishing allowed.
We set up and were fishing quite happily as night descended. I had baited up with maize and maggots and was catching pasties with the odd double figure fish coming along. The lake was an isolated one with no lights anywhere around, and it was a dark night with little moon showing. After last light went, a mist enveloped the lake and was literally swirling round our feet, just like in the movies. There was a wood right behind us with the bank literally 4 feet from dense fir trees. As you can expect there was a lot of scurrying, twigs snapping and even grunts from the animal life which the German woods teem with. Everything from deers, wild boars down to squirrels and mice. Quite spookey to say the least.
It must have been about 2 in the morning when my indicator shot up to the top of the rod and the line satrted to scream off the spool. I struck, felt something on the end then seemed to lose it as I hit a weed patch to the front of the swim. I swung the bait back in when something in the woods behind me grabbed me round the neck with its cold clammy slimy hands and started to strangle me! I could smell the rotting grave smell and feel the fingers tighten around around my neck. I gave out an almighty yell (my mates said it was a scream) as I fell off my seat and the horrible slimy ghost let go of me. My mates came running to see what the hell was going on, slightly wild eyed as I had really shat them up big style.
The torch revealed the whole truth. I had hooked a bootlace eel about two and a half foot long which on being hooked had swum towards me so I didn't feel it on the line properly , thinking it was a bit of weed. As I swung in the bait, the extra weight had made my timing out as I swung it in, so I missed it with my hand and the eel hit my throat where it instinctively coiled itself round my neck! Coupled with the spookey surroundings a cold, slimy, smelly eel round my neck had triggered off my panic detectors big style!
My mates thought it was hilarious although it unsettled a few of them for a couple of hours. Me.....a generous helping of Scotch went down as I sat in my mates swim and lost all interest in fishing for a while.
In reply to Post #99 many years ago i was fishing the match lake at yately. nothing was doing, so went for a mooch around the copse lake. gorgeous lake, lots of features, and found a couple of thirties swimming over a very shallow bar. i sat watching them for a while, and though i may as well move over onto the copse, as it was empty and id seen a couple.
gear all set up, bait and rods out, then laid on bedchair, reading.
had a litle kip, then woke for a slash about 1am. sat back on bedchair, under brolly, thinking how silent and soooo dark, lovely.
noticed some movement in the water, ripples coming from my left, where there was a small bay with a big overhanging tree.
i watched for a little while and could hear the odd bit of fishy movement, so took my torch and went for a nose.
i couldnt see my feet without the torch on, so with the light just on the ground i made my way around to this little bay and stood against the tree waiting for some more movement. everything was so quiet, and it was great creeping around such a seemingly secret little pool.
after about 10 minutes of standing silently there was no fish movement, so i was just about to move back to the brolly when i heard the crack of a dry stick behind me.
i froze, and tried not to breath, listening for some more movement...
no more noises, but i was certain something or someone was there, and not too far away!
i got the torch and pointed it towards where i thought the movement had come from. i was going to turn it on, but no idea what happens then!
i turned the torch on, and two eyes lit up about 10 yards away.
i dont know who was more scared, me or the deer! it stood for a few seconds, and then realised it was spotted, and just trotted off into the wood.
nice to have a close encounter, and glad there was a sensible explanation!
In reply to Post #98 fished til about midnight on the river loddon last night. mist descends about 10 across the fields, in the middle of nowhere and I was thinking about the story with the german. great.
swore to myself I wouldn't read this thread again..
In reply to Post #97 did a nite last week after reading this.had a few bream and lost a carp.lake to myself and its known for the odd spook and people geting there tackle robed.after every take i just stood there looking around for abit to see if i could see anyfing
In reply to Post #96 the dump bowmans. Was doing the night with a friend and some pikeys came down and beat up the guy next to me!!
In reply to Post #95 also anyone whos fished with Pimp when he has wind will tell u thats a bit scary , not so much sounds from beyond the grave but it definatley smells like something from beyond the grave muwahaha
In reply to Post #94 Ive never had any spooky experiences while fishing unfortunately but once i was fishing the lake at leigh park gardens near pompey when i was about 15 with my cousin and a friend. we was set up on the island there ,for those that know the place , i was set up in the first swim from the bridge and my cousin and the friend were set up a few swims down. so about midnight or so i was in their swim havin a few beers and a laugh when we were aware of someone coming across the bridge. as he came nearer the light we saw a tall skinheaded fella in combats walkin towards us. we assumed he was another angler due to his dress and bein next to a lake and thought he`d come for a chat or to ask for help with a pic or something.......that was until we saw the dirty great knife in his pocket and quite a bit of blood covering him. at this point we all thought " what the f*@k does he want?".so up he walks all shifty and starts chattin to us and eventually asks if we wanna buy some chickens. we`re like " no thanks m8 its ok we got no money anyway" so he says we can have one for a can of lager. so we were still like "we dont want any chickens but gave him a tinny so he would bugger off. so then he asks us if we want a GOAT ffs.Then he tells us he had been over the kiddies farm thing on the other side of the road to the park and he got the chickens, then he saw the goat and tried to garrotte the poor bugger but his garrotte snapped in the struggle and he cut its throat , hence the blood all over him. we didnt see the goat so i dunno if that was true or what but the blood was real enough. eventually he went on his way after that awkward silence that means u want who ever has freaked u out to p*ss off.so hes gone and weve watched him go over the bridge , tho he hung around the other end of the bridge for a bit but then disappeared into the night. we were pretty well psyched right up by this time and we shone my m8s mega candle power spotlight torch onto the bridge and along its length for the rest of the night to see if he came back and at some point we saw him again moochin around on the other side of the bridge but he didnt come back over. eventually i went to crash out in my bivvy up by the bridge to the warning of the other two about him comin back in the wee hours to get me etc etc and if the truth be told i sat on my bedchair tense with a 2 inch penknife in my hand till it started gettin light again haha. speakin to people after this apparantly this bloke is know for livin in the woods around the park and is reputed to be a bit on the mentally fragile side. definatley a night not to be forgotten lol.
In reply to Post #1 a true story
this is a true story that happend to some freinds many years ago, i have related the story on another thread but for those of you that never read it here goes, i suppose i was in my early thirtys the bivie and alarms had just come onto the market , at the time i was fishing the now famous birch grove with a freind called george, my freinds were fishing on another lake just up the road from where we were fishing the freinds concernd are still alive so i shall keep their names out of the article to save them any future imbarsassment we were awoke in the early hours of the morning by our two freinds who were in a very distresed state and very frightend and over a cuppa this was thier story, our one freind was awoken to the sound of his alarms going and thinking he had a run got out of his bivie but standing by his rods was a man it was a moonlight night and the man was pulling my freinds line and activating the alarms but this man wore skins and had a sword by his side as far as my freind could relate he had long yellow or fair hair my freind shouted at the said man and he vanished in front off his eyes. on hearing the noise his pall came to see what was up he was about to tell him the story when all hell was let loose there was the sound of steal upon steal shouting the sound of horses winning and galloping by but they could not see a thing they vacated the lake and left their tackle where it was and came down to us and would not go back until the next day, on going back they saw the local farmer and told there story to him, he was not suprised and said there had bee numerous incidents over the years and across the fields from where they fished were some old burial mounds the said freinds who are now in there seventys have never since fished that lake and when young were not easy to frighten but this incident did happen and some members on this forum will know where i am talking about, and one of the mods has actualy fished the said water i have tried to relate this story to the best of my ability and every word is true i dont no if my freinds were on the place at the wrong time and heard somthing renacted from years ago, but the place is steeped in history so ends my story
In reply to Post #92 can the mods now delete this thread please I'm scared
In reply to Post #91 I got permssion to fish an old French estate lake a few years ago when i worked in France, had a look round during the day, had an old estate house which had fallen into bad repair and nature had started to take hold of it again, looked like it hadnt been lived in for years, walking round it you could see it had taken quite a hammering during the war as all round the granite windows were bullet hole splats. The grounds were also in a right old state, but evidence that it once was a splendid French Chateau. It had a cracking lake and it didnt take long to convince me to fish the place when i saw dark shadows just below the surface, no swims however so i spent a bit of the afternoon clearing an area for later on that evening, funny thing was i had the feeling that i was being watched, but thought nothing of it as i was busy preparing the area, i did take a look and listen in the surrounding wood but saw and heard nothing.
Came back around dusk and set up in the swim i had prepared, got the rods out and a brew on the go, settled back to soak in the atmosphere with a nice bottle of wine and some local cheese. I must have dropped off because i awoke quite suddenly with a strange feeling which seemed to envelpoe the whole bivvy, hairs sticking up on the back of my neck and a coldness you would only get during those winter nights. outside the bivvy was pitch black and deathly silent, no wind no night noise nothing, i stepped outside and had a look around and again felt that i was being watched the same as the afternnon before, mind playing tricks i thought and crept back inside the shelter and thought i would geta brew on the go, out comes the lighter and it wouldnt light just sparks flying from the flint, thats when i saw the face, as i sparked the lighter that initial glow of instant light illuminated a grotesque face which was unmistakenly that of a german soldier as it had the helmet on and what appeared to be a long collared coat, it was peering straight into the door of the bivy, man i thought my heart was going to pop. i launched myself out of that bivvy and legged it back to the lane i had parked the car and off i went no stopping. Returned the next day when the sun was high and as i approached the bivvy i could see that it had been trashed, rods all over the place, stuff rooted about. As i packed up i told myself it must have been an animal Boar or something but as i walked away with my stuff i could feel those eyes watching me from somwhere. Never went back and i later found out the old Chateau had housed a crack german unit which had died to the last man during the invasion of france there bodies burried in the woods surrounding the lake. Never would go back there no way.
In reply to Post #87 Mmmmmmmm...interesting story Dave.
Yes, the picture is interesting, and no, it's not my reflection!
I found the beauty of Redmire second to none but at night, like you say, it goes so quiet and black, but having said that, I didn't give that sort of thing a second thought on the night in question. I got into my bivvy, into the sleeping bag, and watched the rods for a while. Then, I woke to feel like my whole body was in ice. This was a summer night! Shivering and with an intense feeling of foreboding, I literally ran, no kidding, down the track to the car, got in, locked the doors. The hairs on my neck stood up when a shadow went past the car with no sound on gravel/floor, I put the radio on, stuff the battery going flat, and shut my eyes tight for the rest of the night. There was only Len and I on the lake, and the next morning Len said he'd been ill in the night and had never left his bivvy. It has an atmosphere all of its own that's for sure. I had done quite a bit of night fishing prior to that experience, and had learned to recognise the normal night sounds and animals, this was a different kettle of fish (scuse the pun) all together...and I had no idea of Redmire's spooky past either at the time.
In reply to Post #89 I can safely say that if any of these were to happen to me I would empty the contents of my bowels into my sleeping bag. I think id have to think hard about doing nights for some time. Especially if something like the story about the infant ever happened
one from about 7 years ago.........
i was fishing with my old mate elmo over harwood hall lake in upminster essex and we decided to turn in for the night so i walked the two swims back to my brolly leaving him in his tent. well as i was dozing off i heard a blood curdling scream of a young female possibly a girl followed a very short while later my phone rang and els was ****ting himself (i wasnt honest ) asking me if i heard it and as soon as i confirmed what i heard the scream happened again only it seemed worse than the last one . we ended up in a row because i refused to leave the brolley and go sit in his swim so i eventually dozed off. i woke up a short while later and as it was light i walked up to his swim to find him missing but his tent was still up which was confusing and as i had no credit i couldnt call to see wtf he was playing at so i went about packing his gear up when my phone rang to say he was on the main road where it was safe
it turns out that he heard the screams again whilst trying to wake me up to sit with me but i would not wake up so he just ran to the nearest streetlights
no idea where those screams came from but they were far from pleasent and i for one would not like to be in that situation ever again
Im never too bothered about noises and the like during the night. I have the same mind set as Brian where most things have a logical explanation. On an overnight fishing trip when i was younger i was woken by a sniffing noise just outside my bivvy. This noise was followed by scratching. At the time i nearly filled my pants and grabbed my fishing knife, but didnt dare get out. The noise soon stopped and after a while i managed to get back to sleep. In the morning i got out the bivvy to go for a piss, walking back i noticed a shallow hole in the ground just inches from my bivvy. I still had no idea what the noise was or where the hole come from until i met a passing nature watcher who told me the place was full of badgers! Probably best i didnt get out the bivvy then . My girlfriend is constantly seeing strange things in the room at night, people standing at the end of the bed ect. so the ghost storys never bother me now. It appears i share a room with the ghosts most nights and they havent bitten me yet lol
In reply to Post #82 That pic would make interesting viewing indeed!
It sure has got a strange feel about the place, its absolutely awesome, stunning and innocent in the daylight hours, i could spend every day of the year fishing it alone, but when the dark sets in you just sense its all a bit quiet. darker than black and its as if something strange is just around the corner. I suppose the stories of the ghosts and weird goings on make most noises seem far more threatening than they are but never the less if ever i could imagine a place full of bizzare paranormal incidents it would be redmire.
I was there 7 nights in the summer and apart from the usual noises that make you **** yourself and the worried walks from swim to car at night, there was only one weird incident.
For anyone who hasnt been there, you park the cars under the oaks right next to the evening pitch (the supposed haunted swim)
On the last but 1 night, i was almost opposite the cars in the willow pitch, another lad was next door in the in willow swim, then the other 2 were on the opposite bank in pitchfords and stumps (i fished stumps for 3 days and hated having the stile behind me into the field, dont know why but it made me **** myself any noise on the fence!)
at about midnight the one lads orange revolving light on top of his transit starts going, flashing away and lighting the whole top half of the pool up, 'what the hells that?' i wondered.
anyway, thought nothing of it, must just be a weird technical thing, however it turned out that the light can only be activated by a button in the van (which had been pressed) however bizzarely the 4 of us were asleep in our bivvys, the doors were locked and the keys in the lads pocket!
bit strange i suppose!
In reply to Post #84 not blaming him at all, but what a shame he didn`t go to investigate,
what a difference he could`ve made to that girls life.....
more often than not, there is a logical explanation to all the things we see or think we see & hear,
although our imagination may not let our brain accept them at the time!!
one of the few natural phenomenoms that have ever spooked me was actually seeing a will`o`the wisp on the marshes whilst fishing down by shorne fort.....
In reply to Post #83 always wanted to fish redmire but think I might give it a swerve!
when I was young fishing on my own I used to take a big knife with me, I say knife it was more of a crocadille dundee style machete, 'thats not a knife, this a knife..'
20 years later I sleep with a stainless stick down the side of the bedchair. ghost stories might be scary but no one ever comes to physical harm, it's just a bit of gentle mental scarring.
having said that I do of course realise I will now be the first person to be mauled by a ghost this evening
In reply to Post #82 Not from me but a story of a mate of mine. One night he was lying on his bedchair and heard muffled screams that got louder a bit over the track. He didn't think much of it but went to sleep with a sotrm pole in his hands.
He went home the enxt day and in hte local paper during the week was a story of a taxi driver who had abducted a woman, raped her in his car then driven her down the track by his lake and done it agian. Shook him up a tad that one!
So how many people have done an overnighter since reading this thread? And how many will admit to staying awake as long as possible, just in case?
In reply to Post #76 I think it was pitchfords from memory Dave. I was with Len Arbery on an AT gig and wrote about the whole night in the paper. I was supposed to stay for two nights, but wild horses etc. I am convinced what ever bugged me in the night, so frightening that I spent the rest of it in my car with the doors locked and my eyes shut tight, was not of this earth. Funny thing was Len was fishing over the other side of the lake and was ill that night as I recall. Two interesting things that never saw light of day in AT was the picture I took innocently of my car and clearly ingrained in the reflection of the metal was the most hideous face I' ve ever seen. We blew the slide up and it was decided not to publish it. The other odd thing was that all the way home in the car, I felt something was in the back. When I got in, without saying anything to her indoors, the cooker caught fire for no apparent reason. Could be coincidence I s'pose. Have often wondered about going back, but would never spend a night there. Even in the day, there is a strange aura about the place.
In reply to Post #80 I hate threads like this, yet its compulsive reading. Not only do you have your own experiences on your own water to think about but then you also have others at the back of your mind for when your mind starts wandering at two in the morning.
My local water has enough strange goings on and does not help when there has been a couple of suicides there as well to get your mind going into overdrive into the twilight zone.
One of my worst ever experiences was hearing something large moving closer towards me untill it was on top of me, then my brolly started shaking like a good un. Eventually I cracked and ran out to see a bloody cow licking the top of my brolly.
Then there was the time, one foggy night when I heard steps coming down the bank towards me and stopped behind my bivvy and all I could hear was something breathing heavilly. Once again I cracked expecting sombody stood there planning on nicking my tackle or worse but when I got out there was nothing there and no way was I going down the bank into the thick fog to see if I could catch up with anyone, never slept at all that night.
Sadly your mind takes over and half the time you just scare yourself to death but yes at times somethings are just unexplainable.
In reply to Post #65 good 1
its always nice to fish alone and where no one has the chance to fish but when the hairs stand up on the back of the neck its hard to get rid if that train of thought,this is scary
In reply to Post #77 Sounds like a dream session
In reply to Post #1 And there's more..... Many moons ago, I fished a reservoir called Pilsworth in Bury.
This lake has a fearsome reputation for dodgy locals with baseball bats giving grief to fishermen and stealing tackle.
We were told some of this by a carper the day we arrived. He left us with a warning to be careful at night. “Watch out for the spot lights” Yeah right! The lake was in the middle of nowhere!!
Anyways, about 1am we are still awake, freezing cold because it’s late December, when we heard the sound of a car coming down the track towards the lake. We were bivved up half way down, about 150yrds from the car park. Thinking it must be sh@###rs, we weren’t that worried, however we were reflecting on what the carper had told us.
A pair of headlights appeared in the car park and pulled up to bank, shining out across the lake.
So far we were not that concerned but still chose to keep a low profile.
Then a great big 1000+candle power light bangs on from the top of the vehicle. It steadily sweeps the bank of the lake like its searching. Luckily our bivvys were behind a hedge so it couldn’t see us. We were digging out any kind of weapon we could find, from black widow catapults to long bank sticks.
They stayed in the carpark for about 30-40 minutes while we lay in ambush mode, sh@##ing bricks, waiting for these hard core thugs to have a pop at us.
Finally they left and we didn’t sleep all night!
Next morning we found a puppy in a sack in the lake whimpering. Guess they had come to drown him and see if they could nick some tackle and beat some 15 year olds up at the same time.
Just an average Saturday night out for the boys in Bury I guess.
In reply to Post #1 Many many moons ago I used to fish a Prince Albert water in Cheshire called Thornycroft. It's in fact two lake's, Top and bottom.
The Top lake is 2, maybe three acres with an island in the middle. On the Island during the winter when the leaves have fallen, you can just make out the remains of an old building hidden in the wooded island. Some used to say this was an old Monastery, Cant confirm this, but still, it is spooky as hell.
This top lake has a reputation of being haunted. A few Carpers who regularly fished the top lake would tell stories of strange glowing lights, like candles, coming from the ruins. As there was no way of getting on or off the island un-noticed, this was a bit worrying. One old boy I spoke to swore blind that he was woken in the night by a bleep from his bite alarms, only to find the figure of a monk standing by his rods, who then faded away to nothing. Obviously s@#@ scared he dived back under his kipping bag (why do we think this offers us protection from the psycho’s and the paranormal????) He then got a run within minutes and bagged his PB off the lake? (Casper the friendly fishermans monk ghost?)
The bottom lake is separated from them top lake by a wood. There are stables in these woods where some local girls kept their horses. Scrawled on the wall of the stables was some graffiti saying ‘Beware the ghosts’. Not the best thing to read when on your way to do a week of nights.
The bottom lake is about 500yrds long and 100yrds wide. The south side of the lake is lined with long reed beds with pegs every 15 yards. The top of the lake is silty and shallow, while the bottom of the lake is deeper with dense tree lined snags.
One night a friend and I were we were fishing the snags when we heard the most blood curdling screams coming from the snag area. We didn’t sleep a wink that night. Next morning, after much deliberation, we both decided to have a look in the snags. As we were new to the lake at this time, we had never been round to this side. We made our way round, fighting hawthorn bushes ect until we entered what can only be described as a dense bamboo thicket. In the middle of the thicket was a clearing. In this clearing were two graves with headstones. There was also an old pram with something wrapped up in a blanket. Neither of us ever wanted to look inside it. There were also dolls hanging out of the trees on pieces of string.
In hindsight, it was probably a kids den, but at the time, our minds worked overtime and we s@#@ ourselves properly!!
The opposite bank was a long lawn that ran up to a big Mansion like building on top of the hill.
We had had no idea who owned the mansion or who lived there. One morning I woke up before dawn, opened my bivvy door and looked out. all I could see was a white mist. Still sleepy and a bit perplexed, I got out and stood up. As I stood up straight my head emerged out of the mist which was five foot deep. Above that it was clear. The full moon was still up which gave the mist an eerie glow It was like a sea of mist. Only my head and the tips of the reeds were protruding above it. It was beautiful but very creepy, however the worst was to come. I wondered over to my m8 in the next swim and we had a smoke and admired this heavy morning mist. Suddenly we hear this weird chanting like sound coming from the mansion. Next thing, this procession of men dressed in long brown monks habits came out of the mansion and started walking in a line down towards the lake chanting and holding a prayer book out in front of then. They stood by the water chanting while my mate and I hid in the bivvy until they went.
All very scary when your 14
Many years later we found out that the mansion was a catholic retreat run by monks.
In reply to Post #75
which swim?
somewhere in between cranstons and pitchfords by any chance!?
In reply to Post #12 Yep, fished Redmire once, never again, something not right with one swim anyway.
In reply to Post #65 I went back to my bivvy and got into bed before pulling the covers right up over my head. The invincible force of my sleeping bag would protect me.
Found that bit hillarious mate, had a scary situation myself and was thinking exactly the same thing at the time
After reading this lot anyone night fishing alone now will always be relying on the sleeping bag as protection
wow, your story has left me mentally scared for life,
no way am i fishing that tranquil esate lake in the middle of no where in a forest on my own!
In reply to Post #69 I will just say two words, Booton Pit .
Read "The Ghosts of the Norfolk Broards".
I used to fish it a lot years ago, always got spooked there.
In reply to Post #68 Lucky they didn't find my Bin Laden mask and ground to air missile launcher eh?
In reply to Post #66 do i look like a terrorist Now let me see. . . . Combat boots, camo trousers, camo jacket, camo hat, well concealed green tent, no of course you look nothing like a terrorist!
In reply to Post #65 "in 1856 a infant of 3 had disapeared, and was later found in the lake by the mother"
I take it you haven't been back?
Not spooky scary, just damned scary!
A few years back I was fishing a big, deserted pit in the middle of nowhere which happens to be near Heathrow and under the flight path. This was around the time when those terrorist attacks were happening.
I was alone and crashed out in the bivvy having had a good few stellas and 'smokes'. Around 2am, I slowly came round from my slumber to the sound of someone speaking to me, it all became clearer and I could hear 'wake up, wake up, dont be scared'. My eyes slowly focused on a darkly dressed figure standing in my doorway until I could make out a bloody great Hechler and Koch MP5 gun pointing at me. 'Don't be scared, it's the police' says this figure. 'What are you doing out here?' he says!!
I stumble out of my bivvy and point at the rods saying something along the lines of 'what the bloody hell does it look like'. 'I'm PC such and such and this is PC someone else' he says, pointing behind the bivvy to his equally fully armed colleague aiming at me from behind!!
After I had calmed down he explained they were on a nose about around the local lakes as they are potential sites for shooting down aircraft apparently. I tried asking 'do I look like a terrorist' to be informed they take many disguises although I don't think they go to the lengths of disguising themselves as drunk carp anglers trying to have a sleep!!
After a search of my bivvy and car and insisting on seeing ID, off they went leaving me thinking 'did that really just happen?!!
Ok here goes...
A friend of the family owned a very large georgian mansion which had been in their family for years. The owner didn't have very much money and found it hard to maintain the place but refused to sell up considering how long it had been in his family for. It was creepy to look at, originally white but very over grown with ivy, he only occupied the first floor.
The grounds were huge with a very large lake filled with some very big carp and tench. He allowed me to fish it pretty much when I wanted in the day but was always uncomfortable when I asked if I could do a night session. After much pestering he finally agreed but for some reason said under no circumstance should I set up on the the south side of the lake. At the time I didn't really think much of it as I was rather excited about the prospect of finally being able to finally get a ngith session.
It was mid april, I had taken the week off work and the weather had been fantastic.. I arrived at the house around 12pm and knocked on the door. My friend answered the door and let me in. I had a cup of tea and started to talk about how I was going to fish the lake that night. He seemed distant and again said about under no cricumstance should I set up on the south side of the lake. I asked why and he paused before mumbling about how he was having some of the trees cut back but didn't know when and how I would be in the way. Again I just went along with it although.
I set up on the north side and settled in for the night. I had a run at 11 and landed a nice 14lb mirror. I put the fish back and baited up, it was dark, totally overcast and cold. As I cast out and my line hit the clip I heard a loud high pitched noise from the oposite side of the lake. It stopped and my ears kind of popped and I could hear ringing. I have a 2million candle power torch which I grabbed and shone across the lake. The lake was steaming, I scanned the beam along the bank but didn't see anything.. I switched off the torch, the beam faded, and I climbed inside my bivvy.
I was drifting in and out of sleep to the sound of the trees gently blowing in the wind. My alarm bleeped once and I sat bolt upright in bed. I watched my alarm LED light go out, the cloud had lifted and the moon lit up the lake. I remember thinking how awesome it looked and lay back in bed thinking there wasn't anywhere I would rather be at that point in time. "CRACK". What the hell was that? I sat up, silence "CRACK". I got out of my bivvy and looked across the lake, couldn't see anything. I stood there listening, nothing. I then heard a very feint voice. The voice was distressed, crying mixed in with what sounded like "no no can't no, not so". I grabbed my torch and shone it across the lake, my eyes widened and mouth opened as I saw a figure stumbling near to the bank. I quickly shut off the torch and then started to **** myself like I have never **** myself before. What seemed like an age passed as I decided what to do. I turned the torch back on and pointed it back across the lake, my breath was being pieced by the light shaft, I couldn't see anything,
I stood there for ages, before I plucked up the courage to shout out "Hey", "are you ok?". Nothing. "HELLOOOOOO". Nothing. I turned off the torch and was shaking. I went back to my bivvy and got into bed before pulling the covers right up over my head. The invincible force of my sleeping bag would protect me. I was curled up in a ball thinking what the hell should I do? Should I go to the house? Should I go and look on the other side of the bank? The house was little under a kilometre away, I couldn't see the house from where I was located. I got out of my bivvy and decided to go to the house. I reeled in and then started to walk around the lake to the east side. My walk started to quicken before I was doing one of those mad panic runs. I got to the landscaped meddow/lawn which allowed me to see the house. I was still running and noticed some of the lights were on in the upper part of the house. I made it to the door and hammered on it. My friend answered after a while and without saying anything he said "you better come in".
I was bent over double, so out of breath. I managed to form a sentence between breaths and told him what I had seen. He didn't seem phased he said lets talk about this in the morning. The next day I awoke to the smell of bacon and egg. I dragged myself off the floor and went into the kitchen. I ate some food in silence. He then put a book in front of me. It was a scrap book with a load of paper cuttings, pictures etc about the house collected over the years. He told me to look at page 28. The first thing I saw was "INFANT FOUND" in a big typeface, I read on and learned how in 1856 a infant of 3 had disapeared, and was later found in the lake by the mother.
In reply to Post #57 the platform through the woodland sounds familiar. Soooooooo many dodgy tales about that place, human sacrefices, voodooo **** etc.
Rich, if you think it's the lake I think you think it is , Mr Bumps reference to the park police coming round at 6am suggests otherwise. Although I agree it sounds familiar.
They come round at the crack of 10am on that lake!! Easy guesting
In reply to Post #57 Mr Bump - reckon I know what park lake you are on about - the platform through the woodland sounds familiar. Soooooooo many dodgy tales about that place, human sacrefices, voodooo **** etc.
absolutely no way it's the same place.
how can I be so sure?
because absolutely no way would I fish there in the first place if so!
One of the mere’s in Shropshire spooked the hell out of me once. I had fished this swim many time and never had any problems or heard anything untoward..
To get into the swim involved two hikes in chesties with gear (on your head) through sludge/silt and basically a bog of stinking crap. Huge bramble bushes and trees surround the place and it is well away from any public pathways.
I only had the brolly with me (guesting time) and a bed chair + essentials.
I was fast asleep at around 8pm only to be woken startled at midnight with the sound of branches snapping behind me (real loud cracks) there were bushes rustling as if something big was running towards me so immediately I was wide awake with my heart pumping.
Knowing I had these two boggy areas between me and the pathway I got out to look, well I peaked round the side but as soon as I stood up the noise stopped and it was back to the deadly silence that we usually get down there.
A little worried what the noises were I finally dosed off an hour or so later and forgot all about it all until 2 am, you know when you get the feeling that your brolly is about to be blown over and you reach up to stop it flying back?
Well I woke up and raised my hands as I felt the brolly going but I was too late and missed only to be clattered in the head and leg as the bank sticks hit the front of the bed chair before the whole lot landed some 20yards away behind me.
Now I am seriously wide awake and stood up just looking at the state of the place at the same time as crapping myself and looking all around me.
There was not a breath of wind and no sound of the culprit which shifted the brolly.
It got me thinking for all of 2 minutes. Could it be another angler trying to put me off?
No animal could pull a brolly of that size over.
I sure didn’t knock it 20+ yards behind me so what the heck was it?
I didn’t think about it any longer 2 minutes was enough as by now I was seriously scared and just wanted away from the place. I just grabbed the two rods/ buzzers and left everything else there and fled back to the car and of home.
I returned around 11am that day with a mate to collect the gear and hide it elsewhere. Only footprints in and out of the bog were mine. No branches were broke in or behind the swim so even to this day I still have not got a clue what it I sure as hell wont be fishing the swim again.
In reply to Post #60 no i was to scared to do anyfing
i fort i was going to get some kind of ritual done on me just for finding and reading the leter lol
In reply to Post #59 did you inform the old bill?
In reply to Post #58 me and a mate went to do a nite on a local water a few years ago.its abit dodgy at the best of times for geting your tackle nicked to we were always abit on edge.
apon walking down to the lake we saw a few lights in the woods next to the lake that looked like candles flickering.you cant fish from this part of the lake so me and my mate fort thats abit weird so stoped for a moment and looked and listened.we heard a voice talking.it sounded like they where talking to them self.
me being about 13 and my mate 14 at the time we where ****ing are self so desided to go home.the next day we walked down to the lake and had a look round in the woods where we had seen the lights.there was a sheet lay on the floor with candles on it a packet of sweet a hair brush and a package in the midle of it.it was brown and tighed up with string.it had a banna sticking out the side of it.we thought thats weird so opened it up.there was a leter in there wich looked like a lady had wrote.it was wrote in ritual tipe style going on about how she was heart broken and was going to kill her husband
In reply to Post #57 i think it was the first trip to ddi with my mate speedy in peg 14/15.it was about 2or 3 in the morning after a pleasant evening on the beer we decided to turn in.(our own bivvies)b4 u start
i was rolling a good night fag .when out of the bushes,not more than 10 feet away was the weirdest fecking sound iv heard,
now i watch nature programmes and normally arent alarmed by any animal or noise it makes,but this sound put the *****s up me,i can only describe it as a fecking large cat hissing
armed with my arsenal bat i sat on my bed like a little girl,grabbed the walkie talkie and convinced my mate to come and have a look to see if we could locate the source.
to his disgust i was still zipped up in the bivvi when he got to me and didnt undo the door til i heard the footsteps outside,i did give it a few seconds just incase whatever was out felt a bit peckish,,,well iv got a daughter to think about
we had a look about but found nothing,in the process creating enough noise to wake the dead(or to frighten it off)mark took the piss and we smoked the fag together,quickly followed by several more.
in the morning i shared my experience with bernard and he also took the piss saying it was just a wild bore,but with my knowledge of animals,that was no fecking sound a bore makes let me tell you,
needless to say i was well armed every night after and accidently left small chunks of meat by my mates bivvi without him knowing
In reply to Post #51 Mr Bump - reckon I know what park lake you are on about - the platform through the woodland sounds familiar. Soooooooo many dodgy tales about that place, human sacrefices, voodooo **** etc.
In reply to Post #55 the one time you dont want them to go of they will go off!
In reply to Post #54 where i fish i would be surprised if they went off.lol
In reply to Post #53 you would be gutted if your alarms went of
In reply to Post #51 mad story m8,lol
ive always thought-that they cant see me,so f**k em,i have adjusted my night sight so ive got the upper hand so to speak-ive fished a park lake were ive been no more than 10ft from the local old bill-and they couldnt see me in the night,but i saw them easily walking up the bank-thats always reassured me whilst fishing alone.
In reply to Post #51 Local glue sniffer
In reply to Post #46 have been fishing a park lake where you can 'guest' one area by jumping over a hidden away gate and fishing from a platform. all the banks round it are unpassable woodland so quite a cosy and isolated spot.
you can't bivvy up as it's a platform but not worth it anyway as you have to set up in the dark and scoot off by 6am to miss the park police's early round. you're a little bit on edge as not meant to be there, but on the plus side neither is anyone else..
on a pitch black sat night at 2am I thought I heard someone way off down the bank and the hairs on the back of my neck immediately stood up. on closer listening after a minute or so with my heart now thumping it actually sounded like a horse making it's way through the dense vegetation down the bank towards me. now, that was no usual route for anyone to take so something was up. there are never any horses about so could only think it was a particularly determined angler that was also coming to guest and completely lost his bearings and was struggling with his tackle through woodland.
I beeped the alarms and shouted hello to let them know someone was there, but they continued to make their way slowly along, ripping through the dense undergrowth.
it always seems far louder at night of course but in the middle of nowhere you do wonder what sort of person is walking through the undergrowth, not being in anyway subtle about it.
I had about 15 minutes of listening to the noise getting ever closer and ran through several options in my head wishing I never read Chris Yates stories about Redmire ghosts. Rationally I knew it wasn't an angler as they'd be more in tune to alarms and would have shouted back, plus no one else ever fished it anyway, but I also decided a killer probably wouldn't make so much racket and would take a more subtle approach, then again it could be police trying to catch me out.....arrrrgh just hurry up and get here
Facing the fact I was pretty much cornered and didn't fancy a jump in the lake to get out of a situation I grabbed the stainless bank stick and stood just out of sight off the little pathway from the woods that they would eventually make it through to. Thought the element of surprise would enable me to get the upper hand in the event of having to kick off.
The crashing got ever louder but then finally stopped dead quiet for a few moments. I heard something drop over the fence and come softly padding down the pathway towards me, who or what the **** was it coming towards me?
I waited til they were walking almost up to level with me and then silently slid out into sight.
I saw someone immediately crouch down and try to hide behind a bit of fence no more than 5 yards away
like in a cartoon when an elephant tries to hide behind a stick the daft **** almost made me laugh out loud it was so riduclous
slightly relieved he was obviously now ****ting himself more than me, I asked 'What are you doing?'
then someone who I can only describe as being a bit like my dad (but not) in a short sleeved t-shirt with something in a white carrier bag rose up and sheepishly replied
'Exploring?! You're not meant to be here' was all I could think to say it was so random, but he was already running back the way he came into the woods.
I was pretty relieved as although I'm 6' 2" and may have looked intimidating in a hoodie holding a metal bankstick I'm basically as hard as a leaf.
Thought about it a lot and absolutely **** knows what that character was upto. no way was he a carper, on his todd walking through thick undergrowth on a cold night in a t-shirt with a plastic carrier bag (head shape inside..) through brambles? Just weird.
I didn't sleep a wink as he might have made noise for Britain on the way in, he did not make a sound going out the way he came in. Not a sound.
I always rely on the fact that when you're out in the night on your own in the middle of nowhere any nutters will always think you are more mental than they are.
think that theory worked thank god.
In reply to Post #49 Any chance it's too many spirits in your bivvy hic....
In reply to Post #47 It's probably the ghost jumping in to get his head.................or maybe Jason trying to get out the lake
In reply to Post #47 otters ? creature from the black lagoon perhaps
In reply to Post #46 You bunch of barstewards haha, luckly i was fishing opposite that swim and not in it, but i have fished 2 swims down from it before. I was warned of the deer but this was no deer. And what the hell woudl hit the bottom of the platforms and feel like a sledge hammer, its happened 3 times now and the water is only a foot deep sometimes under the platform, i wondered if it was a big pike but it would have to be BIG
In reply to Post #45 And for christsake don't look behind yoooooooooou!!!
In reply to Post #39 Don't worry, Kris, most paranormal experiences don't involve physical attacks on the poor sod who gets scared half to death....................but I think it depends on who's doing the haunting, whether they're none to happy about you being there and are wanting to bring a sword down on you.
Anyway, don't have nightmares...................
In reply to Post #43 satan has two rams feet dont he ??? lol
In reply to Post #39 second social swim spence , always felt dodgy that swim .
you do get quite a few munkjacks treading up and down them boards ,
although the thing I heard had two feet .
In reply to Post #13 oohh wanstead park lake and hollow ponds, fished a couple of times with my dad, its one dodgy place
In reply to Post #39 you should take a catholic priest with you as a guest, he can exorcise the ghost for you by chanting"be gone spirits of the un-dead !!!"
bet its even better on a right cold and misty night there eh m8.lol
In reply to Post #38 if you want to fish on a historic battle site fish king sedgemoor drain in somerset it runs through where the battle of sedgemoor took place creepy as **** during the night
In reply to Post #38 Thanks Rob i feel Sooooooooooooooo much better now
In reply to Post #35 maybe you should find out if the waters haunted-remember,your on a historic battle site spence,spooky though
In reply to Post #35 Cant say i have encountered any spooky goings on while fishing, but a rather scary session was fishing a local pool in strong winds. I was woken by a run at around 5am, i jumped out the bivvy and tripped over a huge branch that had fallen literally 2 foot away from me . I was suddenly aware of the fact i would have been crushed to death if it had hit me. I still have no idea why i never was woken by the sound of it falling, when anglers 50 yards away heard it come down! But i still manage to wake when my alarm sounds lol.
1994 night fishing on the small pond of clapham common with buda woke up in the morning to see two guys walking past the bivy arm in arm on closer inspection one guy had the backside of his trousers missing and the other had his finger up the guys bum
Brilliant, that's really made me laugh
In reply to Post #34 Cheers Mickey, i fish the same Northants water!!! And i had a bizzare experience last weeeknd down there and i have not mentioned it till now. I was laying in my sleeping bag when i heard what sounded like an explosion, im talking a real deep bang and rumble that shook the platform i was on. I was not that bothered as i instantly assumed as tree had fallen onto the platform next door, i sat there for a min then though i need a piss, i will go have a look, i got up and with that heard something run down the boards away from me. I quite literally pooed mypants, i stood there as i could see nothing it was REALLY misty then i could hear something walking down the woodland path. Eventually it stopped so i went back to my bag. I had been laying there literally a few mins when bang something rocked the platform again i fel it hit the platform, the water was still and big ripples came from under the platform. I made coffee, put on radio and smoked lots of fags till morning. When i looked a few swims down there next day there was not a branch to be seen that had fallen from anywhere. I was the only person on the short bank all weekend too
Just for the record what swim was it you had you experience on
In reply to Post #33 I got mugged once whilst fishing the Thames at Sunbury. Thats was very scary, I thought I was going to get stabbed! They took my camera and wallet and slapped me a few times.
In reply to Post #32 If anybody on here has ever fished Woodchester lakes in Glos then they'll know about spooky!
In reply to Post #31 excuse the pun butt cracking thread anyone for faggots peas and chips.
In reply to Post #28 buda and i sat in the bivy all day tooled up and scared stiff i wish someone had told us about the gay pride march
well thats your story & i bet you`re sticking to it!!
In reply to Post #29 no it was this one
In reply to Post #28 on closer inspection one guy had the backside of his trousers missing and the other had his finger up the guys bum
how close did you get to see that and was it this finger?
In reply to Post #16 1994 night fishing on the small pond of clapham common with buda woke up in the morning to see two guys walking past the bivy arm in arm on closer inspection one guy had the backside of his trousers missing and the other had his finger up the guys bum day progressed and got worse and worse guys in bikinis,guys in thongs,tranvestites snogging the faces off each other,buda and i sat in the bivy all day tooled up and scared stiff i wish someone had told us about the gay pride march that started on the common
In reply to Post #26 no m8 ,steered clear of that one .
In reply to Post #25 id have **** myslef if that was me, literally!
have you fished the swim at night since?
In reply to Post #24 I fished a northants water , which was surrounded by woodland , very quite tranquil place , the swim I fished was a wooden platform with a long wooden cat walk leading up to the swim I did one midweek night session , having lake to myself I felt quite confident of a pull with it being one of those dark cloudy , windy nights in the autumn .
As I drifted off to sleep I was awoken by the sound of a single bleep from one of the alarms in the early hours of the morning , as nothing materialized I just lay there to hear the sound of very slow footsteps coming my way down the wooden catwalk , so I jumped out of the sack to see who it was expecting to see the flash of a head torch coming my way , as it was pitch black pathway at night time .
There was nothing ,but the sound of somebody 's footsteps ,and I mean a very slow walking pace , ,I shouted out who's there , to no reply . And then nothing .
So I thought feck this for agame of soldiers and went back in the sleeping bag , as I lay there wondering who the hell would be wondering a round in the pitch black , I knew it was none of the other syndicate members , because there was only seven of us , only one of which fished midweek , but he was away on holiday . And plus there would of been a reply when I asked , who's there.
eventually I manged to get back to sleep , to awaken again an hour later to the sound of these footsteps coming my way again , at the same slow pace , the hairs on the back of my neck just stood up , so i ran out with torch in hand , to find nobody .
A few weeks later I spoke to one of the other anglers and he said he experienced the same thing a couple of months before.
In reply to Post #23 you dirty old man!
In reply to Post #21
I did a night session recently where I kept having wierd dreams, the ones where you have a dream in your dream, and wake up
you mean a wet dream ha ha
I did a night session recently where I kept having wierd dreams, the ones where you have a dream in your dream, and wake up twice. It was really really disorientating.
anywhere , where retro is bivvied up next to you scare the living day lights out of you , not a pretty sight
Well if its on wikipedia then it must be true
In reply to Post #15 now thats scary paul...
clapham can get a bit scary too
In reply to Post #14 SCARY PLACE WHEN FISHING burges park on the old kent road
In reply to Post #12 ive got one lake and peg 1 and 113 both scard me when ive done mgith on there only cus of a huge wood and sheep that have a habbit to roam around it at 2 int he morngin and standed and fall over everything and the fact i was only 14 didnet help with no one else about and steep banks and i found a massive bettle thing in a tesco bag humming at 2 in the morngin in the bang moved it and it flew at me and i half a house and couldent get it out of the bivvi so had to wait for it to fly otu b4 i was goign back in! but i no theres nothign to hert you its just the noise
but up linear its a different matter if some one was to come they will have to put up with my base ball bat or a spair bank stick!
scary places wanstead park lakes, hollow ponds, and the dead mans swim at fairlop waters!(nothing worse than having to step over and around floral tributes to land a fish) being the sensitive type i never fish the back bay!
In reply to Post #1 I shat myself a few times at redmire, its the darkest and quietist place i have ever seen at night, even walking from my bivvy to the car in the dark (which for the first few days was through the evening pitch, the supposed haunted pitch!) made me a bit edgy
In reply to Post #10 No internet = no free porn...... doesn't bare thinking about
In reply to Post #9 Yep, looking back now I reckon I was the only one who paid it, I joined via the tackle shop in Barwell, miserable bugger that ran it. Being 17 I didn't ask enough questions. Still, I out fished everyone!
Remember there was no internet so if you didn't know anyone else, you couldn't get information on venues. Imagine it................no internet!! Just found the ticket, I keep everything!!
Edit: sorry for going way off thread.
In reply to Post #8 Are you sure about the £400 15 years ago! I know the water your talking about and find that hard to believe.
In reply to Post #5 I did really well, the far bank was just reeds and a no fishing bank and I found a channel into the reeds that was the hot spot. I was OK when I got a take, instinct takes over, it was the time when everything was quiet that was creepy.
In reply to Post #6 A lump of 4"X2" if you're un lucky!!!
In reply to Post #5 the thing is even if your big or small
theres always something at th back of your mind
In reply to Post #4 did you have much look? or were you to scared to get out the bag lol i get paranoid as hell when night fishing on my own even though im a big guy lol
In reply to Post #3 Back then the options were a few day ticket waters or secret syndicates. When I applied for membership they weren't happy I'd found out about the lake. Plus the internet didn't exist so finding venues wasn't easy.
In reply to Post #2 (£400 15 years ago)
In reply to Post #1 I used to be a member of a syndicate in Market Bosworth that was next to a single track gated road. I used to fish it on my own at nights as none of my mates could afford the ticket (£400 15 years ago) and the other members only did day sessions. Being 17 on my own there I used to be scared most nights but I was determined to be there to catch.
It was made worse when I read the story by Chris Yates in one of his books where a ghost was supposed to have screamed "Chris" very loudly on the opposite bank when he was alone. Every owl screech made me jump 10 feet in the air!
It was worth it for the dawns though.
I havnt got a story myself but post yours up im sure theres 1 or 2. There was a really good thread a couple of years ago.